Denying Mr. Parks (The Parks #1)

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Denying Mr. Parks (The Parks #1) Page 17

by Lilly James

  I couldn’t get my head around why Parks was so different. I thought about him more than necessary, more than I ever thought about anyone. Wait, I knew what was different about him. The sex. I loved it. With anyone else I left emotion out of the picture. It never came with me. But Parks came everywhere with me. His scent stayed on my skin after he’d caressed it with his fingertips and lips. He stayed inside me after his cock fulfilled me. He stayed in my mind when I’d left him and was alone. And he wasn’t welcome. I tried desperately to get rid of him on my own, but the one and only thing that did banish him was something that kept ruining me. I could never win.

  I walked past the Jaguar, having no intention of climbing in, which forced Cleaver to jump out and beg me. “Please, Evey, climb in. I’ll take you home.”

  I wrapped my arms around myself even tighter and walked briskly. “No. I’m getting a cab.”

  “Mr. Parks won’t be happy with me or you if you don’t get in, ma’am.” Cleaver’s voice was panicked. He was desperate.

  I pivoted harshly on my heel and yelled, “I don’t care what he thinks. Why do you even work for a man like him? His demands are insane.”

  He stumbled back a little, surprised by my outburst. “Insane, no. Caring, yes.”

  Cleaver confirmed with those words that he was fond of Parks, but I couldn’t see why. “Not many people know him personally, ma’am, but I can tell you from experience that he is an exceptional gentlemen. Have patience.”

  Patience? Parks would test the patience of a fucking nun and drive her to drink.

  I knew nothing, zilch, nada about him, yet I seemingly could not stay away from him. Confused was an understatement. Why, when I was trying to form a perfectly, relatively safe relationship with Alex to keep my moods and feelings placid, did I have to keep giving in to this damn man and send my recovering mind back to an unbalanced state?

  “Possess me,” he said. “I will be his,” he said. Well, I was determined to prove him wrong.

  “Bye, Cleaver.” I walked away from him and flagged down a cab, asking him to take me to the local shop. There, I bought a bottle of red wine then made my way home. Steph was staying at Mathew’s, so I took a bath with my bottle and drank the entire thing, staying in the tub until the water went cold. All the whilst I stared straight in front of me at the mirror resting at the end of the bath tub. My reflection showed me sad eyes that were black from smudged mascara, and I felt nothing but disgust. I tried my whole life to be a strong woman, but I was the exact opposite. I was a weak woman who couldn’t cope with any sort of emotions, truth, or even lies. I used alcohol to hide my pain, to try and forget those feelings by drinking until I was numb instead of facing up to it head-on and sober. I was a coward.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Before work that day, I stashed the empty wine bottle in the bin outside and got myself decent for work. I dressed in a black pencil dress that sat just above my knees and had a zip up by my breasts, giving me the choice to show off a lot of cleavage or very little. I did it to show a little more than usual.

  I closed the front door behind me and immediately noticed the Jaguar parked outside the flat. I wanted to take the Tube, but I felt guilty for how I’d treated Cleaver the previous night. I decided to spare him the lecture he’d probably get from Parks again. On the plus side, riding in the Jaguar would save me time and money each morning.

  “Good morning, Evey. Thank you for accepting this time.” Cleaver tipped his hat to me and seemed to relax as I climbed in. He was evidently happy with my choice. “I see your new gift has worked already. On time. I’m impressed.” I caught his smile in the car mirror as he tapped his own watch, indicating mine.

  “Oh.” I smiled fondly his way. “Yes, um, it seems to be.” I highly doubted a new watch was the cause for my budding punctuality, though.

  Cleaver dropped me outside Starbucks so I could get myself my usual coffee, then I ran across the road to get to work. Inside the building I looked around for Parks, and when I didn’t see him, my whole body sagged. Not out of disappointment, out of relief.

  “Morning, my girl,” Clarke said as I entered our office. “And on time. Impressive.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered before sipping at my coffee and sitting at my desk to get to work.

  “We have a meeting at eleven o’clock.”

