How to Date a Dragon fwft-2

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How to Date a Dragon fwft-2 Page 18

by Ashlyn Chase

  “Why not?” Bliss asked. “If she’s getting desperate, why wouldn’t she use all the powers at her disposal?”

  Drake picked up the rest of his clothes and tossed them in a hamper she hadn’t noticed. It was neatly concealed in his nightstand drawer. “Because paranormals know better than to do that. There would be far-reaching repercussions.”

  “But what if she just loses it? She seems easily unhinged and doesn’t care about anyone but herself.”

  “If she was caught, can you imagine what would happen to her?” Drake exchanged a look with Vulcan, making her think there was more to it than just government experiments. Drake crossed to his dresser, grabbed a pair of jeans from the bottom drawer, and hopped into them.

  “No, I can’t. Why don’t you tell me? We promised to be honest with each other, didn’t we?”

  Vulcan groaned and looked away.

  “What?” Now I know there’s definitely more to it. But would she be able to drag it out of one of them? She sighed, then thought about how her mother always advised that she’d catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Maybe she could try that approach.

  “Drake, my darling, my love, what is it you’re not telling me?”

  He bit his lip and looked to Vulcan as if distressed. Vulcan raised his hands, palms up. “Don’t look at me. You’re the one who made that stupid promise.”

  “Stupid?” Bliss was indignant that this whatever he was would call total honesty in a relationship “stupid.” It made him seem less like an angel. Maybe he was some kind of demon, but why would Drake call him a friend?

  “No one is saying honesty is stupid, honey. It’s just that some things require the right timing or circumstances.”

  “And some things are on a need-to-know basis,” Vulcan added.

  Obviously, she didn’t need to know whatever they were trying so hard not to say. Bliss bit out the word, “Fine,” between clenched teeth, then grabbed her overnight bag and stomped off to the bathroom.

  Chapter 15

  When Bliss shut the door a little firmly, Vulcan looked at Drake and shrugged. “I’ll never understand women.”

  “What’s so hard to understand? She knows we’re hiding something and deliberately keeping her in the dark. Considering it may have to do with a crazy she-dragon who wants to kill her, I think she has a valid point.”

  “But you cannot tell her about the Council. Mother Nature’s adamant about that.”

  “I know. I wasn’t planning to do that anytime soon.”

  “Is that how you keep your promise to Mother Nature and also manage total honesty with Bliss? I’ll tell her… but some other time? Like on her deathbed?”

  Thinking about Bliss dying brought him up short. Yes, some day he would lose her. The Council, on the other hand…

  Drake sank to the floor with his face in his hands. “What can I do to end this? If you can’t find Zina, I doubt I can.”

  “I think she’ll find you. I just need to keep Bliss out of the way.”

  He sighed. “Yes, I know. It’s for her own safety, but I’d like to tell her what I’m planning to do if I find Zina.”

  Vulcan raised an eyebrow. “And what would that be?”

  “Just that I’d turn her over to you. I don’t have any idea what you’ll do with her after that, and if you don’t tell me, I won’t have to lie about it.”

  Vulcan paused and tapped his lip. “I think that might work.” Then he started to laugh.

  “What’s funny?”

  “Man, you really screwed yourself with that total honesty promise. There are so many things you should not tell a woman like her.”

  “What do you mean… like her?”

  “A woman with a temper.”

  The bathroom door flew open and Bliss stood there, looking fabulous. She had changed into some tight jeans and a super-soft-looking light blue sweater. Her hair was still a mess, but with a hairbrush in her hand, she looked as if she was planning to remedy that—or beat him with it.

  “You look gorgeous.” Drake got up and strolled over to her. No raised hairbrush. That’s a good sign.

  She started to smile, then quickly pasted on a frown. “Is it safe to come out now? Are you two finished planning your super-secret strategy?”

  “There’s not much in the way of strategy, hon. If I see Zina, I’ll call Vulcan and he’ll take it from there.”

  She stuck a hand on her hip. “That’s it?”

