Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2

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Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2 Page 16

by Hazel Gower

  “I’ll miss you, but I’ll look forward to hearing about all your adventures when you get back.” I’d said the right thing because the smile she gave me was breathtaking, her eyes lit up like fireworks, and her grin was wide and bright.

  She went quiet and rested her head on the pillow beside mine. “There are other things I want to talk about,” she said softly whispering.

  As much as I wanted to ignore the rest of what we needed to talk about, I knew for our relationships sake, I couldn’t. “Okay. What do you want to talk about next?” She mumbled something against the pillow that I didn’t catch. Lifting her head and moving her so she was settled on me again I asked, “What was that, little Raven?”

  “Grr,” she grumbled and turned bright red. “I said I want to talk about these children that your mother thinks I’m having.”

  Chuckling, I winked at her. “Argh, you want to talk about how many children we’ll have?”

  Bailey moaned and let her head fall to his neck. “You’re mother seems to think you want to knock me up soon because apparently, you’re getting on in years.”

  “I’m thirty in February. Mother knows you’re only just eighteen and have three or four years of University and then a couple of years in the workforce before you will think about children. I’ll be thirty-six by then.” I sat up in bed and gathered Baily so she straddled me. I grinned when I realized she wore one of my shirts. Even in anger, she’d worn something covered in my scent. “I can wait six years for children. For you, I’d wait however long you wanted.” Reaching up I gently stroked her cheek. “But if for some reason you found yourself pregnant, I would support you in whatever choice you choose. I’m stable enough to be the stay at home parent, or if you wanted, I have the means to pay for a nanny. The choice is and will always be yours. I want children, but I’m not in any rush.” I meant every word I said. I may have had a plan of how I expected my life to go, but things change, and the more time I spent with Bailey, the happier I became that things worked out the way they had.

  Bailey’s hands came up and took mine into hers. “Thank you.” She squeezed my hands. “I told you what I have planned with UNI and the firm, but I know the unexpected can happen in life. It’s nice to know I’d have your support.” She clutched my hands against her chest. “I know you think we will be together forever and all that. I like you, Richard, like I really like you. No other boy or man has ever made me feel the things I do for you. Yes, I want children. I’d love a whole bunch of them, but now I’m only eighteen and not ready for that type of commitment. If for whatever reason I did fall pregnant, I would keep the child.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. I didn’t think Bailey would ever get rid of our child or any child, but it was nice to know. I liked that she felt the connection we had, but I wanted her to more than just like me—I wanted her to love me like I was coming to love her. I nodded. “I can work with that.”

  She beamed at me, and at just that simple gesture, I felt happy, content. It was strange how much power the woman held over me. “How about, if we’re still together in a year, we’ll have this talk again. You never know. I may be ready then for a child in another year or so.”

  Untangling my hands from hers, I tilted her head up and took her lips to my own. “I can guarantee you, we will be together. I more than like you, Bailey. The more I learn about your caring nature and interests, in everything from your Vision Australia, the firm, and even your love for helping people, the more I fall for you. You, Bailey Rodgers, are amazing, and I feel blessed to have you as mine.”

  Bailey’s eyes closed, and I could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Her arms came around my neck and she rested her forehead on mine. “Richard,” she said her voice breathless. “You amaze me. You always make me feel like I’m the most special girl in the world.” She sighed. “I couldn’t have dreamed you up better if I tried.” She eased away and her eyes flashed open. “You make me believe everything you say.” She took my mouth to hers and I basked in the feeling of her initiating a kiss. I let her stay in control. As her kiss deepened and her body rubbed against mine in an almost desperate way, I wondered if we’d just avoided our first fight and were now going straight to the make-up.

  Circling my arms around her, my fingers searched for the hem of my shirt and lifted it up and over her head. Bailey’s lips left mine only to get the shirt off before locking to mine again. My hands explored every inch of her shapely body, committing it all to memory. I loved the feel of her soft body against my hard one. I liked the feel of her skin as the pads of my fingers stroked her. Bailey arched into my touch, her own fingers running up and down my back leaving tingling warmth spreading through me. Sucking on her tongue, her nails dug into me and she ground herself harder against me. Easing away from her mouth, I kissed my way down her neck to nibble on her where her shoulder met her neck. She moaned and one of her hands came up to clutch me against her. I sucked on her delicate skin.

