Cheri's Taboo Ten Vol. 2 (Cheri's Taboo Ten Boxset)

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Cheri's Taboo Ten Vol. 2 (Cheri's Taboo Ten Boxset) Page 11

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  Anyway, our aunt living with us caused a problem. There was no spare bedroom in our house. So, our parents decided that I would temporarily share Will’s bedroom with him, and Aunt Janie would move into mine.

  I wasn’t happy with the arrangement, and neither was Will. We had slept together sometimes when we were younger, but now we were both beginning puberty, and a slight bit of awkwardness had crept between us. Sometimes when we were swimming down at the pond, he would look at me funny. And other times I would stare at him in his swimsuit, and get a weird feeling in my stomach. One time when Mom rang the bell for us to come home, he stayed in the water and refused to come out, telling me to go on ahead and he would catch up, as if he was hiding something under the water he didn’t want me to see.

  So, the thought of us sleeping so close together made us both uneasy. But our parents thought nothing of it, and Mom cleared out a few of Will’s drawers as I moved some things in.

  I was nervous going to bed the first night, and it seemed Will was also. We both lay on our sides, facing away from each other, as far to our own edges as we could go. When I awoke the next morning, I was in the same place, and my body was sore from lying in one position all night.

  The next night, we were much more relaxed, and we even played a game of checkers in our pajamas while we sat on the bed and waited for Mom to come in and say goodnight. Once the lights went out, we didn’t go to our edges, but instead lay normally, still facing the other way from each other. I awoke on my back, and felt much more refreshed than the night before. Will was still sleeping, lying on his side facing me, with his pillow against his chest, his arm curled comfortably around it. His face looked peaceful, and I turned to look at him, not usually able to study him so intently while he was awake. It occurred to me that he was handsome, with his light brown hair and cute face, and I got that weird feeling in my stomach again. I decided it was time to get up.

  On the third night, we were back to our normal selves, joking and laughing before bed. When Mom turned out the lights, we were lying on our sides, facing each other, still talking. Will fell asleep first, and I watched him in the dim light before dozing off myself.

  When I awoke, I could tell the room was still dark through my closed eyelids. My first thought was to wonder what woke me. I normally slept until seven on school days, when the sun was coming up. Then I felt an odd sensation. There was a pressure against my back and an arm was around me.

  My eyes opened, and it took me a second to understand my situation. I was in my brother’s bed and he was lying against my back, with his arm around my waist. I was in the same position his pillow was yesterday morning. He was breathing in the soft steady rhythm of sleep.

  It felt warm in his embrace, and I realized I was enjoying it. I even snuggled back against him slightly. It was then I felt it. Something hard was pressing against my butt.

  My brow furrowed as I puzzled over what it could be. Did my brother have something in his pocket, like a rock or a stick? I wiggled my bum against it some more, trying to get a clue to its identity.

  Finally, my curiosity got the best of me, and I reached back between us, feeling for the out of place object. I found it and my hand gripped it, squeezing it gently, trying to solve the mystery. It was hard and soft at the same time, almost like someone’s wrist. Then my hand released it and felt around the area, figuring that if I could determine exactly where Will was carrying it, it might provide a clue.

  My eyes opened wide when I realized it was right between his legs, right where his penis should have been. Then my mouth gaped in shock when I realized it was his penis.

  I had seen him naked a few times before when we were younger, and it was never this big. But I remembered the whispered giggles of my friends at school when they talked about sex, and how penises got big when the boy was excited.

  I quickly pulled my hand away and shifted my bum forward, my heart beating rapidly. Was it possible that’s what it was? It couldn’t be. That big hard thing that was pressing against me couldn’t have possibly been that small penis I had seen on my brother a year ago when he came out of the shower after forgetting his robe. Could it?

  My mind was a whirl, trying to figure this out. Going back to sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. My brother’s arm still held me comfortably, and he breathed in and out in that same soft slow rhythm.

  Maybe I had been mistaken. It was really something else and I was just imagining things. My heart almost beating out of my chest, I reached back again and gently felt it, exploring its contours and shape. Reaching lower, I felt his loose testicles, which were also bigger than I remembered. I withdrew my hand quickly again.

  Nope, no mistake. That’s what it was. How was that possible? How could something that was so small, become so big? Then I had another thought.

  The girls at school had also whispered about how, during sex, the boy’s penis goes into the girl’s vagina. That had made no sense to me. How could that floppy little thing go inside my tight little poonie? But now I knew how, and I felt a surge of panic. Something like that was supposed to go inside me? There was no way it would fit. I could never have sex. Was I abnormal?

  This fear was bubbling inside of me when my brother shifted in his sleep, tightening his arm and pressing his body against my back again. I almost cried out in surprise as the hard lump returned against my bum. I had this sudden fear that it was somehow going to try to go inside me, and it took all of my willpower not to jump out of bed and run from the room.