  “Well, yeah. Keeping it simple seems best.”

  “You aren’t planning to lure her somewhere?”

  Drake shrugged. “Like where? And how would we do that? We don’t even know where she is.”

  Bliss turned to Vulcan. “Have you checked the warehouse?”

  “Several times,” Vulcan said. “She doesn’t seem to be staying there.”

  Bliss blew out a deep breath. “So that’s it, then? You just have to wait until she finds Drake?”

  “Pretty much.” Drake rubbed her back and hoped she’d let the subject drop. But this was Bliss, and she wasn’t about to let anything drop.

  “How will you keep in touch with each other?”

  “We have a code. If I yell a particular word, Vulcan will hear it and find me.”

  “What word?”


  “That’s weird. Vulcans can find people from miles away? I never saw Spock do that.”

  Vulcan sighed. “I’m not that kind of Vulcan.” He rose and wandered toward the front door. “But, yes, I can find people most of the time. The way I found you in that warehouse bathroom.” He tapped the side of his nose.

  Whatever that meant… Did he smell her? She wrinkled her nose but finally stopped questioning Vulcan. Instead, she put her arms around Drake and said, “Well, I guess I’m going out for breakfast with Vulcan and planning my day from there. Will you call just to let us know you’re okay at some point?”


  “Good.” She let out a deep breath and lowered her voice to a whisper. “I love you. Don’t get killed.”

  * * *

  “So, are you ever going to tell me who you really are and how you did what you did?” Bliss swirled the dregs of her coffee and set the cup down.

  Vulcan glanced around the fifties-style room. “Cute little diner. If you didn’t know where it was tucked away, you’d never find it. And the food…”

  “Don’t try to change the subject.” Bliss leaned back against the padded booth and crossed her arms. “I mean it. I want to know.”

  Vulcan leaned in and lowered his voice. “There are certain things I’m not at liberty to tell you and, fortunately, I never promised you total transparency.”

  Bliss snorted. “Are you really upset with Drake for promising to be honest with me? That seems like an important part of a successful relationship.”

  He smirked. “Sure, honey. Tell yourself that. You’ll learn.”

  “What?” Outraged, she was about to toss her napkin onto the table and storm out, but she’d promised Drake to let the maddening Vulcan watch over her, so she was stuck with him. Well, Drake didn’t say I had to be pleasant company, did he? She was tempted to toss a snark bomb at Vulcan, but again her mother’s warning chimed in the back of her head. Honey, not vinegar, Bliss.

  “Fine. We can agree to disagree on that, but I really want to know what you can tell me.”

  He cleared his throat. “You already know too much.”

  “Why? Are you in the Mafia? Do I have to worry about getting whacked?”

  Everyone in the North End diner immediately fell silent and turned to stare at them. Bliss wanted to slink down until she disappeared under the table.

  Vulcan did what anyone in that situation would do. He laughed out loud. Pounding the table might have been overplaying it a bit, but at least the rest of the patrons relaxed and went back to their own conversations.

  Bliss tried to think of another tactic to get the information she wanted. Realizing it might be fruitless, the only thing s
he could come up with was hammering at him until she wore him down.

  “Seriously, there must be something you can tell me—just a morsel of information.”

  He sighed. “Well, you already know about Drake. That must tell you something…”

  “Like what? That there are certain legends that might be true after all?”

  “Now you’re getting it.”

  “Ah. So you’re something of a legend yourself.”

  He smiled. “Something like that.”

  Bliss racked her brain for what legendary creature could materialize through solid walls and transport a person from one place to another in seconds. All she could come up with were her memories of Star Trek and the Vulcans with pointy ears using their transport pad—or whatever they called that thing that turned them into a column of bubbles. But does a TV show qualify as legend? Maybe if it’s in reruns…

  “Why don’t we finish up here, and I’ll walk you back to your apartment,” he said.

  “Why walk? Why don’t you just transport us there instantly?”

