God: Fact or Fiction?: Exploring the Relationship Between Science Religion and the Origin of Life

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God: Fact or Fiction?: Exploring the Relationship Between Science Religion and the Origin of Life Page 1

by Brendan Roberts


  Fact or Fiction?

  Exploring the Relationship

  between Science, Religion

  and the Origin of Life

  Brendan Roberts

  Copyright © 2003, 2012 Brendan Roberts All rights reserved

  Published by Kiwi Graphix

  ISBN: 978-0-473-13503-4 Cover design © 2003 Critical Mass Studios ([email protected]) Unless noted Scripture is from The New Jerusalem Bible: Pocket Edition

  First Printing 2003

  Second Printing 2012, completely revised Imprimatur: Patrick Dunn DD Bishop of Auckland New Zealand 8 November 2011

  Nihil Obstat: Rev Msgr Vincent Hunt

  DEDICATION This book is dedicated to those who are genuinely searching for the truth. Whether the search is for a greater understanding of how our world operates (science) or through why the universe, and thus we exist (religion) may this book help you in your quest.

  I would also like this dedication to include those who have believed in me, supporting me throughout my years as a writer. You have persevered with me through the tough times. Thank you!

  I am deeply grateful for those who have assisted me with technical aspects for this book: Monsignor Vincent Hunt and James Rodgers regarding philosophical aspects; and Chris Miller for aspects relating to biochemistry. You have supported me with such generous attitudes.

  Last of all, but most importantly, I dedicate this book to the author of life, without whom not only would I not be here, but never would have dreamt of being an author.


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  Introduction ........................................................................................ 1

  SECTION 1: SCIENCE Chapter 1: Cataclysmic Bang ........................................................... 7

  Chapter 2: Origins of Evolution .................................................... 17

  Chapter 3: Probability of Life by Chance .................................... 29

  Chapter 4: Did Humans Evolve from Apes? ............................... 39

  Chapter 5: Intelligent Design Theory ........................................... 53

  Chapter 6: Unlocking the Chemistry of Life .............................. 67

  Chapter 7: Clutching at Straws ..................................................... 85

  Chapter 8: Uncovering Transitional Species? ............................. 97

  Chapter 9: The Wonder of the Universe .................................... 105

  Chapter 10: Evidence Uncovered by the Sands of Time .......... 117

  SECTION 2: RELIGION Chapter 11: Truth: Objective or Subjective? ............................. 131

  Chapter 12: Revelation .................................................................. 143

  Chapter 13: On the Wings of Faith and Reason ....................... 151

  Chapter 14: Does Secular Evidence Confirm Jesus’s

  Existence? ........................................................................................ 163

  Chapter 15: Scriptural Evidence ................................................. 173

  Chapter 16: Evil: Does it Exist? ................................................... 199

  Chapter 17: The Philosophy of God’s Existence ....................... 217

  Chapter 18: Miracles ..................................................................... 233

  Chapter 19: Personal God ............................................................. 261

  Chapter 20: Is God Dead? ............................................................ 286

  Chapter 21: Conclusion ................................................................ 291

  Author’s Note .................................................................................. 296

  Index ................................................................................................. 297


  Are science and religion compatible? Or are they at war, viciously spitting suspicion and hostility towards each other? Is God Dead? Did God ever exist? Does the concept of a Creator have any foundation in reality? These crucial and probing questions have posed themselves to humans since the awakening of human consciousness. To answer them we will explore such diverse subjects as science and religion. In the former we will explore micro and macroevolution (hence Natural Selection). We will cover whether theories involving evolution and a Creator can coexist or whether they are diametrically opposed. Other questions faced include: Is religion just a crutch for the weak to grasp onto, while the intellectuals have no need to believe in a Creator? Or can there be harmony between God and science?

  Through God: Fact or Fiction? you will draw your own conclusions as to the existence of God as I reveal the relationship between science, religion and the origin of life. Many think that never the twain should meet, but actually I hope you discover a remarkable synthesis by the time you reach the end of this book.

  This is an opportunity to discover where most of the evidence resides as science has exploded exponentially in the last century. It has uncovered wonderful truths about our world and the universe while simultaneously developing areas of knowledge which make many tremble. Therefore we must ask whether religion can be a safeguard from the abuse of science.

  In the process of writing this book, I have felt drawn towards utilising philosophy more and more. Therefore you will find elements of it within Section 1 and much more in Section 2 as it is an important part of the evidence illustrating the existence of a Creator. The evidence I’m using should be taken in its entirety; like the example of a court case it’s important to look at the big picture and use all the evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt whether a Creator exists.

