Hunting Light: Hunter her Lovers (Demon Hunter Book 2)

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Hunting Light: Hunter her Lovers (Demon Hunter Book 2) Page 4

by Savannah Rose

  Lucifer frowns at me and his hand instantly finds my thigh. “You’ll leave as soon as I’m gone.”

  “I’m not a fucking child, Lucifer. Go.” Doesn’t matter that he’s right.

  I’ve locked my thoughts away again, but I have a feeling he can sense my intentions. His frown deepens and he searches my face. I school it into neutrality as best as I can. “Go,” I say softly this time, shoving fries into my mouth. “It sounds important.”

  He still doesn’t move immediately. He stares at me a while longer, as if waiting for me to say something, or to give something away so he can know what’s really going on. But I look at him with blank innocence, shoveling more fries into my mouth.

  Finally, he rises. “I’ll be right there,” he says to Merlidon.

  “Yes, Lucifer.” He nods respectfully and retreats.

  Lucifer is still staring at me. This time, I scowl at him. “Will you go already? I don’t need you watching over me like I’m going to do something stupid.”

  “I don’t want you to leave.” A pause and then he pins me with a gaze that holds so much emotion it destabilizes me. “We don’t want you to leave.”

  His candidness makes me blink. The words are out before I have a chance to think. “I won’t.”

  Lucifer nods, accepting it with resignation. He leans down, kisses me on the lips, then makes his way out the room, leaving me much more confused than I’ve been in days.


  I can hardly manage to finish my food fast enough. As soon as I scarf the rest of it down, I hop off the bed, discarding Lucifer’s shirt as quickly as I can and throw my gear back on, nearly tripping in my haste.

  He’s right. Again. As much as it annoys the Hell out of me, he’s right once again because I can’t help what I’m about to do, what I’m currently doing. Running with my tail tucked between my legs.

  Fuck, I hate that he brings out this side of me, but what other choice do I have? What other choice did he leave me with? The look that he gave me before he left is one I won’t be able to forget. It was filled with such … love. And Merlidon, the way his face lit up when he saw that I was back...

  I shake my head, trying to banish the thoughts from my mind. Truthfully, I’m as foolish as I am a coward because from the beginning I knew what this all meant. Ever since the moment he brushed his lips over my neck and sampled my life essence, I knew that this was the inevitable end result. There’s no reason to be surprised or taken aback by it. Lucifer and I are marked. Soul bonded. Love is expected.

  But it’s still making me want to shit my pants. At this point, I’m trembling, the word echoing in my head, his eyes flashing in my mind. For a moment, I can feel him sitting in a grand room that nearly resembles the magnitude of his throne room in his castle. I can’t see what’s around him, but it’s almost like I’m there, feeling the cold wood beneath my thighs, listening to the agitated drone of his high commanders’ voices. Then the next second, I’m back and making a desperate grab for my sword.

  It isn’t until I’m standing outside the endless hallway do I realize that I have no idea how to get out of Hell. I’m always teleported in and out. All human attempts to create a portal to the realm have failed, which means I’m stuck here until Lucifer comes back. I doubt any of the ravenous demons outside are willing to teleport me back, nor do I even know if they can. As far as I know, high ranking demons are the only ones with that ability and Lucifer, Brotus and Merlidon are the only ones I’ve ever met.

  Not good for me. My plan to get the Hell out of here just crashes and burns before it even gets its wheels off the ground. I sigh in frustration.

  I know that somewhere through one of these doors is a training room. As much as I’m drawn to the idea of sweating through the rest of my time here, I’m more keen on getting away. I don’t know how long I’ll last before my brain threatens to implode.

  Fortunately – though it won’t feel so fortunate later on – I don’t even have to try to sense Lucifer again. His feeding, and the mind-blowing sex, only deepened the bond we have, so our connection goes much deeper than just our hearts being in sync. Again, I can feel him, as well as his own mounting agitation at whatever it is he’s being told. I use that to guide me, closing my eyes as I tiptoe my way down the hall, taking whatever turns feel right.

