The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 44

by Lora Ann

  On a pop, he released my breast and put his body flush with mine. Twining his fingers with mine, as best he could with the cuffs in his way, he thrust all the way inside me on a oner. The exquisite possession brought forth my orgasm. He pumped in and out of my core a couple of times before following.

  His lips found mine as we fought to catch our breath. He slid his hand under the pillow beneath my head and removed a key and then released my wrists from the handcuffs. I flexed my hands trying to restore blood flow. He rolled over and pulled me onto his chest, bringing my wrist to his mouth and lightly covering it with kisses. Then he did the same to the other before he kissed my temple. “Rest, sweetness. You need it.”

  Already halfway asleep, I grinned and mumbled, “Okay.”

  He fingered my hair, relaxing me further, as he began to speak to me in Norwegian. I had no way of knowing what he was saying, but whatever it was, I never wanted him to stop. Visions of Vikings danced through my mind as exhaustion finally won.


  The horror on Keeley’s face made me hit my knees in the dream, begging the dark and evil stranger to release her. He laughed manically as he lanced my stomach with a sword. I woke up on a scream. Even instantly encircled me in his arms. “Hey. It’s okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s not. She’s being held against her will.”

  “What?” He pulled me away from his hard chest to look me in the eyes. “How could you know that?”

  “It’s the twin thing.” I tried to explain the phenomenon but ended up sounding stupid.

  “Are you saying your psychic?” True marvel was in his voice.

  “No.” I once again attempted to put it into words. “For as long as I can remember we’ve had this…connection.”

  “Like a sixth sense kind of thing?”

  “Yeah. Anyhoo, we can pick up on each other’s overwhelming emotions. She’s scared, yet excited. That’s not how I know, though,” I admitted.

  “Go on,” he responded as he tucked me under his chin for comfort and support.

  Again, he amazed me—his loyalty to me trumping my crazy talk. God, I loved him more in that moment than I ever had. I fought back the urge to tell him that and pressed on. “I had a dream Keeley was strapped down to one of those old-fashioned torture racks. The man was laughing hysterically as he sliced into her beautiful tanned skin.” I sat straight up in bed and intently held his gaze. “What was that?”

  He ran his hand through his hair with agitation, for whatever reason he didn’t want to answer my question. “Bloodletting,” he murmured.

  “This is practiced in BDSM relationships?”

  He blew out a breath and looked towards the floor. “Sometimes.”

  I crawled away from him and off the bed. Pacing as I pointed out, “It’s time we talk about this.”

  “You’ve just had a nightmare and think your sister is being held captive.” He shook his head. “Why would you want to ask about my lifestyle now?”

  “Arrogant prick,” I roared. “Someone like you is holding her prisoner.”

  He leaned back against the headboard as if I’d just slapped him. The hurt was evident in his eyes. Geez, I was such a bitch. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Cupping his scruffy jaw in my hand, I apologized. “That was uncalled for. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re worried.” He half-smiled. “I get it.”

  I kissed the corner of his mouth. “I think the man who has her is a Dom.”

  His eyes widened. “Why would you think that?”

  “Well, in the dream she was in a dungeon-like room strapped down to an awful table thing that I’ve only seen in history books. He drew that sword over her most sensitive spots as lust darkened his eyes. It terrified me and her. Though, a part of her was excited. Isn’t that the point to bondage and discipline?”

  “Sadomasochism,” he replied, “Not dominance and submission.”

  “Please explain the differences.”

  “I really can’t. It’s as varied as the couple. However, there’s a difference in submitting by choice and being forced into submission.” He smirked. “You let me handcuff you earlier.”

  I filled in, “Willingness.”

  “Right,” he answered. “If she’s scared then she’s being forced. Trust must be in the relationship for it to work.”

  “You mean in a healthy relationship.”

  “Not necessarily,” he countered. “There are abusive relationships where trust does exist.”

  “Oh,” I gasped, having a hard time wrapping my brain around someone wanting another to inflict that kind of pain, although, in my dream, Keeley wasn’t opposed to it—at all. What had happened to my sister? With that question, I had an idea. “Could she be exchanging one addiction for another?”

