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Heartbeat Page 14

by Faith Sullivan

  “Please…please,” I whisper, barely audible.

  “It’ll do no good to beg. You had your fun.”

  And then I see him as he steps into the glare of the bedside lamp.

  It’s Dad.

  His face is bruised, and his presence looms over me, extinguishing every last drop of hope.

  I tremble. He looks wild, like all sense of sanity has finally left him. Like he is capable of anything.

  “Dad, please…” I beg.

  “Shut up!” he says under his breath before striking me across the face.

  The blow sends me reeling off the bed. I crash into a tray bringing it down on top of me.

  I’m in a state of shock. Dad has always been a champion verbal abuser, but he’s never hit me before. I huddle on the cold floor, paralyzed in disbelief.

  He stomps over to me, pulling me up by my hair.

  “Ow…” I moan involuntarily.

  “I said shut up!” he says again, bringing the full weight of his body down on my bare foot.

  I want to scream as blinding pain courses through my body, but he brutally puts his hand over my mouth to block the sound.

  “Don’t even think about calling for help,” he warns, in a low voice. “I’m taking you home right now, you little slut. Did you give that boy everything he wanted?”

  He throws me roughly back on the bed. I try to resist, but he easily pins me with one arm.

  “You surprised me, Katie. I thought you’d go running to Jennifer and be back in three days after her husband got tired of you invading their space. I never imagined you’d go whoring yourself out like the white trash you’ve become. Well, I guess the saying’s true: like mother, like daughter.”

  I let out an anguished scream against his sweaty palm, but it does no good. He rears back for another blow, this time knocking me out cold.

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  I hear a beeping heart monitor.

  The rhythm is smooth and steady.

  Whoever this patient is, they’re going to make it.

  I smile. I always like when a call goes well. There is no better feeling in the world. I better tell Charlie and Tommy to alert the hospital that the patient’s heartbeat is strong.

  I open my eyes. I’m not on the ambulance. I’m the patient, restrained to a hospital bed.

  I try to lift my head from the pillow, but pain shoots through my body.

  I moan as I give up and return to my reclining position.

  Katie’s father. Now I remember.

  I can feel that my head is bandaged, as well as my right arm and leg. I must look like a partially-wrapped mummy.

  “C’mon, bro. Don’t move around. It’ll only hurt more.”

  “Brian?” I murmur.

  “Yeah, it’s me,” he says, leaning over the bed.

  “How did you…?” I start.

  “Shh, don’t try to talk too much. The doctors think you might have a concussion.”


  “I’ll try to fill you in as best I can,” he replies. “You have me listed as your emergency contact at work. So Charlie called me up and told me what happened. As soon as I heard, I dropped everything and drove up here. That girl’s father really did a number on you. I always knew she’d be trouble.”

  I start to protest, but Brian continues, pretending not to notice.

  “Yeah, forty-eight stitches later, you’re as good as new. I can’t believe what that asshole did to you,” he says, shaking his head. “I called Mom and Dad, and naturally, they freaked. I told them I had things under control, but they’ll be here first thing in the morning. And the cops want to talk to you, too.”


  “Don’t play dumb with me, little brother. Swollen brain or not, you’re pressing charges,” he warns. “There’s no way that asshole’s walking free because of your sentimental feelings for his daughter. He is gonna pay for what he did to you.”

  “No, Katie…”

  “Bro, Katie’s gone,” he responds. “I walked by her room about an hour ago, and it’s empty. She checked out. She’s probably home with Daddy as we speak, and we both know there’s no way you’re breaking her out of that prison cell. The best thing you can do is forget about her.”

  I turn my face away from Brian and swear a string of profanities into my pillow.

  “I know you’re upset, Adam, and you have every right to be,” he relates. “But this girl is no good for you. Since you met her, your world has completely collapsed. You lost your job. You’re on the brink of getting kicked out of school. You’re broke. You might lose your apartment. You’ve been physically assaulted. The list goes on and on. I’m not going to stand back and let you self-implode on account of a severely damaged girl.”

