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Only Her Heart (The Jaded Hearts Club)

Page 8

by Olivia Linden

  She flashed a relieved smile and we continued to the car in silence.

  On the ride back, Angel oohed and ahhed like a little kid. Her excitement was infectious, and I couldn’t help but join her. I took the long way home, and drove up Ocean Drive in traffic, so she could take in the sights of South Beach.

  “Ohmigod! Is that the Versace Mansion?” She snapped off one of about a hundred pics she’d taken since we hit the strip.

  I pulled the rental into my parking space, noting that Drew was already home.

  “This is my brother’s place. I was making dinner tonight and figured you could eat with us before you went to the hotel,” I said as we headed for the elevator.

  “Oh that’s cool! Thank you. I am kinda starving,” Angel replied.

  When we got closer to the door I heard what I could only describe as chaos coming from inside. I opened the door to witness Drew and Lana standing toe to toe in a disagreement. I almost freaked out until I saw Donna laughing hysterically on the couch.

  “What in the world?” I walked in-between them, trying to put some space between them.

  “Lana, seems to think she whooped my ass when we were younger,” Drew boomed.

  “Because.I.Did. Drew,” Lana shot back. I couldn’t help but crack up at the thought, and shot Angel an apologetic look.

  “Forget about that. I want to introduce you guys to Angel. She’s my newest client and this is her first night in Miami.” I motioned for her to come all the way inside now that it was safe.

  “Nice to meet you, Angel,” Drew said as he shook her hand.

  “Hi, I’m Lana. I grew up with these two,” Lana introduced herself.

  “And I’m Donna, Jade’s assistant. We’ll be working together too.” Donna made her way into the big group intro.

  I left everyone chit chatting as I went and checked on my dinner. I took one look at my chicken and new it was ready. It was nice and tender, practically falling off of the bone.

  “I hope everyone is hungry, because dinner is ready!” I announced. I washed up and commenced to serving up the entire group. Just as I set my own plate, and sat down at the table, the doorbell rang. I looked at Drew expectantly, and he looked at me just as befuddled when he got up to answer it. I couldn’t see who it was around the corner, but I recognized the voice and immediately lost my appetite. It was Evan. Donna must have been watching me because she was the first to comment on my change in demeanor.

  “Jade? What’s the matter?”

  “It’s Evan,” I whispered. Donna’s eyes widened in surprise as the other ladies looked on in confusion. I could only shake my head as their voices moved closer. I wanted to disappear, just slither out of my chair into an invisible puddle, but since everyone sitting at the table was here for me, that wasn’t an option.

  Drew entered the dining room first, with Evan hovering behind him. My brother shot me a look that expressed that he was sorry, before he turned back and introduced Evan to the group. Each of the girls tried unsuccessfully to hide the awkwardness of the situation. Except for Lana, who was either that smooth, or remembered Evan from the early days of our relationship, when we still lived in the old house. Evan gave an equally awkward wave to the girls, before he came over to me.

  “Hey Jade,” he said softly as he pulled me out of my chair. I looked around for nonexistent help out of this situation.

  “Hi Evan. What are you doing here?” I couldn’t mask the annoyance in my voice.

  “I just stopped by to say hi, and to invite you to a party tonight. I know it’s kind of last minute, but the team is throwing a private event for one of the player’s birthday. So if you're down to go, the offer’s there. That’s all.” He kissed me on the cheek and headed back towards Drew.

  “If by team you mean the Sun, then we’ll be there!,”Lana interjected. I just looked at her like she had three heads, but she didn’t seem to notice as she continued to flash her mega-watt smile.

  “If you can make it, that would be great.” Evan gave a final wave before Drew walked him back out.

  How is this my life?

  “What, was that about?” Donna was the first to address the twilight zone moment.

  “Ok, so apparently you and Evan are not together, but he still wants to be together?” Lana asked.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but this chicken is slammin,” Angel added as she dug into her dinner.