  “Yes,” he answered grimly.

  “I see.” I stood and, once again, began to pace incessantly. He removed the sheet that had been draped over his nakedness and joined me across the room. He tugged me to a stop, pulling me against him. The simple gesture broke me as a sob ripped through me. Once I could speak, I confessed, “I can’t let you do that to me.”

  With gentle fingers, he raised my chin up so our eyes met. “I don’t do things like that. Ever.”

  “But you said you punish,” I acknowledged. Confusion still in my voice, I added, “And you keep saying pain for pleasure.”

  “You think I’m a monster?”

  “No…well, I don’t want to think it.”

  “There are ways to use tools you associate with torture for pleasure.”

  “How is that possible?”

  He nuzzled into my hair and whispered, “I don’t believe in drawing blood or leaving any kind of permanent marks.”

  I contemplated what he was saying. The only conclusion I could come up with was that a person could use certain implements without causing damage. But the bloodletting would leave marks. “Do you like cutting others?”

  He drew back in disgust. “Hell no.” His eyes went to my wrists where angry red marks circled them like bracelets. “I hate this,” he admitted as he traced along my wrists.

  “It was my fault for trying to pull free,” I reassured.

  His gaze met mine, and the compassion I saw there caused my knees to buckle. As his arm wrapped around my waist to catch me, I asked, “Will you ever show me that side of you?”

  He sighed deeply. “If that’s what you want.”

  “Not now,” I declared. “Just hold me.”

  “I can do that.” He smiled as he scooped me into his arms and laid me back down on the bed.

  Overwhelmed with the emotions churning inside, I let him spoon me as I pulled his arms tighter around my body. This time when I fell asleep, visions of waking in his arms for the rest of my life comforted me. Sure, I knew it was an impossible dream, but, at that moment in time, I relished in the possibilities.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Lacey owned me. Was she aware of that? I would do whatever was necessary to protect her. Always. She was in desperate need of comfort, and, damn me to hell, I would provide that—plus more. The quest to find her sister was now priority one. For I was fully aware if we didn’t find Keeley soon, I would lose the woman I loved. Yup, there were no two ways about it, I was a goner. Although, right now, my feelings for her had to take the back seat. She was my priority. Her wants, her needs, her desires would at all times be my first concern. Nothing else mattered but her. Man, I finally got what Nik was up against when Aimee entered his life. He fought like hell, but in the end she’d won. Just like Lacey had me: hook, line and sinker. Yet I didn’t feel strapped down or restricted in any way. As a matter of fact, I felt free for the first time in my life. She had given me the most priceless gift of all. It was time to pay it forward.

  I slid out of bed and yanked on a pair of sweats before heading towards my home office. Time to call in some favors and find out what the word was on the street. I unfolded the pie
ce of paper with the number of a well-known trafficker in the Bay Area. Shit. I hated turning to scum like this for info, but we were out of choices. If Lacey’s dream was accurate, we were running out of time. Who the hell had Keeley? Why did they take her in the first place? Before I could contemplate things further, someone answered the phone. “Speak,” the voice barked.

  “Trig, this is E. I need some intel.”

  “Shoot,” he responded.

  God, I loathed this man and everything he represented. But Trig (short for Trigger) was our best lead. “I’m looking for a prostitute that had been in the area about two months ago.”

  “Got a pic?”

  “Yup. Hold on a sec and I’ll fax it over.”

  There was a pause before his low whistle raised the hairs on the back of my neck. “This bitch is fuckin’ hot. Why’s she workin’ the streets, my man?”

  No point in denying the truth. “She has a little smack issue.”

  “Now that’s a damn shame. She could still bring in some decent money.”

  “Not gonna happen, Trig.” I swallowed back the implications of what he was saying. For fuck’s sake, we had to rescue Keeley before it was too late. “You think you’d be able to get a bead on my girl.”

