Always Me

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Always Me Page 21

by Walker, Jo-Anna

  “I could make you love me,” he said quietly.

  That’s it. “Brett. Stop.” Antonio squirmed beside me and I lowered my voice. “We cannot be together. I love you. You’re my best friend. But I can’t love you like you deserve to be loved. So please. Drop it. Find someone else.”

  His blue eyes darkened. “The only reason we’re not together is because Sebastian is back.”

  “Brett,” I warned.

  “I wish he would have fucking stayed dead,” he mumbled.

  I gasped. “Okay, that was uncalled for. I understand you’re upset. I get that, and I know you’re hurting, but this is not my fault nor Sebastian’s. So stop. Please.”

  “You both deserve each other. He’s a liar and you’re a tease. Perfect fucking pair.”

  I glared at him. “Fuck you, Brett.”

  The muscles in his jaw tensed and his back went stiff. He rose from his chair and stormed out of the waiting room.

  Angry tears burned my eyes but I wouldn’t chase him. I wouldn’t beg him not to hate me or blame us for what had happened to Keisha. When Brett was ready, he knew where to find me. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall, wishing we could go see Keisha.


  My eyes snapped open and I saw a nurse standing in front of me. I jumped up and quickly wrapped Antonio around me, trying to ease my racing heart. “Yes?”

  “Are you here for Keisha Lee?”

  I nodded. “Is everything alright?”

  The nurse smiled warmly. “Yes. She’s awake. A little groggy from anesthesia...”

  “Oh God. She’s...” Happy tears filled my eyes. I thanked her and went in search of the guys but couldn’t find them anywhere.

  I thanked her and headed into Keisha’s room. Luckily she had a private one. The lights were dimmed, machines beeped and tubes criss-crossed her face into her nose. “Keisha?”

  Her eyes opened slowly and she looked at me. “Tori?”

  I smiled. “Oh Keisha. We were so scared.” A sob escaped my lips and I ran to her, grabbing her hand in mine.

  She smiled.

  “No, I’m sorry.” I sniffed and hugged her hand to me. “Brett, Sebastian, and Garrith are here. We’ve all been so worried. Garrith was beside himself. I’ve never seen him so upset.” I rattled on and on, telling her how scared we all were for her.

  Confusion etched her features. “Who’s Garrith?”

  Chapter 28

  My stomach dropped. “You don’t remember Garrith?”

  She frowned. “I...I’m not sure. I’m confused. I don’t...oh God...” The machines started beeping more quickly, and a nurse came running in. “Oh God. I don’t remember. Why can’t I remember?”

  “Ma’am, you’re going to have to leave.” A nurse gently nudged me out of the room.

  The beeping of the machines slowed, and a moment later the nurse came out into the hall. “Is she okay?”

  “I gave her something to help her sleep.”

  “What happened? Why doesn’t she remember her boyfriend?” I asked through my tears.

  The nurse looked at me with sympathy. “The doctor will speak with you soon.” And with that she walked away.

  Oh God. How could I tell Garrith this? He’s going to lose his shit. I needed to tell Sebastian.

  I turned and headed back to the waiting room when I saw Garrith and Sebastian coming toward me. Taking a deep breath, I wiped the tears and walked toward them. I grabbed Sebastian’s hand. “Walk with me.” I looked up at Garrith and pasted on a smile. He seemed to relax at that. “Did you hear anything about Keisha?”

  I swallowed past the hard lump that had formed in my throat at the hopeful look in his eyes. “She’s resting.”

  Garrith’s shoulders slumped. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Could you watch Antonio for me, please? If it’s too much to ask...”

  Garrith smiled. “No. I would love to. It’ll help distract me.”

  I nodded and put Antonio in his arms and watched them walk back into the waiting room. I tugged on Sebastian’s hand and walked down the hall in the opposite direction.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I looked up at him. “How do you know something’s wrong?”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  I sighed. Okay, yeah. That was a dumb question. “Oh God. I have no idea...I...”

