Trixsters Anonymous

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Trixsters Anonymous Page 28

by Ahren Sanders

“Our divers are in place. One is climbing up now. When we have confirmation, we’re on,” our DEA contact whispers.

  Kelly and I draw our weapons, knowing the other teams are doing the same. As soon as we get the word, we’re going in.

  Another ten minutes passes, my adrenaline spiking with each second. From what I can see, we have over a dozen men between the trucks and the boat. If I’m right, it’s a man on man scenario because there are twelve of us spread out.

  “We’ve got confirmation. Drugs are in the crates.” The agent does a five-second countdown with his hand. “Good luck, men,” he says before storming forward.

  “DEA! FREEZE AND DROP IT!” can be heard from all directions.

  The men drop their crates and grab weapons. Bullets fly all around as chaos ensues. People pile off the boat, firing in every direction. I realize too late we’ve underestimated their manpower. Flash bombs explode, hindering my vision, and I duck behind a dumpster to let the smoke clear.

  I spot two men coming off the boat with machine guns, and I fire, one of them dropping instantly. The other slides behind a truck for cover. The noise becomes deafening as everyone yells orders. A shot whizzes by my ear, and I drop to my knees and fire again, hearing a loud thud from a body falling.

  The firefight continues as we close in, Kelly and I are close enough to communicate with only our eyes. There’s a loud roar of an engine starting as someone tries to take off in one of the trucks. We both aim and shoot out the tires. He jerks his head to the right, and I go left to get to the boat.

  I use as much cover as I can until I’m forced into the open, bolting across the open expanse. In a split second, I count a dozen bodies down, three of them with DEA vests.

  “Fuck!” I scream and spot a flash out of the corner of my eye right before I hear the shot.

  I go down, feeling my ribs crack with the impact to my vest. My head bounces off the pavement, temporarily stunning me. There’s another shot, this time grazing my thigh, and a searing pain shoots through my leg. I have no choice but to roll to my stomach and crawl on my elbows to the nearest truck, using the wheel to hoist myself to standing. My ribs and leg scream in protest as I reload, ready to spin and fire.

  But I don’t get the chance. Out of nowhere, my ankles are jerked out from under me, and I go down again, this time, landing so hard I know something’s broken.

  The breath is knocked out of me, but my instincts kick in and I fight, kicking with all my force at the man holding my feet. There’s a crack followed by a howl of pain. I shoot in the direction and feel a spray of warm blood hit my face.

  The next thing I hear is the sound of a gun being cocked at my head. Training from the Army pulses in my veins, but Emi’s face flashes through my head. I could risk my life, turn on this guy and try to overtake him.

  But the danger is too great.

  I drop my gun and raise my hands, knowing I’ll get out of this for her.

  Chapter 26


  Maren and Nina hold me back as I fight, trying to get my arms free to throttle the man blocking me. He’s eyeing me like I’m a madwoman, his hand resting on his hip, where I assume is a gun, or a taser, or something meant to subdue hysterical women trying to claw his eyes out.

  “Where is Captain Corny?” I scream, not caring the whole station is gawking.

  “Ma’am, Captain Cornelius isn’t taking visitors right now.”

  “He’ll see me!”

  “I have strict instructions to keep this bullpen free of unauthorized personnel.”

  “Who are you? Are you a rookie?”

  He twitches, his eyes narrowing in warning. “I’m actually a SLED agent.” His tone is condescending, but I choose to ignore it and stop struggling.

  “Thank God, is Bryant here?”

  His eyes now grow wide in recognition. “Bryant Kelly? Agent Bryant Kelly?”

  “Yes, surely you know him if you’re in the same agency.”

  “Ma’am, I’m not sure how you know—” The condescension is back, which raises my hackles.

  “Listen, you little punk, you obviously don’t know who I am, but I’ll stand here screaming until this building comes down. You find him and tell him Emerson Baker is here to see him.”

  “No need to find anyone. I think the whole city block knows you’re here.” Captain Cornelius enters from the back with Oliver, Marcus, and a few other men.

