Eternal Soulmate

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Eternal Soulmate Page 1

by Brooklyn Taylor


  By Brooklyn Taylor

  Text copyright

  2014 Brooklyn Taylor

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Designer: I Love it Design Studio

  Photo on cover: Dana Curr

  Editor: Becky Vaughn

  No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or electronic or mechanical methods, without the permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copy right law. For permission requests, write to the author at:

  [email protected]

  Brooklyn Taylor is in no way affiliated with any brands, songs, or music or artists mentioned in this book.

  This book is an act of fiction.


  To my 3 in the “Core 4”

  The love of my life, Tim

  Favorite Son, Taylor

  Favorite Daughter, Brooke

  You three are my life and my reason for breathing.


  In memory of my mother

  I love you mom! I wish you could read this.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32



  I have never been hit by anyone in my life. I had seen my mother get hit for years, but never imagined it would hurt as badly as it did. When I felt the warm liquid splatter all over my face before I hit my wood floor, I was petrified. Believe it or not, it wasn’t for me though. It was for the love of my life, my soul mate. I had an intuition my life would end early after being subjected to violence all my life. I was just ecstatic it was after I finally got a chance to feel real, unconditional, passionate love.

  I lost feeling all over my body. I couldn’t feel my arms or legs, I was trying so hard to keep a train of thought of Cooper. Oh Cooper, my sweet Cooper. I can hear him screaming over me, but I can’t feel his touch or see him. All my senses were starting to void. I have this horrible pain in my chest and neck and I couldn’t breathe. This was it for me. Please, please God let me die fast. Please don’t make me suffer in front of Cooper. I didn’t want to cause him any more pain.

  Cooper’s voice was starting to fade. I felt like I was in a tunnel of dim glowing light. I was trying so hard to focus on Cooper’s gorgeous face in my mind. His image was fading from me. I wanted to reach and grab it but knew it wasn’t possible. I was dying and wouldn’t be seeing Cooper again anytime soon. I would never feel his touch or look in his eyes again, his hazel eyes that always looked at me with so much love.

  I was trying so hard not to give up and let go. I felt no energy in my body and didn’t think I was breathing anymore. I try to take a breath, but feel nothing. I tried to open my eyes or move my arm to reach for Cooper but nothing happened. I couldn’t feel my body any longer. My will was gone, and I was alone now. I heard nothing, felt nothing and saw nothing.

  Chapter 1


  Once again, my life had taken a turn for the worse. Absolute bullshit! I cannot believe I had to do this. Once again I have to put my big girl panties on and push through another thing in my life. I’m 25 and have never done anything for me, so what does it matter anyway? I was finally at a point in my life where I have total control. Control is a priority in my life. Murphy’s Law says that whenever you think everything is finally going the way you want it to then Bam! That is when you will get the wind knocked out of you. I have had more bad luck than good.

  I was just notified my mother passed away. We have talked off and on, but lately not a single one of our conversations has ended in a good way. We always seemed to upset or make each other mad. I loved that stubborn woman more than anything, but Lord could she work me up. She was so talented at being stubborn she was stubborn after she wasn’t here on Earth anymore. We definitely had a relationship only we understood. Her final request was for me to spread her ashes fully aware I would be uncomfortable with it. My mother constantly tried to push me toward my fears, my doubts and to break down the wall I built up so high no one could get around.

  My mother wanted her ashes spread over the ocean I hadn’t been to since I was a kid, all the while trying to make sure I didn’t have a nervous breakdown in the process.

  My childhood was a living hell and truly the only way I made it through was closing my eyes and praying to God. I did, by some Holy miracle, get through it though. Well I guess you can say that. I’m a walking basket case. I come from a long family of abuse, be it mental, alcohol, physical- you name it, my family had it. Whenever I think I finally have a handle on things, my childhood makes an appearance and then I am reminded quickly of my insecurities. I fear all men, and I do not trust a single one of them. Every male has treated me wrong all my life and added to my pile of bricks.

  Every boy I tried to date didn’t work out. Granted, I guess I set myself up for that. I have never held my standards up to where I should have. I mean who would want me with all my issues? I don’t even want to deal with it every day. I can’t say that I have much faith in the male population. My dad and my stepdad, the two men that should have been my male role models broke my heart.

  My life was pretty routine. I have a very fulfilling job as a social worker and love my two best friends, McKoy and Grace. These two girls are an extension of my heart and my soul. They understand how I work and why I am the way I am. I never have to explain my feelings or actions to them as if they read my mind. I do have hope in the back of my mind that one day the right man will come along. I know what I’m looking for and hopefully one day I will find it. Maybe the stars will line up, I pray for that anyway. I do not hold my breath for that thought though as if I did, I would suffocate. I learned everything the hard way. I always have to work hard for what I want because nothing has been given to me. I know deep down this has made me a stronger person, but for Pete’s sake I can’t seem to catch a break. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

  As I am completing packing my bag tonight for my quick trip, it seemed so bittersweet. I’m packing light with just a carry on because I’ll be there for a short while. I am going on this quick trip strictly to do this last thing for my mother as her last wish. I really do love her and will always carry her with me.

