The Mistress: The MistressWanted: Mistress and Mother

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The Mistress: The MistressWanted: Mistress and Mother Page 18

by Maya Banks

  He threw the paper across the room with vicious force. “It had to be Roslyn. None of my men would have spoken to the press.”

  Theron nodded his agreement. “Since you had her arrested for her theft and her duplicity in keeping the ransom demands from you, she likely thought she had nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving the public her spin on your supposed relationship with her.”

  Chrysander sank into the chair and rested his elbows on the table. “I curse the day I ever hired that woman. Marley could have died because of my stupidity.”

  “You love her.”

  It wasn’t a question, and Chrysander didn’t treat is as such. It was simply a statement of fact. He did love her. But he’d managed to kill her love for him not once, but twice.

  He nodded and buried his face in his hands. “I wouldn’t blame her if she never forgave me. How can she when I cannot forgive myself?”

  “Go to her, Chrysander. Make this right between you.”

  Chrysander stood. Yes, it was time to try and make things right with Marley. If he could.

  Chapter 16

  Marley stood in the bedroom, staring out the window with unseeing eyes. Nothing Chrysander did at this point should hurt her, but he still had that power over her, much to her dismay.


  She swung around to see Chrysander standing in the doorway. He looked tired, his features drawn and his eyes worried. There was something else in his expression. Sadness and...fear?

  He started forward, a little hesitantly. “We need to talk.”

  She tensed then braced herself for what she knew would come. His repudiation of her. She turned her face away but nodded. Yes, they needed to talk and get it done with.

  His fingers curled around her chin, and he gently turned her to face him. “Don’t look like that, agape mou. I do not like to see you so sad.”

  “Please,” she begged. “Just say what it is you want to say. Don’t draw it out.”

  He lowered his hand to capture her wrist. His thumb brushed across her pulse, which jumped and sped up at his touch.

  “Come, sit down.”

  She let him lead her over to the bed. He eased down beside her and sat stiffly, his posture screaming discomfort. Suddenly she couldn’t wait for what he would say. Her anger bubbled like an inferno within her.

  “You lied to me,” she seethed. “Every single thing you’ve said to me since that day in the hospital has been one lie after another. You don’t care about me. All those things you said, everything was a lie. When you took me to bed, you despised me, and yet you made love to me and made me believe you cared. Who does that sort of thing?”

  She shuddered in revulsion and put her hands to her face.

  “You are wrong,” he said softly. He pulled her hands away from her face and lifted one to his lips to kiss her upturned palm. “I care a great deal about you. I didn’t despise you when I made love to you. Yes, I lied to you about details. I was told not to do or say anything to upset you and to let your memory come back on its own. I lied, Marley, but about the little things. Not the important things. Like how much I care about you. S’agapo, pedhaki mou.”

  She bowed her head. Her nose stung, and tears burned her eyelids. How she wanted to believe him. But he’d done nothing to earn her trust.

  “I have wronged you greatly, Marley.”

  She raised her head to stare at him in shock. Chrysander admitting that he was wrong?

  Shame dragged at his eyes, and deep sorrow had pasted shadows under them.

  “There are things you must know. I never received any ransom demands. I would have moved heaven and earth to free you. No price would have been too high. I did not know that you had been abducted.”

  Her mouth fell open. “How could you not know?”

  His eyes grew stormy. “Roslyn destroyed the ransom notes. You were right to dislike her, and because I ignored your feelings about her, I placed you in terrible danger.”

  Marley’s mind reeled with all he had told her. She raised a shaking hand to her mouth. He hadn’t gotten the ransom demands? “I thought—” She broke off and shook her head, emotion overwhelming her.

  “What did you think, agape mou?” he asked softly.

  “That you hated me,” she whispered. “That you wouldn’t pay to free me because you thought I had stolen from you. That I wasn’t even worth half a million dollars to you.”

  He groaned and pulled her into his arms. His hands trembled against her back as he stroked up and down. “I am a fool. I was wrong to accuse you as I did. I have no defense.”

  She pulled away and gazed up at him. “You don’t believe I stole from you?”

  He shook his head sharply. “No. It was Roslyn. She planted the papers in your bag to make me think it was you.” He paused and swiped a hand through his hair. “Even though I thought you had stolen from me, it no longer seemed to matter after your abduction. All that mattered to me was that you were back where you belonged. With me.” His mouth twisted. “That night when you asked me about our relationship...I was frightened.”

  She raised one eyebrow. The idea of anything frightening Chrysander was laughable.

  “I thought you were unhappy, that you wanted more than I was giving you,” he admitted. “And then I was angry because it scared me. I was determined that you not be the one to decide our relationship, so I pushed you away by telling you that we had no relationship, that you were my mistress.”

  Her heart sped up as she viewed the vulnerability on his face. Her chest tightened, and it became harder to breathe as her pulse raced. “What are you saying?” she whispered.

