Bound To Surrender BN

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Bound To Surrender BN Page 12

by Jenna Jacobjenna Jacob

  “Wait a minute. Wait a minute.” Trevor held his hands out as if trying to brace himself and stared pointedly at Julianna. “You’re going to get pregnant again?”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “With whose baby?”

  “Yours and Drake’s, silly,” she laughed.


  Mika lifted a silver tray off the coffee table. Pulling back the cotton cloth draping the platter, he revealed two glass cups and a thick plastic syringe, sans the needle.

  “You and Drake will come in these cups. I’ll fill the syringe with your sperm and insert it inside Julianna, near her cervix,” Mika explained. “I’ll slowly release the sperm while she lies with her hips propped up on some pillows. She’ll stay that way for around forty-five minutes. Then we wait a few days and hopefully the rabbit will have died.”

  Trevor’s chin quivered. He looked up at Drake, then started to sob. “You’re all doing this for me?”

  “For us, love,” Drake whispered, drawing his sweet boy tightly to his chest. “They’re doing this for us.”

  He pressed a poignant kiss to his lips as Julianna eased in behind Trevor and wrapped her arms around the two of them.

  “Oh, sister,” Trevor sobbed. “Are you sure about all this? I mean…”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “I’m positive. It’s the greatest gift I can give to the most wonderful friend I’ve ever had. I want you to be as happy and complete as I am. This baby we’re making will change your life. You’re going to make an awesome mommy.”

  Trevor answered on a half wail, half moan as he spun and clutched the girl in his arms. Both Drake and Mika brushed their tears away as they watched their slaves hug and cry.

  Finally Mika cleared his throat. “Okay, are we going to stand her sobbing all night or are we going to make a baby?”

  Julianna pulled away and dried her eyes. “Let’s make a baby!”

  “Oh, my god!” Trevor squealed. He enveloped Drake in a rugged hug before kissing his lips hard and long. When he pulled away he laughed. “Two men, and a couple of cups.”

  “Oh, slut,” Drake groaned. “Don’t even go there.”

  Mika rolled his eyes as he handed each of them a sterilized glass. “Use the guest room and take as long as you need. We’ll be in our bedroom waiting for your…donations.”

  “This is the kinkiest Salvation Army drop-off I’ve ever visited,” Trevor said with a laugh.

  “Come on, boy,” Drake chuckled as he dragged his sub upstairs.

  Inside the guest room, Trevor stripped off his pants. He looked down at his flaccid cock and sent Drake a nervous glance. “I know this sounds weird, but I think I might be too excited to get it up.”

  He chuckled. “Trust me, love. I’ll make you get it up. Up, hard, and hot. And I’ll make you come like a fucking geyser before I’m through with you.”

  Trevor quickly sobered. “No one but you could do that, Master.”

  Drake removed his clothes before stepping forward to drag off Trevor’s shirt. Leaning in, he slid his tongue over his lover’s bottom lip. Skimming his calloused hands over Trevor’s supple flesh, Drake paused to pluck and twist each nipple. A smile spread across his lips when Trevor’s erection sprang to life against Drake’s stomach.

  “Let’s make our baby, my sweet slut,” Drake murmured against his lips. Easing to his knees, he engulfed Trevor’s pretty cock with his mouth.

  “Ohhhh, Daddy,” he moaned.

  Twenty minutes later, the two men tugged on their jeans, clutched their cups of milky come, and tiptoed down the hall. Caught up in a fit of laughter, they tried to keep their giggles quiet and not wake up Tristan. When they reached Mika and Julianna’s bedroom door, Drake softly knocked.

  “Come on in,” Mika invited. Enthusiasm laced his tone.

  “Ready?” Drake asked as anticipation rolled through his system.

  “I don’t know,” Trevor whispered on trembling lips.

  His face fell. Fear gripped his gut. “We don’t have to do this.”

  “No!” Trevor replied in an urgent whisper. “I want this, I’m just… Yes. I’m ready. Wait. We’re doing the right thing, aren’t we?”

  Drake kissed him hard. “Yes. It’s time we had a child to share our love with.”

