The Blood That Drives Us: The Devils Dust MC Legacy

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The Blood That Drives Us: The Devils Dust MC Legacy Page 11

by M. N. Forgy

  Fuck this. I’m taking my Jeep. Turning back around, I head toward my car and hop in. Where are my keys? I look in the sun visor, nothing. The floorboard; nothing.

  Something out of the corner of my eyes grabs my attention.

  Zane stands there with an arrogant smirk on his face, dangling my keys in his fingers.

  Grasping the steering wheel, I shake it as if it were Zane’s head. Son of a bitch! I almost forgot how aggravating he can be.

  Jerking my bag from the passenger seat, I hop out and slam the door.

  “I hate you!” I growl, rushing past him to his motorcycle.

  He chuckles, enjoying himself before blowing me a kiss.

  After I fasten my helmet, scowling at Zane in the process, he starts the engine to his slick bike. It’s not that I don’t like riding, it’s just not the ideal ride to work is all. I also haven’t been on one in forever.

  Sliding on behind him, my school bag slung around my chest, I wrap my arms around him. He’s so muscular my fingers barely touch. Jesus, he smells good. Like soap and leather.

  Not expecting him to kick it into gear so fast we fling forward and I squeeze tighter. Having him in between my legs like this taking my mind off my hair and the sweat dripping down my back.

  Resting my cheek against his back I inhale his scent, take in the wild wind whisking around my face, and get lost in the thought that maybe one day a ride like this will be more than just a ride to work. Maybe, it can be forever.

  * * *

  Arriving at the school, Zane parks near the back of the parking lot where a small tree casts just enough shade on a small patch of green grass. Sliding my helmet off my head, I shake my head free from being smashed into such a small space, and hand it to him. Sweat sticks to my hairline, and I can feel ridges from the helmet on my forehead.

  “So what are you going to do while I’m in there?” I question before climbing off the motorcycle, making sure my leg doesn’t touch the exhaust. I’ve had that happen only once, and still have the scar from Bobby’s motorcycle.

  He shrugs, climbing off the bike after me.

  “Read,” he states casually.

  “Read?” My brows furrow in. He reads? Like magazines?

  Zane unzips one of his saddlebags and pulls out a book that looks like it’s seen better days. I snatch it from him, curious what he would be reading and he swells up like I’m the bully and he’s the kid I just took lunch money from. The cover is missing colors, and the binding looks as if he’s rolled the book more than once and stuck it in his back pocket. He’s read this a few times by the looks of it.

  “Gatsby?” I read the title aloud. One of my favorite reads.

  “What?” Eyes hooded he gives me an evil glare, one to cast a spell of goosebumps along my arms. I can tell he feels judged, but I am turned on more than anything. A bad boy who is educated.

  “I just figured you more of a motorcycle parts magazine type of a guy.”

  He snatches the book back and looks it over. His body relaxing as he holds it firmly in one palm.

  “I like reading. It lets me see what… what normal people are like.” His tone takes a vulnerable dip, and my heart skips for him. He thinks he’s so different, it scars him. I mean, he is dark and scary at times, but I don’t think it’s as far as him being abnormal.

  “Well, you’ll see the obsession in that book is not so normal!” I point at it, taking a few steps backward toward the school. “Everyone has their flaws, nobody is perfect and by reading book after book you will see that nobody is normal,” I state.

  His face hardens, his hand rolling the book.

  “You read this one?”

  I scoff.

  “I wish I had done everything on earth with you,” I quote exactly from the book. Our eyes lock and it occurs to me what I just said. Clearing my throat, I turn on my heel.

  That got awkward fast. But it’s true…

  * * *

  Hours pass and Zane lays out under the tree reading. He’s shirtless, his chest tan and probably sweating. I chew on the end of my pencil thinking about his legs bent out just enough for me to climb in between. The way he’d look up at me with a cocky smirk on his face. I’d straddle his lap, and jerk his belt buckle free of his jeans from his sexy waist.

  “Miss Addington?”