  Section 1 It is often asserted that science is at war with religion. When the writers of the Enlightenment viciously attacked religion a backlash erupted with a separation of science from belief in a Creator. This was in stark contrast to the days when science and a belief in a Creator/Designer was intertwined. As a result, science seemed to throw God out the door, followed by a swift kick.

  Science has explained a lot of the unknown which formerly was attributed to God’s direct intervention and control. As science discovered the laws of nature and processes there was a swing from one extreme to the next – assign everything to God in contrast to giving no credit to such a Creator. But worse, some scientists proclaimed, ‘There is no God!’ But, as you will read in this book, there is a swing away from the extreme view of excluding God. What is this view? You will soon discover the relationship between science, religion and the origin of life.

  Maybe the subject of science brings fond memories flooding back or makes you sweat and shake with fear as you recall experiments with Bunsen Burners or someone trying to blow up the lab. Or you might recall with trepidation the ghastly dissection of frogs in the science of biology.

  But science is fascinating! In
the first section of this book we will delve into the very conception of the universe, the intricacies of evolution, the question whether a Creator exists, the possibilities for the random occurrence of life and the theory of Intelligent Design. Furthermore we will explore diverse aspects of science such as:

  ♦ the relationship of the universe with the birth of space, time, matter and energy.

  ♦ the awe inspiring universe and the delicate fine-tuning that were needed for the origin of life.

  ♦ the theory of Intelligent Design.

  ♦ Biochemistry and the information-rich capacity of DNA.

  ♦ Paleontology and whether the fossil record contains evidence of macroevolution.

  Introduction 3 The labyrinth-type complexity within nature can potentially engross and astound, bringing one deeper into the amazing intricacies and inherent order residing there.

  We will also traverse the theory of man not only evolving from the ape kingdom, but having an ancestry even dating back to amphibians and bacteria. As a consequence we naturally ask; does this theory exclude God? Therefore you can ponder whether life happened by chance and discover whether macroevolution and God are compatible. You will also encounter a former atheist (now deist) who supports Intelligent Design and also current atheists who support some of the key principles of the theory. Hopefully this book will help you to understand that both religion and science can help you ponder the likelihood of the existence of God, whether He has made it possible to discover Him and whether such a God can, or is active in the world today.

  Section 2

  The second part of my book explores such diverse subjects encompassing religion as: ♦ truth being subjective or objective.

  ♦ can the existence of God be proved?

  ♦ does the problem of evil disprove the existence of God? ♦ historical evidence confirming the existence of specific

  places, events or people revealed in Sacred Scripture – including stunning extra-biblical historical evidence for the existence of Jesus.

  ♦ aspects that distinguish us from the animal kingdom. ♦ has a Creator revealed Himself?

  ♦ is God a personal loving Being?

  ♦ miracles and whether they really happen.

  ♦ whether we need faith, reason, revelation and experience.

  While religion involves many different beliefs such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam I will cover elements of the first two, particularly to how God reveals Himself through Israel, culminating in the person of Christ. Also because the Catholic faith can be traced back to the Apostles and Christ I will be sharing from my own faith, while also encompassing sources from other denominations and beliefs.

  There are many varying perceptions of the word religion and what it entails. But I simply refer to religion as the practice of one’s belief in a Creator. Sadly, the concept is now being widely used to include a belief in anything, which astonishingly includes Jedi being accepted as a class of religion on the New Zealand Census papers.

  Throughout God: Fact or Fiction? regarding the Bible I use the term Sacred Scripture, which reveals a deeper meaning to such an inspiring book, the world’s bestselling book ever. Additionally I use humour and wit to bring relief to some parts which may be heavy and challenging subjects for some. I couldn’t resist sharing this part of my personality.

  My writing is developing into a career. Therefore I have more books I would like to write. In fact I have almost completed writing one called Crusades Rediscovered: In the Light of Human Sexuality and Our Creator. Please email me so that I can keep you up-to-date with what is on the publication line. I can also keep you informed of any articles I write. I have had two published in the NZ Herald. The first refuted the population explosion myth and the second explored embryonic stem cell research in comparison with the amazing longterm breakthroughs impacting the world from adult stem cell research and several articles on the internet. I also have had articles published with Catholic Bigmag which is an online Catholic magazine (see www.catholicbigmag.com) in which we have a Facebook group under that name with over 1,000 members. I have also created podcasts which are featured on www.catholic.net.

  I really value feedback. If you found this book as inspiring as Dr Michael Behe stated on the back cover, or you think I should include or change some aspect, then please don’t hesitate to send me an email at [email protected] or [email protected] or send a letter to the address you will find in the author’s note at the back of this book.

  The research undertaken to write this book has been exciting and fascinating. Hopefully you will be able to capture the brilliance and wonder of some of the enthralling discoveries that I have researched. Like me, you may have been ill-informed concerning some matters contained in this book. Once you reach the end it is my desire that you will be equipped to set out on your journey to undertake your own research, and that the door to many wonderful aspects of the relationship of nature, science and religion, will be opened to you. Enjoy!