  I inwardly groaned. “Do I have to go? I mean, I’m merely the assistant.” I smirked, batting my eyelashes. Clarke laughed, but Posh Pat butted in.

  “I don’t quite understand why you have to be present, either, Evey. I also do not understand why Mr. Parks is leading it.”

  “Mr. Parks?” I almost spat out his name, and both Clarke and Pat noticed.

  “You’re not fond of him, my girl?”

  I shook my head dramatically. “No, he’s an arrogant, conceited nob head.”

  Patricia’s eyes grew wide and disgruntled. “What on earth is a nob head?”

  “A dickhead.” I smirked, and Pat blushed.

  “It is utterly inappropriate to call the founder of this firm, who is an extremely respectable man who has done great things for this company and business worldwide, such a thing. You should have more respect, Evey,” she scolded, which only made me yawn.

  “Wow, Pat,” I said. “You think so highly of him. Are you shagging him?”

  She blushed even harder, and her eyes bulged from their sockets. “Excuse me?”

  Clarke warned me not to retaliate, handed me a file, and told me to get to work. I made a sarcastic “yikes” expression whilst he shook his head at me.


  A couple of hours later we were all sitting around the twenty-chair, oblong table waiting for Parks. I was sitting next to Clarke, listening to his conversation about golf with the two Johns. The women in the room where talking between themselves, clearly not wanting me to join in. Which was fine because I didn’t have a sponge cake recipe to share anyway. Carla was sitting next to the head chair, faffing with her bob and checking her compact mirror twenty times every second. Around two minutes after we scheduled to start, Parks finally emerged.

  “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I apologize profusely for being late. I do appreciate your time.”

  My eyes travelled over his navy blue, three-piece suit. A double-breasted waistcoat hugged his upper body perfectly and fitted over a white dress shirt that looked divine. He even had a matching navy blue tie. Jesus. It hurt to stare at something so powerfully, precisely perfect.

  “Oh, don’t apologize, Mr. Parks,” Carla trilled, because she wanted him to look at her. “You’re a busy man. It can’t be helped.”

  I snickered in my head at how desperate she looked.

  “Thank you, Miss Hammond,” he said stiffly. I could tell he was beating himself up inside about being late. After all, he was all about control, and not being on time disturbed his perfect routine. I had to wind him up.

  “Maybe you should buy a new watch.”

  The gasps could be heard around the room.

  “Evey,” Clarke hissed from the side of his mouth.

  “What?” I mouthed on a shrug.

  “Thank you for your concern, Evelyn, but I do not make a habit of being tardy. I like to set admirable examples for my employees. Take note.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Bastard. I knew he was secretly taking about my previous lateness, but I was improving, so stuff him. After that he started the meeting, talking about progress, numbers, and charts, things I knew nothing about. But what I did know was when I gazed at him, I noticed he spoke with fluent, assertive knowledge about his businesses. He was authoritative and passionate, firm and full of confidence. Fuck, it was sexy. But his words were not what turned me on the most. Sure, his presence and the way he carried himself made me damp, but there was more. I kept thinking, I know damn well what he’s hiding under that expensive suit. I know damn well what his trousers contain and how well he can use his tool. God, thinking about it gave me a temperature. I was burning up. The heat was rising
to the surface of my skin, and I felt flustered for the first time in my life.

  “Jesus, it’s hot in here,” I blurted out for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Everyone turned to face me. Clarke again warned me with his eyes to be quiet whilst Carla’s eye twitched with fury.

  Parks’s gaze suddenly hit mine. “Would you like me to open a window, Evelyn?” His smirk told me he knew why I was so hot and muddled. Big-headed bastard. I quickly pulled myself together and frowned at him, jerking my chin away defensively.

  “I’m fine, thank you.” I picked up my pen and started scribbling in my notebook, wishing he’d hurry up and speak again to take the faces from me.

  The lights went dim after around thirty minutes in, and the projector screen came to life as the presentation began. I rose quickly when it started and walked to the water dispenser. Flicking the nozzle down, I filled my cup, then flicked it back up and went to resume to my seat, but before I could so much as take a step back, I felt two palms caressing my arse. I knew those firm, dexterous hands belonged to Parks. He bent down quickly to whisper in my ear. “Such a nice round ass, Evelyn. Would you like me to fuck it?”