  “Glad you like it. I’m not so sure I have an appetite anymore.” I picked at my food, still trying to make sense of my last visitor.

  “Girl, you have got a serious man magnet going on. Or, there some secret potion between those sexy legs of yours,” Donna added.

  “Sounds juicy. I see we have a lot of catching up to do,” Lana said.

  “Oy,” was all I could manage. Drew returned to the table with his hands held up in a sign of surrender. “Look, I had no idea he was going to show up.”

  “I know, I could tell you were just as surprised as I was.” I knew my brother wouldn’t do that to me.

  “Well let’s hurry up and eat. We’ve got an exclusive NBA party to prepare for. All in favor raise your hand,” Lana instructed. I shook my head as every hand at the table went up. Fantastic!

  Dinner was a huge success. I was concerned about having two women that I didn’t really know that well, meet for the first time. Other than the occasional tiff between Drew and Lana, everyone seemed to get along. Lana and Donna were very similar, and led most of the conversations. Angel and I were more quiet, but did lots of silent communication. She could crack me up with just a look.

  Lana went home to change and planned to meet us at the party. Angel suggested she get dressed here, since her clothes were down in the car. I guess we could check her into the hotel tomorrow. I was kind of excited to go out, but not thrilled that I had to be around Evan. He seemed to be ok when he stopped by, but I knew better, and I didn’t trust him.

  After more primping and shoe changes than I’ve ever witnessed, the four of us headed to the car. Drew was our self proclaimed designated driver since he tried not to drink during football season. I needed a drink or two with the recent turn of events in my life, and I knew Donna was stressed. She was hiding it well, but I could tell by her puffy eyes every morning, that she was crying herself to sleep most nights. I didn’t know what Angel’s story was, but I knew she had one. I could tell by all the things she didn’t say.

  When Evan said private party, I should have asked him to clarify. Private must mean something totally different to a basketball team, because there looked like a thousand people waiting to get inside The Playground. I pulled out my phone to call Lana so that we could coordinate where to meet. There was no way I would be able to find her in this crowd. She text me back saying that she would meet us at the front door.

  Once we were inside, Drew led us to the VIP area. I felt relieved that it was a larger than average area, and that the players where off to one side. I spotted Evan right away, being that he was wearing a light pink button down. I shook my head, knowing that he hated pink and was just following the latest trend. I couldn’t see Julian ever wearing a pink shirt. Salmon, maybe!

  Evan made his way towards us, giving Drew a pound and hugging each of the girls. Of course, he reserved a kiss on the cheek just for me. Then he guided us towards a large booth that he was sharing with a few of the team members. We were introduced to Louis, Malik, and Dane. The men perked up when they spotted our group. I had to admit,my girls were all damn attractive, in their own ways. Donna was a spicy, sun kissed Latina. Lana was a rich caramel diva. Angel was like the black Marilyn Monroe, and then I wasn’t too bad to look at either. My curly hair and hazel eyes had always been an unnecessary source of attention for most of my life. People always wanted to know if I was half this or half that. That always made me wish my parents were around so they could see exactly what I was made of. I hated having to explain myself.

  After the longest round of introductions in history, we all got comfortably
seated. It didn’t pass my attention that Drew and Lana somehow wound up sitting next to each other. Thankfully, Evan was too busy socializing to sit down. I tried to ignore the obvious discussions the teammates were having about me and my friends. Guys were so predictable sometimes. As usual I was the odd woman out. Drew had silently staked his claim to Lana, Donna had a big rock still hanging off of her finger, Angel was making flirtatious eyes at Louis, so that left me as the available bait. I tried not to make too much eye contact with that section of the table, but Dane kept catching my eye. He would smile, and I would just look away. I wasn’t even trying to flirt with anyone. My prayers for a diversion where answered when Evan came over to make a toast with a round of shots.

  “OK everyone. In celebration of the man of the hour it’s time to do a shot. Happy birthday, Dane! Let’s get it!”