  I hope that this gives me peace and perhaps that was my mom’s last wish. Maybe, just maybe this last thing will help me heal once and for all. I cannot say for certain that was what was behind my mother’s plan but to believe that helps me get through it. I have to fly to South Padre Island and absolutely HATE flying. I hate everything about it; the airport, the security, and especially, the sitting on an airplane. I have only flown three times in my life and took Valium to get through it all three times. This time I am attempting this flight without the help since I want a clear head. I would be drivi
ng, my preferred way of transportation, but I can’t take off the time from work right now and it takes triple the time to drive than to fly. I am flying to South Padre, spreading my mom’s ashes and then getting the hell out of dodge. After all, I am taking my mother to her final resting place. This is not about me and I need to remember that.


  “Damn it, dude. I don’t have time to be doing your job for you.” Here I am getting stuck doing Beau’s dirty work AGAIN! I have to do my work then fly down to South Padre to go extradite a prisoner back for warrants that Beau was supposed to take care of. He makes up some bullshit that he can’t go.

  “Look Cooper, I can’t go. I’m supposed to take McKoy out tonight. She gave me an ultimatum and if I don’t show up tonight; it’s over. I love this woman. Come on, give me a break man. You owe me Cooper; let’s not forget I saved your ass today. You would have been suspended without pay if you finished the ass kicking you started on that coward.”

  “I didn’t ask you to do shit for me Beau. I don’t even want to hear it.”

  “The hell you didn’t. You’re taking all these cases personal now. Please Bro!” Beau paused a minute to see Cooper’s reaction. He was pretty pissed a few minutes ago and he didn’t want to push it too far with him.

  “I can’t blow it again with her. This time it would be for good. You need a break from work anyway. It will give you a fresh start.”

  “Fine, whatever, Beau if that is what you want to call a fresh start. A fresh start would be not going to the same calls and the abuser always getting off. A fresh start would be living in the country and not dealing with this city shit. A fresh start would be you doing your job.”

  “Bro, I did my job today with you. You would be in a shit load of trouble if it weren’t for me.”

  Well I guess he’s right for once. I better get packin, looks like I’m going on a trip.

  I worked as a police officer and Beau was my new partner. I use this term very loosely, because I seem to be doing far more than him on a daily basis. You know that kid you were paired with at school to do projects with and you did all the work, yet they always managed to get all the credit? That’s my partner Beau. I prefer to work alone so I know it was done right. I have to go behind Beau more than half the time to finish the job. The majority of the time his head is up his ass. He is wrapped around this girl’s finger that I have yet had the pleasure to meet.

  Today was an especially bad day for me. I lost my temper and it could’ve cost me my job. We had a domestic call to a house we have been to on Northridge Street. It’s always a bad scene and usually when we get there the boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. Today we pulled up and he was just running out of the house so I chased him. Damn did it feel good to run after his ass! It wasn’t much of a chase as he’s older and a drunk. His body had seen better days. Once I had him in a firm hold I took him back to the house hoping there was enough evidence to take him in. The victim was unconscious so we wouldn’t get her testimony. He saw her and spits on her and muttering “worthless bitch” and I lost it.

  I was steaming and so pissed it was taking every bit of control I had to not hit him. “I can’t believe you are such a piece of shit you would treat someone like this. You deserve to rot in hell asshole.”

  He turned around and flinched as if to swing at me and get loose. I went towards him and got in his face. “A real man would have swung at me; the only people you like to put your hands on are women.”

  Beau pulled me back. “Dude, don’t get in trouble for him.”

  “Nick, I’ve been to your house now four times and I assure you I will get the witnesses statements and get your ass put away. You can guarantee it. If Beau weren’t here to stop me, I would have done something I might have regretted. I would’ve shown you how a real man can fight instead of a weak man beating a woman. You’re nothing but a coward.”

  Keep walking Cooper, he’s not worth it.

  Yeah, you could say I had a horrible day. Just another reminder how I was taking this job personal. I am weakening. You would think I would get used to it, but I don’t think I ever will. My job was my life.

  My whole body felt tense. It had been a while since I’d had a release. All the women I have dated seem to give me more of a headache than companionship. I didn’t want a woman for just pleasure anymore. I need more than just to get off. Yeah right Cooper, keep telling yourself that.