  What? My stomach twitched, my sex throbbed, and I breathed out a little too loudly. “Stop.” But he didn’t. Neither did he seem to care that at any moment, any one of my colleagues could have turned their heads and noticed us.

  “I can’t stop,” he breathed against my cheek, still caressing my backside, and God, it felt good. “I won’t stop.” He nipped my earlobe, making me lean into his mouth, then with the tip of his tongue, he licked gently across my cheek until he reached my throat. “Your curves look so fucking sexy in this dress. I don’t think you realise how desirable you are to me.”

  I closed my eyes as he cupped my bum in his palms, and I quickly forgot we were in a room with twenty other people. He broke away from me, and I was suddenly being pulled into the storage cupboard that was at the back of the room.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed as he pushed me back against the wall, leaving the door wide open.

  “I told you, Evelyn. I will have you whenever I can. Whenever I want. Don’t forget it.”

  He attacked my mouth before I could protest, bruising my lips, showing me that he would, and could, have me at any time he desired. I hated him for it.

  He wrapped his palm around my ponytail roughly as he held me firmly in place. I tried to push him away, but he was too powerful. I tried to force my tongue out of his mouth, but he wasn’t giving up. He knew I wanted what he could give me, even if I did try to deny it.

  He continued to kiss me aggressively, and my attempt to fight him faded when he thrust his hips forwards, digging his erection exactly where it needed to be. My mouth left his to allow a breath to escape as my knees buckled slightly.

  “My cock has been hard throughout the entire presentation, Evelyn. All I could focus on was you. You and that damn sexy cleavage. Feel what you do to me.” He latched his lips on to my neck as he pulled down the zip hiding my white lace bra.

  “You should have kept your focus on Pat, then,” I breathed as my nipples betrayed me, straining against the lace, begging to be touched by him. I felt his smirk against my skin, then he pushed his perfect body against mine and secured me to the wall. Ripping down one cup of my bra, he freed my swelling breast and caught my nipple with his teeth, making me claw his hair, desperately trying to suppress a moan. His closeness, his scent, his hands all over me, had already made my sex slick, so when he began to suck and bite at my nipple, I climaxed almost immediately.

  “Wade, Jesus.” I wept, digging at his hair, rubbing my tender sex along his cock to try and dull the ache. Knowing I had already come, he pushed his hand up my dress and pulled across the material of my knickers.

  “You’re so wet and ready for me, Evelyn. So goddamn sexy.” He cupped my sex and began to smear all the moistness of my arousal around my folds and over my clit. He wasn’t taking his time. Instead, he seemed to want to make me come for him again, and fast. My knees bent as I held on to his shoulders to support myself as he massaged my clit and licked my nipples. My hips moved on their own accord, circling with the rhythm of his hand. I was right there with him, and the way he desired to have me made me feel safe, made me feel wanted, but I couldn’t think about that, because there was never hope.

  My hips began thrusting restlessly, my legs became weaker, and I knew I was about to surrender to his needs.

  His breathing was harsh as his fingers worked my clit faster. I lifted my head up to see the delightful teasing look in his eyes. “I love watching you like this, Evelyn. Watching your body come undone because of me. I want to mark my territory every chance I get. Then you will be reminded that you are mine now. I want to possess you. I want to own you. And I will. No one else will ever have you. Ever.”

  I was too intoxicated with pleasure to take in what he’d said. My senses were overpowered by his aura, the scent of his arousal, his hard, suited body pressed up against mine, and everything Wade Parks.

  After his proclamation, he applied a little more pressure to my clit, and I climaxed. Parks suppressed the wail that left my mouth with his lips, and I moaned into his mouth as our lips spilled all over each other’s in hot need.

  I could vaguely hear the presentation playing in the other room. We were metres away from twenty people, he had made me come twice, and fuck did that feel hot.