  My head jerks to a student at my desk holding her test. Her eyes wide with concern, and brows lifted. Thankfully she has no clue what my wet daydream was about, crap my panties are so fucking wet.

  “Right, just set them in the basket face down.” I blink several times to get back in the moment and away from fantasy biker land.

  Sighing, I look back down at tomorrow’s lesson. At least Thad hasn’t confronted me about anything today, if anything he’s been avoiding me. For now.

  Maybe it’s because he’s seen Zane that Mr. Thad knows he’s bitten off more than he can chew.

  * * *


  Two Days Later

  Haunted eyes staring at me in the darkness make me wave my hands out to keep it away, the sound of fireworks going off, and the laughter of Zane echoing in my ears. I twist and turn trying to get away, but everything just becomes louder. Half dead men riding by on motorcycles throw snakes at me, and my legs are sinking into sand so I can’t move.

  “Addie!” Zane’s voice echoes in my head.

  “Help!” I scream, and then I’m shoved really hard and brought to a bright light of the room.

  I’m sweaty, mouth dry and out of breath.

  Zane sits at the end of the bed, looking at me with wide eyes.

  “I had- I had a bad dream,” I rasp. It’s the same dream I have every night.

  Zane grabs the sheets on me and pulls them off. The cool air refreshing. My big shirt and short shorts make me a little uncomfortable though and I wrap my arms around my legs.

  “Come on, let’s get something to drink.”

  “No, I’m fine.” I wave him off.

  His green eyes flicker with dark specks.

  “Get up.” He pats the bed and stands up. He’s wearing nothing but briefs and I can’t help but stare at the bulge.

  He crosses his arms, and my eyes slide up to his.

  “What’s on your mind?” He tilts his head to the side, playing with me.

  “Entertain me,” I reply in a raspy voice.

  He stands there, ideas dancing in his head.

  Rubbing his chin, he looks me over one more time before stepping forward and grabbing me off the bed. I squeal just as he walks into the dark hallway. He steps over cots, the sound of people snoring and coughing telling me their sleeping.

  “Where are we going?” I whisper, slapping at his backside.

  He ignores me and goes into the kitchen. Flicking the lights on, the stainless steel appliances shine bright.

  He plops me down on the counter, the coldness making me nearly jump off.

  “That’s cold!” I whine.

  “You’ll live,” he clips. Asshole.

  He jerks the fridge open, and pulls out a tub of chocolate ice cream, grabbing two spoons in the strainer.

  He pops the lid open, and positions himself between my legs, a smile playing at his lips.

  “Why are you smiling?” I grab my spoon, but he knocks it out of my hand and presents his spoon of chocolate ice cream to my lips. He’s feeding me.

  Opening my mouth, he slips it in, the chocolatey goodness coating my tongue.

  “This is the best remedy for bad dreams,” he states. Grabbing the spoon he made me drop I fill it with ice cream and feed it to him. His plush lips sliding over the silver, making me want to pull him closer to me.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” I rebuttal.

  He feeds me again, and I feel my nipples bud with the coldness entering my veins.

  “Have you always had the nightmares?” he asks, and I sigh.


  “Me too,” he whispers, and my eyes fall onto his.

  “Have you always
had them?”

  He nods.

  “Mine always end with you being washed to sea, or these bull looking devils riding off with you,” he confides, and my heart breaks. Mine always end with Zane getting farther and farther away.

  Done with the topic, he tosses his spoon in the sink and takes mine tossing it in the sink as well.

  I hop off the counter, just as he puts the ice cream back into the freezer.

  He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his abs grabbing my attention.

  “Ready for bed?” he asks.

  I’m ready for something else.

  Walking up to me he grabs me under the thighs and tosses me over his shoulder.

  “I can walk you know!” I laugh, but he ignores me and turns the lights off.

  He steps over sleeping members and takes me back to his room before plopping me down on the bed.

  He positions himself on the floor, and I scoot to the side of the bed. His sheets smell so clean, I can’t help but inhale them.

  “You can sleep up here with me, you know.” I smile down at him.

