The Blood That Drives Us: The Devils Dust MC Legacy

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The Blood That Drives Us: The Devils Dust MC Legacy Page 3

by M. N. Forgy

  “I want cheese fries,” I interrupt, not giving a shit I’m cock blocking Zane.

  Baby glares at me, and Piper and Delilah show up just in time to place their orders.

  Baby stands there after taking our orders, eye fucking Zane and biting her bottom lip like a twat. What is she waiting for?

  I slap the table gaining Zane’s heated eyes.

  “Order!” I insist. I’m starving here.

  “Burger.” He tosses the menu across the table, and Delilah and Piper order next.

  Baby, sways on her feet, biting her lip.

  “Is that all?” Her voice sounds lustful. Oh my God, this witch is thirsty!

  “That’s it. Thank you,” I answer for us all. I can’t help but be irritated. I hate to say I’m jealous, but this ugly feeling inside of me can’t be anything else.

  Piper gives me an awkward look, and Delilah laughs at my rudeness. I’m never rude. Zane just sits back enjoying the show that I’m clearly giving him. The asshole.

  Baby leaves, eyeing me heavily, and Piper turns in her seat and shakes her head at Zane. Her eyes narrowed in on him.

  “Do you have mommy issues or something?” Her face scrunches up like she ate something sour, her elbow on the table as she points her thumb toward Baby.

  Zane raises a brow. He either doesn’t get it or isn’t amused. I find it funny though.

  “She’s saying you’re into older women, dip-shit,” Delilah fills in the gap as she twirls the straw in her soda. Probably upset it’s not a beer.

  Zane’s eyes pop to mine and I stiffen. The look in his eyes silently telling me he does like older women. Like me.

  But I’m forbidden.

  After we eat, with small talk about our parents and what we’re up to we decide to leave.

  On our way out, it wasn’t lost on me that Baby gave Zane her number in passing. I’m angry, I want to demand he give it to me, I swear I’m never going to talk to him again. In the parking lot, Piper hugs me goodbye and I try to ease my tense shoulders to hug her back. Just over her shoulder, I catch Zane crumpling up the paper and toss it across the parking lot.

  That made me feel special for some odd reason.

  Like maybe he’s holding out for me one day.

  * * *


  Six Years Later

  Hands on the dresser I lean onto it as I glare at my reflection in the cracked mirror sitting on the back of the dresser. Shamrock green eyes haunt me, morning stubble lining my jaw, and messy dark hair in my face. I could use a fucking haircut for sure. Running my hand over my smooth chest, I yawn. Fuck it’s too early for this shit. Does the club wake up this early every day?

  Doesn’t matter, today is the day. The fucking day I’ve trained my whole life for. I’m getting my shot at being in The Devil’s Dust. This town thought my father was the antichrist, they ain’t seen shit yet. This is the day I’ve been waiting for since I was a kid.

  * * *

  Moaning sounds come from my bed, and my eyes pop over to Baby’s bare ass. She’s mine as far as mine goes, I guess. We aren’t a thing, but I fuck her when I’m horny. I’m too messed up to do the relationship thing. I don’t love her and could care less if she left yesterday. The way I live, trigger to trigger, it’s all I care about. Besides, I’m not up for conversation, or romantic antics, so I’m not really the guy to take home. Girls don’t really like that, and it works for keeping them at an arm’s length.

  * * *

  “Good luck today,” Baby groans half asleep. Her head under a pillow with her hands sprawled out on the bed. I fucked her good last night, I’m sure my sheets smell like rancid pussy. I’m going to have to get one of the club girls to clean my sheets today. I may be a vile bastard, but I like my sheets to smell fucking clean. Clean clothes, clean sheets, and clean pussy.

  It’s about time I trade Baby in.

  Grabbing my new leather cut from the back of the door, I slide it over my white shirt and inhale the majestic feeling draining into my veins. The cut feels better than I ever could have imagined. Even when I would sneak my father’s on when I was a kid, it felt nothing like this. I feel powerful, a part of something bigger than anyone who doesn’t wear this cut would know.