  Finally, I come upon a large, heavy door that stands out from all the rest. The wood is a deep black, shined to perfection and glimmering under a light I can’t find the source of. The door handles are heavy and warm under my hands and it takes an extra bit of force to push it out of place.

  Surprisingly, the door moves silently. Even so, the three demons standing in the room all turn to me, though their backs face the door. I slip in and allow the door to lock safely into place. “I got bored.”

  I feel rather than see Lucifer’s pleasure and he turns to me directly, crossing his arms.

  But, of course, Merlidon is the one who speaks first. There’s that smile on his face that could undress every single one of my nerve endings. “This is a private meeting, human.”

  “Really?” Ignoring him, I make my way further into the room, stopping at the other end of the large wooden table that stands between me and them. “You sure you don’t want me here to explain the big words to you, Merlidon?”

  He sneers at me. This time, the playfulness in his eyes have been replaced with agitation. Clearly, whatever it is they’re talking about is so serious he doesn’t have time for his usual jabs. “Leave, Melody.”

  “He is right.” I look at Brotus in surprise. He’s never one to pick up for Merlidon when we go at each other. “You should leave Melody.”

  “I notice you two are making it a habit of trying to order me around.”

  “It isn’t an order,” he says, gentle yet firm. “This is for your own good.”

  At that, I quirk a brow. “I took a sword to the stomach and survived. Your little locker talk isn’t going to scare me.”

  Finally, I meet Lucifer’s eyes to see the eternal amusement shining back at me. In the next moment, I feel his thoughts buffeting my mind and I open myself up to them.

  You’re making them uncomfortable.

  They should know better than to try that with me, though.

  True. They should. But you matter to them. Your protection is now of paramount importance.

  With Brotus, I know for a fact that statement holds true. Merlidon? Right now, with the ways he’s looking at me, it’s hard to feel like I’m anything but an annoyance.

  I look back at Lucifer. Too late. I’m curious now.

  Well, as you wish, love.

  There it is again. I shut my thoughts away before Lucifer has a chance to hear them. Skirting the table, I take a seat in the chair by the one Brotus is standing next to. “So,” I begin. “Why are we all huddled around like this?”

  The two high commanders look at Lucifer. Lucifer only sits, a smile playing around his lips. Brotus, without a word, sits with him and, a second later, Merlidon takes a seat as well, but not before releasing a frustrated sigh. I send him a cheeky grin.

  “Now that I think about it,” Lucifer says. “You being here might help us a bit, seeing that you’re a hunter and all. We have a problem with the Guild in South Africa.”

  “South Africa is a big place,” I comment. “There are several Guilds there. Which one are we specifically talking about?”

  “All of them, to be exact. As of this morning.”

  That takes me by surprise and I raise a brow at him. “What happened?”

  “There has been a small uprising.”

  I frown because that doesn’t make a drop of sense. “Small? And all the Guilds are involved?”

  Brotus speaks next. “It began with the Western Cape. The Guild in charge orchestrated an attack by luring demons to a central area and catching them off guard. They killed eighty low-ranking demons. No high ranking to date.”

  I lean back in the chair, crossing my arms as I think about what he’s saying. “That
doesn’t sound like such a big deal to me. Guilds do that all the time. Hell, the New York Guild is always trying to kill two birds with one attack. And eighty demons aren’t a lot, especially since they can easily be reborn.”

  “Except they aren’t being reborn,” Merlidon jumps in. Still clearly irritated by my presence, he digs into his inner coat pocket and withdraws a small stone. At first glance, it looks like a regular dirt covered rock. Until I draw closer to get a better look.

  The center of the stone is shining a bright red, a brilliant gem sitting at the center. I move to touch it, but Lucifer stops my hand, latching his hand with so much force around my wrist I’m surprised he doesn’t snap it. “Don’t touch it. It’s the Sessho-seki.”

