The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 63

by Lora Ann

  His tear-filled eyes met mine. “You did what you had to do, Sofie. I’m just sorry you were harmed.”

  “You don’t agree with my choices,” I acknowledged.

  “What’s done is done.” He shrugged his shoulders, wiping his face.

  I stared at him in disbelief. Was he saying he’d rather I let him go to jail? Now that pissed me off as I shoved his shoulders. “How dare you judge me,” I roared.

  His brow wrinkled in confusion for a moment before he fired back, “Forgive me for thinking we’d had something special.”

  “You pompous son of a bitch.” I slapped his face hard enough to throw his head back at an angle.

  When his eyes met mine again, there was a mean glare in them. “One time, Sofia Louise. Strike me again and I’ll press charges.”

  “Wh-what?” I sputtered out.

  “That’s assault, baby.”

  I pushed him, hard. “You don’t get to ‘baby’ me. I can’t believe you!” I screamed.

  The next thing I knew, I was picked up and placed over his knee. I squealed and kicked violently all to no avail. He held me in place. “You really want to do that in this position?”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I hissed.

  “Ah, but I would,” he declared as his hand came down firmly across my butt.


  “Are you going to slap or shove me again?”

  “You deserved it and you know it,” I spat out. Wrong fucking answer! He responded with a resounding smack to my ass. That time I yelped.

  “Say it, Sofie, and this stops.”

  Knowing I’d been defeated, I replied, “I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

  Instead of helping me off his lap, he began to caress where he’d swatted me. It hadn’t hurt physically as much as it’d wounded what sliver of pride I had left. But as his hand traveled along the sensitive muscles, I began to squirm. “I’m sorry.” His voice caught. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “No,” I bit out, “You shouldn’t have.” Though a small voice in my head said differently, you deserved it and you know it. Tell him. Hell no. He didn’t pull his hand away, softly stroking my ass again. Visions of our time together long ago played on a loop.

  We’d accidently discovered the joy of spanking. We had been in a wrestling match, goofing off as couples do. He had pinned me face down on the bed, opposite my feet. So there wasn’t a way for me to move with the majority of his weight between my shoulder blades. The oversized t-shirt I’d had on innocently exposed my rear. When I squealed and kicked to try and get him off me, he popped my bottom. Hadn’t taken long for either one of us to realize what a turn on that’d been. As that memory bulldozed through my mind’s eye, his hand slid between my legs. I should’ve stopped him but couldn’t quite bring myself to do it. Turned out, I didn’t need to.

  “Oh man, sorry,” a deep, raspy male voice said.

  Alex’s hand left my body as I eased off his lap. “’S alright, Nik,” Alex replied. “How can I help you?”

  Nik chuckled, “I’m pretty sure I interrupted and y’know it.”

  Alex fought the grin that threatened the corners of his mouth. Great…locker room talk amongst brothers. My cue to leave. I stood and without making eye contact said, “I’ll talk to you later, Alex. If you’ll please excuse me, Nik.” Odd to use his name when I hadn’t been properly introduced. I passed by the mountain of a man, fighting the urge to cry.

  Attempting to control my emotions, I reflected on how obviously Alex still wanted me. But I couldn’t be someone’s plaything, again. Been there done that. More of my story Alex did not know. He thought my experience with my father had been bad. Just wait until he learned the hell I’d lived as a judge’s wife. Yeah, stuff you read about in the newspaper didn’t come close to the real deal. Pure unadulterated torture was what I had lived in for ten years. Only good thing that’d come from that ordeal was I could never get pregnant. Well, I did gain a lovely stepdaughter, Lilly. Though, I’d been worried sick about her lately.

