The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 41

by Lora Ann

  Her hooded eyes lifted enough to make contact with mine. “Is it wrong if I do?”

  She might as well have slapped me. I reared back and fastened my seat belt as I cautioned, “I’ve told you before—I’m no good for you.”

  She clicked hers into the buckle as she responded, “I don’t agree with that.”

  I put the Bugatti in gear and pulled out into traffic. “Do you have no self-preservation instincts?”

  Her laugh was hollow. “My dad has asked me the same question,” she stated dryly.

  Hell, I didn’t want her upset. “I apologize. I never meant to bring up painful memories.”

  “How could you have known?”

  She was right. Of course, I wouldn’t have. Still didn’t change the fact that I felt like a dick for saying it. “Listen. We need to trust each other.” I pointed out, “This won’t work if we don’t. No one will believe you’re my submissive if you have reactions like this.” Yeah, that was a low blow on my end, but I didn’t do the caring boyfriend thing. Dammit, I’d never had a girlfriend to even know how one went about that.

  She straightened her shoulders as her chin jutted out. “Sorry.” Then she fired back, “I’ll have to remember to forget I have any emotions. Should be easy with you in the lead.”

  Ouch! That fucking hurt more than I was willing to admit. “Watch it,” I growled back.

  She slightly slumped forward. “I don’t wanna fight with you, E. Please?”

  I reached over and clasped her hand. “Let’s agree to table this until later.”

  She nodded her acquiescence. I wasn’t one to give in for any reason. That had probably been the closest I’d ever come. Did she realize that? Did she understand the effect she had on me? She turned me inside out. I had a feeling it would not be easy to let her walk out of my life. The beast inside me roared, “Never!” Yup, that’d been what I was afraid of. What a clusterfuck.


  Once we reached the restaurant and left the car with the salivating valet, I laid my hand at the small of her back and whispered, “Did you bring the choker?”

  She gave me a sidelong glance. “Yes. But…”

  Unable to finish what she was saying as the maître d’ greeted, “Mr. Strand, so nice to see you again. This way, please, sir.”

  We followed without any further conversation and were seated in a discreet corner I had specifically requested. There was no need for onlookers with what I was about to do. This was a huge step in my lifestyle. Though I highly doubted Lacey was aware of that. Looks like I would be instructing her in this as well. Once more, the vision of furthering her education on coitus appeared. I was seriously beginning to wonder if I could pull the farce off. The more time I spent in her presence, the more I wanted. Not good. Not good, at all.

  She discreetly slid the box I had sent with her outfit across the leather seat. Since we were next to one another, it was easy enough to conceal. I trapped her hand with mine on top of the lid and gently stroked her fingers. “Do you understand what this is?” I hoped she read the meaningfulness in my gaze.

  “It’s too expensive,” she replied, delicately licking her lips. “I wouldn’t feel right taking this from you.”

  Nope. She was completely clueless, and, fool that I am, I liked it more than I should have. “It’s mine.” I held her eyes with mine intensely, willing her to understand.

  She swallowed a couple of times before she answered, “I thought it was a gift for me. Now I feel really stupid.”

  I could see the confusion playing across her gorgeous features. Again, I reminded myself of her innocence and how she wouldn’t comprehend the significance, until I spelled it out. Our server appeared and I ordered a bottle of Brut Rosé Ruinart Champagne. When he turned to leave, I seized the opportunity and leaned in closer, never taking my hand off of hers. “You weren’t mistaken,” I affirmed.

  Her eyes blinked several times as she worked through the conundrum I’d just presented. I knew the instant the light went on. With wide eyes she queried, “Are you saying if I wear your necklace, I belong to you?”

  Her voice was tentative; nevertheless, I was impressed with how quickly she’d caught on. “Is there a problem?”

  “I…” she shook her head and then continued, “Why?”