  He reached for the doorknob and gave it a turn. When they walked into the room, they found Julianna lying flat on her back, her backside resting on a pile of pillows and a sheet draped over her bent legs.

  “I feel like I’m at my yearly gynecologist visit,” she giggled. “Dr. LaBrache here is making me wet and horny as hell. Thank god my real doctor is old and wrinkled or I’d never be able to get a pap smear without blushing again.”

  “Quiet, pet. I’m trying to focus here.” Mika winked.

  “Where do you want these?” Drake asked, holding up his glass.

  “On the tray there is perfect.”

  Trevor placed his glass onto the tray as well. Mika picked up a flashlight. “I’m going to need one of you to hold this on Julianna’s pretty little pussy, to light my way.”

  Drake and Trevor shared a wide-eyed glance with one another before Trevor held out his hand. “I’ll take it. It’s the least I can do for what you’re willing to give us.”

  Though he’d read every article he could get his hands on about this particular style of at-home in vitro fertilization, Drake realized that watching it unfold was altogether different than reading about it on his computer. Mika carefully drew up semen from both cups into the syringe. Gently shaking the contents, he mixed their sperm together.

  The light in Trevor’s hand quaked. As Mika began to insert the syringe, Drake reached up and wrapped his hand around his sub’s to steady the beam. Together, they watched in awe.

  “Nice and slow,” Mika murmured out loud as he slowly depressed the plunger of the syringe.

  Though it felt like hours, the event took a matter of minutes to complete. When Mika drew the empty container from inside his girl, Drake’s heart nearly thundered out of his chest. He stared into Julianna’s shimmering eyes. “I love you, girl.”

  “I love you, too, Moses,” she sniffed.

  “May I, Masters?” Trevor asked both Doms.

  “Of course.” Mika nodded.

  “Yes, sweet boy.” Drake smiled softly.

  Rounding the bed, Trevor crawled onto the mattress and settled in beside Julianna. He kissed her cheek as tears spilled down his face. “Thank you so much for doing this for us. You’re the best sister and friend in the universe.”

  The two subs remained side by side laughing and talking as the Doms kept watch on the clock.

  When time was up, Julianna shook her head. “I want to stay like this a little longer. I’m sure your mighty sperm have already completed their seek-and-destroy mission on my egg. But just in case they got lost or stopped off for a beer, I’d like to give them some more time.”

  “Are you kidding?” Trevor laughed. “Master’s come is super-sperm. They wear capes and everything.”

  “How do you know?” Julianna chuckled.

  “I’ve felt them on my tongue before the damn things fly around inside my mouth. They might be small, but they’re mighty,” Trevor answered before he burst out laughing.

  “Oh, for the love of…” Drake shook his head and grinned like an idiot.

  Both Mika and Julianna howled.

  The days following their attempted in-home impregnation dragged on like months. Both he and Trevor were on pins and needles waiting to hear…something. They were sitting on the couch drinking coffee and watching the morning news when Drake’s cell phone rang. He plucked it from his pocket and looked at the caller ID.

  “It’s them.” He sent Trevor an anxious stare.

  Sucking in a fortifying breath, he answered, “Drake.”

  “Congratulations. You’re going to be fathers,” Mika thundered excitedly.

  His hand shook and a blast of joy rocketed through him. Drake dropped the phone and grabbed Trev
or in his arms. Tears of joy streamed down his cheeks as he held his sobbing lover in a sturdy hug.


  The hot August sun beat on Trevor’s back as he and Drake began the task of carrying in the groceries from Julianna’s car. As she unbuckled Tristan from his car seat, she stood and pressed a hand to the small of her back while the little boy jumped to the driveway.

  “Hi,” Tristan called out.

  Drake watched the little boy wave to the creepy gardener who was blatantly staring at his very pregnant mother.

  “That’s it,” he growled as he pushed the sack of food back into the trunk and stormed toward Julianna’s neighbor’s house.

  When the pervy dude saw the tattooed giant striding his way, he dropped his pruning shears and started to run.

  “Take the baby inside, and stay there,” Trevor whispered to Julianna.