  Most women do not comprehend my dedication, and, as a result I have never been into relationships. The job just gets in the way. Sure I like to have a woman every once in a while, what man doesn’t? I have a couple ladies that I can call on, but lately I didn’t even care about that. I am getting too old for that shit. I want a grown ass woman who was ready for a real relationship.

  The only woman I have ever loved is my nana. She is everything to me. She took me in when my mother died at a young age and my dad abandoned me to go waste his life. I try to stay as far away from him as possible. He sure never took the time to be in my life. Most of the memories are from him being strung out or beating the shit out of my mom. He was a scumbag and my life’s goal was to be nothing like him. If I didn’t succeed in anything else but this one task, I would be happy. I looked nothing like him, thank God. I took after my mom’s side of the family. I learned as a young boy, very young, what I wanted out of my life.

  I work really hard day after day and hope that not too long from now I will be able to invest in what I have wanted all my life. I was going to build a home in an old barn that my uncle has on his property and work the land. I was trying to save enough money to be set and not have to work as much in the city. I love the country. I love being out on that tractor with nothing around, but me and the blue sky. I know that seems like a very odd dream from a boy that grew up in the city, but it is so close I can feel it. I love working with my hands and I have hard work ingrained in me. I craved it. I often turn my idea into a creation and I intended to do just that with my home.

  Most guys think with their dicks, but with me that wasn’t an option. I guess that’s an advantage of being raised by such a sensational woman. She taught me to keep my head screwed on right.

  She taught me a man should respect a woman. I have had my fair share of “girlfriends” but they never worked out. Yes, I guess you can say I have my bar set high, but that’s just a fact. When I settle down it will be with the woman I will spend the rest of my life with. Someone I will go to bed with and wake up with everyday. I will crave looking into her eyes, touching her hair, smelling her scent and seeing her smile. I am just that type of man. I want all or nothing. No settling for me, no thank you. Cooper Brooks is adamant in what he wants.

  One day it will happen, but until that day work is my focus. I usually do not share my passion about wanting to live in the country as most women run for the hills. “That is not where I see myself. Why would I want to live in the country when I live here in the city and have all the conveniences that I have?”

  Yep, that usually ends whatever “thing” we have going on pretty quickly. It is all for the best anyway; I am who I am and that’s not going to change.

  Chapter 2


  I was running late which has occurred only a handful of times in my life. My subconscious must be playing games with me knowing I do not want to get on that plane. I just have a very unsettling feeling. I have no words to explain it. I’m quite aware of my fear of flying, but it does not seem to be the only thing getting me flustered and I cannot seem to shake it.

  Calm down Ashlynn, for heaven’s sake, get on the damn plane and get the job done. It will be over before you know it, and you can move on with your life. This trip will be closure for your heart and mind.


  It’s astonishing how many people are so comfortable in the airport and taking their sweet time walking. Why anybody in their ever lovin mind would want to be here on any given day is insane to me. I was walking through the airport staring at these crazy people and
in turn getting stared at like I am crazy.

  Yeah, fellow passengers, tell me something I do not know.

  I finally got to the gate with just a few minutes to spare. They were already boarding the last of the passengers. Great, just great. Now, Lord only knows where I am going to end up seated, or I should say by whom I will be seated. It will probably be the stinkiest, non-showered passenger or the baby screaming that cannot be consoled at any costs.

  This is just my luck. I cannot believe I woke up late, had to run through security and the airport to get to my flight. I ran down the jet way and was the last one on the plane before closing the doors. I looked down the aisle and saw there were only two seats left both on opposite sides, one by the window and one not. My only option to survive the flight was to get that window seat. The window would be my only saving grace. I have to make this bad situation a better one and make lemonade out of lemons. Maybe I would not feel so panicky and closed in if I sit by the window. If I can get focused on my magazine and take my mind off things that will help too.

  I looked up right into the eyes of, Holy shit, the most insanely gorgeous man I have ever seen. Figures! He might look good but no matter how hot they are when they open their mouth is usually where the problem lies. There was a chance he just wouldn’t talk to me. Oh Hell, he has a beautiful smile too. He was wearing a white baseball cap, had hazel eyes and wearing a green polo shirt that made his eyes even greener. Too bad I hate men. How could anyone look this sexy this early in the morning? I hated mornings. It was way too damn early to be chipper, bright eyed, and bushy tailed. Damn, I need another cup of coffee.

  This man stood up, and stepped into the aisle gesturing with his arm to let me get to my seat.

  “Ma’am, do you need help putting your bag in the overhead?”

  Oh wow. He has manners. His accent is from around here. Sexy southern draw, and the way he smiled when he talked gave me butterflies. I better not get too impressed as I’m sure he‘ll prove me right within 90 seconds. I saw him look down and see that my hands are shaking and notice my nervous smile.


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