  I’m in a brotherhood. Loyalty and respect my mission.

  Jerking my boots on, laced untied I run my hand through my hair and glance at Baby one more time. Just lying there sleeping, probably ‘til past noon. She doesn’t work anymore, so she’s always clinging to me.

  “Get up and do something today,” I growl. Her head pops up, curls everywhere as she tries to glare at me. She flips me off, and I slam the door. Lazy bitch.

  * * *

  Heading down the hallway, the original members gather around the bar and eat hash browns with eggs. Anahi, my grandpa’s Ol’ Lady made breakfast again this morning, I’m sure it’s spicy as fuck. She’s Mexican so everything she makes has a kick to it. Your asshole learns to take a beating when you eat her food.

  My dad, Shadow, shovels in spoonful after spoonful, he must have hit the gym before Mom got up to make breakfast at home today. Even for his age, he keeps in shape. A lot of people say I look just like him, besides the eyes. Those I got from my mom. Dad glances at me before doing a double take.

  “What the fuck is that?” His eyes widen, and everyone turns from staring at the TV to look at me.

  “You’re not prospecting, son!” Dad demands, standing so fast the stool he was sitting on falls to the ground. That tone, one he takes with Mom a lot, pisses me off.

  “I am,” I declare. I’ve put a lot of thought into this, and this is what I wanted.

  “You’re the fucking prodigy of this club. You know it better than anyone. You are not doing grunt work!”

  “Yeah man, it’s kinda weird,” Bobby agrees with him with a mouthful of food. Just because I have the blood of the Devil’s Dust in me, doesn’t mean I should have more privilege than others.

  “Exactly, if I’m going to be in this club, I’m going to earn my place just like every other bastard!” I tell him. You can tell I’m starting to lose my temper.

  Dad shuts up, his face still red.

  “The boy has a point, Shadow. Let him earn his keep. It’s the Devil’s way,” Grandpa Bull grunts from his place at the end of the bar, not taking his eyes off his breakfast. It was him who gave me the patch. He agreed with my reasoning, but apparently, he didn’t tell my father about it. He probably knew my dad would lose his shit.

  Dad turns, slamming his hand on the front door of the club to leave. He’s not happy I’m the club’s bitch until I earn my keep, and that humiliates him.

  * * *

  “Sup brother!” Saint and Rad blast through the doors just as my dad storms out, goofy ass grins on their faces. We went to school together, well, when we actually attended, and none of us are conventional. I recommended them to the club for prospecting, and the brothers ate them up. The men are getting older, and the club needs the numbers.

  * * *

  Saint looks my cut over, rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb.

  Saint is mixed and tattooed up and down his arms. His hair short, and brown irises so light you can’t help but look him in the eyes. Don’t let his caramel colored skin and bitch eyes fool you though, he’s had a rough life. The color of his skin made thicker because of it.

  * * *

  “Shit, you’re a prospect? I thought all you white boys had your heads up your daddies’ ass,” Saint says, laughs punching me in the arm.

  “Wait, isn’t your dad white?” I point out.

  "Yeah, but my mother is black, and she made sure my head didn't stick up my dad's ass," Saint informs.

  Rad chuckles and lifts his chin at me arrogantly.

  “I just fucked your mom and she let me in,” Rad laughs at himself, he’s the other dipshit I grew up with. His comment causes my shoulders to tense. He’s trying to be funny, but it isn’t funny. He’s obviously been hitting the bong a little early. Fucki
ng surfers.

  Rad basically lives on the beach. He talks surfer slang half the time which pisses me off. He's got a temper though and is constantly in trouble with the law. He’s the best person I know escaping from the cops.

  Us three together made perfect sense to the Devil’s men, but they don’t know what they’re asking for.

  * * *

  "Alright, boys. The first job of the day!" Bobby turns on the stool he’s sitting on and rubs his hands together. Rad and Saint get excited. Dumb shits. You can tell they didn’t grow up around the club. They’re prospects just like me, nothing we are about to do is going to be fun.