  “Oh, my God. That feels amazing.” She gasped.

  My cock was barely hidden beneath the sheets and strained to get to the prize. Her hands left me and I felt her raise just enough to move the sheet so my dick was free. Bailey’s fingers circled the base of my length and pumped. Holy shit, her hand jerking my cock as her head was tilted so I could suck on her neck was so damn hot that I had to hold back from blowing my load. Needing to collect myself before I embarrassed myself and let go into her hand before we’d barely begun, I unattached my mouth from her and settled back against the headboard of the bed. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

  Opening my eyes, ready to give her time to explore, I groaned as I gazed down to plump full lips hovering over the tip of my cock. Fuck, I’d never seen a more erotic imagine. She stared up at me with big innocent eyes and I was a goner.

  “I haven’t done this before. Tell me if I do it wrong.” I couldn’t speak to save my life. I nodded and she grinned up at me before taking my dick deep into her mouth.

  “Fuckkk. That feels so amazing,” I moaned watching as her mouth went up and down on my cock, her Raven black hair like a halo around her, her gaze hooded. At no time in my twenty-nine years of life had anyone ever looked so sexy, so alluring. For having never done this, Bailey was doing a damn good job. She took me deep into her warm wet mouth and heaven surrounded me as her tongue helped suck. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked hard as she pushed as much as she could in. Not able to hold back any longer, I grabbed her hair yanking it to guide her. Using her hair to help fuck her mouth, I loosened my hold when she made a choking noise.

  “Damn, my little Raven, you’re so hot. That was fucking fantastic. The best blowjob I’ve ever had.” The shy smile and red colour that rose on her cheeks as she gazed up at me had a chuckle slipping free from my mouth. Untangling her hair from my hand, I reached down and dragged her up so she straddled me again. “Come here. After what you just did, I don’t believe you’re shy. Come give me what I need—to sink my cock deep within you.”

  Taking her mouth to my own, I kissed her lips gently at first before my lust got the better of me and I ravished her. Holding her waist, I raised her up aligning the tip of my cock at the entrance of her pussy. I could feel her wetness against my tip before I drove up and thrust in. Bailey moaned against my mouth and lips as she squirmed as I pushed balls deep. Taking a deep breath, I lifted her, helping her as she rose above me and sank back down. Bailey circled her legs around me digging the heels into my arse.

  Her pussy clenched around my cock in a vice-like grip driving me insane. I wouldn’t last at this rate, not with her bouncing on me. Her tits jiggled and her hair flew in a wild mess as she rode my cock moaning, panting and clawing at my back. “I’m crazy about you, little Raven.” I moaned as she rose up with a look of pure bliss on her face before sinking down over me driving me mad with need.

  “Mmm, I feel the same.” I closed my eyes in relief. “I’ve never felt this burning with anyone,” she groaned.

ning my eyes, I let her hips go and cupped her face. “You won’t feel this with anyone else. We are meant to be. You’re mine,” I growled. Letting my hands fall back to her waist, I helped her pick up her pace.

  “Yes. Yours,” she yelled as I pushed up and drove into her. “Deeper. Oh, Richard. Harder.” She was hammering on me now, and I could feel her walls fluttering. “Oh, yes, Richard, right there. Richard.”

  I loved my name on her lips. Her encouragement hiked my passion up, and I knew I was going to blow my load soon.

  “Your butt is so hard. I love feeling it against my heels.”

  Growling with a fierce need, I gripped her arse clenching it together as I thrust up meeting her. Desperate for release, but not willing to come until she’d had her pleasure, I gritted my teeth and concentrated on controlling my body.