  CATACLYSMIC BANG A brilliant burst of light flashes through the eerie darkness. Black metamorphoses into a resplendent and surreal light ebbing stronger by the second. But there is nothing to be seen in the light or around it; the stillness is as haunting as a deserted island or a graveyard at night. Suddenly an ear-piercing thunder-like boom mercilessly shatters the tranquility; a gargantuan explosion rips through the solace and rolling clouds of matter explode at supersonic speed through the newly expanding universe followed by billions of smaller explosions. If you were a transfixed witness, with a tingle dancing down your spine, to such a magnificent event you would be filled with awe and maybe a touch of fear clutching your heart. The deafening sound would leave you transfixed as you observe the very universe exploding into being. With this sudden beginning the laws of nature have been set in motion and wait to be discovered. If only you knew what was about to happen you would be engulfed with a burning enthusiasm, together with an electrifying and somewhat agonising anticipation.

  Fast-forwarded millions of years the universe continues to evolve into shape, transforming before your eyes. The cosmic dust whirls around within the newly formed space, dazzling and mesmerising as it forms into clumps and then planets. One of the planets morphs from a barren landscape to a spectacular world illuminated by stunning colour with vast oceans of blueness while Picaso-like shades of browns and greens swathe the planet. You are left transfixed in awe as you gaze at Earth from your vantage point above. Then you are taken on a journey down to the surface of the Earth where you marvel at life roaming the planet; prehistoric dinosaurs romp through the land and after perhaps millions of years the vast animal kingdom contains creatures of all kinds including tigers, bears, mammoths, elephants and winged creatures. Then you gaze in amazement as you see rational creatures marveling at creation, including each other and who can truly love God and each other as they see themselves as gift. You are witnessing humans and other creatures from the dawn of life!

  This illustration of the nucleus, the heart of life is referred to as the Big Bang Theory. What an insignificant name for such a phenomenal explosion; the gigantic bang or the cataclysmic bang would suit such a sudden and violent change.

  Expansion of the Universe In 1929 Edwin Hubble gazed expectantly at the universe through the humble version of the telescope in California. Whichever direction he explored, he saw the galaxies of the universe moving away. He also discovered that the farther away the galaxies were the faster they move away. In other words the universe was expanding.

  This revelation was not new to science, born with Einstein’s formulation of the Theory of Relativity. In 1922 Alexander Friedmann, a Russian mathematician used Einstein’s theory to explain that the universe must be expanding or contracting, it can’t be static. Theoreticians concluded that if the universe was expanding then it was once smaller, and so all the matter and energy in the universe was once concentrated in only one place. From there exploded into being the ori
gin of the universe with the force of a super-atomic explosion; and so formed all the matter that became the stars, planets, rocks, and living organisms of the universe. This is what we call the Big Bang Theory.

  Science and mathematics historian and author, Professor Amir D Aczel taught in Bentley College Massachusetts and was a visiting scholar in History of Science at Harvard University in 2007. In God’s Equation he reveals startling research undertaken on the cosmos. Firstly, he explains that Esther M Hu, head of a team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii glimpsed through Keck telescopes the most distant object visible in the universe – a galaxy 13 billion light years away. Then Esther deduced the galaxy was receding at a sensational speed of 95.6% of the speed of light. The unthinkable had become a reality; incredible as it sounds, the expansion rate of the universe was in fact accelerating.

  Astrophysicist, Saul Perlmutter, who heads the Supernova Cosmology Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a lead investigator in the Supernova/Acceleration Probe project, couldn’t ignore the data of this phenomenon: ‘The faraway supernovae – along with their galaxies – were receding from Earth at rates that were slower than expected. These rates were slower than the rate of recession of the more nearby galaxies.’1 Perlmutter kept returning to the same conclusion even though it confused him: the universe expansion was accelerating. He was puzzled because through his years of research he hoped to prove the deceleration of the universe. Instead he discovered the universe was expanding faster all the time. He was also puzzled by the exceptional quality of the data; he expected it to be corrupted by the normal observational errors. He concluded that there was little or no dust between the Earth and exploding stars.

  Therefore his observations were of exceptionally high quality. The data was showing him a frightening thing: since the universe is expanding faster all the time it did not rule out it doing so forever.

  Background Radiation In 1948 two Physicists Dr Ralph Alpher and Dr Robert Herman began their quest to help formulate the Big Bang Theory. They believed that if the Big Bang happened it could be scientifically confirmed by detecting the background radiation residue from the incredible heat resulting from such a phenomenal explosion. This heat would be a cosmic radiation pervading the entire universe.


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