  * * *

  “Wash all the bikes!” He grins, and the rest of the brothers standing around the bar. Saint and Rad look at me confused, and I lift a brow. What did they expect?

  “You bitches can soap, I’ll rinse,” I state.

  “Oh, mommy fucker.” Bull points to Rad, he must have heard his shot at fucking my mom. “I got a job for you. Old Guy can’t handle my woman’s cooking and the toilet overflowed upstairs.” Rad gives me a look. “Who the fuck is Old Guy?” he asks with a look of disgust.

  “Old Guy is one of the brothers, he hangs out in the garage a lot,” I fill in the gap for him. Old Guy is getting old, and even more an asshole than he was when I was a kid. He tends to keep to himself.

  Anahi in a tight little leather dress suddenly appears from the kitchen, tossing Rad a plunger that has seen better days. I have to keep from laughing.

  “What the?” Rad looks the nasty plunger over, a wrinkle of disgust flashing across his face.

  “Better get to work.” I shrug my left shoulder.

  An agonizing female groan from down the hall has me and Saint stop laughing and look in the direction of the noise. Piper stumbles out of a room, looking a fucking mess. Red hair sticking up everywhere, makeup running down her face, and her white dress barely covers her black lace underwear. She’s been partying a little too hard lately, and gets a taxi to the club and passes out for the night. I’m surprised her dad, Lip, hasn’t been in her face for acting so fast.

  Saint whistles and Piper stills leaning against the wall. Her eyes landing on Saint.

  She stands up tall and brushes her hair from her face.

  I raise my hand to slap Saint in the head, but Lip beats me to it and backhands him in the head.

  * * *

  “You better be fucking whistling at Zane!” Lip raises a brow. His eyes narrowing in on Saint like a dead man. Lip is one of the patch holders and has a dark temper. I’ve seen him get pissed.

  “That’s off limits, brother,” I inform. Saint nods, his Adam's apple bobbing but I get the sense he ain’t going to listen. Piper’s like a sister to me, if he breaks club law and goes for her… I’ll break his fucking neck. Piper isn’t ready for a relationship, and if someone inside the club breaks her heart… I’ll be digging a grave for them.

  Stepping outside to do the fucking grunt work, Old Guy brings out a bunch of motorcycles that look like they went mudding. Old Guy has a gray ponytail, wrinkles, and nothing but black on.

  “How many fucking bikes do we have to wash?” Saint complains.

  My phone rings from my pocket and I answer it.

  “Hey, Addie left some graded papers on her counter at her place. Can you run and get them and bring them by the high school? I gotta roll out with Bull in a few,” Bobby asks me.

  Rubbing my chin, I turn away from Saint. Addie, I haven’t seen her in years. She went off to college and I was ordered by Bobby and Bull to stay away if I wanted my leather cut. I did as I was told. Everyone thought it was cute that we all hung out as kids, but when we hit puberty, our parents did everything they could to keep us from dating each other. Piper and I became like brother and sister, but Addie and I got closer… until I fucked it up.

  “Is that going to be a problem?” Bobby asks, breaking me from thought.

  * * *

  "No, not at all. When did she get back?" I can't help but ask. Every Devil needs an angel to help him rule his kingdom, and I knew Addie was something angelic the day we both got shot. Even as a kid I knew I wasn't right. I thought dark shit and felt things I shouldn't. I didn't know what to do with myself. Until the day our family was shot up and the sun only shined on Addie. I needed that sun to show me where to point my vengeance and Addie was that light.

  * * *

  "A while ago." I can hear the hesitation in Bobby's voice. He doesn't want me around his daughter any more today than he did years ago. I bet he knows my dark secret, my father and him are best friends so he has to know. "She works at the high school now. I'd get them myself, but I can't." My arm tingles where I was shot saving Addie, thinking about her. To see her again, it’ll bring back so much emotion I tried to bury.

  “No, I got it. Where does she live?”

  Bobby gives me the address and informs me of a spare key under the garden gnome before hanging up.

  “I'll be back,” I tell Saint. He pops an eyebrow at me, and I grin. “Don’t miss a spot.” I point at the area he’s rinsing.