  The expression on Marcus’s face is like a shot to the heart. His features are hard, the blue of his eyes dull and lifeless. He keeps walking past the captain and the other men, coming straight to me.

  My knees give out, and I start to crumble right as he catches me, forcing my head to his neck. “He’s alive,” he whispers so only I can hear, and I sink into him, clutching for support. He guides me past the SLED agent and the others to the conference room.

  Once there, he lowers me gently and motions for Maren to sit beside me, moving behind our chairs and gripping our shoulders.

  “I want to know everything you can tell me,” I insist, speaking to the Captain.

  “Almost thirty-six hours ago, SLED and DEA intercepted a heavy shipment of drugs coming into our state. The raid was the largest bust this state has ever seen. We’re still combing through video evidence, but it looks like—”

  “I know all this! I watch the damn news!” I pound my fists on the table as hard as I can. “I know there are casualties, I know there are heroes, blah blah… but what I don’t know is where is WALKER?!?” My voice cracks at his name, and Maren covers one of my fists with her hand as Marcus squeezes my shoulder.

  The men I don’t know look at me with disgust at my lack of respect, but Oliver and the Captain’s faces fill with sympathy.

  “Emi, he’s alive. The casualties were mostly on their side. Our guys kicked ass, taking out twenty men, injuring a dozen. From what we’ve seen so far, the drug smuggling ring had people stowed away on the boat the drugs were being transferred to. There are a lot of details I can’t share, but eight of our team were taken, and every one of them walked up the ramp into the back of one of the trucks originally carrying the drugs.”

  “Oh, thank God.” I slump in my chair, the gusto from earlier disappearing.

  “We’re keeping that piece of information from the news for now. There are agents swarming the state, hauling in anyone who has even a slight relation or affiliation with these guys. We’re going to get them back, but in order to do that, we’re keeping the hostage situation quiet for negotiation purposes. Everyone is looking for the truck used for transport.”

  My nod turns into a full-on body quake and I feel what can only be described as terror and panic start to set in.

  Hostage situation? Negotiations?

  My chair is spun around, jerking me, and I find myself face to face with Marcus, who’s squatting at eye level. “We’re going to get him back. We’re going to get them all back.”

  Then it slams into me. “Bryant is captured, too, isn’t he?”


  I suck in a deep breath and clear my head, finally looking at the other men in the room. “I don’t know the other men with them, but Bryant is one of the coolest men I know, and Walker trusts him. And Walker is the BEST man I know, so I have faith they’re going to get out of this,” I tell them with confidence.

  Oliver’s face is twisted in agony as he now avoids eye contact.

  “Ollie? You still working on this?”

  “Yeah, Ems.” He nods.

  “And Collins and Ross?”

  “Them too. They’re interrogating the injured for clues to where the truck could head. We’ve cut off their distribution channels, so they’re flying blind.”

  One of the men shoots Oliver a disapproving look, telling him he’s said too much.

  I grip Marcus’s biceps and use his strength to heave myself up. He keeps a hand on me, holding me supportively.

  “Well, let’s get out of your way, so you can go back to finding these men. Leslie and Travis a
re probably already at Walker’s waiting on me.”

  Captain opens his mouth, but I hold up a hand. “Your information will stay confidential within the family, I can assure you.”

  “I’m trusting that, Emerson.”

  “We’ll be at Walker’s and waiting on an update. But before we leave, I need a favor.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Unless you want to see drama like you’ve never, ever, ever seen before, you tell that pipsqueak in the bullpen I’m going to be around, and if he tries to stop me again, I’ll raise holy hell.”

  The mood in the room shifts as a few of the guys start to chuckle.

  “Emi, he’s a former naval officer and one of the best technology specialists SLED has.”

  “I don’t care if he’s President of the United States with sainthood appointed by the damn Pope! You make sure he knows who I am.”

  “Oh, I think he knows. How about you don’t call him a pipsqueak to his face.”