  A worried look lined her face as she snatched up Tristan’s hand and quickly hurried into the house. By then, Drake was sprinting across the neighbor’s lawn, gaining on the ogling gardener, and brought him down with a linebacker’s tackle. Trevor ran toward the two men as Drake flipped the creepy dude onto his back and straddled his chest. He couldn’t miss the bulging erection tenting the gardener’s pants.

  “You look at her like she’s a porn star again, you die. Is that clear?” Drake spat.

  The man didn’t reply, simply shook his head as waves of fear rolled across his features.

  “In fact, give your notice to the people who live here. Find another lawn to take care of. I don’t want to see your face ever again,” Drake growled. “Don’t make me kill you.”

  When the man started to cry, Trevor’s gut churned. He knew firsthand how much damage that level of agonizing fear could do.

  Placing his hand on Drake’s shoulder, Trevor swallowed tightly. “That’s enough. Please.”

  The big man jerked his attention from the gardener and stared up at Trevor. Drake’s jaw clenched. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  He stood and offered the sobbing man a hand. Though terrified, he clasped onto his beefy fist and allowed Drake to haul him back to his feet.

  “Get out of here,” he snarled.

  As the frightened man ran away, Trevor hugged his lover. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  He exhaled a heavy sigh and skimmed a big paw over his head. “I’m sorry. I lost my temper.”

  “No. You did what you needed to. He won’t be back. I promise.”

  “Are you all right?” The big man pulled back and stared into his eyes.

  Trevor flashed him a weak smile and a nod. “Yes. I’m perfectly fine. I swear.”

  When they walked back to the car, they hauled in two grocery sacks each. Tristan met them in the family room, eyes wide and tears just beginning to spill down his cheeks.

  Trevor knelt and set the groceries on the floor before scooping up the boy. “What’s wrong, big man? Did you get into trouble?”

  “No. Mommy. She’s sick or somefing. She holded the baby in her belly and screamed real loud.”

  “Julianna!” Drake bellowed as he ran toward the kitchen.

  Trevor stood, and clutching Tristan, he followed. When he rounded the corner, Julianna was still holding her stomach, blowing air from her mouth in billowing waves.

  “Labor’s started,” she choked. “Call Mika first. Mellie second.” She cringed before sucking in a deep breath.

  Then her water broke, rushing onto the floor. Trevor panicked. He placed the boy on a kitchen chair and told him not to move. Rushing to Julianna’s side, he wrapped an arm around her waist as Drake whipped out his cell phone and darted out of the room.

  “You can’t do this to me, sister,” Trevor screeched in her ear. “I don’t know how to deliver a baby, and this kitchen floor isn’t sterilized. Oh, god.”

  “Trev,” she scolded in a whisper. “The baby isn’t going to fall out of me. Calm down. I don’t want to scare Tristan.”

  Shaking, Trevor nodded, grateful that she was drawing him off the ledge. Biting back the swirl of excitement and fear, he led her to the chair beside her son and smiled at the boy. “Mommy’s going to have her baby soon. This is how you came into the world, too.”

  “Mommy habing your baby,” Tristan corrected.

  “Yes, she is.” Trevor forced a smile as fear gripped him by the balls. Though all four of them had discussed tons of different scenarios regarding this exact moment, he couldn’t remember a fucking thing. His thoughts were so jumbled. What the hell was he supposed to do first?

  Go get her hospital bag.

  Thankfully a flicker of logic sliced through the chaos. “You two stay put. I’m going to run upstairs and get your suitcase.”

  Julianna nodded as she inhaled slow breaths and exhaled out her mouth. She peered down at her son. “Don’t be afraid. Mommy is fine.”

  Trevor waited a split second to see the boy nod, then turned on his heel and sprinted upstairs. With suitcase in hand, he bounded back to the main floor and raced through the family room only to find Julianna and Tristan sitting on the couch reading a book.

  What. The. Fuck? There wasn’t time to read a damn book!

  “We need to go, right?” His voice was laced with anxiety.

  “Not until Mika comes home from the club. He had some paperwork to take care of,” she calmly replied.

  Wait! Wait? Oh, hell no. They couldn’t wait for Mika. They needed to go now!

  “Where’s Drake?” he asked, hoping he could convince the big man to physically pluck Julianna off the couch and carry her to the fucking car.