  “You ain’t ready for that kind of entertainment,” he rasps, rolling over on his side trying to hide his massive boner.

  My clit throbs thinking about him in between my legs just moments before.

  God, when will this punishment ever end?

  The days pass, and I continue to fall asleep in Zane’s bed. One night I woke up with my hand in his. I couldn’t help but bite my lip and rub my thumb over his. I wanted to stay awake and relish in the moment forever, but sleep took over. He takes me to school on his motorcycle every day, and he reads while I’m working. Looking sexy as hell under that damn tree with no shirt. Things are getting intense, as if a ticking time bomb is ready to explode at any moment. Both between me and Zane, and at school Mr. Thad hasn’t said anything, but it’s only because Zane is with me.



  Driving Addie’s Jeep into the school parking lot, I place it in park. I’ve been doing this shit for a week now, and I need some answers as far as who is threatening the club. I can only sit idle for so long. This could all be for nothing if this Thad prick isn’t even a threat to Addie anymore.

  “Well, I’ll see you after class.” Addie smiles at me. Her hair is down today, the rain in the air giving it a slight more curl than usual. It’s about time we get some rain with all the fires, but it’s not doing shit for the air. It’s like a giant smog cloud, and ash is so thick I can feel it in my hair.

  I nod, my eyes falling to the cleavage of her white dress and blue jean jacket. She dresses so sexy without even trying. She climbs out, and I pop the seat back, grabbing my new read for the day.

  Harry Fucking Potter. It may not give me the insight of what normal people act like because it’s fantasy or some shit, but so far it does help me understand how to socially interact. Talking between two people isn’t fantasy and I suck at it. I never say the right things when someone is talking to me.

  * * *


  Going over the last test, I glance out the window to see if I can see Zane in the parking lot. I haven’t been able to see him all day with the rain and him being in my Jeep. I can’t help but think about sneaking in there with him and climbing into his lap. Nobody would know from the fogged windows and ash in the air, plus the loud rain would drown out the moans.

  The windows are thick with condensation, so I can’t make out if he’s inside or not. I don’t see him anywhere else, so he must be inside. Probably sleeping. I know I’m tired. Lockdown along with this rain has me drained.

  Sighing, I thumb through my tests to see how many I have left.

  Three. Maybe I should just take them to the club to grade. No, it’s getting more and more hectic in there by the minute with the club not coming up with any answers on the Lost Wolves.

  I should text Zane, let him know I’ll be a few more minutes. Just knowing he’s out there makes me feel safer. Thad still hasn’t said anything to me, but the tension is there. It’s only a matter of time before he comes at me. I know it.

  Be out in twenty- A

  He doesn’t reply back. Grabbing my red marker, I set forth in getting these done so I can get back to the club and relax.

  The door to my classroom opens, and I hesitate before looking up. My heart thuds hard against my chest when I notice it’s Thad, shutting the door behind him. We haven’t spoken since, well since I tried to set him up. Things have been quiet around the halls, and I took it as he got the hint the women of this school were not going to be victims any longer.

  He turns, and his eyes remind me of a cat’s in the night. Hairs on the back of my neck alerting me to get out of the classroom.

  He loosens his tie, his white button-up disheveled from his khakis.

  I stand, my throat feeling like sandpaper.

  “You didn’t bring your guard dog with you today?” He tilts his head to the side. He must be talking of Zane, with him being in the Jeep he can’t see him. My eyes fall to my phone, I should text Zane to get in here right now.

  Trying to be as smooth as I can, my fingers thumb my phone into my palm.

  “I don’t think so!” Thad is in my space, hand wrapped around my wrist and squeezing in seconds.

  “Let go!” I grit through trembling lips.

  “You are one stupid bitch thinking you could set me up,” he snarls, slamming my wrist against the desk causing me to drop my phone. Pain shoots up my arm, and I cry out.

  Lifting my knee, I kick him in the nuts, and he lets go of me, hunching over to grab his junk.