  In the midst of drowning in pleasure, I wasn’t aware Parks had unzipped himself until his cock slid effortlessly into my sodden sex. He pushed his mouth firmly into mine to stop me from crying out as my channel adjusted to the size of his magnificent manhood.

  I kept my legs straight and thighs close together, just slightly giving Parks enough room for his entry. It was a tight squeeze for his cock to manoeuvre in and out, but it felt mind-blowing as he began to move his length inside of me, making sure he was sliding slickly against my clit whilst doing so. My legs weakened as the intense feeling magnified. The groan he made against my mouth vibrated through my chest. Our tongues breathlessly attacked each other’s as he pumped me even faster. He moved his hands down onto my backside, and he pulled my hips into him fiercely so my channel would meet his cock on demand.

  I wasn’t sure if anyone could hear the vigorous slapping of our thighs, our ragged breathing, or the way we were kissing like it was the last day on earth, but I was sure a few more nudges from Parks would make me come again. I bit down onto his bottom lip—which he loved—and dug my nails into his firm arse to push him into me. I was rubbing myself against him shamelessly to draw out the last ounces of my climax.

  “Only I can do this to you, Evelyn. Remember that.” His cock plunged, and I instantly felt the humid sensation of his semen pouring inside me. “And this is what you do for me; only you can make me come so fucking hard.” He kissed me, moaning into my mouth until he wrung out every last drop of himself into my snug channel. It was raw, delirious fucking, and it was the best sex of my life.

  Just as quick as he had taken me, he pulled himself together. After straightening out his appearance, he zipped himself away and then pulled a tissue from his pocket. He knelt down, and wiped away the wetness between my thighs and on my legs. I winced slightly as my sex was still sensitive and knew the gentle action was extremely affectionate coming from him. Yet after sex, he had never showed much gentleness. For some reason that fact turned my mood sour, and I had no explicable reason for feeling that way because I had never shown affection to him, either.

  I snatched the tissue from his hand and cleaned myself up. He furrowed his brows and exhaled harshly through his nose.

  “I think we should resume position, don’t you?” My comment snapped out of my mouth in an unnecessarily temperamental tone. I saw the roguish glint in his eyes as he completely turned around what I had meant into something dirty.

  “Depends what position you mean.”

  I huffed past him and tried to be as quiet and as graceful as possible when I returned to my
seat, but Clarke noticed.

  “Where on earth have you been?” he whispered.

  “I didn’t feel well. I took time out.” I glanced behind Clarke and saw Parks coming into view. Clarke instinctively followed my gaze and shot his head back to me, his expression horrified.

  “No,” he gasped, staring at me like I was unhinged.

  “What?” I shrugged, trying to act coy. He closed his eyes, muttering something under his breath. To me, it looked like he was saying a silent prayer. When he was done, he placed his hand over mine. “Evey,” he whispered, “please don’t tell me you’re sleeping with the CEO of this company.” From the way Clarke looked at me, I could tell I had his sympathy. Well, I didn’t need it. I ignored him and pulled my hand from underneath his, but he continued with his babbling. “No wonder he insisted you be at this meeting.”

  “He did?” I looked up at him, feeling surprised and stupidly happy.

  “Ah.” He pointed his finger at me. “Are you confirming?”

  “No, Clarke. You have it all wrong.”

  “Evey, I didn’t become of the best solicitors in London for shit all. I can tell when someone is lying. Your hair is a mess, your cheeks are flustered, and the zip on your dress is down and showing even more cleavage. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have both been fucking in that store cupboard.”

  Wow. I recoiled completely at his uncharacteristic outburst and felt sick all of a sudden. Looking down at my dress, I saw my zip was completely undone like he said.

  I pulled it up quickly and hissed, “Then I’d say you would make a rubbish detective.” I pushed to my feet abruptly, making everyone turn their heads. “Excuse me.” Yes, I used my manners. Parks shot me a look of concern before I left the room swiftly.

  In record time I got outside the building and ran across the road towards Starbucks after the traffic broke. I needed a break. Well, I needed a wine, but I was at work so that was a no-go. For now.


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