  But my brother continued to sleep soundly, and after a few minutes I calmed down. Other than that strange hardness, I discovered I enjoyed being held in my brother’s embrace. My parents hugged me, but this was somehow different, and I had more of those weird feelings in my stomach. But they felt good this time, and I relaxed against my brother’s chest, enjoying the warmth. Soon, I was back asleep.

  When I awoke, I was in the same spot, but my brother was gone, already up. As we got ready for school, at first he seemed embarrassed, and wouldn’t look me in the eyes. But I acted as if nothing had happened, and he seemed to lose his restraint, and soon we were back to our normal selves, chatting as we waited for the school bus.

  That night, we went to bed the same way – facing each other and talking. When he fell asleep, I waited awhile and then turned my back to him, sliding over until my back was against him. I waited for him to put his arm around me, but he didn’t, and I soon fell asleep.

  But when I awoke in the morning, he was holding me, just like the day before, and the hard lump was back. I smiled to myself as I snuggled into him, not even bothered by his penis this time. I laid my arm over his, pressing it firmer against my stomach.

  I was lying there at few minutes later, enjoying myself, when I noticed his breathing had changed. It had gone from the steady in and out of sleep, to nothing at all. He was awake, and I felt a tenseness in his muscles as he held his breath.

  He began to slowly pull his arm out from under mine, and shifted his hips back away from me, and the hard pressure against my butt disappeared. I was surprised to discover I missed it.

  I thought quickly, not wanting him to be embarrassed like he had been yesterday. As his arm slid off me and he rolled over on his back, I turned to face him, giving him a sleepy smile. He stared at me in shock as he realized I was awake.

  “Thanks,” I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

  His eyes widened, and he got a confused look on his face.

  “I got cold in the middle of the night,” I said, “so I snuggled up against you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  He stared at me a moment, then said, “Um, no, um, that’s ok.”

  I smiled again, and got out of the bed, doing my best not to make a big deal out of it. He seemed unsure at first, but as we got ready for school and he saw I was my normal self, he brightened up and we were back to ourselves.

  That night, his uncertainty seemed to return as we readied for bed. When Mom turned the lights out, we lay facing
each other, talking about mundane things, but I could tell there was something on his mind.

  “Molly,” he said, finally getting to his point, “if you get cold again, you can warm yourself against me. It’s no problem.”

  I smiled. “Thanks.” Then after a pause, I said, “Will?”


  “I’m a little chilly now.”

  He seemed surprised, but said, “Ok.”

  I rolled over so that my back was pressed against him. As I snuggled closer, he tentatively laid his hand on my hip. I reached up and pulled it down around my stomach, trapping his arm with mine. I sighed contentedly.

  “Mm, you’re so warm,” I said.

  “So are you,” he replied. He shifted his hips slightly away from my bum, and I grinned, knowing why. We fell asleep that way.

  When I awoke in the morning, we were separated, me on my side, and him lying on his back, soundly asleep. I rolled over and watched him sleep, a little disappointed I hadn’t woke up in his embrace again.

  I slid over to him and pressed against his side, laying my head on his shoulder and resting my arm across his chest. I bent my leg, and slid my thigh up onto his.

  He shifted, but didn’t awake, and we laid like this for a few minutes. I was curious, so I slid my hand down and lightly touched his penis. It was hard again, and I wondered if they only got that way when boys slept. Did that mean you had to have sex with them when they were asleep? It was all so confusing.

  His breath caught, and I quickly returned my hand to his chest. I watched his face as he awoke slowly, and when he opened his eyes and saw me, he smiled softly. We lay together like that, without speaking, until it was time to get up.

  So that’s how it began. Aunt Janie moved out a few weeks later, and I returned to my room. The first night away from my brother was hard, and I lay awake missing his closeness. Many times over the years, I used the excuses of bad storms, or nightmares, or cold, to ask him if I could join him in his bed. He would always smile and welcome me, then hold me in his arms as we drifted contentedly off to sleep.

  It was all innocent, but as we got older we understood our parents would frown upon it, so those times we did spend the night together, I made sure to get up early and return to my room.

  Eventually, the time came for us to go off to our separate colleges. The first week away from him was hard, knowing I couldn’t just get up and walk to his bedroom if I needed to be with him.

  I was still a virgin, but that changed after I met a sweet guy in the library one day, and we went out on a few dates. Tommy, who would eventually become my husband, waited a month before asking me to spend the night with him – about three weeks too long in my opinion.

  So I discovered that I had worried for nothing – an erect penis would fit inside my vagina just fine. Very fine, as a matter of fact, which I let Tommy know loudly as I had my first orgasm that I didn’t give to myself.

  As good as the sex was, I really enjoyed lying in Tommy’s arms afterwards, falling asleep to his warmth and scent. And when I awoke in the middle of the night, and found him sleeping on his side, I turned over and snuggled my back up against his chest. I pulled his arm around me, and smiled when I felt his cock hardening against my ass. Reaching back between us, I took him in my hand, while having flashbacks of a similar experience seven years previous.