  Lilly had grown more withdrawn once she left for college. I reached into my pocket to check my messages, still nothing from her. After I saw Ari one more time, I’d need to pay a visit to the University of San Francisco campus. That girl wasn’t going to keep avoiding me—time to have a little heart-to-heart. I loved that girl like she was my own, even if I was young to be her biological mother. She may be nineteen, but she needed to respect that I was worried sick about her. She’d made some choices recently that scared the ever-loving shit out of me. Her dad, my ex, didn’t seem to care one way or another. Her mom had passed away when she was a baby. So, I was all she had. Truth be told, she was all I had as well. Although, I supposed, now that I’d finally found Ari it was all about to change. Wow. Who knew my life would make such a drastic alteration in less than twenty-four hours? While I’d love to have Alex back, too, I was fully aware his anger wouldn’t disperse so quickly or easily. Sure, he wanted my body, but he no longer knew me. For that matter, I didn’t know him either. And the last thing I needed was to get involved with the one man who had the power to rip out what was left of my heart. Already, he owned about three-quarters of it.


  Ari had been sound asleep when I checked in on her. After leaving the hospital, I made a beeline for Lilly’s dorm. At this rate, I was going to drag that girl screaming and kicking back to my place. Needless to say, I was stunned silent when I learned from her roommate that she hadn’t been there in over a week. Where the hell had she gone? With more investigating, I had learned she’d skipped classes and had no showed at her job. Perplexed, I left USF campus wondering if her father had heard anything. Not the phone call I wanted to make, however, if a missing persons report needed to be filed he had to be notified.

  With not a little trepidation, I dialed his office. His secretary answered, “Judge Hoffman’s chambers. This is Ms. Hall speaking. How may I help you?”

  Ah, yes. Amber Hall was the reason I was divorced. I should thank her instead of loathing her. “Amber, it’s me, Sofie.”

  “Why the hell are you calling him?” Her demeanor switched from friendly to harpy in two point nine seconds. Impressive, really.

  “Put him on the line.”

  “Even if I wanted to, I can’t. He’s out.”

  Fine, I was pretty sure they were still an item. “Have you heard from Lilly?”

  “He’s having lunch with her. Why?”

  Phew! Thank you, Jesus. I wasn’t going to answer her questions. I didn’t owe shit to that woman. “Doesn’t matter. I appreciate your time.” With that I clicked end call. Okay, that was something. Lilly wasn’t missing after all. But why had she blown off school and work? I decided to leave her another message in hopes that she would at least return my call. After that, I grabbed some fast food and went home. There really was nothing more for me to do but wait.


  The one thing that always relaxed me was creating. I sat down at my computer where I’d been working on a graphic design when my cell rang. Ordinarily I would’ve let it go to voice mail, but with Ari in the hospital and Lilly acting strange I picked it up.

  “Sofie,” he barked out. “Quit checking up on my daughter.”

  Oh, awesome. I had the judge himself telling me who I could and couldn’t interact with. “I’m no longer your wife, James. You don’t get to tell me what I can and cannot do. Or with whom I choose to speak with,” I said in a syrupy tone. I’d be damned before I let him know he could still upset me.

  “She’s mine,” he answered possessively.

  Something about his response caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand at attention. “Where is she?”

  “None of your business.”

  “The hell it’s not, James. I helped raise that girl.”

  “Yes. And I’m working on deprogramming the damage you’ve done.”

  “Me? I didn’t damage that child. That’s all on you!” I hissed.

  “Leave her alone, S
ofia,” he warned.

  “Whatever, James.” I threw my phone across the room watching it shatter. Fucking fantastic. I bent down to see if I could piece the contraption back together. As I slipped the SIM card into place, ensuring the battery was back where it belonged, the screen lit up with a text. My eyes widened when I saw the name: Lilly. Two little words altered my universe in a heartbeat.


  My God, what was going on? I hopped up, grabbing my keys as I raced out of the house. I wasn’t sure where I was going. Or what I thought I could accomplish. One thing was for sure, there would be no stopping until I got to the bottom of this. James would have to kill me before I’d stay away from Lilly. That very well may happen. Yes, perhaps. So be it. That girl was more mine than his. And I would fight him to the bitter end to keep her safe. Period.