  Sebastian stopped me and placed a hand on the back of my neck, rubbing his thumb up and down the side soothing me. “Breathe little one.”

  I took deep breaths. How was Garrith going to deal with this? And Brett? She only seemed to have forgotten Garrith. What if she forgot other things? I squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn’t imagine.

  Warm lips brushed along mine making my eyes slowly open. Sebastian smiled down at me. “Hi.”

  I sniffed. “Hi.”

  He pinched my chin, rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  I took a deep breath and told him about Keisha.

  Sebastian’s face fell and he pulled me against him while I sobbed. “Really? Are you sure?”

  I nodded against his shirt. “Sebastian, it was awful. Keisha doesn’t remember him. After all of the crap they’ve been through…”

  He grabbed my chin and held my face in his hands. “Let’s not worry yet. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding.”

  I sighed. I hoped he was right.

  “I love you.”

  I smiled softly. “I love you.”

  Sebastian ran his hands down my arms and leaned his forehead against mine. “I don’t know what I would do if you woke up one day and forgot who I was.”

  “We don’t know if that’s what is going on yet with Keisha.” We had stayed out in the hall. I couldn’t face Garrith yet. It wasn’t my place to tell him anything that I wasn’t certain about. I didn’t know how much Keisha remembered and I didn’t want to worry him just in case I was wrong.

  Sebastian lifted my chin and kissed me hard, wrapping his arms around me. “It would kill me if you didn’t remember me but I know that if you did, I would do everything in my fucking power to make you fall in love with me again.”

  Tears formed in my eyes at his words. “I could never forget you. You’re ingrained in my blood.”

  He smiled at that. “You’re my other half, baby.”

  “I swear you’re psychic. I was just thinking that earlier.”

  He chuckled. “We just know each other really well, Tori.”

  I leaned my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him with everything in me. Our bodies pressed and I felt him everywhere. It was soothing. He was a part of me and I was a part of him and I wouldn’t take it for granted ever again. “Let’s go—”

  Both our heads snapped up at the yell of sorrow that came from the waiting room. We ran to the small room and found the doctor with his hand on Garrith’s shoulder. Garrith had his head in his hands and he...oh God, he was crying.

  Brett handed Antonio to Sebastian and walked out of the room.

  I sat beside Garrith and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, crying along with him.

  “What’s going on?” Sebastian asked the doctor.

  “Let’s take a walk,” the doctor suggested.

  They both left and I turned back to Garrith. “Talk to me.”

  “Keisha has amnesia.”

  I bit back a sob. “Oh, Garrith. How...who...”

  “I haven’t talked to her yet. She’s sleeping, but I’m scared, Tori.” He looked up at me. His bright blue eyes filled with sadness.

  I leaned against his shoulder and placed a hand on his arm. “I know.”

  “What if she doesn’t remember me? It’ll kill me. Things just started getting back to normal. She was trusting me again. Tori, I don’t know if I can win her over a third time.”

  A hard lump formed in my throat and after several attempts, I finally swallowed past it. They had worked so hard to be happy. Having a history and knowing each other
since they were kids, they had a lot of shit to deal with. I didn’t know everything. Keisha was very private about the past but I knew she loved him. I just prayed that if she forgot who Garrith was, she could fall in love with him again. “Garrith, yes you can and you will. It’ll take some time but you both will get through this. Even if she doesn’t remember you, I know she’ll fall in love with you again.”

  “You think so?”

  The doubt in his voice broke my heart. Garrith was FBI. He was strong and one of the toughest guys I knew. Seeing him break before my eyes made me want to rip Richards’s heart out with my bare hands.

  “Garrith, you’re an amazing guy. I know you’ll make it through this.” I wasn’t sure if I was convincing him or myself but he was stubborn. He would find a way back to Keisha.

  We both looked up to Brett standing a few feet away. “She’s awake.”

  Garrith’s gaze flicked to mine. “I can’t. Not yet.”

  I squeezed his shoulder. “You don’t have to. Not until you’re ready.”

