“Kenny packs” (hot packs), xvi
Kenny technicians/students
certificates of efficiency for, 92
courses for, 125
cult of personality and, 93
Red Book use by, 116–117, 120
uniforms of, 101
“The Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis” (Cole and Knapp), 54
“The Kenny Versus the Orthodox Treatment” (Key), 106
Kerr, Ruth, 363
Key, Albert, 104, 106, 166–167, 198
Klein, Aaron, 417
Klein, Judith, 273
Kline, Marvin, 4, 114, 196–197, 204–206, 210, 214, 270, 275, 314
Knapp, Miland
article on Kenny’s work, 53–55, 405
background of, 33n113
early skepticism of, 95–96
Institute board and, 197
Institute role of, 206–207, 319
Kenny and, 18–19
on Kenny’s contributions, 200, 414
on Kenny’s methods, 23, 117
KF grant to, 374
McSweeney and, 343
middle-ground efforts of, 211–212
physician training/courses, 94
Prostigmine testing, 122
support of Kenny, 18, 20
on withholding prognosis, 167
Knox, Alexander, 285n62
Kovacs, Richard, 72, 119, 124
Krusen, Frank Hammond
background of, 32n107
early skepticism of, 95
introduction to Kenny, 17–18
on Kenny’s contributions, 343
“Physiatrist” term, 33n107
physical therapy training programs of, 32n107
as “special committee” head, 54
support of Kenny, 204
textbook of, 62
Lahz, John, 379
The Lamp, 276
The Lancet, 352–353
Langer, William, 304, 426
LaRoche, Chester, 220, 226, 321, 322
LaRoche, Clara Russell, 272
Laruelle, Leon, 266–267, 290n167, 351, 353–354, 357, 365, 372, 377
Lasker, Mary, 316
Latham, Ella, 29n63, 256
Lausche, Frank, 224
Lawlah, John W., 209
Lawrence, Marjorie, 60, 153, 157, 167, 344
Legg, Arthur, xii–xiii, 20, 44, 46, 198
Levine, Herbert, 402
Lewin, Philip, 39, 60, 62, 85, 96, 98, 108, 204
Life Magazine, 89, 106, 274–275, 278–279
Lindsey, Amy, 318
Linduska, Noreen, 188
Liquor industry, fundraising from, 210
Los Angeles Examiner, 249
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 218
Los Angeles Times, 126, 363, 377
Lottery, uses of, 25n18
Louisville Courier-Journal, 365
Lovett, Robert
Kenny’s disagreement with, 46
muscle testing codification, xiii, 86, 89
orthopedic practices of, 198
on parent cooperation, 158–159
in physiological debates, 114
training by, 43, 44
treatment methods of, xii, 109, 119, 198, 264
Treatment of Infantile Paralysis, 261
Lowman, Charles, xiii
Lymanhurst, 87
MacDonald, Mary, 119–120
Macnamara, Jean
on medical progress, 406
orthopedic renown of, 28–29n63
on polio care, 10
on splinting, 378
as virus expert, 428n24
Madame Curie (movie), 211, 250, 253, 294n249
“Manual vibration,” 5, 7, 8
March of Dimes
campaign, x, 73, 84, 151, 156–157, 166
celebrity fundraisers, 218
as celebrity supporters, 209
dramatization of NFIP’s work, 211
Heart images and, 192
polio wars and, 188, 192–196
populist movement and, 187
research breakthroughs and, 186
use of film/movies, 222, 246
Marks, Harry, 304
Martin, Charity, 223, 224
Matthews, John Lucian, 326, 339n172
Mayo Clinic
Kenny’s introduction to, 3, 12
Kenny’s relations with, 322
Kenny technician training at, 321
Krusen’s work at, 17–18
as official approval source, 13
Sister Kenny and, 271
McCann, Doreen, 256–257
McCarroll, H. Relton, 45, 61, 86, 98, 100, 104–106, 169, 198, 199
McCarten, John, 276
McCarthy, Mary Eunice, 247–250, 251–252, 254, 256, 258–259, 407
McCormick, Anne O’Hare, 154
McCracken, Mary Kenny, 328, 381–382, 409, 421, 423. See also Kenny, Mary Stewart
McCracken, Stuart, 270, 409, 423
McDonnell, Anneas
background of, 24n8
Kenny’s promise to, 306