  “Humph! We’ll see how our next conversation goes.”

  “Emi, I think you made your point. Let’s get out of here,” Marcus urges me.

  I let him lead me out to the whispers behind us, undoubtedly about my incredible gall.

  Marcus drives us back to Walker’s, the whole way using comforting words meant to reassure me. When we reach the house, I twist so I can look at him and Maren.

  “Marcus, you don’t have to be strong for me. I know you’re worried, too.”

  “He’s the toughest fucker I know.”

  “You’re right, and I believe in the law enforcement agencies to do their job.” A little too much sarcasm drips from my words.

  “Thank God. I thought you were gonna turn all weepy and shit.” Maren picks up on my meaning.

  “When have you known me to be weepy, hooker? That’s not our style.”

  “Well, with your impending panic attack at the station, I was thinking I’d be consoling you until you found yourself.”

  “It was a momentary lapse of nerves. I’m back now.”

  “Ladies! What the hell is happening here?” Marcus looks between us like we’ve lost our mind.

  “Remember your whole ‘I want in’ speech at the cabin? Well, here’s your chance.”

  “What does Trixsters have to do with Walker being taken hostage?”

  The reminder stings, and my heart squeezes tight, but I force the feeling aside. “Pipsqueak may be a technology specialist, but my bets are on Maren.”

  His jaw drops as the realization hits. “I’m in.” He doesn’t hesitate.

  “Leslie’s barely holding on. This morning, she was hysterical on the phone, so we need to stay positive, keep everyone calm. My parents are on their way also.”

  “What’s the plan?” Marcus cracks his knuckles like we’re headed into a street fight.

  “For now, act normal. We’ll let you know when you’re up.”

  He raises an eyebrow, unimpressed.

  “How much of a lawyer are you?”

  “There’s not a grading system. Either you’re a lawyer or you’re not. I’m very much a lawyer.”

  “You probably don’t need to know Maren’s going to hack into the Charleston Law Enforcement system, hack into Cornelius’s computer, and monitor all communication. And you especially don’t want to know that I’m going to log into the hospital insurance system in every Beaufort hospital, looking for victims of gunshot wounds so I can start a file on names we can run through the police databases.”

  “No, you’re wrong, I do want to know every single step, so if you two are caught, I can keep you out of jail.”

  Maren and I exchange a look and nod our agreement. Right as I exit the car, the front door swings open and Micky bolts out, running straight to me. I brace for impact, planting my feet as he leaps, his strong paws landing on my shoulders. He licks my face repeatedly, ignoring Travis’s commands to get down.

  “It’s okay, Travis. I think he senses I needed some attention.” I scrub Micky’s belly then ease him to the ground.

  Maren, who’s heard all about the dog, bends and claps. He trots to her, nuzzling her outstretched hands.

  I wipe the dog slobber off my face the best I can and rush into Leslie’s open arms. The second I’m in her embrace, she breaks down.

  “He’s alive, Leslie. I have some details, but the most important thing is he’s alive.” She sobs in relief, and Travis comes to our side, gently taking her from me and leading her into the house.

  Maren, Marcus, and I follow with Micky on my heels. Travis sits Leslie down on the sofa, keeping his arm draped around her shoulders.

  I stoop down in front of them and grab her hands, repeating the story from the station. I swallow the lump in my throat when I get to the point of them being caught, reminding myself Walker’s a fighter.

  “He went missing twice while he was in the Army,” she tells me through more tears, shocking me. “I didn’t think I’d live through it. Every second was agonizing.”

  “Sweetheart, he wasn’t missing. He was off the radar for a few weeks,” Travis tells her quietly.

  “That’s missing when it’s your baby boy!” she scolds him, jabbing him in the ribs.

  The doorbell rings, sending Micky running to the window as Marcus goes to answer. My parents walk in, both weighed down with bags.

  Marcus introduces himself and takes the load from my mom, who comes to where I’m still squatting. Without a word, she kneels and pulls me into a hug.