  “Let me see what I can do for ya, E. In the meantime…if you change your mind, I’ll take good care of her. Pay you top dollar, too.”

  “She’s not for sale,” I growled, “Got it?”

  He chuckled darkly. “Loud and clear,” he answered before hanging up.

  As I ran my hand through my hair, my eyes went to the door. Lacey stood there in my t-shirt looking sexy as sin. Though I was aware she was probably beyond sore from my invasions earlier, I had to have her again. A wicked grin played across my lips. “Come here.”

  Without hesitation, she made her way across the room and stood before me. Her submission caused my dick to jump to attention. I spread my legs and grabbed her by the waist, placing her where I wanted. “I need to taste you.”

  She leaned forward and traced the muscles of my pecs. Her eyes were taking in the dragon tribal tatt that coiled along my upper arm, over my shoulder and down half of my back. Her tongue darted out tracing her upper lip “I want to lick you,” she whispered, “All over.”

  Damn. Her confession almost made me come. I grinned. “Ladies first.” She straddled my lap as her mouth descended to my tattoo. There was no holding back the groan that escaped while she paid homage along every arc and swirl along my body. Before I broke under her delicious torture, I brought her mouth to mine and feasted. My hand had been on her bare ass the entire time, but now, my fingers began to walk along the seam, stroking the puckered hole as she gasped. I broke from the kiss as I informed, “I will take you here.”

  She whimpered as she looked for some kind of relief. Again, I took her naïveté into consideration and gave her body what it was craving. I dipped my fingers into her soaking core. “You’re ready for me.”

  She threw her head back and came all over my hand. Fuck yes. I moved her onto my desk and instructed, “Lie back.” When she complied I continued, “Bend your knees and place your feet on the edge of the desk.” Once more, she didn’t question my orders. “Good girl,” I praised before burying my face between her thighs. I gave her no quarter as I devoured her entire pussy—fucking her with my tongue until she screamed my name. “Oh hell, yes. Again, Lacey.” This time I sucked her throbbing clit, and she bucked off the desk on a beautiful squeal of pure delight. Before the orgasm ebbed, I buried myself balls deep inside of her. “Fuuuuck,” I growled, “You feel so incredible.”

  Time passed too quickly as her clenching sex squeezed every drop I had in me. Still, I wanted more. I would never get enough of her. With my eyes closed tightly, I tethered the emotions rising inside me. She wasn’t ready for me to stake my claim. Though I had to wonder just how long I could hold off the beast clawing its way towards her. Because once I let it have its way with her, there would be no going back. Mine, it roared as I nuzzled her neck. She was about to speak when my cell chimed with a call.

  I pulled out of her reluctantly as I answered, “Yeah.”

  “Got what you need,” Trig replied.

  I grabbed a pen and paper. “Go ahead.”

  “Your girl was last seen up in Lake Tahoe when she climbed into a white Escalade.”


  “No clue, my man.”

  “Alright. Thanks.”

  “Yup.” And then the line went dead.

  Lacey was sitting up on the desk with her legs dangling off the edge. “What did you find out?”

  “Looks like we’re taking a trip to Tahoe.”

  She hopped off the desk and beelined towards the hall. Over her shoulder she called, “What are you waiting for? Let’s go.”

  For all intents and purposes, this was a needle in the haystack mission. But I couldn’t deny her. It was more than we’d had since our investigation began. I just hoped she wasn’t banking on this panning out. The odds were slim to none. Shit, I needed to call Alex and let him know we were on our way. One thing was definite; I wouldn’t be able to stop her even if I wanted. Her tenacity knew no bounds. I half-smiled at that. It was one of the many things I loved about her.


  Her fingers drumming along the edge of passenger-side window was driving me nuts. I laid my hand on top of her thigh. “Hey,” I glanced over at her sideways, “you need to stay calm.” I didn’t want to squelch her hope, but I also didn’t want her devastated if we were on a wild goose chase. “Listen, Lacey. We may not find out anything more.”

  She nodded in response.

  “Are you going to be able to deal with that?”