Kenny’s study with, 4–5
on Kenny’s treatment, 66
on Queensland Commission, 9
in Sister Kenny movie, 254–255, 281
McFarlin, Pruth, 360
McQuarrie, Irvine, 95
McSweeney, Christopher Joseph, 342–343
Medical films, 246–247
Medical freedom, 303, 327–328
Medical Journal of Australia, 9–10, 405
Medical populism
darker side of, 191, 218
Kenny’s work as symbol of, 69, 312
postwar science policy and, 303, 315–316
roots of, 303–305, 327
Medical research
charity-directed, 309
funding of, 301
Medical Research Foundation, 301
Medical schools, use of film/movies, 246
Medical societies, technical films and, 246–247
“Meet the Press,” (TV show), Kenny on, 365
Mehan, Marjorie, 415
Mental alienation. See Alienation
Merivale, Philip, 255f
Merki, Nancy, 156–157
Merrill, Janet, xii, 44, 48, 53
Metcalfe, Richard, 352–353
MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), 211, 250, 253
Michaels, Joseph, 206–207
Milbank Committee, 312
Mildred Pierce (movie), 252
Miller, Lois Maddox, 64–66, 103, 163, 210
Mills, F. H., 27n49
Mind/body connection, xv–xviii, 11, 53, 115–116, 118, 164, 170, 262, 266
Minneapolis, community support for Kenny, 20, 38, 87, 114, 195–197, 201, 209–211, 220, 272, 325
Minneapolis Daily Times, 214
Minneapolis General Hospital
black and white patients admitted to, 209
depicted in comic book, 192
Kenny and physicians in, 41f, 271
Kenny’s work at, 21, 207, 252, 351, 405
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, 213
Minneapolis Star-Journal, 54, 56, 202, 211, 272
Minnesota Public Health Association, 106
Modern Trends in Pediatrics, 344, 373
Moldaver, Joseph, 123–124, 187
Molner, Joseph, 173–174
Mondale, Walter, 411, 414
Morrill, J. L., 325
Kenny’s emphasis on, 155, 159–160, 214, 279
as primary caregivers, 65, 98, 112, 177n60, 191, 225, 291, 346–347, 386
Mother’s March, 225
Motion Picture Herald, 222
Movie. See Films/movies
Muscles: Testing and Function (Kendall and Kendall), 418
Muscle substitution, 164, 199
Muscle testing
Kenny’s rejection of, xvii, 89, 344
in polio treatment, xiii
My Battle and Victory (Kenny), 368, 379, 423
Myers, Jay Arthur, 267, 280, 4
Nasal spray as polio preventative, 6, 15, 39, 355
National Cancer Institute, 304
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (NFIP). See also March of Dimes
Argentina fiasco and, 113–114
cautious policies of, 39–42
cinema/theater owners support, 222
clinical trials sponsorship, 402
course funding by, 91–92, 94
on course standards, 124
Democratic Party ties, 16, 190, 221, 312
documentary films by, 260
fights with Kenny Foundation, 218–226, 324
funding of Kenny’s work, 21–24, 56, 186–188
fundraising efforts of, 15, 85, 213, 218, 222–224, 226, 246, 309
Hollywood celebrities and, 194–195
hospital policy alternation, 346
influence over JAMA, 68
Institute funding and, 204–208
international conferences of, 301, 312, 314, 316–319, 334n88, 372–374
Kenny grant rejection, 213
“The Kenny Question” statement, 275
Kenny’s initial meeting with, 16–19
medical politics and, 302
NSF bill and, 315–316
as out of touch, 305
pamphlets distributed by, 109–110
policy shift of, 224–225
as polio monopoly, 301–302
polio survivors and, 156–158
in polio wars, 186–188
as popular Hollywood charity, 218, 222
on publication of Kenny’s book, 63–64
public image of, 323
Republican Party ties, 221, 302
research program, stagnation of, 308
research/public relations and, 309–310, 373
Roosevelt and, 155
on Sister Kenny, 273