  I’m not strong enough to fight back. My head feels like someone drove nails through it. I can’t focus. I can’t think. I have to get better and bide my time. But I know one thing—I will get Katie back.

  Chapter Fifty-Four


  The world continues to rotate on its axis, but for me each day is a carbon copy of the one before it.

  I scratch Shelby behind the ears. She turns her head and licks my hand. She knows I’m depressed. Today is the nineteenth day of my captivity. I have not left the house since Dad brought me home from the hospital.

  I don’t even remember much of what happened after blacking out. Did the hospital officially discharge me or did my own father kidnap me from the building? I don’t know. I woke up the next morning clueless and alone.

  Well, not really alone. Apparently Dad hired two unemployed plumber friends to keep an eye on me around the clock. I suppose when people get desperate, they will do anything for money. Every day from seven o’clock in the morning until noon, a guy named Antonio watches TV in the living room while blocking my access to escape. Dwayne relieves Antonio from noon until four o’clock when Dad arrives home from work. At least Dwayne lets me enter the kitchen, but it’s only so I can get Dad’s dinner started.

  All phone access and driving privileges are denied. Where is my car? Is it still parked in front of Adam’s apartment? It doesn’t matter since I can’t even take Shelby for a walk outside in the backyard. My imprisonment is total.

  But what hurts the most is that I haven’t seen Adam or heard his voice since I saw his bruised and bloody body being wheeled into the ER.


  I know something is terribly wrong. Charlie and Tommy mention his name before bolting through the doors. There is a tremendous crash and a lot of commotion on the other side. It isn’t until I see Adam, unconscious and on a stretcher, that the full realization hits me.

  No one will answer my frantic questions. They are too busy attending to Adam and trying to stabilize the situation in the next room. In the midst of the chaos, Charlie happens to look in my direction. He is keeping pressure on Adam’s wounds, so he can’t leave his side. But he manages to mouth the words, “Your dad,” as I feel something irretrievable die inside of me.

  Suzanne’s usually pristine uniform is covered in blood. She looks the picture of remorse as she realizes the full extent of Adam’s injuries. The red stain on the front of her white scrubs is a perfect circle from the outline of Adam’s battered head. I can’t stand the girl, but if she is able to help Adam in any way, I’ll be eternally grateful to her.

  Due to the severity of Adam’s trauma, he is immediately rushed upstairs to the first available operating room. I hear someone say he is in critical but stable condition.

  I close my eyes and pray that he will be all right.

  And that is the last I see of him.


  Just thinking about what happened to Adam pierces my heart. How can I be the cause of his suffering and not be able to comfort him when he needs me? I pound my fists against the wall, startling Shelby. It also brings Antonio to my door.

  “Everything okay in there?” he inquires, knocking. “Open up.”

  It will go
easier on me if I comply, so I get up and slide the door open a crack.

  “All the way, Katie,” he insists. “Let me in.”

  He pushes through the door examining the room for any damage. Satisfied by what he sees, he turns to leave.

  “Keep it down in there, okay?” he asks, but it is less of a question and more like a command.

  I glare at him as he closes the door behind him.

  I have to get out of here.

  My injuries from Dad’s beating are mostly healed, and he did provide the medicine I needed to overcome my infection. It was already in the house. He didn’t even have to call the doctor.

  Physically, I feel stronger, but I have to be smart about planning my escape. It has to be foolproof. I can’t screw up.

  Chapter Fifty-Five


  I’m sitting in the Tri-County office, waiting to face my future. Chuck’s uncle is running late, which is unusual for him.

  I’m finally out of the hospital, just in time for the big meeting.

  I don’t know how everything is going to go down. There’s a lot riding on his decision. But all I can think about is the empty ache in my heart that only Katie’s presence can soothe.