  “Garrith,” Brett said again.

  “Listen, he’s not ready so leave him alone,” I snapped.

  Brett opened his mouth to reply when Sebastian stepped up beside him. “I’d think very carefully about the next words that come out of your mouth.”

  “You can’t hit me while I’m holding your’ son,” Brett countered.

  Sebastian handed me Antonio and turned back to Brett. He took a step closer to him and stood mere inches from his face. “So whatever you want to say to Tori, you can say to me. Because of her, I haven’t slammed your head through the wall yet, but if you so much as say one more fucking thing to her that’s even close to an insult, I will shove my fist so far down your fucking throat, you’ll be shitting teeth.”

  I couldn’t help but stare between Brett and Sebastian. Both were deadly in their own ways, but Sebastian radiated dominance. He crossed his arms over his chest. “I broke your nose once, and I’ll fucking do it again, so back off of my girl.”

  “I’m going to see Keisha,” I told Garrith. “If you would like to come with me, you can.”

  “I…I’m not ready.” His shoulders slumped. He was usually so strong and powerful and now, he was vulnerable. Possibly losing the one he loved. What was worse, Brett wasn’t helping.

  I kissed his cheek. “No pressure.” I rose to my feet when he grabbed my hand.

  “If…if she doesn’t remember me, will you…will you tell her about me?” his voice cracked and I swallowed back a sob.

  I nodded and smiled. “I will.” I stepped in between Brett and Sebastian. “Now listen. I am fucking sick of you two getting in each other’s faces. Sebastian, I love you, but you’re being an asshole.” He opened his mouth to speak, but I raised my hand, stopping him. “Watch your son. And you,” I turned to Brett. “are coming with me.” I grabbed Brett’s hand and pulled him along.

  He shoved out of my grip. “I’m not your dog…”

  I spun on him making him take a step back. “I’ve had it with your attitude. Maybe I should let Sebastian pound your face into the ground. It might do you some good. Now shut up about whatever issues you’re having and see your sister.”

  “Well I’m happy to know that you don’t take Sebastian’s shit,” he mumbled.

  I huffed. “I don’t take any of your shit.”

  Brett chuckled lightly. “That’s true.”

  “Oh my gosh,” I gasped. I couldn’t believe it.

  His eyes widened. “What?”

  I looked up at him and sighed loudly. “You laughed.”

  Brett rolled his eyes and smiled. “Bitch.”

  I giggled. “Jackass.”

  He shook his head and pulled me in for a hug. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  Squeezing him once, I released myself from his grip. “I understand you’re upset.”

  “I shouldn’t have treated you that way. None of this is your fault. What happened at your house with Jose…” His breath caught.

  “We can talk about that later. Let’s go see your sister,” I said, placing a hand on his arm.

  “Tori, when all of this is over, I think I’m going to stay away for a while. I…”

  I looked up at him and nodded. “Whatever you need to do, Brett.”

  He didn’t answer, just nodded instead. Whatever he had helped Sebastian with regarding Jose, I appreciated it. They had their issues, but hopefully we could all work out our differences.

  Brett walked into the room first, and I followed behind him, stopping just in the doorway. The hair on the back of my neck tingled, and I looked back to see Sebastian looking at me. His dark gaze bored into me. His gaze roamed over my body and my skin bloomed. It had always amazed me how my body reacted to just his stare. From the first time he had looked at me, I was his.

  Not sure if he was jealous over Brett hugging me or me grabbing his hand, I tried lightening the mood by blowing him a kiss.

  A smug smile formed on his handsome face that said, that’s right baby, you are mine and I won’t let you or anyone else forget it.

  I loved the man but sometimes his possessiveness, though usually hot and exciting was also downright annoying. Only when it came to Brett though.

  Rolling my eyes at myself, I walked into Keisha’s room and peeked my head around the corner. She was sitting up in bed, sporting a very unsexy hospital gown, and her brown curly hair was piled high on her head. Some ringlets had fallen, framing her beautiful face. She noticed me as I walked in and smiled brightly. “It amazes me that even though you’ve been through hell, you can still smile huge.” I teased.