  He raised one eyebrow. Suddenly, he looked just like the Vulcan on TV who used to do that. Pointy ears, severe haircut, the works.

  “Oh, come on. Now you’re just messing with me.”

  He chuckled and returned to his former countenance. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

  “Believe me, I understand not being able to resist a good joke… but it was a joke, right?”


  She balled up her napkin and gave her fingers a final wipe. “Weren’t you afraid others in the diner would see you change your appearance like that?”

  “Like what?” He tipped his head as if he had no idea what she was talking about.

  “Like Dr. Spock.”

  “I think you mean Mr. Spock. Dr. Spock was a pediatrician and authority on parenting.”

  “Hmmm… I imagine you’d have to have a doctorate in something to run a spaceship.”

  Vulcan looked like he was about to burst out laughing. He covered his mouth as if to hold it in, but his eyes danced with mischief.

  When he seemed more composed, he said, “I understand why Drake likes you. You’re very… entertaining.”

  She didn’t know if that was a compliment or not. At any rate, she was ready to get out of there. She waved the waitress over. “Check, please.”

  The bubble-gum-popping waitress said, “Sure thing, honey,” and produced an order pad from her apron pocket, much like the one Bliss used herself.

  “Are you getting the check or am I?” Vulcan asked.

  Bliss thought he might not have any money, so she was prepared to pay with her credit card, but the idea of his treating her to breakfast held a certain appeal. It might make up for the frustrating company.

  She leaned back. “You can pay, if you want to.”

  “Okay.” He retrieved a wallet from his back pocket. “What do you use for currency here?” Opening his wallet revealed money in all sizes and colors.

  “Uh… forget it. I’ll pay with plastic.”

  “I was just kidding. I know how the dollar works.” He plunked down enough American cash to cover the tab and a generous tip. “Let’s get you home.”

  “Please. At least there I can hide in my room while you watch TV or something.”

  “Awww… am I not good company?”

  Bite your tongue, Bliss… If he can transport you through walls, he could probably drop you off in the middle of a bridge abutment.

  * * *

  Bliss talked Vulcan into dropping her off at home and then going on his merry way. She said she’d use Drake’s code word and yell, “Taxi,” if she needed him.

  Wondering where Angie was, she strolled to her bedroom. Maybe she could find a good book and spend her day wrapped up in someone else’s problems for a change. Her door was partially open. That’s weird. I usually close it.

  Upon walking in, she spotted Angie reading her journal.

  “What the hell?”

  Angie dropped the pad of paper and her face flushed. “I—um… I’m sorry. I just came in to see if you had any laundry I might put in with mine.”

  “And you just happened to find my diary and decided to read it?”

  “I thought it might be a grocery list. I’m going shopping afterward.”

  Bliss couldn’t tell if Angie was being sincere or not. How long had she been reading? If she’d followed her nutty thoughts about Drake being a dragon… Oh, shit. How do I explain that?

  “I’m really sorry, but who has a diary with no cover? It’s just a pad of paper.”

  “That’s because it’s not a regular diary. It’s just a bunch of crazy thoughts that go through my head. Sometimes I get ideas for cards and I need to jot them down.”

  Angie worried her lip. “Those were thoughts for a card?”

  Think fast, Bliss. Try to remember what you wrote. Oh shit. I started with “dear damn diary.” “Or not. Sometimes I write down weird dreams first thing in the morning so I don’t forget them. We all have weird dreams, right?”

  “I guess…” Angie pointed to the floor where the damning evidence lay. “But this is so detailed. That must have one helluva dream.”

  “It was.”

  “I thought dreams only lasted a few seconds.”

  Damn it, Angie. Can’t you just drop it? “I have a very creative mind.”

  Angie stared at the pad of paper. “I’ll say…”

  Bliss moved toward her roommate, intent on guiding her out of the room. “Look, why don’t you—” As she reached for Angie, the frightened girl’s eyes widened. She flinched and took a step back.

  “What’s the matter? I was just going to say that if you’ll wait in the living room, I’ll get whatever laundry I have together.”