  “He’s pacing the foyer waiting for Mellie and Mika.” Julianna held out her hand to him. “Trev, you both need to take it down a couple thousand notches. Okay? This could take hours. Remember last time?” She darted a glance at her son.

  Yes, he remembered. She was in labor for what seemed an eternity. He and Drake had sat in the waiting room worrying about her and the baby until it nearly ate them alive. Trevor had damn near climbed the walls. It was the longest day of his life.

  “If you need something to do, you can put the groceries away, or at least the things that need to go in the fridge and the freezer. Okay?”

  Numbly, Trevor nodded. He definitely needed something to burn off the energy pinging through him like a pinball machine. Anything to curb his desire to stomp his feet and scream at her to get off the goddamn couch and waddle her fucking ass to the car. Biting back his terror, Trevor snatched up the groceries he’d left on the floor and made his way into the kitchen.

  With trembling hands, he scrubbed the tile where Julianna’s fluids had released. He didn’t want to focus too keenly on the mess he was cleaning up, but reminded himself this… stuff was the precursor needed before they held their baby! For the first time in nine long months, he finally felt as if this were no longer a dream but a reality. And a damn scary one, too.

  After finishing the floor, he washed his hands and quickly put the groceries away. Anxious to check on Julianna again, he hurried into the family room. At the same time, Mellie and her Master, Joshua, entered from the foyer.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly.” Julianna winced and paused to suck in a deep breath. “Tristan’s schedule is—”

  “On the refrigerator,” Mellie interrupted. “We’ve been through this drill plenty of times. We’ll take good care of your little man. Sanna, Nick, and Dylan are on their way over, too. The two men have been talking about making a fort in your dining room for weeks. I guess it’s one of the hazards of owning your own construction company or something.”

  As the three of them laughed, Trevor bit back a scream.

  Joshua sent him a knowing smile. “Let’s go see how Drake’s doing.”

  Instead of waiting for Trevor to answer, the man slapped him on the back and ushered him out of the room. When they were out of earshot, the acclaimed artist sent him a slight nod. “I’ve been in your shoes before. Take a deep breath and relax. Being a dad is hard work but not as hard as what Ju
lianna is about to go through.”

  Trevor closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. He’d forgotten that Joshua had once been a father, and a husband, but lost both his wife and daughter in a tragic car accident. Trevor hadn’t even held his child yet but couldn’t fathom the amount of courage it took to rejoin the living after that type of devastating loss. Yet Joshua stood before him, smiling in understanding and giving Trevor advice. The man suddenly seemed larger than life.

  As the two men entered the foyer, Drake swung open the front door. “Mika’s here.”

  As Julianna’s Master raced inside, Drake pinned him with a feral scowl. “’Bout fucking time.”

  “Bite me, asshole. I ran three red lights and drove sixty through the subdivision,” Mika replied with a crooked smile. “Where’s my girl?”

  “On the damn couch reading stories to Tristan and laughing with Mellie,” Trevor answered exasperatedly.

  Mika pivoted toward the archway, then stopped. He slapped both Drake and Trevor on the shoulders as a smile crawled across his face. “Let’s all take a deep breath. You need to find your center and hold on to it as if it were gold. My loving, sweet natured-slave turns into Satan when she’s in labor. If we don’t remain calm and collected, we’re liable to lose our balls. Just sayin’.”

  “Oh, I’ve been there, done that. It’s scary as fuck.” Joshua chuckled.

  Drake arched a brow in shock. “I never thought I’d see you cower to a sub.”

  Mika flipped him off. “If your Trevor were pushing a watermelon out a hole the size of his ass, you’d be cowering, too.”

  The man’s words made Trevor cringe and his ass cheeks clench.

  Drake paled. “Point taken.”

  “We might act tough, but labor? That shit would turn the most bad-assed, hardened criminal into a simpering pussy,” Joshua said with a laugh.

  “Let’s all just stroll into the family room,” Mika coaxed in a soothing voice. “We’ll calmly escort Julianna to the car and carefully drive her to the hospital.”

  Butterflies, moths, bumblebees, and a couple of condors dipped and dived inside Trevor’s stomach. He didn’t know if he wanted to throw up or pass out.


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