therapists assessment of Kenny and, 42–46
in True Comics, 150
use of film/movies, 246, 260
as voluntary agency model, 14–15
“Why Chapters Cannot Sponsor Research,” 225–226
women and, 194–195, 218, 223, 225
National Foundation News, 109, 155, 158, 199–200
National Information Bureau, 224
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 307, 316
National Research Council, 205–208, 213, 216, 260, 262, 270
National Science Foundation (NSF)
bill defeat, 315–316
Congressional hearings on, 304
Congressional support for, 307
Kenny as expert witness for, xx
NFIP rejection of polio commission in, 309
science research policy and, 302, 310
National Society for Medical Research, 302
National Tuberculosis Association, 219, 246
Naturopathy, 169–170, 303, 316
Navy, use of film/movies, 246
Neostigmine (Prostigmine), 122
New Amsterdam News, 209, 361
New Deal, 150
Newell, Betty, 421
New England Journal of Medicine, 70, 72, 119, 173
New Hope for the Handicapped, 173
Newsweek, 160, 317, 323, 381
New Yorker, 276
New York Daily Mirror, 85
New York Herald Tribune, 273
New York Journal-American, 187, 188
New York Medicine, 275
New York Post, 172, 274, 275
New York Sun, 276
New York Times, 276, 321, 381, 403–404
New York Tribune, 272
Nichols, Dudley, 251, 275–276
Nielsen, Kim, 156
Nightingale, Florence, xvii, 4, 6, 323, 405, 407, 409
Nudelman, Dorothea, 420
Nurse Edith Cavell (movie), 263
assumed to be altruistic, 125, 199, 248–250
assumed to be humble, 24, 41–42, 55, 65–66, 95, 126, 211, 413–414
compared to scientific researchers, 68, 84, 87, 101, 200, 308–309, 314, 341, 366, 373, 407
debates about professional training, 7, 253, 280, 409, 412, 415
depiction by Hollywood, 250, 253–255, 255f, 256, 258, 275
Institute training of, 110, 124, 168, 207–208, 346, 360
Kenny as nurse among, xvii, 4, 7–8, 11, 38, 40–42, 46, 56, 63, 73, 87–92, 107, 110–111, 119, 152, 159, 209, 224, 405–407
Kenny lecture/demonstration for, 163f
Kenny supporters as, 9, 188, 190–191, 215, 217
lacking authority as not physicians, 7, 14, 57, 71–72, 187, 192, 210, 219, 319, 323, 352, 356, 358, 376, 404, 412–414
polio survivors as, 151, 165
role in polio care, xii, xiv–xviii, 15, 40–42, 91–94, 124, 152–153, 161, 168–169, 173, 198, 223, 346, 377, 418–420
role in war, 6, 43, 88, 355
rural training and work of, 4–7, 53, 216
training films and, 261–262, 319
The Nursing Care of Patients with Infantile Paralysis (Stevenson), 15
Nursing Care of Poliomyelitis (film), 319
Nye, Jarvis, 371, 410
Ober, Frank, 100, 115
“Observations on the Kenny Treatment of Poliomyelitis” (Krusen), 95
O’Connor, Basil
background of, 16, 31–32n97
belief in free markets, 309
on best polio care, 200, 212
break with Kenny, 113, 187, 215, 317, 374, 408
defense of NFIP, 67–68, 187, 192–195, 200, 226
funding of Kenny’s work, 22–23
Kenny as “Amazon” comment, 323
Kenny method courses and, 90
Kenny/Roosevelt meeting and, 155f, 155
Kenny’s debates with, xvii
meeting with Kenny, 16–17
NRC and, 205–206
polio vaccine and, 417
promotion of Kenny’s work, 115
on publication of Kenny’s books, 63–64, 117–118
Roosevelt and, 3, 16, 84, 107, 110, 213, 222, 312
Sullivan on, 275
suspicion of polio “cures,” 16
in True Comics, 150
O’Connor, John, 310
Ogden, John, 380
O’Hara, Joseph, 311, 313–314
O’Neil, William, 322
Opdahl, Margaret, 270, 423
Organized medicine, Golden Age of, 303–305
Organized opposition, to Kenny, 215–218
Orr, H. Winnett, 274
Orthopedic surgeons
in charge of polio care, xiii–xiv, 17, 39, 43–44, 112, 418