  “Baby, have you heard anything?” The concern in her voice causes my eyes to prickle.

  I lean back and repeat the story to her and Dad, whose expression is tense. I’ve seen this worried look before; he’s watching for signs of a meltdown.

  “I’m okay, Dad,” I try to reassure him.

  “Come here, Emi.” He extends one arm.

  I dislodge from my mom’s hold and go to him, leaning into his side. Then I realize how rude I’ve been.

  “Oh my! Mom, Dad, this is Leslie and Travis Scott, Walker’s parents.”

  Dad goes to shake their hands while mom hugs them warmly.

  “And I’m Maren!” Maren pipes in, waving to the room.

  “Sorry.” I grimace, forgetting that she hadn’t met them before. “My mind was in the gutter.”

  “Eh, your fiancé was taken hostage. I’ll forgive you.”

  “Fiancé!” my mom shrieks so loud Micky barks and comes protectively to my side.


  “Oops, I thought they knew.” She shrugs.

  “Well, they do now,” I mutter under my breath and turn my attention back to my parents, who are staring in shock. “Walker proposed when I visited last week. We had hoped to tell you two together when he got home.”

  “He told me the other night, but only because I tricked him into it. I mentioned inviting you to Easter because I wanted to meet you before he asked,” Leslie tells them.

  “He called me the next day with the news,” Marcus adds.

  “I knew because Emi and I share everything,” Maren pipes in.

  “Congratulations, Emi Leigh.” Dad smiles for the first time since arriving.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “When Walker gets home, we’re going to have a huge celebration,” Mom declares.

  “Sounds like a wonderful idea,” Leslie agrees.

  “I brought food, lots and lots of food.” Mom explains the bags they brought in.

  “Maren and I will take care of it.” I motion for her to help me in the kitchen where Marcus and Dad put the bags.

  “I’m going to turn on the news.” Leslie reaches for the remote.

  “I’d sure love to hear all about the beauties on the wall.” Dad stares at the deer mountings around the room.

  “We can help with that,” Marcus offers. “I’ve been with him for every one of these.”

  Perfect, without knowing it, my dad has provided the perfect distraction for Maren to get started.

  The only thing keeping me fro
m storming into Captain Corny’s office and raising hell is the fact that I’m terrified of going to jail. But as soon as Walker is home, I plan on going bat-shit crazy on the captain and Oliver.

  Walker was shot! Twice!

  Logically, I know the vest protected his chest, and Marcus explained that his leg was only grazed, but that doesn’t calm my nerves. Seeing the men forced into the back of that cargo truck with guns pointed to their heads will give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

  It’s been three hours since all the parents left with assurances I’d call with any news. It took Maren a little time, but once she was in, the three of us have been glued to her computer, reading private emails, memos, and finding the video one of the DEA agents shot with their chest cams. The footage was cut off abruptly when he was captured. Besides the video, we now know the truck was dumped about twelve miles from the docks, and when it was found, all of the men’s gear and communication equipment was left behind, which means they now have no more protection. There are no signs of them anywhere, which could mean a variety of things. They could be traipsing them through the woods with guns still held at their heads, they could have called for another form of transportation, or they have a safe house somewhere; those are just a few of the options.

  “Emi, stop pacing. You’re worse than a rabid dog,” Maren hisses.

  “If I stop moving, I’m going to march downtown and strangle someone.”

  “Marcus, sit on her. Hold her down. Do whatever you have to do to make her quit moving and keep us out of the clink. Although, I bet she’d make a good bitch.”

  “Jesus, are you two always like this?” Marcus blows out an exasperated breath.

  “Always,” we confirm at the same time.

  I stop pacing long enough to refresh my screen and see if any more information has been charted on gunshot wound victims. Maren had to do some sort of fancy firewall manipulation since my insurance network didn’t find any results.

  “They lost one. According to this report, a twenty-nine year old male died an hour ago from a double shot to the chest. Removing the bullets was futile,” I inform them. “If that was the asshole that shot Walker, I hope he died in excruciating pain.”


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