  I controlled the urge to make a gagging noise at Evan’s toast, and raised my glass in an air toast to Dane instead. He nodded back and winked before he threw it back. I sent up a silent prayer that the night would be nothing but fun and then downed my shot. I noticed Donna cringing after drinking hers.

  “What’s that face for!” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I don’t do tequila, chica. Bad memories!”

  “Well let’s make some good ones tonight! Come and dance with me!”

  I grabbed her hand and we headed for the dance floor. The ring really didn’t mean a thing, because Donna seemed to be a hot commodity. I held on to her hand for fear that one of the numerous hands pulling at her would succeed. What was up with men grabbing you to get your attention? What woman enjoyed being pulled on?

  I had a blast that night. All of us did. It was so different than hanging with Jackie, who was such a busy body that I inevitably spent most of the night alone. Plus, I was with a wild bunch. Classy, but wild none the less. Quiet little Angel provided me the biggest shock of the evening, when I spotted her up on the stage, putting the paid dancers to shame. Her little frame owned that stage, and from the way he was mesmerized by her, Louis too. They seemed to make a cute couple, with him and his severely spiked blond hair and green eyes, all though he was at least a foot taller than her. I left Donna, who had helped Lana create a Drew sandwich and went to cheer on my new client. When she spotted me heading her way, she pumped her fist in excitement.

  “Hell yea! Get up here with me Jade!” She whooped and whistled until I finally complied. Blame it on the alcohol, or the fact that No Hands was playing, but I gracefully maneuvered my long legs onto the stage and let loose. Long hair, don’t care style. I danced with Angel, managing to avoid the cliched girl on girl action I’m sure everyone was waiting for. I tried not to pay too much attention to the audience that we were starting to attract, and focused on having a good time. I was thankful that Angel convinced me to wear my jeggings and a tight tank instead of the dress I had planned on. I didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing my unmentionables. For a moment I feared that the bouncers would kick us off, but then they sent us another round of shots. All bets where off.

  Another shot later, I was feeling extra nice and warmed up. Instead of ignoring the crowd, I was now dancing for them. I sang along to each song as I danced, smiling and winking at my mini fan club. My sober mind would be mortified of my actions in the morning, but for right now I was having fun. The music switched from rap to a more hip hop/house vibe. By the time Stereo Love came on, I was in a zone. At that time, Dane happened to be my number one fan. He stood directly in front of my part of the stage, bobbing his head and swaying along to my rhythm. I took a good look at him for the first time. He was tall, of course, with a nice toasted almond complexion. His big round eyes stood out from his other sharp features. Changing my mind, I decided that flirting was allowed. As long as it was harmless.

  Moving in a seductive rhythm to the music, I pointed at him to come closer. I slowly dropped down to a half kneel, half squatting position so that we were almost face to face. I sang the words out loud, whipping my curls all around him. It was a very cheesy move, incredibly cheesy, but in my experience it has always worked. Tonight was no exception. Dane grinned from ear to ear, enjoying all of my attention. I ran my hands up and down the rippling muscles of his chest and arms admiring his athletic physique. This is enough to get me to a game, for sure. Then with a move that caught me by surprise, Dane had me lifted off the stage, in the air and then sliding down the entire length of his 6’6 frame. I laughed hysterically at his sneak move. That’s how I knew I was drunk and it was time to go. Thankfully, Drew recognized it too and came and took me off of Dane’s hands, thanking him for taking care of me. I shot Dane one last smile and a wink before I was heading out the door with the rest of my crew. I was asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot.

  Ch 09 Private Dancer

  Opening one eye at a time, I tried to make out my surroundings and the source of the weird animal noises that woke me up. I was facing an empty closet, which didn’t help me. I turned over on the soft bed and found Donna sprawled out next to me, snoring her little ass off. I covered my mouth, stifling my laughter so that I wouldn’t wake her up. Slowly, bits and pieces of the previous night came together in my mind. I gently rolled off of the bed and headed for the kitchen. I needed some water and aspirin, ASAP!