demonization/silencing of, 119, 165, 170, 203, 277
Kenny method and, 17–20, 59, 68–69, 84, 96–97, 100, 104–109, 121, 197–199, 255, 352, 356, 374
status/power relations, x, 19, 41, 108, 112, 120, 343, 357
Ostenso, Martha, 107, 248
Osteopathy, 57, 60, 93, 114, 169, 172, 266, 353
O’Toole, Donald, 215, 217
Owen, Richard, 422, 423
Page, Earle, 379–380, 381
Pageant Magazine, 363, 367
in acute stage polio, 168
cause of, 317
as central to polio, 20, 40, 47, 100, 108, 161–163, 260, 420
as minor symptom, xiv, 119, 162, 194, 198
as serious symptom, xvi–xix, 122, 265, 343–344
“Pain and Spasm in Poliomyelitis” (symposium), 344
Pankhurst, Christabel, 323
Paramount, 253
role in cerebral palsy therapy, 214
role in polio therapy, 9, 11, 45, 53, 86, 90, 93, 98, 117, 151, 158–161, 165, 201, 268–269, 307, 413, 417
Parents Association for the Handicapped, 214
Parents Magazine, 106, 212
Park, William, 313
Parran, Thomas, 200
Parry, Florence Fischer, 106, 274
active participation of
, xviii, 163–165
recoveries of, 165–167
truth-telling to, 167
Patterson, Eleanor, 201, 224
Paul, John, 39–40, 86, 379, 386n67, 413–414
Paulson, Lorraine, 93
Payne, Anthony, 380
Pediatrics, 344
“Pennies for Kenny” campaign, 208–213
Pepper O. H. (Perry), 205
Perkins, James, 262–264, 269
Peterson, Florence Mae. See Kendall, Florence and Henry
Pfennig Parade, 358
Philanthropy. See Polio philanthropy
as history of polio care, 173
of Kenny, 6, 89, 90f, 93, 102, 107, 155, 155f, 162, 163f, 188, 191, 249, 345, 369
of Kenny’s funeral, 381
in making of Kenny’s legacy, 415, 423, 434n124
of patients as scientific evidence by Kenny, 9–10, 62, 117, 251, 261
in promotion of Kenny Foundation, 219, 232, 360, 363
in promotion of Sister Kenny, 272, 274, 275
in recording electrical nerve impulses, 102–103, 178n82
“Physiatrist,” 33n107
Physical medicine
professional organizations, 103, 120–121, 197, 265, 362, 418
specialists, 14, 17–18, 45, 94, 100, 115, 119, 123–124, 172–173, 205, 265–266, 379, 414, 418–419
status/power relations, 19, 40, 108, 120–121, 169, 204, 319, 343, 361
textbooks, 62, 224, 322, 357
use of films, 246, 260, 266
Physical Medicine (Krusen), 62
Physical Medicine: the Science of Dermo-Neuro-Muscular Therapy as Applied to Infantile Paralysis (Kenny), 224, 322
Physical therapists
demonstrations to, 9, 58–62, 92f, 159
disability care by, xii–xiii, xiv, 13, 166, 168, 343, 378, 419–420
Institute training of, 110, 222, 346
Kenny method assessment by, 21, 40–53, 119–120, 163, 164, 406, 418–419
Kenny’s image and, 60, 89, 100
Kenny’s teaching of, 41, 69, 89–90, 92–94, 207–208, 224
respect, issue of, 7, 9, 17, 38, 121, 209, 224–225, 268, 279, 346, 373, 403
Physical therapy
child patients, 42–43
as gendered practice, xi, 17, 40
as professional field, 7, 41–44, 52, 89, 208, 224, 418
Physical Therapy Review, 406
adoption of Kenny’s work by, 107–108
as converts to Kenny method, 94–97
courses for, 94, 125
dislike of Kenny, 10, 104, 111, 162, 198, 208, 280, 410, 411, 413, 433n114
Kenny’s approach to, xvii, 4, 7, 10, 12–14, 19, 23, 41, 41f, 42, 55, 62, 88, 92, 94–95
response to The Kenny Concept, 269
Physicians Forum, 307
“Physiologic Nonsense and Poliomyelitis” (JAMA), 187
Physiotherapy Review, 42, 89, 119
Pickford, Mary, 194–195, 223
Pittsburgh Courier, 360
Pittsburgh Press, 274
Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph, 273, 402
Plastridge, Alice, 42, 43–44, 49–50, 163, 166
Polio Wars Page 87