  Keisha laughed lightly and grabbed my hand, pulling me in for a hug.

  “I’m so glad that you’re okay. I’m sorry for freaking you out earlier.” Tears welled in my eyes.

  “It’s not your fault but…I don’t remember everything.”

  Brett and I both pulled up chairs. “What do you remember? Or is it too soon to talk about it?” I asked.

  The doctor walked in at that time, interrupting us. “Keisha needs some rest.”

  “Ten more minutes?” Keisha asked sweetly.

  The doctor, although young, definitely had a no bullshit attitude about him. He smiled. “Ten minutes. No more.”

  We thanked him.

  Brett grabbed Keisha’s other hand and kissed her forehead before sitting down. “I’m…”

  Keisha’s eyes welled with tears. “Brett?”

  A small smile splayed on his lips. “I’m just glad you’re okay, Keisha.”

  She patted his hand and sighed. She looked between the both of us. “So how about no one else gets shot, okay?”

  We laughed and I shook my head. “So what do you remember?” I asked her again.

  She pointed to herself. “I know who I am. Brett’s my brother. I remember you, Tori. But…some things are fuzzy. I don’t remember today at all.”

  I looked at the clock. “Yesterday actually. It’s after midnight.”

  “Okay, well…you have a son don’t you?”

  I smiled. “Yes, Antonio. Do you remember him?”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry.”

  I rose to my feet and wrapped my arms around her shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay. Don’t push yourself.” My heart hurt that she didn’t remember him but the question that had weighed on my mind since she woke up, needed to come out. “I’m sorry, Keisha but I have to ask.”

  She looked up at me.

  “Do you remember Garrith Jameson?” No recognition shone in her eyes at the mention of his name. All the hard work he did, they both did at making their relationship strong fell apart around them. Who knew if they could fix this?

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t.”

  A gasp came from the doorway, and my head shot around. Garrith stood at the entrance holding a teddy bear and chocolates. The look of anguish on his face shattered my heart.

  “Tori.” I turned back to Keisha. She must have known that he was Garrith because tears st
reamed down her cheeks. Garrith would know that it wasn’t her fault, but he would need some time to try and figure out what to do. I looked between my two friends, lost on how to help them.

  Garrith cleared his throat, his Adam’s apple bouncing up and down. “I bought these for you.”

  “Thank you,” Keisha whispered.

  “I’ll just leave them here.” He placed them on the table and walked out of the room.

  “I’m so sorry,” Keisha said, crying into her hands.

  Chapter 29

  “Tori, you can’t expect him to be fine with her not remembering him,” Sebastian said, drying his head with a towel. He decided to keep it buzzed and told me that I was the only one that needed long hair in the relationship.

  “I’m not saying I expect him to be fine with it, but he’s not even trying. The doctor said for Keisha to be around people from her life. That they could be triggers for her memory,” I explained, leaning against the doorframe.

  “If you didn’t remember me, I would probably have to stay away too. It would kill me, knowing that you remember everyone else and not me.”

  I shook my head. “But she doesn’t remember every single thing about everyone else. I just think… I wish he would be there for her.”

  “Tori, he needs time. I know him. He probably feels guilty that he couldn’t protect her.”

  I sighed. Sebastian was right. “I just want them happy. I know they’ve been through a lot.”

  “They’ll make it through this. Look at us. We made it through our shit.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I watched as Sebastian’s muscles rippled and flexed over his bones every time he moved. The white towel hung low on his hips, showcasing lick-worthy abs. God, what I wouldn’t give to sink my teeth into—


  “Hmm?” My eyes darted up to meet Sebastian’s.

  He smirked. “See something you like?”

  My cheeks heated and I shook my head, freeing it from the dirty thoughts that had invaded my mind. Images of my legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust hard into me… Oh God. I walked back into our bedroom. “You are way too distracting when I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you.”


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