
Home > Young Adult > Focus > Page 18
Focus Page 18

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I hesitated for a moment. I wanted to spend another night with him, but I also wanted to make sure I got to catch up with my friends. I couldn’t decide. “Maybe.” I got out.

  I took two steps away from the car before he caught up with me. I hadn’t expected him to get out. He backed me up so I was leaning against the car. “No maybe. Yes. You can’t just cut me off.”

  I laughed. “You can handle it. I’ll think about it.”

  “Pack a bag, Al, or don’t complain to me when you have to use my toothbrush.”

  I made a face. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”


  He opened the tailgate and pulled out my bag.

  “Oh yeah,” I reached for the suitcase.

  He pulled it away. “Like I’m going to make you carry it.”

  I shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  I used my ID to swipe into the dorm and Levi followed me up the steps. I unlocked my door, not surprised to find Hailey studying on her bed. She rarely used her desk anymore.

  “Hey!” She got up and hugged me. “How was the trip?”

  “Good.” I smiled.

  “Only good?” Levi moved into the room.

  I glared at him.

  “I guess I can just ask you, Levi. How was the trip?”

  “Fantastic. Allie and I got to spend a lot of quality time together.”

  “I bet.” Hailey gave me a knowing look.

  “See you at seven.” Levi gave me a kiss before walking out.

  “Bye.” I waved.

  “What’s at seven?”

  “Dinner with the Laurents.” I pulled off my sweatshirt, hanging it up in my closet.

  “Ohh, fancy.”

  “Shut up.”

  “So tell me, what happened?”

  I sat down on my bed facing her. “A lot.”

  “Can you be more specific than that?”

  I picked up a heart shaped pillow that Anne had left at some point. “We’re officially back together.”

  “No wonder he looked like a kid in a candy store.”

  “Yeah, well, it was bound to happen, right?”

  She closed her book, no longer even pretending she was going back to it. “So was it as good as you remembered?”


  “Good thing Levi left, or you’d be giving him even more of an ego.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, that’s already happened.”

  “You’re back!” Our door flung open and Anne ran in, followed by Tiffany, who gave me an apologetic look.

  “Yeah, I’ve been back a whole ten minutes now.”

  Anne bent down and hugged me. “It’s been too quiet without you.”

  I laughed. “It’s nice to know I was missed.”

  “Oh my god, you finally did it.” Anne grinned as she sat down next to me on my bed.

  “What? Am I wearing an ‘I had sex’ sign or something?”

  “It’s the glow. The ‘I spent the last few days shacked up with the sexy guy I’ve been holding back on’ glow.”

  Hailey snickered. “I don’t think they spent the whole time in bed.”

  “It was a business trip, right?” Tiffany asked, sitting on Hailey’s chair.

  “Yes, an important business trip Levi needed her company on.” Anne rolled her eyes.

  “Fine, don’t believe me.”

  “Oh, I do, but I don’t think Levi cared about the business.”

  “He did. It was the most responsibility his dad has ever given him.”

  “You know you can tell us about it if you want, Allie. We already know who he is.” Tiffany smiled.

  Sometimes I forgot they were in on the secret, but I still didn’t know how much to tell them. I looked to Hailey to get her take. She nodded.

  “He had to preside over a paranormal court.”

  Anne took a sip from the pink cup she always seemed to carry around with her. “That sounds so formal.”

  “It was. It was fun at first, but I actually fell asleep.”

  “Seriously? You fell asleep?” Hailey asked.

  “Yeah, Levi didn’t seem to care though.”

  Hailey stretched out on her bed. “I would have paid to see that.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “Come on, you fell asleep at court, that’s pretty bad.”

  I leaned back on my elbows. “It was seven hours, and all I could do was sit there.”

  “Or sleep,” Hailey teased.

  “Could you stop making fun of me long enough to help me pick out something to wear?”

  “To wear to what?” Anne asked.

  “Allie’s got dinner with Levi’s parents tonight.”

  “Dinner with any guy’s parents is rough, but I’m guessing royalty would be worse. Good luck.” Anne smiled sympathetically.

  “Sometimes I worry you have multiple personalities,” I teased.


  “One minute you’re egging me on, and the next you’re being all understanding.”

  “Hey, it’s called being your friend.”

  “I know.”

  Tiffany interrupted. “So let’s get back to the real issue. What are you wearing?”

  “That’s the problem. I don’t know. I feel like Helen always looks so dressy, so I need to dress up, right?”

  “I’d go with a simple skirt and sweater. It could go either way.” Tiffany was already heading over to my closet.

  I nodded. “That’s what I was thinking.”

  Hailey joined Tiffany and was flipping through my clothes. “Hmm, maybe a dress? I haven’t been to dinner at their house, but I’m guessing it’s pretty formal.”

  “Why not just call and ask Levi?” Anne fidgeted with her watch. “It’s his parents.”

  “That would be the easy solution, but he’d probably just tell me to wear something short and red.”

  Hailey laughed. “So, then, just wear what you want.”