  They both groan and cuss at me as I find my motorcycle.

  Climbing on I start it and rev it up. The vibration helping my running thoughts a little.

  Riding my bike in the sun sends a sense of relief through my bones, but not one I can fully respond to. Sure, the silence and time to think helps with the chaotic thoughts that get too loud, but I long for something more. The psychologic relief of pulling the trigger of my nine-millimeter. It’s the only thing strong enough to outdo my demons.

  Pulling up to the address Bobby gave me, a small duplex sits off amongst some palm trees.

  I spot the gnome almost instantly by a pile of rocks outside the door on the right.

  Unlocking Addie’s door, her apartment smells like her, everything is so fresh and clean. White couch, with modern decorations, but it has a small country feel to it. There’s no sign of a man anywhere to be found so I can't help but wonder if she's single. Not that it matters. We can't be together, not that I want to be together. She was too good for me back then, and by the looks of it, she definitely is now. I find the papers on a marbled counter next to a black candle and get out of there.

  * * *

  I need to get these to her and get the fuck back to the club where I belong. Maybe being a Devil can place me somewhere in this world where I might belong and be accepted.

  Pulling up to the high school the pipes on my Harley echo through the small area. I park in front of the entrance and turn my bike off. Jesus, this place looks just like I remember, that was before dropping out. My mom nearly killed me when she found out. Dad wasn’t surprised.

  The old one-story building with stained windows sits low in a valley, filled with control fueled assholes - I’m sure. I don’t like being told what to do, especially from some old fuck wearing a cheap suit.

  A bunch of teen girls crowd together giggling and smiling flirtatiously next to a cracked concrete bench. Jailbait.

  Taking my helmet off, I run my hands through my sweaty hair before putting my bike on its stand, I throw my leg over the seat and straighten my back.

  * * *

  “Hi!” One of the older girls wearing a cheerleader uniform blushes. Her red hair matching the freckles on her chubby cheeks. Narrowing my brows at her I think about saying something about how she shouldn’t flirt with strange men, but the air suddenly thickens, and I close my mouth.

  “Okay girls, that’ll be enough, get back to class!” A familiar silky voice has my head flicking to the left.

  Addie. My body always knows when she’s around before I was fully aware of it.

  Her blond hair is down in ringlets just above her breast. Her long lashes sweeping across her lagoon blue eyes. My chest begins to pound, blood rushing in my own ears as I take her in. A cute black striped dress hiding most of her creamy legs, with a jean jacket barely covering her full chest. A waft of honey spirals around me, and I can't inhale it long enough. She’s
got this innocent finish to her, but looking into her sultry eyes you can’t help but wonder what they’d look like gazing up at me while her full lips sucked my cock.

  * * *

  Fuck, she is all grown up and a ray of fucking sunshine. I’ve missed her.

  "I see Bobby sent you." She crosses her arms, tension thick between us. When she left for Texas, we were starting to cross a line of friends to something else. She was offered a killer internship in Texas and I felt I was getting in the way of that. I didn’t want to be the reason she threw everything to the side. I got scared and found Baby working at the local Hooters. Took her back to the club and fucked around with her on the back of my motorcycle, making sure Addie saw. It killed me to do that to Addie. My chest felt like someone ripped my ribcage in half and seared my fucking heart, but I knew it what was best for Addie.

  She left two years ago, and I haven’t spoken to her since. Until now.

  * * *

  Clearing my throat, I reach in my saddlebag and grab the papers Bobby wanted me to get, and hand them to her. Her delicate fingers brush against mine, and I stare at her pink polish a little longer than I should. She’s so damn petite and girly. It does something to me.

  “Thanks.” She gives the papers a firm tug and I let go. “So you are a prospect now?” She takes in my leather cut.

  “Did you see me doing anything else?” I squint against the sun.

  “Not at all actually.” She smirks, looking me up and down and I can’t resist the desire running through me. It’s as if she’s so pure and forbidden I can’t help but want to break the rules and see what happens when Heaven and Hell tangle together.


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