  “Sure.” Then she sighed, “No. I want this to be the lead I’ve been hoping for.”

  “I know you do,” I acknowledged as I threaded my fingers with her other hand.

  The rest of our drive was laced with nervous silence. I had no clue what to say to ease her anxiety. So once we arrived at the lake, I drove straight to the strip where Keeley had been spotted.

  As we exited the car, Lacey turned to me. “Thank you for this.”

  “You wouldn’t have been able to sit still if we’d met up with Alex first.”

  “True.” She tugged on my hand to stop me and then wrapped her arms around my neck. “I really appreciate it all,” she said before placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

  While I wanted nothing more than to invade her mouth with my tongue, I knew it wasn’t the time or the place. Would I ever be able to control the sexual awareness that was always present around her? Hell no. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t want it to ever go away. This was all new to me. Sure, I’m a sex beast—always taking what I want, when I want it—but with her, it was so much more. I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Let’s see what we can find out.”

  She shook her head as she pulled away. “I never took you for a guy who couldn’t accept another’s gratitude.”

  Dammit, she was good at reading me. We walked into the casino hand in hand. The noise was deafening. A scantily clad, cocktail waitress gave me a come-hither look as we passed by. Lacey’s brows shot up as her lips thinned into a hard line. I leaned in and whispered, “Don’t be jealous.”

  “I’m not,” she protested. “But that was rude.”

  I chuckled low, knowing full well she was feeding me a line of bullshit. Since we were on an important mission, I let it slide—for now. I placed my hand on the small of her back and led her deeper into the bowels of the casino. Instead of doing a random inquisition, I searched for the contact Trig had given me. Sure enough, the balding pit boss was scolding a dealer as we approached the blackjack tables. He turned towards me as we came within hearing range. “Can I help you?” he grumbled with irritation.

  Son of a bitch needed to learn some respect. I glared at him hard until he capitulated. That’s right asshole, don’t you ever forget who’s in charge. Without losing eye contact I informed, “Trig said you have so
me information I need.”

  “Yes, sir.” His voice quivered. If I read him correctly, he just pissed himself a little. I fought back the smile that threatened to appear. He motioned us towards a back area for privacy and continued, “You want to know what happened to that gorgeous blonde not too long ago, right?”

  “Correct.” I refused to lighten up on him.

  “Well, sir, I don’t know much other than what I saw.”

  He went on with his eyewitness account of what Trig had already conveyed. I handed him my card before we left. “If you see anything else or remember more, call me.”

  “I will, sir,” he replied.

  “Fucking sycophant,” I murmured, as I guided Lacey towards the exit. I would’ve continued to rant if the fear in her voice hadn’t pulled me up short.

  “What now?” She shook with emotion, and her face was blanched under the unforgiving flashing lights of the slot machines.

  “We go see Alex.” I stopped and tugged her into my arms, lifting her chin with my forefinger and thumb so her gaze held mine. “Maybe he knows more, maybe he doesn’t. Regardless, we’re in this together. I won’t bail on you now, or ever. Clear?”

  Her eyelids lowered and her bottom lip began to tremble. “What if—”

  I didn’t let her finish, placing my lips against hers and pulling her flush with my body. Against her mouth I spoke, “Nothing and no one will take me from you. My hope and prayer is that we find your sister alive.” I leaned back so we held eye contact. “I’m in this for the long haul.”

  She swallowed back the rising emotions. I needed her to understand where I stood without spooking her with the L word. Though, damn it all, there was no second guessing that I did indeed love her. “Okay,” she nodded before burying her head against the nook between my neck and shoulder.

  I swear if Keeley was abducted, I would rip whoever it was from limb to limb for freaking Lacey out like this. She was my only concern. Sure, I wanted her sister found and get her the help she needed, but it was Lacey I felt the fierce protective instinct towards. There was no stopping the neon sign flashing through my mind—MINE. Yeah well, whether she realized it or not, she was that. Sooner we find Keeley, the sooner we could focus on us. I had to admit that that sounded pretty fucking amazing.


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