  “You’re too goddamn perfect. Every inch of you feels amazing. You’re all mine. You were made for me. My soul. I’m never giving you up,” I muttered as I fought to have my release.

  Needing her to come, I latched onto her neck and sucked, before giving a little nibble. Bailey’s nails dug into my back as she clung to me. A scream tore from her lips and her pussy quivered and tightened around me in a vice-like grip milking me. Sinking into her deep, I let myself go yelling, “Bailey.”

  Falling back on the bed, Bailey came down on top of me. We lay basking in our euphoric state for a while. My cock softened and slipped out, but I kept Bailey on top cuddling me. Her fingers caressed my chest, the pads drawing pictures and the motion was soothing almost lulling me back to sleep.

  “We needed that. I needed that after yesterday.” Her fingers stopped and she lifted herself up and rested on her folded arms to look at my face. “Richard, I know, after what we just did, you, um, probably don’t want to talk about this, but, well, I may not have had a mother growing up and don’t know what mothers and daughters talk about, but I’m sure boyfriend’s mothers don’t talk about the things your mum did with me. I mean, I like your mum, she’s…she’s entertaining?”

  Laughing at her as she struggled to describe my mother, I squeezed her tight. “Mother is something else. She is eccentric and means well and just wants me to be happy.” Lifting her closer, I kissed her forehead lingering to take in her apple and cinnamon scent. “I’ll talk to my mother. I’ll explain she needs to stay out of personal things between us. I need to apologize and talk to her today.” Resting her back down I brushed her hair that stuck up in every which way, showing what they’d spent their morning doing. “After I left you last night, I went and found her and said some things I shouldn’t have.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No. You go see your brother. He has a room on the other side of the house.” I knew that was my mother’s doing, and I should thank her. I was sure if Ethan knew Bailey and I were in the same room, he’d be here trying to take her away.

  “Okay, only if you’re sure. I can be there to support you when you speak to your mother.”

  Caressing her cheek, I basked for a moment in knowledge that I now had someone to be there for me, for just the simple things like holding my hand whilst I apologize to my mother and talked to her about boundaries. “Thanks, but no. You go spend time with your brother because tomorrow we will be going to pick up our puppies and then the following day, we can go back to Brisbane.”

  “I get Bear tomorrow?” she squealed and jumped on me in her excitement.

  “Yeah, we need to leave here early because it’ll take a few hours from here to the farm to pick Bear and Goldie up.” Her bouncing was having my cock rising again as I watched her tits bounce and the radiant smile that was spread full across her face. “Little Raven, you may want to stop that before I decide to forget about you visiting your brother and me talking to my mother and we spend the day secluded in here.” Her bouncing stopped and not just her face turned red with shyness. Shaking my head, I chuckled. “I have no idea how, after what we did this morning, you can still blush, but,” I rolled so she lay beneath me staring up, “I like it. I love how responsive you are to me. How we crave each other’s touch. This—you is what I always wanted.” Kissing her, I delved my tongue into her mouth, tangling it with hers, getting lost in her for just a moment.

  When her hands reached down to clutch my arse, I moaned knowing if I didn’t move now, we wouldn’t get anything done. On a groan, I eased from her mouth grinning down at her, she was so beautiful, her lips full and puffy from our kissing, her cheeks flushed and her shapely body shone with inviting need. “Go. Get a shower before I give in and hold you captive today.”

  Bailey giggled and the sound did nothing to dampen my lust. “I’ve never felt so desirable before. It’s nice, well more than nice it’s invigorating.”

  “Grrr, go now.”

  Bailey giggled again, wiggled out from under me and off the bed. When I heard the bathroom door shut, I buried my face in her pillow. Today was going to be a long day.



  Richard had me tied in knots. All that man had to do was touch me, and I lost all my resolve. When I awoke this morning on top of a naked Richard, I was so angry with him for last night, but then he apologized and hugged me tight to him, just that simple touch, but that was all I needed. I caved and lost my anger. Richard knew he was wrong and that helped that he’d known. We talked and this time he was calm and answered my questions. I loved how sure he was about us and that he didn’t lie or deny anything. After our talk, my confidence in our relationship built, and I knew we could work. A weight I didn’t know was hanging over our relationship lifted, and once we finished talking, I couldn’t deny the slow burning need I’d been feeling since I woke with his naked body against mine. I let my passion loose. It had been amazing, and the control he let me have made me feel so empowered, wanted, and desired.