  Running behind him I aim for the door until a sharp pain radiates through my scalp. Thad pulls my hair so hard I fall chest first on the floor. I begin clawing my way to the door, shuffling my knees to get away. He laughs, enjoying the fight. Knowing I’m not getting anywhere, I roll over and kick him in the chest, throwing him into my desk. A stapler, markers, and papers fall to the ground.

  My kick to his torso not doing much, he’s back on me in seconds. His grabby hands pulling at my jacket, ripping my dress. I squeeze my thighs as tightly as possible, and tears spring to my eyes. This is it. I tried to save the women of the school, and now I’ve made myself the target.

  Reaching forward to claw myself even an inch away, my hand lands on a stapler.

  Crying out loud I twist in his grip and slam it against his head. The clicking noise making him scream like a female before blood trickles down his face. I stapled him.

  I hit him in the head over and over again, anger and fear pouring through every strike until he collapses on top of me. Breathing roughly, tears down my cheeks I still, making sure he’s not moving.

  “Get off!” I cry, dropping the bloody stapler to the floor, I push his limp body to the side and wiggle out from under him. “Off me!” I sob, punching him wherever my fists land.

  The classroom door is kicked open, and Zane stands in the doorway swelled up and ready to fight.

  “Addie!” He breathes heavily. Falling to his knees, he helps me the rest of the way out from under Thad’s body.

  “Are you okay?” he asks in a rushed voice. His eyes darting all over my body for injury.

  “Where were you?”

  “I was scoping out his office when I heard you scream down the hall.”

  Worming my way into Zane’s lap, I pull him close and cry. He hesitates for a minute, not sure what to do with my emotions spilling into his lap.

  “Oh my God.” I cry, but I’m suddenly feeling angry. How dare that fucker think he could get me to run away by taking my self-esteem. I can still feel his fingers scratching my legs. His hot breath on the back of my neck.

  His fingers slowly tangle into my hair, and he pets me as I sob. I could have been raped, or killed. I tempted a monster, and couldn’t handle the force that came with it. I’m always trying to save people causing me to forget what is going on inside of me.

  Thad moans, and I scream, throwing my hands around Zane.

>   “Fuck,” Zane rasps.

  “He’s alive!” Shit, what do I do? Do we call the cops? I’m going to jail.”

  Zane pulls his phone from his pocket.

  “Bring the van to the school, we got a problem,” Zane rasps into the phone.

  “What was that? What are you going to do?” My lashes still to my face.

  Zane grasps my shoulders and looks right into my eyes. His green eyes dance with excitement, and it occurs to me that this is the dark side of Zane that nobody knows about. His violent nature, his delight in life.

  “I called Rad and Saint. Now, go to the club, I’ll handle it.” He ignores my question. I don’t press for more, I’m not sure I’m ready to know Zane in and out.

  “I can’t go to the club, I have blood all over me, and you’re not with me. They’ll ask questions,” I point out.

  Zane bites his bottom lip, looking to the side for answers.

  “Okay, go to your apartment, and I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.”


  “Do it, Addie.” The hardness in his voice is made up by his soft hand grabbing my chin. He leans in and presses his lips to mine and instantly everything around me blurs into nothing. His soft demanding mouth taking mine throws me into a world of make-believe. There is no half-dead man by our feet, no forbidden law about us being together. Just him and I.

  Pulling his lips from mine, I’m dumped back into the reality of my mistakes. My heart races and forehead sweating.

  “Now go,” he whispers against my lips.

  I nod and force myself to grab my purse, phone, and get the fuck out of there.

  * * *


  Grabbing Thad by the hair, staples swelling from his skin, I glare into his bloodshot eyes.

  “You fucked with the wrong crew,” I growl before shoving him back to the floor.

  Pacing, I contemplate how I’m going to end this asshole. He hurt Addie. My sunshine. My fingers strain, the vessel in my neck pounding with every thrust of my heart. I’ve never been so worked up in my life. Arms straining, I tilt my head back and roar. I yell so hard, as if the night will respond and ease the pain radiating through me. My rage taking me back to the day of the drive-by. Addie was hurt, and something inside of me broke. I gave a piece of my soul to Addie that day and never been able to get it back.


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