  “Oh. Sure.” Angie scooted around her and practically fled from Bliss’s room.

  Crap, crap, crap. She picked up her “damn diary” and scanned the contents.

  A dragon? Seriously? A dragon. I think I’ve finally met a guy who might be worth a shot and he turns out to be some kind of circus freak.

  I’d never have believed him if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Transform? Yeah, right… Then he did it! Ack!

  Okay. That could have been a dream… and then she read on.

  I keep waiting to wake up and find out this is just a crazy nightmare. Nope. I’ve pinched myself and then slapped myself for pinching myself. Still not popping out of any coma.

  I’ve even wondered if I was drugged. Drake never slipped me any pills. He didn’t even bring me a beer. Nope. Nothing went into my mouth except, well… him. Heh-heh.

  Hey, I wonder if dragon penis can cause hallucinations? Naw. That doesn’t make sense. Because if it does, that means he’s a dragon and I didn’t hallucinate anything but the truth.

  She dropped the pad on the bed. “I am so fucked.”

  Now what? Should I yell “taxi” and traumatize my roommate further if an ugly old dude appears out of nowhere? Bliss dismissed that idea quickly. What could he do anyway? She needed a time machine to help her go back to the moment she set her diary on her nightstand. Better yet, to the time before she’d written down all the stuff she’d promised not to tell anyone—ever.

  She racked her brain for a solution as she pulled a few things out of her hamper. She heard the front door slam shut and realized Angie must have taken off. “Damn!”

  Darting out of her room and around the corner, she noticed Angie’s jacket was missing. So was her backpack. “Crap!” I can’t let her tell anyone else what she’s read.

  At a complete loss as to what to do, Bliss stood in the middle of the room, looked at the ceiling, and called out, “Taxi.” When no one appeared, she waited a few moments, raised her voice, and shouted, “Taxi!” Still nothing.

  Frustrated, she stomped her foot and yelled, “Taxi, taxi, taxi!”

  The front door opened and Drake rushed in with Angie on his heels.

  Drake pulled her into his arms and held he
r close.

  Angie stared at her with a worried expression. “D—don’t worry, Bliss. Drake and I will find you a nice taxi.”

  Bliss closed her eyes and muttered, “Oh, for Christ’s sake…”

  Chapter 16

  “I’ll take it from here, Angie.” Drake stood next to Bliss and draped an arm over her shoulder.

  Angie looked unsure about leaving and backed toward the door slowly. “Should I… call anyone?”

  Bliss slipped her arm around Drake’s waist and seemed to relax. “I’m perfectly all right, Angie. Really.”

  “Oookay. If you say so.”

  “We both do,” Drake said.

  Angie bit her bottom lip and didn’t look convinced, but she finally reached the door and turned the handle. “I’ll just go and do… something.”

  “Laundry?” Bliss asked cheerfully.

  “Yeah. Laundry. That’s where I was headed. I’ll see you later.”

  “Hold on,” Drake said. After a brief hesitation he added, “I might need you.”

  “Oh? Oh, yeah. I guess you might.”

  “Could you wait in your room for a few minutes?”

  “With the door closed,” Bliss said.

  “Sure.” Angie gave her a funny look as she scooted around her.

  For God’s sake, even if I was off my rocker, that wouldn’t be contagious.

  As soon as Angie’s door closed, Drake and Bliss stared at each other.

  “Poor Angie,” Bliss whispered, then sat on the couch. “What did she tell you?”

  “Not much. Just that she thought you were losing your mind.”

  “Is that all?”

  Drake settled next to her and leaned in for a kiss. Bliss met him halfway. When their lips parted, they weren’t alone anymore.

  “Vulcan,” she blustered in a loud whisper. “Will you ever learn to knock?”

  “Sorry.” He disappeared.

  A moment later, a knock seemed to come from the air in front of them.

  Bliss rolled her eyes. “Oh, for the love of—”

  “Vulcan, buddy,” Drake said, “come in.”


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