  I went into my brother’s room grinning like a loon. He sat up in a bed padded with white pillows and a gold bedspread. “Morning. How are you feeling this morning?” I went to sit on a wooden seat with a golden padded pillow that matched the bedspread and moved it close to the bed so I could see better.

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that after what I heard happened yesterday?” he snapped. Whoa, he sounded cranky. Cocking my head further to the side to get a better look, I saw his gaze narrowed and his lips thinned in anger.

  “What’s crawled up your arse?”

  Ethan growled. “How about I trusted you into the Silverman’s care and not only do I find out you are sleeping in the same fucking room as Richard, but they are not making the necessary changes to help with your vision. What the hell, Bailey? If I could have made it around this friggin mansion and dragged you out of his room, I would have.”

  Chewing on my lip to stop my laughing because I was sure Richard’s mother had put Ethan on this side of the house knowing if he was closer, he’d come get me, angry that I was sleeping with Richard. Taking a deep breath in, I slowly let it out unable to stop the giggle slipping free. “Ethan, the Silvermans have been taking really good care of me. Gillian forgot about my vision yesterday. I know for a fact she feels terrible about what happened. I can’t expect everyone to change everything just for me. This house is huge so there isn’t any clutter for me to trip over. I’m tired because it’s all new, and I’m not used to having to concentrate so much. Ethan, you’ve made things easy on me, so when change comes, it takes time for me to adjust.” Leaning over, I held his hand. “Next year, I’ll be going to Uni and you won’t be there to make sure I’m alert and watching everything so I don’t hurt myself. The last several weeks have been good for me.” I squeezed his hand and I sighed. I needed to talk about Richard, but this was something I didn’t want to talk about because I knew he wouldn’t be as understanding. “Ethan, I love you and you’re the best big brother in the world.” Letting out my breath, I went for it. “I’m eighteen now and am in a relationship with Richard. I’m old enough to make my own choices and I choose to stay with Richard. We hav
e talked and he’s asked me to come live with him.” I held my hand up to stop the retort I knew was coming. “I said I wasn’t ready for that yet, but I will stay over at his house. He can drive me to the firm each morning.” Letting go of his hand, I smiled up at him. “You know he bought me a puppy? A Labradoodle.”

  Ethan groaned. “I know he asked me. You pick it up soon.”

  “Yes.” I bounced on the seat excited. “Tomorrow. Richard owns a house not far from ours and it has a yard. He, um, he bought us a house close to the University with a huge yard for next year.”

  “He what? What do you mean he bought you a house close to the University?”

  Shrugging, I tried to make it look like nothing big. “He wants to be with me. I needed a house too because of Bear—that’s what I named my puppy.”

  “Bailey,” he moaned. “Just…just don’t. Leave it at what I’ve just learnt. I love you, you are more like a daughter to me than a sister. It’s hard for me to see you as a grown up. Every time I look at you, all I see is my baby sister, not the beautiful woman I know you’ve grown up to become. I will try, for you, to let you live your life.”

  “That’s all I ask.” Leaning over, I hugged my brother careful of his wound. Right now, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. My brother was safe and ready to let me have some more freedom and I had a dream boyfriend.



  We’d picked the puppies up today and everyone was lavishing them with attention. The puppies were now sleeping in the game room portion of my rooms. Bailey sat on the sofa with the laptop on her lap working. The accounting firm was behind with all the drama and with Christmas just a couple of weeks away. Bailey wanted to get a start on the work.

  It had been a long day. The trial was over and guilty verdicts had been read. Tomorrow, we were all heading back to our own homes. We all hoped the threats, sabotage and violence would stop, but no one was taking any chances.


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