  Chapter Five


  The exquisite creature kneeling had me desperate to see what kind of stamina she had in her. Hoffman preened next to her like the peacock that he was. He stroked the bent head of the female, and I growled. His hand fell to the side as he bartered, “She’s yours provided I get Joe’s half of the business.”

  I lifted her chin and stared deeply into pale green eyes. “You’re a virgin?”

  Tears began to leak over my hand as she attempted to nod. Perfect. Visions of how I could use her body caused blood to rush directly south. I looked at the judge. “Deal.”

  He rubbed his greedy hands together. “I’ll have the papers drawn up?”

  Stupid ass. I ran this show. “No,” I said through clenched teeth. “I will be in touch.”

  He reached forward to lay his hand on my newest acquisition. I grabbed said hand before it made contact and squeezed, hard. “You don’t handle what is mine.”

  “My apologies, Mr. R. However, she is my daughter.”

  “Was,” I pointed out. “Leave.”

  He stood there aghast before making the wise decision to tuck his tail and walk away.

  A whimper escaped the girl. I stroked her head. “Hush now.”

  She nodded her acquiescence. “Very good,” I apprised, leaving the room and locking her inside.

  Yes, she would do just fine, but I couldn’t keep her here. I needed to arrange transportation, and there was only one I trusted with that detail. First, I wanted her fully examined. I would make absolutely certain of her innocence before making a deal with the man that called himself her father. I shook my head in disgust. Money made people do some strange things, I had learned. Worked to my benefit, so I couldn’t complain. Besides, this fact would keep him in line and at my beck and call.

  Translation: I couldn’t kill her.

  Right. Of course there lay my problem. The kill had become the high for me. Controlling the last breath a person drew was a powerful thing. One I had no intentions of giving up. Sexual pleasure was the purpose I sought with his daughter. Though, I admitted, my form of gratification wasn’t quite like any others. She would learn how to please me, for that I was sure.

  I stepped into my study where the new doctor I’d hired was waiting. “She’s all yours.”

  “Very well, Mr. R,” the stern woman, Helga, answered.

  I insisted on female doctors to take care of my girls. They felt more at ease that way. I needed that to gain their trust and manipulate their emotions.

  Rachelle tsked from the chair in the corner of my mind. “It’s wrong and you know it, Caleb.”

  Marissa bounced up and down. “Let’s go watch the exam.”

  Sick little bitch. Although I liked the way she thought. The room I was using for this had a two-way mirror. Actually, the room would be where we kept her until arrangements were made to relocate. With anticipation, I hurried towards the other room to watch my newest toy. Luckily, I had a slut waiting for me downstairs for afterwards. Perfect. I was in the mood for the extreme tonight. Even I heard the diabolical laugh that escaped my lips.


  I stood staring at myself in the bathroom mirror, resembling something straight out of a horror movie. Rivers of the prostitute’s blood gushed down my torso. Nightmares were made of things like this. I cocked my head to the side watching and wondering how many more it would take to be satisfied. Rage began to pump through my veins. Aimee was still out there. Worse…so was that sorry excuse she called husband. And they took what was mine. Keeley and Ari were now ensconced within the Strand brothers’ protection. Without forethought, my fists met the mirror in a splintering display of light and blood. When I saw my own reflection catch a piece of the mirror, I was entranced at the evil dancing there in my eyes. Wicked, hungry, thirsting for retaliation, the demon roared with the need to feed. Every intention to give the devil his due, I turned to step into the shower. The scheme to take back every single thing that’d been stolen from me pounded in my head. Wait…that wasn’t my head. Door?

  I awoke in my bed with Helga finishing up a suture. “What the hell happened?”

  Her eyes met mine with a nonplussed expression on her face. “You passed out.”

  “From what?” I inquired with irritation. Weakness was not an option.

  “You lost a considerable amount of blood tonight. I had plenty on site to take care of your needs.”

  Helga’s no nonsense was refreshing after spending so much time with Viv and her damn conscience. “And the body downstairs.”

  “Handled. Though I’d appreciate some kind of warning the next time you feel the need to mutilate someone.”