  Shifting my body, I aligned the head of his cock with my extremely wet entrance, and pressed back against him. His width spread my tight inner walls, and I groaned softly as he filled me. He awoke just as my inner lips ovaled around the base of his cock, taking me in his arms and beginning the motion of our lovemaking. I came quickly, and then once again a few minutes later as he stiffened and filled me with his warm seed. I fell asleep with us lying like that, warm in his arms as his cock softened inside of me.

  After the college year was over, I returned home for the summer. Will came home a week later, and we spent a lot of time comparing notes. I told him about Tommy, and he was proud to share his experiences also. Seems I wasn’t alone in losing my virginity, and he had been involved with several girls during the year, none of them serious.

  We settled into farm life again, helping out with the chores, and spending time together. Being in love with Tommy, I felt I needed to stay out of my brother’s bed, even if it was innocent.

  That lasted a couple of weeks, until one night I lay awake, missing Tommy’s embrace. Then I remembered there were a warm set of arms in the bedroom next door. I fought hard for restraint, but eventually I convinced myself that it was just comfort I was seeking, and Will had always been there for me in the past.

  I went to his room and found him asleep, lying on his back. Climbing into bed with him, I snuggled up to his side, laying my head on his shoulder like I had done so many times before. He partially awoke, and moved his arm around me, welcoming me into the warmth of his body. I fell asleep quickly, breathing in his familiar manly scent.

  I awoke in the early morning, and we had moved to the spoon position. I was disoriented at first, thinking I was back in Tommy’s bed, and it was his erection pressing against my ass. I must have been dreaming about him, because my pussy was wet and I was very horny. I reached back between us and gripped him gently through his boxers, planning on taking it out and pulling my panties to the side, allowing it to slip inside of me. I was stroking him softly, thinking about what I was going to do, while I stared at my brother’s Four-H trophy on his dresser.

  It finally occurred to me what I was looking at, and my eyes opened wide in shock. Oh my god. The cock I was stroking was Will’s, not Tommy’s. I immediately let it go and quickly brought my hand back in front of me. I listened intently for the sound of my brother’s breathing, wanting to make sure he was asleep.

  But there was no steady inhaling and exhaling. Just silence. He was holding his breath. My heart beat hard as I realized he was awake.

  We lay like that for several minutes, not sure what to do. I finally decided this would be a good time to go back to my room, so I slipped out from under his arm and left the bed.

  I was just at the door when he spoke.


  I turned, my heart rate picking up again. “Yes?”

  “You ok?”

  I tried to make my voice sound normal. “Yeah. It’s almost morning, so I thought I’d go back to my room.”

  “Ok.” He paused a moment, then continued, “I enjoyed sleeping with you again. I missed that while I was away.”

  I smiled. “Me too, Will. Thanks.”

  After that, I was afraid to go to him again, scared of what I might do thinking he was Tommy. About a month later, we were sitting down by the pond and he seemed like he wanted to talk about something.

  “Something on your mind, brother?” I asked, as we lay side by side on the bank.

  “No, why?”

  “You seem quiet.”

  He shrugged. “Summer is going by fast.”

  “Yeah. Won’t be long until it’s time for us to go back to school.”

  “I guess you’ll be happy to see your boyfriend again.”

  “Yeah. Anyone you looking forward to seeing?”

  He shrugged again. “Not really.”

  “Maybe you’ll meet someone this year.”

  “Maybe.” He paused for a beat, then said, “Molly?”


  “Did you really miss?... I mean… Did you miss sleeping in my bed?”

  I turned on my side and faced him. “Of course. I think that’s one of the reasons I found a boyfriend at school. Because I missed having someone to hold me during the night.”

  He smiled. “I think I did the same. I was always disappointed when the girl I was with didn’t want to spend the night.”

  I laughed. “So you had sex with these girls so they’d sleep with you?”

  “Not quite,” he replied with a grin, “but I did take it into consideration.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “Molly, is ther
e something wrong between us?”

  I gave him a curious look. “No, not at all. Why do you think that?”

  He looked down. “I don’t know. It’s just you haven’t come to visit me lately.”

  “Um,” I said, feeling the blush rising in my cheeks. “It’s just that last time, I was kinda dreaming about Tommy, and I thought you were him. I’m afraid that might happen again. I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. I’m the one who should apologize.”

  “You? Why?”

  “Because I’m the one who woke you up.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I did the same thing you did. I was having a dream about another girl, and I woke up to discover I was touching you. I stopped right away, but then you woke up.”

  I gave him a curious look. “You were touching me?”

  He blushed. “Yeah.”


  His blush deepened. “I had my arm around your waist, and slid it lower, between your legs.”

  My eyes opened wide.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, “I didn’t mean to do it. And I stopped as soon as I knew it was you. But then you woke up, and you touched me. I didn’t know what to do.”

  I gave him a slight smile. “That explains it then.”

  “Explains what?”

  “When I woke I was, um… very excited. Now I know the reason.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “How can I be mad at you for doing the same thing I did?”

  He smiled. “I’m happy to hear that. I thought I had messed things up between us.”

  I put my hand on his arm. “Will, you and I have something special. It’s going to take a lot more than that to mess it up.”


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