  “I will. But I need to study first. Anyone want to grab coffee and head over to the library?”

  “I’m up for the coffee part…” Tiffany said. “I’m sick of studying though.”

  “All right, that works.”

  Anne looked like she was considering the question carefully. “I’m up for both.”


  “Have you ever seen me turn down caffeine?”

  “Good point.”

  We grabbed sweatshirts and headed over to the Rue, one of the campus coffee shops.

  I sipped my mocha while catching up with my friends. Mostly everyone was excited about vacation. Anne and Tiffany were excited about going home, but I still didn’t know what I was going to do. I’d been avoiding my mom’s calls, knowing she’d want to know what day to expect me. Her messages said something about skiing in Vermont. There was no way she was going to take no for an answer again, but I didn’t feel like I was ready to bring Levi home. Unfortunately, I knew with certainty I wasn’t going to be allowed to go alone.

  “Hey Allie, wait a sec,” Hailey said as we got ready to head to the library. She gestured for the others to go ahead.


  “If you want me to go home with you over break, you just have to ask.”

  “I couldn’t ask. It’s Christmas. You’re supposed to be with your family.”

  She took a sip of her coffee. “You spent Thanksgiving with mine. I can spend Christmas with yours.”

  “Won’t your family mind, or think it’s weird you’re going instead of Levi?”

  “No, they’ll get it.”

  “Well, thanks. I’ll think about it.”



  Two hours later, we packed up our books and headed back to the dorm. I decided on a V-neck black dress, figuring I’d rather be overdressed than under.

  “You look great.” Levi grinned when he saw me. He was wearing a sports coat, making me instantly glad I’d gone for the dress.

bsp; He opened the car door for me. “So this is okay for tonight then?”

  “Your dress? It’s perfect.”

  I tried to push away the nerves as we drove over. If Levi noticed, he didn’t say anything. All too soon, he pulled up in front of his large, white house. With tall columns and wrap around porches, it was the kind of house you expected to see in a magazine. He took my hand, and I found myself walking into a two-story foyer. Without a word, he moved behind me and took off my cardigan. I shivered a little, my bare skin not used to the temperature of the house.

  “Hi, honey.” Helen greeted Levi with a hug, before pulling me into one too.

  “Hi, Helen.” I smiled and saw Robert coming from over her shoulder.

  Robert stopped right next to us. “Allison, looking lovely as always.”

  “Thank you.” I fought myself to make eye contact. He still made me so nervous.

  “Come in, come in. We haven’t talked much lately.” Helen led me into a formal living room. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Levi and his dad disappearing into another room.

  Helen must have noticed me looking. “Robert and Levi need to chat about your trip.”

  “Oh, okay,” I said absently. Really I was trying to take in all of the details of the place.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Helen stopped in front of a small bar.

  “Only if you’re fixing something for yourself.”

  “How about a glass of wine? We’ll need to open some for dinner anyway.”


  She opened a bottle and poured two glasses. I settled into a cream loveseat while I waited. Helen came to sit down in a chair across from me.

  “So, tell me, how was the trip?”

  “It was interesting.”

  “I know those proceedings can be really boring, but it’s important that Levi had you there.”

  “I don’t really get why. I don’t see how having me there makes him look more powerful.”

  Helen smiled and took a sip of her red wine. “Don’t ever forget your importance. Levi needs you.”

  “I wonder if he knows that.”

  “He does. Trust me.”

  “What do I know?” Levi put his hands on my shoulders. The contact warmed me.

  “How important Allie is to you.”

  He bent down and whispered in my ear. “Oh, I know.”

  “Are you two ready?” Helen asked.

  “Yeah, Dad’s already in the dining room.” Levi came around to take my hand and walked me to the other room. I glanced back and saw his mom beaming as she looked at us.

  I was half expecting a servant to bring in the food, but Helen placed four bowls of salad on the table. “I hope you like steak, sweetie. These two always want meat.”

  “Yes, I eat everything,” I answered quickly.

  Robert turned his attention to me. “Allie, I’m glad you were able to join us tonight. I have been meaning to talk to you about something.”

  I tensed. I doubted anything he had to say was good.

  “How set are you on continuing your studies at Tulane after this year?”

  “Do you mean whether I want to transfer?” Where was this coming from?

  “Not exactly. It’s just that there are a lot of great online programs available now.”

  “Online programs? What is this about?” I looked at Levi but his face was blank.

  “Levi and I were just discussing your plans after he graduates and you get married this summer.”

  Married…I knew Robert thought that, but it was strange to actually hear him say it.

  “Levi’s going to be taking over international relations for me starting in August.”

  “International relations?”

  “Yes. You two will have the opportunity to see a lot of the world.”

  “And how does my education fit in? You don’t expect me to drop out of school, do you?”

  “I already mentioned online opportunities.” Robert looked at me with just a hint of a smile.

  “I want to be a biochemistry major. I can’t take all of those classes online.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find something more suitable to that environment then.” His smile became more of a sneer, and for the first time, I was able to see beneath his charm to something else entirely.