  I actually grinned at that. “Consider it done.”

  “Yes. Fine. Now, if you’ll excuse me, your newest acquisition had some trouble with the exam.”

  “Is there something wrong?” I queried, hanging my legs off the bed to stand.

  “She’s a bit squeamish. Nothing I can’t control, I assure you.”

  I sat there for a moment focusing on the recollection of the physical I’d demanded the girl have. I recalled the vaginal spectrum, growing aroused. Her cunt was amazing. I couldn’t wait to play with it. But she was in fact a virgin, which meant I had a new challenge. Even monsters like me had lines we did not cross. I’d never raped, nor did I intend to start now. Nonetheless, there were other ways to break that barrier. Ways to make her scream and writhe in pain as well as with desire. I pulled myself back to reality. Fact: I couldn’t touch the girl until we had her secured in another location. Too risky to stay here with her daddy lurking about. He might change his mind and that would be a tragedy for everyone. For if that were ever the case, they’d have to perish. If I had to take her life before being inside her, I wouldn’t be responsible for my actions.

  I blew out a long breath. “I can’t leave the area just yet, Helga.”

  She nodded. “Yes, Mr. R. You’ve said you had business to attend to here first.”

  “I do.”

  “Would you like me to call Frank in for this job?”

  “Ah, yes. I’m sure the assassin would keep her in line. But I don’t want her alone with any man.”

  “Understood, sir. I’ll pack my bags.”

  I stood and became light headed, promptly sitting back down. “Apparently, I’m staying put for the night,” I hissed.

  Helga replied, “Rest is highly recommended.”

  “Right. I’ll sleep for a while, but you are not to leave before I see her one more time. Understood?”

  “Loud and clear, sir,” she acknowledged, closing the door.

  If it weren’t for Nik, Even, and Alex Strand, I wouldn’t be here now. Then again, I should thank them for my little prize in the other room. Still, I’d have to figure out a way to take care of the entire Strand family and all those under their protection before I could rest easily. Decisions had to be made, quickly. If there was one thing I could count on, it was one of them confirming my involvement. An option that could never happen. My focus needed to be on Keeley. She was the one who could finger me for a crime. She was the one I had to dispose of expeditiously. As my eyes closed, I ruminated
on the feel of her walls tightening around my cock. First thing I’d do when I found her was have one more exquisite session. Maybe, I would kill her in the throes of pain, perhaps pleasure. Both. Yes, both would suffice.

  The smell of body wash and shampoo attacked my senses. Both carried a hint of vanilla, not unpleasant but unfamiliar. I had to blink several times before my eyelids obeyed the command to open. Lying next to me was an erotic vision. Her blonde hair fanned out around her, causing her to look ethereal. With a shake of my head, I brought her into focus. Rachel’s, Marissa’s, and Keeley’s faces all flashed in rapid succession. Followed by Aimee and Ari, before I recognized who was there in the bed with me. Ah, she was young. What was her age again? I searched the recesses of my mind until finding the answer. Judge Hoffman assured me she was of age, nineteen. And her name was…?

  Without any further control of my actions, I gently stroked her soft cheek. She awoke with a start. “Where am I?”

  The tremor in her voice did strange, exciting things to me. This was why I had purchased her in the first place. The yearning to explore my sexual desires with the need to inflict pain was confounding me. Until Marissa, they had always been mutually exclusive couplings, never once mingling with pain. She’d opened a whole new world to me, one I was still learning my way around. Keeley had exposed my darkest desires, my naughtiest fantasies, which I would have explored with Ari had she not been taken from me. Instead, I was forced to acquire another. Yet I couldn’t feel sorry about that at the moment. Terrified eyes met mine as I leaned over her with my weight resting on my elbow beside her. My eyes closed as I sucked in a deep breath, drawing in the fragrance of her fear. I moaned out, “Stop.”

  She swallowed hard. “Stop w-w-what?” she stuttered.

  I hissed, “Being afraid.”

  “But I am scared,” she declared, which brought me directly over her.


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