  There was no holding back my low chuckle. “It makes a statement.” Holy hell. I wanted more than anything to tell her what my feelings truly were: because I want you to be mine more than anything. Those emotions couldn’t be allowed in this situation. It didn’t matter if I had come to actually care for her. No, I had to stay focused. This was only a ruse in order to gather information that would hopefully help us find Keeley.

  “How does it do that?” she inquired.

  Out of frustration, I ran my hand through my hair (family trait). For whatever reason, I felt like the explanation would taint her somehow. Yet, I knew, she needed to know. Shit—talk about a Catch-22. “This”—I paused, tracing the tip of my nose along her jaw, and then whispered—“is what’s known as a collar. When you wear it, others will know you’re mine.” My chest rumbled with a growl of possession. Fucking A. What was Lacey doing to me?

  She gasped as her other hand went to her throat. I caught her pinky between my teeth and bit down enough to cause her breath to hitch. Then I suckled on the spot to ease the sting, bringing forth a soft moan from her. Awareness of her arousal hit me as I inhaled deeply. Her scent was always an aphrodisiac. So damn sweet that my mouth began to water. Completely consumed with my attentions along her little finger, she didn’t notice my other hand had inched between her thighs. Before she could protest, I took her mouth with mine, catching her surprise and swallowing it down without anyone being the wiser. I lightly tapped my thumb along her silk clad slit, which was quite damp at this point. We were obscured from view, plus, I knew we wouldn’t be disturbed by staff. The owner of the establishment was a client of sorts. I had taught him and his lovely submissive—now wife—how to perfect their style of play.

  I continued placing pressure on her already throbbing nub as my other fingers danced all over the sensitive spots of her blossoming flower, until I hit her hot and wet entrance to paradise. Where the hell had that come from? I was usually a nasty talker. But with her those thoughts were softer, as were my words. “You’re so damn ready for me,” I murmured into her mouth, unsure if what I said was comprehensible.

  She responded, “I need you, Even. Please.” Ah, she had heard me loud and clear.

  “There’s nothing I want more than to lay you back and stake my claim inside you,” I admitted. To emphasize the point, I slid a finger into her overheated channel. Fuck! “But I won’t.”

  Her groan of disapproval almost changed my mind. Then she petulantly shot back, “Why tease me if you’re not going to follow through?”

  Lacey Kincaid was hellbent on pulling me further into this damn vortex. Little vixen had no clue how close I was. Couldn’t she see that, for the first time in my life, I was trying to show some thread of honor? Ah, shit. I began to circle within her core as my thumb continued the staccato on her swollen bud. Meanwhile, I used my tongue to fuck her mouth, fisting the tender hair at her nape. Her orgasm hit in a rush of cream on my hand as I caught her cries of passion. Once she began to tremble from the aftereffects, I eased my hand away from her soaked pussy. I had already gentled our kiss and then eased back from her, never dropping my hand from her neck. Her look of satisfaction was stunning. I held her gaze as I brought my fingers, which had just been inside of her, to my mouth and sucked them clean.

  She gasped, “Oh my…E, did you just do that?”

  My laugh was a low, reverberating rumble. There was no need for her to explain what ‘that’ was, for I already knew. I put my forehead against hers and replied, “You’re so fucking sweet—can’t blame a man for wanting dessert before the main course.”

  She must’ve turned ten shades of red and then spoke, “I cannot believe you did that?”

  “Oh, babe, the
things I want to do to you makes that erotic gesture look like child’s play,” I declared.

  Her eyes widened—not with fear, but anticipation. Yeah, she’d realized we had crossed a line right then. And I was pretty sure she understood there would be no going back. Damn it all, this was a fucking F5 in the making.

  After I dropped my other hand, pulled away from her and finished cleaning my other hand off on the linen napkin, I commanded, “Turn around.”

  There was a hesitation on her part, as if she were trying to decide whether or not to argue. Little did she know, I was testing her. Because, honestly, if she couldn’t do as I told her now, there was no way she could pull this façade off. She studied my eyes before complying. “Attagirl,” I whispered.

