Wolf Soldier

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Wolf Soldier Page 9

by Candace Ayers

  I frowned. “That poor postman.”

  She shrugged. “It’s Bo Taylor. If anyone deserves to get a daily dose of shock therapy, it’s Bo.”

  I couldn’t disagree with her. “I’m sorry if things are tense with your brother because of me, Charlie.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s his fault. Y’all are mates and he acted like an asshole.” She shook her head. “He’s never had to work for a woman before. He doesn’t even know where to start.”

  “The cupcakes were a good start. They were delicious.”

  “He had Carter make them special. She kinda gave him hell the whole time.”

  “I heard.” I fiddled with some flyers on the counter and then looked up at her. “I never thought I’d have a mate, Charlie. I’ve been so jealous of shifters since I moved here. I dreamt of having a mate. My dreams never played out like this.”

  Charlie took my hand and held it in hers. “It rarely starts out perfectly. You saw Carter and Denny go through it. Mates can be messy because there’s more heart involved. More heart means more feelings and more feelings mean total fuckery at times. Even though Holt is an idiot now, you two will work it out eventually. Then, you’ll have more little babies and get married and you’ll be even more of my sister than you already are.”

  “I just don’t know.”

  “I do. Mama Jean is right. These things have a way of working themselves out. You’ll stay furious until you’re just done being furious. Then, you’ll get a little less angry each day until you finally decide that he’s not too terrible to be with.”

  I shrugged. “If you say so. Right now, I’m stuck on furious.”

  “Understandable.” She opened a notebook that she had in front of her and pushed it across to me. “Maternity lingerie.”

  I gasped at the rotund woman looking back at me from her notebook. “Is that supposed to be what my stomach’s gonna look like? I was much smaller at sixteen.”

  “You couldn’t have been that much smaller. You’re a shrimp.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  She laughed and tapped the paper. “Look at the design. Do you like that?”

  I sighed. “I guess. I need to go now. I need to sign up for a couple of cardio classes.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. You’re going to get fat and be happy about it because my little niece or nephew inside of you is going to be so precious and worth every extra pound.”

  I rested my hand on my stomach and smiled. The little girl or boy growing inside of me was the only thing lifting my spirits lately.



  “Well, try something else, Holt. She’s your mate. Are you just going to give up?” Mama Jean sat next to me on the porch and scolded me. “You messed up. What were you thinking, anyway?”

  “I was thinking I was going to re-enlist and go back to active duty and I didn’t want her to be tied to a mate who was away all the time. It wasn’t malicious.”

  “You are your father’s son. He was a jackass, too.”

  “Well, maybe that’s the reason Dad won’t come down. He heard you say that one too many times.”

  She scowled. “Bullshit. Your father won’t come down because there’s a TV in our room. He’s been watching college football.”

  I sat back in my rocker and sighed. I wished I could hide away in my room like Dad was doing.

  “You even sigh just like your father.”

  I groaned. “Mama. Come on. Give me a break.”

  “No. Not until you win that girl back. She’s perfect. She’s adorable and sweet and caring and she’s carrying my grandpup. Don’t let her go through this pregnancy alone.”

  My jaw clenched as I stared out over Charlie’s landscaped lawn wishing the whole thing wasn’t so difficult. “I know. I’m trying.”

  “Try harder.”

  “You’re driving me insane.”

  “I should be driving you over to Sonnie’s house. Have you been today?”

  “Mama. Jesus.”

  She shook her finger at me. “Don’t you Jesus me. Get off your tail and go fix this.”

  I stood up and raked my fingers through my hair. It was growing longer, a strange sensation to a man who’d been a soldier for over half the time he’d been alive. “I’m trying. I’m doing what I can.”

  “You’re not used to this. You’re floundering. What are saying to her when you’re over there?”

  I was going to gag my own mother if she didn’t stop. I had to get out of there. “You know what? I think I’ll go over to Sonnie’s right now.”

  “Finally. Invite her to Thanksgiving dinner. Don’t come back until she agrees.”

  I stiffly waved to her, strode down the driveway to my truck, and once again headed to Sonnie’s. It had been a whopping four hours since the last time. Her shop would be closed, so I drove straight to her house.

  I knew she was home because I could see her shape moving around through the front curtain, but I wasn’t sure she’d answer. I knocked.

  “Who is it?”

  I knew she knew it was me. “It’s Ima.”

  “I don’t know an Ima. Try next door.”

  I smiled at her sass and knocked again. “It’s Ima Asshole. I have a package for Sonnie Chaplan.”

  “What kind of package?”

  “Open the door and find out.”

  “No. I’ve seen that porno. I’m not opening any boxes you’re holding suspiciously low.”

  I grinned. “Sonnie, open the door so I can kiss a smile onto your face.”

  I heard her intake of breath. “You can’t say things like that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because…I don’t want to kiss you.” She cleared her throat. “Now, go away.”

  “Thanksgiving dinner is tomorrow night.”

  She sighed loudly. “You’re still here.”

  “Do you have plans?”

  I could hear the hint of melancholy in her voice when she answered. “Thanksgiving is a stupid holiday. I don’t celebrate it.”