  “Care to expound?”

  “The Killing Stone,” Brotus says. “It’s of Japanese origin, a stone that has the ability to kill anything that comes into contact with it.”

  “Well, if that’s what they told you, I suggest you bring this back with your receipt because, unfortunately, Merlidon still looks quite alive.”

  “Funny,” Merlidon responds dryly, bringing a wide smile out of me. “As you can see, the stone is actually in the center covered by all this dried up mud and dirt. That’s the reason I can touch it. I managed to grab this piece from the Guild before they got to me so this is the only thing we can go off of.”

  “So, you’re saying because of this stone, demons are dying and aren’t being brought back?”

  “No,” Lucifer says. This time, his smile is long gone. “The demons are being brought back. But as something never seen before.”

  He reaches forward and picks up the stone. “Humans shouldn’t come into direct contact with it because they are a weaker species, who won’t be protected by the outer layer. Demons, on the other hand, are fine as long as they don’t touch the stone inside. Most might look at this and find it a minor annoyance since it would be nothing for them to be reborn again. But this stone isn’t quite like what the legends say. Or rather, it doesn’t have the same effect on demons as you would expect it to have on humans.”

  I frown at that. “It’s another mystical item, right? Which means humans won’t really be killed by it but turned into a high ranking demon.”

  As soon as the words are out of my mouth, both Merlidon and Brotus look at Lucifer, who shrugs. “We’re soul bonded,” is the only explanation he gives.

  Merlidon sighs. Brotus says nothing. Not too long ago, Lucifer told me the origins of all the high ranking demons like themselves – something I’m beginning to think should have been kept a secret. Merlidon found an item that is supposed to give him immortality, while Brotus pulled the sword of King Arthur. Lucifer ate from the Tree of Life, the first human. If this is indeed another item like those, then touching it shouldn’t actually kill me, but should turn me into a demon. A twist of fate, if you will.

  “That is the expectation, yes,” Merlidon picks up. “But at this point, who’s willing to touch it and find out? Definitely not the hunters at the Western Cape Guild, since they were piecing apart the stone – without touching it – and embedding the pieces into their weapons. The demons they’ve killed with those weapons have become something unsightly.”

  The words ‘More unsightly than they already are?’ are on the tip of my tongue but I hear a warning growl come from the demon at the head of the table and swallow them before they have the chance to be spoken. Instead, I clear my throat and say, “So, the uprising consists of the hunters attacking the demons they’re trying to get rid of only to make them worse than they already are.”

  “And more volatile,” says Brotus. “After spying on them for a while, Merlidon found that the things those demons become die within two weeks of their … rebirth.”

  “This doesn’t make any sense.”

  Lucifer leans forward, clasping his hands together. “It’s a lot to take in, I’m aware. Considering the numbers we have, this attack is but a pin in the ocean.”

  “Don’t focus on that,” I say instantly. “That was probably a test run.”

  A shadow of that smile is back. “Is that so?”

  “They weren’t trying to start an uprising. At least, not yet. They’re testing the waters first. But now that you say all of South Africa has joined in? They know their plan has worked and they’re working their way through you guys before you’re able to hit back. What is their body count now?”

  “Going on to thousands.”

  I think about it for a moment. “That’ll be good enough.”

  “Good enough for what?”

  “For them to rope the other Guilds in. If what you’re telling me is true, Lucifer, within a week you’ll have quite a fight on your hands.”


  The discussion doesn’t last long after that. Merlidon scoops the stone back into his pocket – an unsafe place to keep it if you ask me. But I hold my tongue and watch as they all exchange looks, a secret language I’m not allowed to know. I fold my arms and lean back like a child, waiting for them to stop.

  As if reading my thoughts, Brotus gets to his feet and says, “I’ll make the relevant preparations.”