  Her sharp intake of breath wasn’t lost on me. Was it from pleasure of pleasing me? Or ire at what I had said? Doubtful I would ever know the answer, I placed the magnificent piece of jewelry around her porcelain throat. Once it was clasped in place, I ordered, “Let me see.”

  Tentatively, she turned towards me with her fingers dancing along the pendant. I pulled her hand away with a firm, “Stop. There’s no need to be afraid of me.”

  With a meaningful look she acknowledged, “I’m nervous.” Before I could say anything, she put her hand up in a hold-that-thought gesture. I inclined my head for her to continue. “You don’t frighten me, Even,” she confessed.

  My brow rose as I questioned, “Really? Could’ve fooled me.”

  She softly chuckled, “Well…maybe what you’re capable of scares me. But not you.” Her shoulders went back in confidence as she held my eyes with hers. “I trust you.”

  It was my turn to inhale sharply. Those were the words I had been waiting to hear. I brought her hand to my mouth and tenderly kissed her knuckles. “Thank you,” I earnestly said.

  Who knew three simple words would be life changing? They were pure music—symphony, actually—to my ears. I highly doubted she comprehended the gift she had just given me. One thing was certain, whether Lacey was aware of it or not, she was now mine. You fool. That hasn’t been an option from the first moment you laid eyes on her. Probably, but now it was all too real. There was no turning back even if I had wanted to, which, ironically, I did not. Whatever that meant for us, only time would tell, though, I could’ve sworn I actually heard the damn clock.



  Chapter Nineteen


  The knot in my stomach only tightened more from his sincere gratitude and soft look in his eyes. Heavens, until that moment, I had no idea just how important it was to him. Sure he’d told me before, but I had never truly grasped the significance. Naïve didn’t even begin to define how I felt with this man. I suppose, to be fair to myself, how could I have known? While Keeley had been forthcoming with the “ways” of the world between men and women, she hadn’t explained this type of man. Nor had she prepared me for what it felt like to fall for one. At least I’d be honest with myself—that was exactly what I had done. There was no coming back from this. When I left him, which I knew I had to, I would be destroyed. I wasn’t completely sure I would survive that kind of devastation, but it was inevitable. Whether I liked it or not, we would never be more than a casual affair. Keeley had to come first, I reminded my wayward heart. Stubborn thing wanted both, as if that were remotely a possibility. Men like Even enjoyed the woman he was with until he grew bored. And he would tire of me quicker than most, I had nothing to bring to the table. He needed—no, had to have—a woman who knew the game and how to play it. Me…well, I was virgin in so far over my head I couldn’t see which way was up, let alone satisfy his kinky desires. I traced my bottom lip with the tip of my tongue as I watched him lustfully.

  E glanced away while he spoke, “You need to eat.” Then he turned to face me with caution in his eyes. “And, for the love of God, don’t look at me like that.”

  I tried to hide my hurt he had just inflicted with his words. “I didn’t mean…”

  His hand was cupping my jaw, jerking my head slightly so I would look up at him. “Stop that,” he commanded. “I never said I didn’t enjoy it. However, it’s counterproductive to our mission. I need you to focus and give me your full, undivided attention. Complete trust. Do you understand?”

  I swallowed at the weightiness of the situation. What we were about to do was dangerous, and it was imperative I remembered that. He was putting his life in harm’s way for me and my sister, whom he had never met. Whatever the cost, he was willingly offering to pay it. Made me wonder—not for the first time—if he was like this with everyone. His loyalty was fierce, holding a power all its own. A visual of Jupiter and its many moons came to mind. For I had a feeling, I wasn’t the only female that’d fallen into his gravitational pull. Who else was orbiting? Mentally, I shook some sense into myself. This was not helping find my sister. I answered, “Yes, perfectly.”