  “That I love you, pedhaki mou. S’agapo.”

  Her eyes widened as she realized what the words he’d said a few minutes ago meant. She couldn’t even formulate a response, so she stared at him in shock.

  Self-derision crawled across his face. “I have a terrible way of showing it. I was proud, too proud to just tell you how I felt. I didn’t even know it then. I just knew I didn’t want you to leave and was angry that I thought you were unhappy in our current relationship. And then when I saw those papers in your bag, I was shocked and furious. I couldn’t believe that you would steal from me.”

  “But you did,” she said painfully.

  He looked away, sorrow creasing his features. “I was angry. I’ve never been so angry. I thought you had used me so you could help our competitor. So I sent you away.”

  He ran a hand around to clasp the back of his neck. “And God help me, I sent you straight into the kidnappers’ hands.”

  She closed her eyes, not wanting to remember the fear and despair she’d experienced during her captivity. Even though her memory had returned, that part was still very much a blur. Maybe she’d forever block it out.

  “You love me?” She was still back on those words. The rest of the conversation seemed a muddle, and she was fixated on those three words.

  He gathered her in his arms again and held her as delicately as a piece of hand-blown glass. “I’ve not done a good job of showing you, but I do love you. I want the chance to prove it to you. I want you to marry me. Please.”

  She shook her head in confusion at his humble plea. “You still want me to marry you?”

  He tugged her closer to him until his lips pressed against the top of her head. “I don’t expect you to answer now. I know I have said much to shock you. But give me a chance, Marley. You won’t regret it, I swear. I’ll
make you love me again. I’ll never abuse your precious gift as I have done.”

  She’d gone mad. She’d finally lost her mind. Chrysander was holding her in his arms, declaring his love for her and wanting her to marry him. For real this time. No pretense. No lies or half-truths between them.

  Gently, he pulled her away and pressed a light kiss to her lips. “Think about it, agape mou. I’ll wait as long as it takes for your answer.”

  He stood as if sensing her desire to be alone. He walked to the door but turned to look at her one last time before disappearing from view.

  Marley sat there for a long time simply staring at the now-empty doorway. Her hands shook and her stomach rolled. He loved her? Roslyn had planted the papers in her bag and then destroyed the ransom demands?

  She shivered. Had Roslyn hated her so much? Or had she just wanted Chrysander that badly? Maybe both. Or maybe Roslyn had just been working for Chrysander’s competition all along.

  The events of the last few days still weighed heavily on her. She couldn’t just forget everything because he apologized and offered her love and marriage, could she? She couldn’t even return that declaration because he’d never believe it if it came now.

  She sighed and lay on her side, curling her knees to her swollen belly. She was so tired. So very worn out, both physically and emotionally. She rubbed her stomach, smiling when her son rolled and kicked beneath her fingers.

  “What should I do?” she whispered. She was so afraid to trust Chrysander with her love again. She was also afraid to be without him. As much damage as he’d done to her heart, she ached at the thought of leaving him.

  She closed her eyes for just a moment. Exhaustion permeated every pore. She couldn’t make such a monumental decision in a few minutes’ time. Too much was at stake. She had a child to consider. She had herself to consider.

  * * *

  Over the next few days, Chrysander saw to her every need. He coddled her, pampered her and fussed endlessly over her. He told her often that he loved her, though he was careful to keep a respectable distance between them.

  It would seem he went to great pains not to pressure her in any way. He wouldn’t use the passion that sparked between them as a means to sway her, and for that she was grateful.

  Two days after Chrysander had asked her to marry him again, his brothers came to visit. Marley tried to excuse herself, thinking that they’d want to discuss business with Chrysander, and to be honest, she still felt awkward and shamed in their presence even though she’d done nothing to deserve their censure.

  But it was her they asked to speak to, and she stared at them in bewilderment as they looked gravely at her.

  “We have acted unforgivably toward you, little sister,” Theron said.

  Piers nodded in agreement. “It is understandable if you never forgive us. We were harsh. There is no defense for our treating you, especially since you are pregnant with our nephew, as we have.”

  Guilt was etched heavily into their faces, and they looked so uncomfortable, but she had no idea what to do or say to ease the situation.

  Theron moved forward and put his hands gently on her shoulders. He kissed her on both cheeks then stepped back as Piers did the same.

  She glanced toward Chrysander, who watched her with solemn eyes. His face was drawn and seemed thinner as though he’d lost weight. He looked...unhappy. It wasn’t guilt, though there was a lot of that floating around the room. He genuinely looked as though he’d lost the one thing that mattered most to him.


  The thought nearly paralyzed her. She smiled shakily at Theron and Piers and then excused herself, nearly running from the room in her haste to get away.