  I tried calling her cell phone numerous times, but it always goes straight to voice mail. I was even bold enough to dial her father’s house, but no one answered. I’m worried out of my mind. Where is she? It’s like she completely disappeared.

  Her car is still parked in front of my place. No one has come to claim it. That fact alone is enough to set me on edge. How is she getting around? Isn’t her father letting her out of his sight…even for a moment?

  After being so closely monitored myself, it is a welcome relief to be left alone. I’m not used to being poked and prodded every five minutes by some nurse who needs to take my blood pressure for the billionth time. If anything, it gives me some perspective on the patients we treat on the ambulance. It certainly isn’t fun being the victim.

  I shift in my seat trying to keep any pressure off my bruised leg. I’m still in pain, but it’s only a mild discomfort. At least the headaches have stopped.

  I squint against the sunlight that’s directed into my eyes as the door suddenly bursts open.

  “Oh, good…we’re not too late,” Charlie pants as Tommy hurries in after him.

  “We have the evidence—that little bastard is going down,” Tommy cries, holding a laptop in his hand.

  I talked to Charlie and Tommy briefly during my recovery. They assured me that everything was under control and that they’d be ready when the time came. But I’m a little disheartened that they haven’t approached Chuck’s uncle before today. Their attempt at backing me up could very well blow up in my face.

  “Is that the video when Katie was in the ambulance?” I ask.

  “You bet your ass it is,” Tommy replies.

  “And did you ever think to show it to Chuck’s uncle before this oh-so-important meeting?” I persist.

  “We didn’t see any need, kid. Now is when it matters, right?” Charlie insists.

  “But did you ever think that this will further his case against my not respecting confidentiality…by illegally videotaping a patient in the back of one of his ambulances?” I press.

  They both look at each other, startled.

  “But Adam, do you really think he’s going to tolerate Chuck’s behavior? Slamming on the brakes…on purpose? Walking away at the hospital? I can go on and on,” Tommy pipes up.

  “I think it can go either way, but don’t be surprised if he sides with Chuck. It wouldn’t be the first time,” I say, dejectedly.

  They both mean well, but deep down, I don’t think it’s going to be enough.

  The inner office door opens, and Mr. Talbot looks frazzled.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting, Adam. Come in,” Mr. Talbot says. “Charlie, Tommy…what are you doing here?”

  “Sir, we have something we want to show you,” Charlie answers.

  “Well, it better be quick. If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of busy,” Mr. Talbot huffs.

  Charlie and Tommy hustle into his office. Mr. Talbot sighs before shutting the door. I’m once again left to wait.

  I can hear muffled voices coming from the next room. Then it gets quiet and the audio portion of the video starts playing through the laptop’s speakers. About five minutes later, a shouting match erupts.

  I lean forward in my chair, placing my head in my hands. I unconsciously move my hands to cover my ears. I don’t want to hear another word. I won’t even get to plead my case. Charlie and Tommy think they’re helping me, but instead they’re delivering the fatal blow. There’s no way in hell Mr. Talbot is going to keep me on his staff, not now.

  I want to get up and leave, but it wouldn’t be polite. Mr. Talbot arranged to meet with me, and I at least owed it to him to fire me in person. I have my pride, but I won’t take the easy way out. I’ll face it head on.

  I’m shaken out of my stupor, as the office door reopens.

  “Kid, get in here…now,” Charlie urges, ushering me into the room with his hand. “Mr. Talbot has something he’d like to say to you.”

  So, this is it. The moment I’ve been dreading for a month.

  “You wanted to see me, Mr. Talbot,” I ask upon entering.

  “Yes, Adam. Sit down,” Mr. Talbot orders.

  I sit in the empty chair between Charlie and Tommy and look at Mr. Talbot expectantly.

  “These gentleman have showed me something that frankly turns my stomach,” Mr. Talbot starts.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, sir,” I respond.