  Nothing more was said as I attempted to choke down some food, so he would be appeased. I actually cared about making him happy, which messed with my head. Um…maybe I was a natural submissive? I fought the laugh that threatened to bubble up to the surface. As if!

  The man missed nothing. “What’s so amusing?”

  Crap. How was I supposed to answer that? I lied, “Nervous habit. Sorry.”

  He cocked his head to one side, studying me. “If you say so.”

  I wasn’t stupid—he had chosen to let it go instead of prying the truth out of me. Honestly, that scored him another point. I had a great appreciation for those who could choose their battles.

  After our meal was finished—somehow, I had managed to eat half of mine—he stood and offered his hand. “Let’s get this show on the road,” he said with a wink. The feeling that his attempt at levity was for my benefit thrilled me more than I wanted. Darn man was going to charm the pants off me. Ha! Panties were a much better analogy, and seriously, he already had them figuratively. Question was, would he take them literally? Stop. You do not have time for such naughty thoughts. Right. I needed to be alert and on my game. Keeley’s life was on the line, lest I ever forgot that.

  Shock and surprise filled me when we took a private elevator down. I glanced sideways at E. “We’re not leaving?”

  “No. We need to enter the other part of the club.”

  “Oh.” I gathered my thoughts quickly. “This is an establishment like yours.” Not a question, for I had already figured out the answer.

  As the car came to a stop and the doors parted, he confirmed, “That’s correct.” Next he grabbed my wrist before I could exit and demanded, “Eyes down. Stay one step behind me. Understand? Answer me. Do not ever nod.”

  Got it. A full expletive danced on my tongue. I was on display and had to remember that the man beside me was not bossy, yet playful—which was exactly how he had always been with me in the past. But now, he was my Dom. The thought made me tighten my thighs together.

  Of course, he didn’t miss a thing. He leaned down to my ear. “Keep that up and I’ll take you in this elevator. Here and now,” he vowed.

  Dang that was hot! A smile played at my lips as I replied, “Yes, sir.”

  He actually groaned while tugging me into the room.

  My guard instantly went up as I took in the sights around me. I had never been to the lower level of E’s club, but some of the other girls I danced with had. They never said it was anything like this. I blinked several times to make sure I fully grasped what was going on around me. Even leaned down and whispered, “Don’t gawk, sweetness. If you want me to explain what’s happening, squeeze my hand.”

  I almost nodded, until he stopped me with warning look. Wow. This man was different from the one I had come to love—more powerful, more commanding, and more confident. More everything. At that realization, I bit back a moan and, yet again, squirmed from the onslaught of moisture pooling between my legs. He was still slightly in front of me but hadn’t missed my reaction. A ghost of a smile playe
d along his lips. I fought the urge to smack his shoulder. Instead, I took him up on his offer and clutched his hand tighter. He gently pulled me to him and trapped my hands behind my back as he spoke in my ear. “The couple to the left is doing pony play. The one on the right, is conducting a bondage scene on the staged area.”

  My breathing hitched as I took in more flesh than I’d ever seen before. There were couples in all sorts of sex acts. One in particular disturbed me, so I tentatively asked, “Is that man over there really beating her with that thing?”


  When I shot him a confused look, he expounded, “The thing you’re referring to is called a flogger. And yes, Lacey, he is.” I gasped in response, which caused him to pull me tighter against his body. “Don’t,” he cautioned, “Give yourself away as an innocent. There are people here who would pay a fortune to be your first.”

  Bile rose so fast I was afraid I would retch all over him. After I swallowed a couple of times, I nuzzled into him, letting his scent calm me before I clarified, “You mean rape.”

  He held my chin firmly while he pulled back to look directly into my eyes. “You’re safe. I won’t let anyone touch you. Trust me?”

  I wet my dry lips and then answered, “Yes. I trust you implicitly.”

  On an exhale he murmured, “That’s my girl.”


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