  She threw open the door to the patio and welcomed the chilly air. She stepped outside taking deep breaths and trying to settle her rioting emotions.

  Her mind skated back over everything she’d felt for the last several days. Betrayal. She’d been lied to. She stopped there, because now she wondered if Chrysander really had lied to her about his feelings.

  He looked like she felt. Lost. They were both obviously hurting. If he hated her, truly hated her, then why would he enact such an elaborate charade when she lost her memory? Why would he feel obligated to someone who had stolen from him?

  “You’re pregnant with his child,” she murmured. And yes, she could see how a fair amount of care would be due the mother of his child, but why wouldn’t he have done as Theron suggested and merely set her up in an apartment somewhere? Why would he woo her, make love to her, act as though she mattered to him?

  Did he love her? The declaration couldn’t have been easy for him to make. Chrysander wasn’t a man prone to sharing his emotions. In all the time they were together before her kidnapping, he’d never spoken to her of his feelings. But he’d shown her in a dozen ways that she had mattered to him.

  Could she trust him again? The thought frightened her, and at the same time it offered her a measure of peace. The choice was hers. Her future would be of her own making.

  Even as her options rolled over and over in her mind, she knew what she would do. She knew what she wanted, even knowing it might not be the best choice for her. The heart didn’t always choose wisely, she thought with a grimace.

  Still, she found herself returning inside and going in search of Chrysander. Worry knotted her belly, but she knew she was making the right decision, even if it didn’t feel quite right at this very moment.

  She found him in the room she’d left him in, staring out the window, a drink in his hand. His brothers were gone and heavy silence lay over the room. She paused for a moment, gathering her courage. He looked as though he hadn’t slept in days. His slacks were wrinkled and his shirt sleeves were unbuttoned and rolled partway up his arms. A shadow of a beard covered his jaw, and his hair was rumpled.

  And still, he looked so desirable to her. She wanted to cross the room and melt into his arms. She wanted him to hold her and coax away her fears and doubts. The knot in her throat grew bigger, and she knew she had to speak now or risk being unable to.

  “Chrysander,” she called softly.

  He whirled around. He set his drink down and hurried toward her. “Are you all right, agape mou? Is there anything I can get you? I’m sorry if my brothers upset you.”

  She tried to laugh, but it ended in a small sob. She drew in a deep breath and worked to compose herself.

  “I’ll marry you,” she said.

  A dark fire sparked in his eyes, making the amber glow more golden. He grasped her shoulders in his hands and stared down at her. “Yes?” he asked in a hoarse voice.

  She nodded.

  He closed his eyes and then crushed her to him. For a long moment, he just held her, and then he stepped back to stare intently at her.

  “You mean it? You’ll marry me?”

  She licked her lips nervously. “I want a small ceremony. No fuss. As quiet as we can make it.”

  He nodded and cupped her chin in his hand. “Whatever you’d like.”

  “And I want...” She looked away and drew her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “What do you want, agape mou? Tell me. There’s nothing I won’t do for you. You have only to ask.”

  “I don’t want to stay here,” she said quietly. “I’d like to go back to the island.” She gripped her fingers together until the tips shone white.

  His expression softened, and he dropped his hands to hers and gently uncurled her fingers
until they were twined with his.

  “We’ll fly there as soon as we’re married.”

  Relief surged through her veins. “You mean it? You don’t mind?”

  “Your happiness is everything to me. You ask such a small thing. How could I not grant it? We’ll make the island our home if that is your wish.”

  She nodded. “I’d like that.”

  “Then I’ll make the arrangements at once.”

  * * *

  Chrysander wasted no time in finalizing plans for their wedding and preparing for them to travel to the island. He single-handedly rearranged his business schedule, made sure everything Marley could possibly need was purchased, though they’d already shopped for her wedding gown. She stood in awe of all he could accomplish in such a short time.

  The authorities questioned her now that she’d regained her memory, and she spent several exhausting hours providing them with the few details she could remember. The kidnappers hadn’t harmed her and had actually shown her consideration when her pregnancy became obvious. They had watched her, knowing she was close to Chrysander, and had struck when the opportunity arose. They’d asked for a small ransom, certain they would get it with no fuss. When no ransom had been forthcoming, they abandoned the kidnapping and arranged for Marley to be found.

  It was the realization that Chrysander had ignored the ransom that had pushed Marley beyond her limits. It was that moment in the kidnapping that she blocked out her past, so devastated was she over his betrayal. Overwhelming emotion had crippled her—fear of being abandoned by the kidnappers, the terror of being left alone and having nowhere to go, no one to turn to.

  Marley became distraught during the retelling, and Chrysander suffered the agony of being confronted by all she’d gone through. Because of him. He hovered protectively throughout, and finally called a halt when it was clear she was past all endurance.

  The police were given their contact information so that Marley could be reached if arrests were made or there was a need for her to testify.


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