  I wanted to take her in my arms and hug her until she felt loved. It hurt knowing I’d caused some of that pain. “Come with me to family dinner at Charlie’s. I normally wouldn’t wish dinner with my family on anyone, but I miss you and I really want you there.”

  There was silence. She opened the door a few inches. Progress.

  “It’ll be fun for you to watch. Petty comments, drunken brawls, dinner rolls being thrown at each other across the table.”

  “I’m fine here.”

  “I know you are. I know you’re fine. I’d like to have you there, though. It’d be a whole lot easier to survive if you were there.”


  “Just come, Sonnie. My family would love it if you were there and Mama and Charlie might ease up on giving me the stink eye every time I’m in the same room with them.” I saw her face turn and she looked like she was getting ready to sound off on me, but I hurried to clear up the misunderstanding. “That’s not the reason I want you there.”

  She finally sighed. “I should say no.”

  “You should say a lot of things to me. You deserve to have the chance to say every one. Start by coming to dinner tomorrow.”

  Fighting a smile that gave me so much hope, she nodded. “Fine. This doesn’t mean anything, though. We’re still not okay.”

  I nodded. “It’s just dinner.”

  “And I’m really only going because Charlie already invited me.”

  “But you said no to her.”

  She glared at me. “Don’t press your luck. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll drive you.”

  “No, thanks. I can drive myself.”

  “I’m driving you.”

  She stepped back inside and shut the door.

  I stood there for a few more seconds, holding onto the vision of that almost-smile. It was a step in the right direction. I was going to win her back. No matter what.



changed clothes no less than twenty times. I wasn’t sure what was appropriate and when I put on some of my better outfits, they were tight around the middle, like I’d gained weight. I couldn’t be showing so soon. I was just bloated or something. Either way, nothing looked right. After I put on my twenty-first outfit, a short sweater dress and knee-high boots, Holt showed up.

  Oddly, I was aware of him before he knocked. I didn’t know if it was some sort of pregnancy sixth sense or the mate thing, but I could sense when Holt was near. My body went into maximum overdrive and my libido was all systems go.

  I had told him I’d drive myself. I swung the door open, and there he stood with all his bulging muscles, hot as a tarpaper roof in July. “What are you doing here?”

  He was dressed up in black dress slacks and a black button-down shirt with the sleeves pushed up. His hair was longer and his beard was just slightly longer than a shadow. He looked delicious. “Picking you up.”

  I put my hands on my hips and looked up at the ceiling of my porch. “You’re kidding, right?”

  He shook his head. “Charlie and Mama Jean demanded I come pick you up. Who am I to argue with them?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Poor, helpless Holt. How could anyone expect you to not just ask how high when the women around you say jump?”

  He nodded. “Insurgents, drug cartels, and suicide bombers have nothing on those women, let me tell you. They’re brutal. Are you ready?”

  I frowned. “Not yet.”

  “I can wait. Take your time.”

  I tugged at the sleeves of my dress, self-consciousness eating at me. “Fine.”

  He stepped past me, his chest barely brushing against mine. “I’ll just wait on the couch.”

  I sucked in a breath and closed the door, choosing to ignore that he’d just let himself in. My makeup just needed a few final touches and I fixed my hair. I added in soft waves and brushed on a red lip before stepping back and appraising myself. My stomach still poked out more than I was used to. I tried to relax about it.

  Last minute, I decided if my stomach was going to poke out, my chest should, too and changed into a different dress that highlighted my bust line, then pulled on a coat.

  In the living room, the sight of Holt stretched out on my couch made my heart race. He looked delicious. I had to steel myself against him, though.

  The corners of his mouth turned up as I entered the room. He stood and moved directly in front of me. “Fuck. You look stunning.”

  I felt my cheeks heat and shrugged. “Thanks.”

  “Is that lipstick going to smear if I kiss you?”

  I pushed him away and walked to the door. “You’re not going to kiss me.”

  He groaned and followed me out the door and to his truck. I looked up at his tall truck and frowned while Holt smiled down at me with a cocky grin. “Need a hand?”

  He knew that if I tried to lift my leg to get in, I’d flash all my goodies. “You know I do.”

  He gently took my waist in his hands and pulled me closer to his chest before lifting me into the seat. My dress rode up my thighs, but he kept his eyes on mine. “Thank you for coming today.”

  It was hard to be mean to him when he was touching me and looking at me like that. “You’re welcome.”

  We rode to Charlie’s house in silence but, oddly, it felt okay. Holt stole glances at me every so often and I did the same. I reminded myself that I was still angry and he’d really hurt me, but it was hard with his male scent filling up the truck. I felt like I was getting drunk on him.

  When he pulled up at Charlie’s, he came around and lifted me out of the truck. His hands lingered at my sides for a few extra seconds and I let them.

  “Sonnie! Come in! I’m so happy you came.” Charlie’s voice cut through whatever haze I was in and I eagerly hurried away from Holt.

  She held the door open and ushered me in. “Come on. I saved you a seat by me.”

  I grinned and shrugged off my coat. “I’m ready for all this crockpot turkey I’ve been hearing—”

  “Holy shit.” Charlie yelled. “Holy shit! You’ve got a baby bump!”