  “Not as sorry as I am,” Mr. Talbot proceeds. “This kind of blatant misconduct is something I cannot, and will not, tolerate among my employees.”

  I swallow, hard.

  “We’ve had this discussion before, Adam, about the need for confidentiality in this business. It’s not something that I treat lightly,” Mr. Talbot says. “Such offenses can get Tri-County into serious trouble, and I’m not going to stand by and let some little punk destroy what it’s taken me years to build.”

  I cringe inwardly.

  “And that’s why my decision is final. I cannot let such behavior go unchecked.”

  Here it comes.

  “That’s why I’m going to have fire…”

  Oh, God.


  My head snaps up. What?

  “I’m grateful that Charlie and Tommy brought this to my attention. I had no idea how out of control my nephew has become,” Mr. Talbot admits. “I don’t care if he’s family or not. He’s not going to ruin the reputation of this company.”

  Charlie and Tommy are grinning from ear to ear.

  “Now I realize that they went beyond regulation in secretly videotaping his actions when there was a patient in one of the rigs, but it allowed me to see the root of the problem from the get-go,” Mr. Talbot relates. “Chuck is infatuated with your girlfriend. You knew that, right?”

  I stare at Mr. Talbot in disbelief.

  “No, sir,” I respond, shaking my head. “I did not.”

  “Well, I’ve known Chuck since he was a baby waddling around in diapers, and whenever someone has what he wants, he goes on the war path,” Mr. Talbot conveys. “I’ve seen it happen time and again. His jealousy knows no bounds. And it’s as clear as day on that tape why he set you up.”

  “He got in some trouble before, didn’t he, sir?” Tommy has the nerve to ask.

  “Yes, I’m afraid he did. That’s why he came to work for me. He harassed an ex-girlfriend not too long ago. He wouldn’t leave her alone. He ended up with a record for breaking into her home after she dumped him,” Mr. Talbot explains. “No one else would hire his sorry ass, so needless to say I got stuck babysitting him.”

  Mr. Talbot exhales deeply before continuing.

  “The reason I came down so hard on you, Adam, is because I thought Chuck’s influence was rubbing off on you. You work together a lot, and I tho
ught you were friends,” Mr. Talbot responds. “I felt like I needed to teach you a lesson to think for yourself and not be corrupted by his bad example. Little did I know, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Adam, I apologize.”

  “Apology accepted, sir,” I say without hesitation.

  “From this point on, you are fully reinstated to your position, and I will call the dean first thing in the morning to let him know.”

  My shoulders relax as I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Now get out of here. I have work to do,” Mr. Talbot mutters, but not before I catch the wink he gives me.

  He seems surprisingly relieved that we’ve unburdened him of his troublesome nephew.

  Chapter Fifty-Six


  It’s a little after three o’clock in the morning as I cautiously inch open my bedroom window.

  There isn’t a sound inside the house. Dad is fast asleep, and he won’t get up for work for at least a few more hours. This is my chance.

  A cold breeze hits my face as it moves the curtains. I carefully remove the screen, tilting it all the way inside my room.

  Next, I hold my breath as I drop my duffle bag on the shrub below. It rustles a bit, but it barely disturbs the penetrating silence.

  I hoist one leg over, peering into the stillness. It’s now or never. I ease myself out, gripping the window with my already numb hands. My fingers slide, squeaking slightly on the glass. I listen, my heartbeat racing. Nothing. No one heard a thing.

  I turn, slipping my other leg through. Sitting on the ledge, I push off, dropping next to my duffle bag. An indentation of my body will be visible in the morning, but it’s sturdy enough to break my fall. I disentangle myself from the branches, hoist my bag over my shoulder, and start to run.

  If I’m going to make it, I’ll have to move as fast as I can before the sun comes up. Dad can easily hop in his car and track me down in minutes if I don’t hustle. I have to take advantage of remaining on the road while I’m still hidden by the dark. No one is hot on my tail…yet.


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