  It was after 10am, but all the curtains were still closed. The house was dark and filled with various sleep induced noises. I found Angel on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. She didn’t snore, but did a little mew on each out breath. She was too cute. Passing her, I headed to Drew’s room to get the meds I needed from his medicine cabinet. I tapped on the door, but judging from his faint snores, he was still knocked out. I made my way towards his bathroom, and then did a double take when I noticed there was an extra body in his bed. Lana was also bundled up in a blanket, facing Drew in the middle of his king sized bed. From the looks of it, they either fell asleep talking or rolled towards each other at some point. How in the world did this happen? Her clothes were folded neatly on top of his dresser, so hopefully this wasn't the scene of a drunken hook up. I didn’t know how I felt about it. After taking my headache cure, I decided that they would be the ones I woke first. I wanted to know what the deal was, and didn’t feel like waiting for them to do the walk of shame.

  I climbed up onto the bed, resting against the footboard, and began to play footsies with each of them. The resulting scene was priceless. Lana woke first, her eyes popping open as she glared at Drew, and then down at her foot. When she noticed me, she gasped and popped up. This caused Drew to open his eyes in confusion, and he looked at Lana then at his foot, then at me. Then he jumped out of the bed and put his hands up in the air.

  “Nothing happened!” They blurted out in unison.

  I folded my arms across my chest, not sure if I should believe their choreographed defense.

  “I’m serious Jade,” Drew continued. “Lana was too drunk to drive home, so I said she could come with us and that one of us would take her to get her car in the morning.”

  “Sounds legit,” I conceded. “I just think it’s very interesting. That is all.”

  “Not more interesting than you. Trust me!” Lana declared.

  “Oh yeah. By far, you had a more interesting night,” Drew added as he crawled back into bed. Noting that they were both in full pajama sets, I believed that no funny business went on between these two. Despite what they probably wanted.

  “Is that so?” My memory was kinda fuzzy about how the night ended.

  “Man... where to start?” Drew looked to Lana and then back at me, and shook his head.

  “How bout we start with her not so private dancer routine for Dane. I liked that part,” Lana joked. A vision of me serenading the grinning basketball star made me cover my head. “Oh.No.” I cried.

  “OHHH, yes!” Lana jeered.

  “Or how about her blowing kisses to the entire team on the way out,” Drew groaned. I seconded his disgust and sunk further into the recesses of his blanket.

nbsp; “I absolutely loved when you told Evan to ‘hold it’. Adding how ‘ain’t nobody got time for that’ when he tried to ask about you and Dane.” Lana broke out into a laughing fit after that one. I had to admit, it was funny, but I just didn’t remember doing it.

  “Are you for real?” I cried.

  “I told you she wasn’t going to remember this shit,” Drew teased.

  “Then you insisted we get breakfast, but fell asleep before we even started the car.” Lana got up and headed into the bathroom after her latest addition.

  “You forgot her telling the bouncer how he was the most amazing guy!” Drew yelled.

  “OK, OK, OK! I get it!” I barked as I rolled face down into the comforter. I heard a soft voice coming from the doorway, before I pulled a pillow over my head.

  “What’s all the noise for?” Angel asked before she climbed up onto the bed. I could feel her use my back as a foot rest, but didn’t care in my state of embarrassment.

  “We’re just reminding Jade of how entertaining she was last night,” Drew informed her.

  “Aww shit! This is my new ride or die right here. She was working that stage!”

  “Yeah ok. If Dane didn’t get her down when he did, she would have been worked by that stage.”

  “Dane? Is he the one that was stalking her all night?” Angel joked.

  “Yep. And he’s been stalking my phone, judging from these missed calls and texts.” Drew pulled the pillow off my head and shoved the phone into my face. I glanced at the three missed calls from Dane and groaned again.

  “Ugh! You know him? Why didn’t you tell me you know him?”

  “Yes. I know him. He went to UM with me and played both basketball and football. That’s one of the reasons I bump into Evan all the time.”

  “The world is a truly tiny place,” Angel added her two cents.


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