  I stepped back. “Yeah. Why are you yelling it?”

  She pointed to my stomach and shook her head. “You’re showing!”

  I hugged my coat in front of me to hide it. “I’m just bloated. It’s too early to show.”

  “No, shifter pregnancies are different, they’re much faster, especially in humans. You’re showing already.” She pulled my coat away and knelt in front of me to rub my stomach. “Hey, little niece or nephew. It’s Auntie Charlie.”

  Mama Jean stepped out of the dining room and smiled at me. “Niece.”

  I stared at her, wide eyed. “You can already tell?”

  She nodded. “My kids could, too, if they ever used their sense of smell. Although, I’m sure Holt was just distracted by your smell. Mates are like that.”

  “Jesus, Mom.” Holt stepped in behind me and gently took my coat. His eyes went to my stomach and I saw his throat work as he swallowed. He looked back up at me and smiled. “She’s right, though.”

  I was fifty shades of red. “This is so not a “meet-my-family” conversation.”

  Holt suddenly laughed. “No, Sonnie. Not your smell. Just the overall scent of you.”

  Charlie stood up and made a grossed out face. “This is too much for me. I’m going to go carve the crockpot turkey and hope it explodes into dust.”

  I was mortified and wanted to get away from the conversation. “I’ll come with you.”



  Sonnie followed Charlie into the kitchen and I watched her every movement. She was stunning. With those knee-high boots and that low cut dress, I had to fight the urge to sweep her up in my arms and carry off to bed. And she had the tiniest baby bump, but it was there. She was showing, with my kid. My daughter.

  “She’s beautiful, Holton.” It was nice to see Mama smile at me for a change. “Don’t screw this up.”

  Shocked, I shot an exasperated look at the ceiling. “Really?”

  Mama Jean patted my cheek. “You two need each other. I don’t want you to lose her.”

  With Sonnie finally in the same house as me, I didn’t want to let her out of my sight for too long. The mate pull was like a magnet and I hadn’t been close enough to her in far too long. I just wanted to touch her.

  I found her sitting on a stool at the kitchen island next to Aunt Joy, who was slicing tomatoes for the tossed salad. Sonnie’s elbows were resting on the island, chin in her hands, as she watched my aunts scurry around the kitchen. When I entered, her eyes moved over to me, but she quickly looked away.

  “Look what the cat dragged in.” Aunt Joy narrowed her eyes. Both my aunts were cut from the same cloth as Mama. Same sharpened tongues. “Did you come to make a poor girl cry again?”

  Charlie snorted, but Aunt Barbara smacked her. “Don’t you laugh. I know that you sabotaged my turkey, young lady.”

  “Ow! Don’t slap me. Slap Holt. He’s the one that hurt my best friend.”

  “I’ll slap you both. I’ll slap Holt, too. Both you children could use a good slapping.” Neither of us dared say we weren’t children anymore.

  Aunt Joy whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, “I’m not upset about the turkey. I’m actually really glad that I don’t have to eat that thing that’s been cooking in her room for three days.”

  “Oh, buzz off, Joy. It’s called slow cooking. You wouldn’t know a good turkey if it was in your husband’s pants.”

  Charlie gagged on a laugh and shook her head. “Nope. We’re not doing this. Not even a little bit. That’s nasty.”

  Sonnie had her hand over her mouth, but I wasn’t sure if she was hiding a laugh or fighting nausea. She shifted and I spotted the roundness of her little baby bump. Everything inside of me calmed and I couldn’t wait any longer. My wolf was ready. I was ready.


  She looked up and bit her lip. I watched her
pulse race at the hollow of her throat. Her dark eyes were round as she waited for me to continue.

  “I retired from the service. It’s official.”

  Charlie screamed. “What?”

  “I’m not re-enlisting. I’m officially retired.” My heart was thumping so hard, my chest felt like it was going to crack open. I shouldn’t have started the conversation with everyone around, especially my Aunts, but I couldn’t wait another second. I was desperate to talk things out with her. I’d waited long enough. “I’m out for good.”

  Sonnie sat up straighter, her dress hugging her breasts and little belly. Her dark hair fell softly around her face like a caress against her skin.

  Aunt Joy patted Sonnie on the head. “Looks like you’re going to get your man, little one.”

  “I just hope you can teach that boy a few things.” Aunt Barbara shook her head. “Boy’s been moping around here for days, face droopy as Uncle Homer’s old bloodhound. I’d hate if every holiday from here on out we had to watch Holton in the dog house.”

  Mama came into the kitchen with Daniel, both staring, waiting for me to say more. When I still didn’t say anything, Mama moved her hands in a ‘go on’ gesture.

  “Um… Okay. Yeah, I’m doing this here, I guess.”

  Sonnie’s eyes were like saucers. “We could go somewhere else.”

  “No way in hell. The boy started it and I want to hear him finish it.” Aunt Barbara was obviously a sadist.

  “Wait! I’m going to get the rest of the family from the living room.” Daniel turned to leave, but changed his mind when I growled. “Or not.”

  Sonnie stood up. “Uh, really. We could go anyplace else.”


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