  “Helen, let’s eat please.” Robert’s demand let me know our talk was over.

  Levi gave me a quick glance, as if to warn me to stay quiet.

  I barely touched my dinner, only pushing the meat around on the plate to avoid offending Helen. As I sat there staring at my plate, I made a decision. If Levi didn’t support me on this, then we were over.

  “Would you like some dessert? Coffee?” Helen asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “No, thank you. I really need to get back and study.”

  “Right now?” Levi finished off the last of his meal, placing his silverware down on the plate.

  “Yes. If you want to stay, I’ll just call a cab.” I hoped he heard the coldness in my voice.

  “No, I can take you.” He jumped up.

  I put my napkin on the table and pushed in my chair. “Thanks for dinner.” I addressed only Helen. I couldn’t stand to look at Robert. I didn’t bother to get my cardigan.

  “Hey, slow down.” Levi caught up with me just as I reached his car.

  I turned to face him. “Please tell me you don’t agree with him. You’re going to tell him there’s no way I’m quitting school, right?”

  He put his hands in his pockets, a decidedly non-Levi mannerism. “Allie, it’s just a year. This is really important. And my dad’s right, there are all sorts of online programs now.”

  I tried to swallow down the huge lump that was stuck in my throat. “I can’t just get my biochem degree online. Didn’t you hear anything I said?”

  “Come on, get in the car. I’d rather they not watch us fighting.” He gestured to the house.

  I didn’t particularly want them watching either, so I got in. He closed my door and got in himself, starting the engine just as I’d buckled my seatbelt.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “For what?” He took his eyes off the road to look at me.

  “Did you hear anything I said? I can’t do labs online.”

  “You just decided on that major a few months ago. You can just change your mind again.” I’m not sure if it was the actual words, or the fact that he didn’t look at me when he said it that made me angrier.

  “Stop the car!”

  “No way, we’re going back to my place.”

  I twisted my hands in my lap. “Not a chance in hell.”

  “Calm down.”

  “Calm down? You know how important school is to me!”

  “And you’ll get a degree one way or another. Who cares how you get it?”

  My anger nearly choked me. “Either stop this car now, or I jump out while it’s moving.”

  “I’d like to see that.”

  I fumbled with the automatic lock on my door, pushing it open.

  Levi slammed on the brakes and pulled over. “Jesus, Allie.”

  “I warned you.” I got out, needing to get as far away from Levi as possible.

  “Calm down.” He came around to my side of the car.

  “No, I’m not going to calm down. You promised me I wouldn’t have to give up anything else to be with you. Now you’re asking me to drop out of school.”

  “No, I’m asking you to take classes in a different way.”

  “You got to do four years of college traditionally, why can’t I? Why do I have to go with you?”

  “And you say I don’t listen?” He wrung his hands. “I can’t do it without you. You are the symbol of my power. Get it through your head.”

  “The symbol of your power? What about my power?”

  “Your power? A few months ago you didn’t even know about The Society.”

  “I’m not talking about The Society. I’m talking about power over my own life
. I finally move out from under my parents and now you do this to me?”

  Levi finally looked at me. “Are you crying, Al?”

  I nodded, and seconds later his arms came around me. “This is really important to you, isn’t it?”

  I tried to compose myself. “Yes.”

  “Then we’ll figure something out.”

  I looked up at him from underneath wet eyelashes. “You’ll talk to your dad?”

  “I think we can work this out ourselves.” He brushed a few tears off my face.


  “I’m thinking. Maybe we can just pack your schedule with Tuesday/Thursday classes so you can take long weekends.”

  “And we’re just going to travel the world on the weekends?”

  He put a hand under my chin to make me look up at him. “I don’t mind spending my Thursday nights on a private jet alone with you? Do you have any problem with it?”

  “A private jet?”

  “How did you think we were traveling? You thought I was going to fly you across the globe?”

  “No, but…”

  “Will you get back in the car now?”

  I barely had the energy to stand. “Yes.”

  “Will you come home with me?”

  “Not tonight. I really just need to catch my breath.” Everything was happening too fast. I just wanted things to move at a normal pace.

  “Tomorrow night then?”

  “I have a final in two days.”

  “Normally I’d make a comment about how obsessive you are about school, but I’m guessing that would be a bad idea right now.”

  “You’re learning.”

  “Come on. Let me get you to your dorm.” With an arm around my shoulder, he led me back to the car. He bent down and gently kissed me before closing the door.

  We rode back to campus in silence, but he had his hand on my leg the whole time. I think that was his way of letting me know we were okay.

  He pulled to a stop in his usual spot. “I don’t like fighting with you. Let’s try to go a few days without it.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Want to meet up and study tomorrow?”

  “You want to study?” I didn’t think Levi ever studied.

  “Sure. We should probably go over art history.”

  “All right, what time?”

  “Ten. We can go to breakfast first if you want.”

  “Then make it nine.”

  “Nine? Isn’t that a little early?”


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