  He hardly waits for a response before leaving the table. Merlidon is on his feet next, saying, “Awaiting instructions, sir.” Which is the most formal I’ve ever heard him speak. He gives a swift nod then, without even looking at me, he leaves the room.

  I don’t move while they make their exits. It isn’t until the door slips closed behind Merlidon do I look at Lucifer, not surprised to see that he’s already watching me.

  “Care to tell me what that was all about?”

  “I’ll have to take a little trip down to South Africa.”

  I nod. “I figured. Are they going with you?”

  Lucifer looks to the door thoughtfully. “I’m not sure as yet.” Then he looks back at me. “I’ll need you to take care of things while I’m gone.”

  “You must be out of your mind.”

  “No,” he says, shaking his head, his unbelievably handsome face alight with humor. “I think it’s the perfect idea. You are my queen, Melody. Who else is more fitting?”

  I fight the urge to stiffen. “Since when did I become your queen?”

  “Since you gave me your life essence. Since we became soul bonded.” The tiniest frown flashes across his face for a second before he smooths it away. “You are my queen.”

  “I’m a hunter. I don’t have time to sit on your throne and run your kingdom.”

  “You’ll grow to love it.”

  “Can’t grow to love something I won’t be doing.”

  Unfazed, he continues, “I should let Merlidon and Brotus be here to help you whenever and however they can.”

  “I don’t need their help with anything because I won’t be doing anything.”

  “You’ll need a crown,” he hums, scanning the top of my head. “You’ll look marvelous with one on. I should arrange to get that for you.”

  Resisting the urge to groan, I pin him with a hard stare. I’ve never met someone who can match me in stubbornness as much as he can. Okay, well, maybe Merlidon. “You aren’t listening to me.”

  “I am listening to you.” Laughing, he says, “You’re overthinking this. You can come and go as you see fit. As you can see, I don’t really do much around here but sit around and look pretty.”

  “And find human girls to prey on.”

  “You’re the only woman I would ever consider preying on.” He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. The affectionate gesture gives me much more pleasure than I want to admit. “Now, do you plan to stop being so stubborn?”

  “I’ll think about it,” I say, pulling my hand away from his. “How long will you be gone?”

  “I’m not sure. Hopefully not long. Traveling there will take a bit of time as well.”

  “Can’t you just teleport there?”

  He shakes his head. “Hell is as wide as the human realm is. The distance between where I am now and where I need to be to reach Sou
th Africa is too wide for teleporting.”

  “So what? You’re going to take a plane there?”

  Another smirk of a smile. “Something like that.”

  “Do I even want to know?”

  “It isn’t anything bad. Being as old as I am has allowed me to amass a lot of wealth over time, both in this realm and yours. As long as I’m not hindered by any hunters, I should be able to use my plane as much as I want.”

  “With the energy you exude, I doubt any hunter would be stupid enough to go head to head with you after that pops up on their radar.”

  “Yet when we met you were more than willing.”

  “I never said I was smart.”

  The smile that explodes on his face warms me instantly and I feel an answering smile spreading across my own lips. He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, then the lips. “The lies you tell.” Then he leans back, more serious now. He palms my cheek. “You’re going to miss me.”

  “Cocky too, huh?”

  His lip twitches but he doesn’t smile outright. His eyes are more intense now, boring into me. They trail down to my lips. “Your body will miss me, even if your mind tries not to. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be able to survive,” I murmur.

  He hums, as if he doesn’t believe me. I’m not sure I believe myself either. He kisses me softly on the edge of my mouth. “I’ve decided. Merlidon and Brotus will stay to help you with what you’ll need help with.” He pulls away, looks at me, then kisses the other side of my mouth. “To fulfill all the desires I don’t have the time to fulfill.”

  A tremor runs through me as his words sink in. He doesn’t have to elaborate. My body, judging by the way it washes with heat at the thought of Lucifer’s two high commanders mounting me, knows that they’re fully capable of satisfying all the desires I shouldn’t have. The thought is electrifying, but I keep my mouth closed.


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