Truth Teller

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Truth Teller Page 12

by Kurt Chambers

  Charlotte didn’t sleep for a long time. She kept reliving everything over and over again in her mind. It was so real, it must have happened. She cried with her pillow held over her face, trying not to wake anyone. In the early hours of dawn, she drifted into a restless sleep.

  Morning came all too soon, sending everyone into a rush to get dressed and ready to go home. Charlotte remained unusually quiet all through breakfast. When it was time to leave, she sat in the back of the car, clutching her bag and Snowy, her favourite teddy.

  Her mum climbed in to the front of the car and slammed the door. “We are going to pick up a few things from the town before we head off.” She looked back at the two girls. “Are you going to show us that shop, Charlotte?”

  She paused. “Why?”

  “I just wanted to have a look myself, that’s all. You know how much I like shopping.”

  Charlotte shrugged. “If you like. There’s not much in there, though, just a load of old junk. It looked more like a car boot sale than a shop.” Despite her comments, a rush of excitement at the prospect of seeing Goffer again brought her whole adventure back to life.

  When they arrived in town, Charlotte hurried ahead. She wondered what Goffer would tell them. Maybe returning to the shop wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  Arriving at the archway, she stopped. Her heart raced. “This is it.” She ran her fingers over the raised heads on the textured tiles.

  “Are you sure?” her dad asked, catching up with her. He stared into the gloom. “It doesn’t look like there’s a shop up there.”

  “Yeah, it’s at the end—follow me!” She pressed on at an eager pace.

  She approached the end of the alley. It looked different from what she remembered. Graffiti boards covered the windows, and beer cans and rubbish lay strewn across the ground. She fought against her fear and forced herself to try the door handle. She pulled the lever down and pushed the door with her shoulder. It didn’t budge.

  Her dad came up to her, taking her by the hand. “You must be mistaken, darling. This can’t be it. Maybe it’s further up the road?”

  “It’s not, Dad! This is definitely the place, but it’s been weeks since I’ve been here!”

  “What are you going on about?” he said with a smirk. “You came here yesterday. Er, what planet are you from again, remind me?”

  Charlotte gritted her teeth. “Forget it! Whatever!” she said with a wave of her hand. Flushed with embarrassment, she stormed off towards the street with everyone following close behind.

  When they reached the end of the alley, she stopped. “Can we go now?” she asked, crossing her arms and contorting her face into an impatient scowl.

  Much to her annoyance, they had to visit a few more souvenir shops on the insistence of Beth before they made their way back to the car. Charlotte remained quiet and solemn during the long drive home.

  She gazed out of the car window, watching the countryside rush by in a blur. Every now and then, they passed a farm. Each time, she let out a sigh. Maybe it was just a dream. The thought made her sad. If she had just dreamt it, she would never get to see Elderfield or the others ever again. Everything seemed so real. Surely, even the best daydreamer in the world couldn’t make up such a story. She bit her lip and a tear trickled down her cheek.

  Summer began to fade and the leaves on the trees turned yellow. Charlotte settled into a routine with the beginning of a new school term. She never discussed her adventures with anyone, not even with her best friend, Lucy. The nights were the worst when she lay in bed thinking, longing to see Elderfield and his family.

  This night was no exception. She tossed and turned for hours before dreams finally claimed her conscious mind.

  She stood on top of a mountain, looking down on the people below. She was the sun, illuminating the world around her, full of warmth and love. In the distance a dark, chilling shadow crept across the land. The people drew closer. They looked bewildered and frightened. Hands reached out to her, desperately trying to get away from the dark. She watched, helpless, as the shadows consumed everything in its path. Trees, buildings, and people disappeared into the gloom. Charlotte could hear their pitiful cries from all around, but no matter how bright she shone, she could not stop the slow, steady onslaught of the terrifying shadow.

  Charlotte woke with a start in the dead of night, tears streaming down her cheeks. The house stood silent and still. She shivered under her duvet, recalling the vivid nightmare of dark creatures stalking her from the shadows, their evil, red eyes watching; ready to strike. Another sleepless night, she thought, curling into a ball.

  She watched the minutes tick by on her clock, running things over in her mind. A thought brought her awake in an instant. “Goffer,” she said out loud, sitting bolt upright. If it was just a dream, then who gave me the dome? Goffer must be real! She reached under her bed and fumbled in the dark for the shoebox containing her dome. Finding it, she placed it on her lap. Her insides bubbled with excitement and fear. With sweaty palms, she lifted the lid. Her hands shook, her breath quickened. As the box opened, an eerie glow lit the ceiling. With a gasp, she snapped it closed again. What’s the matter with me? She tried again, but lacked the courage to take out the dome. Furious with herself, she stuffed the box back under the bed and pulled the covers over her head.

  The Gateway remained hidden under Charlotte’s bed, like a forgotten toy. Days turned into weeks as life drifted onward into a familiar routine. Not once did she ever imagine that her adventures would ever be anything more than a childhood, holiday memory.

  But unknown to Charlotte at the time, her adventures as the Truth Teller had only just begun.


  Coming Soon!

  The Wrath of Siren

  Book II

  The Truth Teller Series

  Elderfield’s world is turned completely upside down after he accepts the responsibility of a Gateway into another realm. Very soon this becomes a great burden to him. His quest to save his people from the Dark Druid takes him to the limit of his endurance. This second book of the Truth Teller series is the perfect accompaniment to its predecessor featuring all your favourite characters and introducing many new ones. I was surprised at how quickly I became wrapped up in the author’s world of fantasy. An extremely delightful and riveting read.


  I wish to thank every single one of my friends from the Young Adult Novel Workshop. Their help, support and kindness over the years have not only helped keep me sane(ish) but have taught me so much, not only about writing, but also about friendship.

  I would like to give a special thanks to Dawné Dominique for her amazing cover artwork, for taking me under her wing and being there for me for so many years. You inspired me so much.

  Allicia Crouch taught me to be the writer I am today. I consider you my mentor. I don’t know where you are now, but wherever you are, I would like you to know how grateful I am to you.

  This story started a long time ago and was inspired by the Brownies I worked with for some years. Working with children was my biggest inspiration. I want to thank all of them, especially Charlotte, my special little friend. This is my gift to you.

  And finally, I want to thank my family, most of all my beautiful wife, Lesley, for sacrificing so much for me to complete this long journey. I will love you always.

  About the Author

  Kurt Chambers live in the UK in the leafy county of Hertfordshire where he writes whenever he finds the time. He is the moderator of an online children’s writer critique group and help mentor other writers in developing their skills. He has some of the most awesome hobbies, which include building rockets and telescopes, and he's played in quite a few rock bands in his younger days. He was convinced he was going to be a rock star.

  Working with young children as a volunteer is what inspired him the most to start writing children’s novels, and he has never looked back since. His journey through the world of the writing community has been
the most amazing journey he's ever undertaken. Writing for children is his passion. He loves their sense of humour, their imagination, and most of all, their endearing innocence. The innocence of children is what makes them stand out as a shining example to the rest of mankind.


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