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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 66

by Lora Ann

  I actually laughed at that one. Her hip was cocked to one side, and the glare I was receiving told me she didn’t find any of it funny. With an attempt to stifle my laughter, I focused on her ID hanging around her neck. “Grace”—her name fit her—“I meant no offense. Please forgive me.”

  She stood there holding my regard before she smiled. “Wow. How often does that charm get you out of trouble?”

  “Not often enough,” I affirmed.

  “I find that hard to believe,” she professed as her gloved hand reached for my now swollen, bloody one. “At least one thing is for sure…”

  “What’s that, Ms. Grace?” My eyebrow quirked with piqued curiosity.

  “This number you did on your hand,” she chortled, “makes you more human, less god-like.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “I’m by no means a god!” As shock gave way to self-deprecation, I confessed, “I’m bitter, distrustful, and a liar. By no means does any god suffer from those qualities.”

  She looked up from the work she was doing on my hand and stated, “Sounds like an attorney.”

  This time my head fell back as the belly laugh erupted. Her irritated demeanor sobered me quickly. “I wasn’t laughing at you, Ms. Grace.” She shot me a don’t-give-me-that-crap look. “Honestly, I’m not making fun of you. I am an attorney,” I confirmed earnestly.

  “Explains a lot,” she huffed. “This is going to hurt.”

  That was all the warning I got as she began to stitch where I had torn my hand apart. “Mother fuck,” I muttered under my breath.

  “Good looking attorney with a mouth like a sailor. Shame, really.”

  Thanks to her mumblings I inquired, “Why is that a shame? And I do apologize for not censoring.”

  “Well, by your looks and your occupation, one could say you are perfect. But that mouth of yours proves you’re not.” She was now wrapping my hand in gauze. “Truthfully, that makes you more of a catch. I would’ve been cussing long before that if I’d hit a brick wall the way you did.”

  Thank God she wasn’t upset with me. “I’m by no means perfect, nor am I a catch. Far from it, actually,” I admitted, unable to hide the remorse seeping through my words.

  “Sometimes”—she stood and walked over to the counter with a built-in sink—“talking to someone who doesn’t know you helps.”

  “I can’t seem to forgive the woman I love.” The confession came out on a moan. What the ever-loving fuck was wrong with me? Sofie had no choice all those years ago. Well, she had a choice, yet I couldn’t fault her for the option she’d chosen. I knew how tight her father’s hold had been on her. I fought it every moment I’d been with her. Of course she had believed the bastard’s lies.

  “Always comes down to affairs of the heart,” Ms. Grace said somberly as she washed her hands.

  “I suppose it does,” I sighed.

  “Let me ask you this: Do you think she meant to purposely hurt you?”

  “God, no. I mean I did think that. But now I know the truth.”

  “So your problem is, your head hasn’t caught up with your heart.” She turned to face me. “Life is short. Nothing is guaranteed. Holding that bitterness inside of you will only eat at your soul, until there’s nothing left but a nasty son-of-a-bitch no one wants anything to do with.”

  I stared at her, hard. I couldn’t help but think she was speaking from experience. “I don’t want to be miserable or alone for the rest of my life,” I confessed adamantly.

  “Then get the hell out of here and make it right,” she affirmed, exiting.

  Holy shit. She was spot on. While I’d been hurt by the past, Sofie had too. Yes, I was more than pissed she had thrown out that information to Ari. However, I also understood the desperation. I had been fighting it ever since I’d learned the truth. With resolved purpose, I marched towards Ari’s room to find out how she was doing and just what the hell had happened. After that, it was time to have a heart-to-heart with Sofie.

  I entered the room to a familiar song playing, “Every Rose Has Its Thorn,” but it wasn’t Poison singing it. As I approached Ari’s side, she turned to look at me. “Who’s singing this remake?”

  She giggled, “Miley Cyrus.”

  “Oh Lord. We need to discuss your choice in musical artists.”

  She held out her hand. “Spoken like a true father.”

  I grasped the proffered hand and brought it to my mouth for a chaste kiss. “I have a lot of time to make up for.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  I smiled, “As do I.”

  “Did you talk with the doc?” she queried.

  “I did, yes. Seems you had some kind of reaction to the antibiotic they’re giving you.”

  “I thought it was shock from the news Sofie gave me,” she admitted. “Though I’m glad it had nothing to do with her, or you.”

  “I assumed it was that, too. Looks like we owe Sofie—your mom—an apology.”

  “I feel like I’m in a dream, Alex.” She shot me a glance of chagrin. “I mean, Dad.”

  I shook my head and placed my bandaged hand on her shoulder. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

  She gasped and grabbed my hand, which hurt like hell. I blew out an exaggerated breath, fighting through the pain. “Oh…I’m sorry.” She released my wounded hand with tears in her eyes.

  “Hey now,” I reached over to wipe her cheek with my thumb, “None of that, young lady.”

  She held onto my other hand tightly. “I’m just so tired of being sick. Then I go and hurt the one person who’s been nothing but kind to me.”

  “Ari, sweetheart, you’ve done nothing wrong.”

  “I’ve done plenty wrong,” she scoffed. “You just don’t know about it all—yet.”

  I took a seat next to her. All the signs pointed to her getting sleepy. The need to stay until she was resting properly kept me there as I inquired, “You’re seeing that counselor still?”

  She nodded, “Yeah.”

  “Good. I know you went through hell. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.” I felt the tears leak down my face.

  By this time, Ari’s eyelids were heavy. “I guess one doesn’t just walk away after dancing with the devil, huh?” she whispered.

  Her cryptic message hung in the air, heavy and foul. I wanted to wake her up and have her explain, but odds were, it was the medication talking. Although instinct told me she had spoken of Caleb. It was no secret he’d had her in his lair. The rape kit came back negative, and I was grateful that she still had her innocence. However, I was no fool. Physically she might be an innocent, yet emotionally and mentally she was anything but. Which was why I insisted, as part of her care, that a therapist be brought in. I wanted my daughter healthy and whole. Or as much as one could be, after all she had endured in her short life. Barely sixteen and already had faced more than most would ever in their entire lives. I was accustomed to seeing unfair and unjust things transpire, yet, this time, it hit too close to home. One of the reasons I chose to be an attorney, to right as many wrongs as I could with the law on my side. But for the first time ever, I wanted to be the one who brought justice. I sought vengeance, and that right there was going to cause me to fuck up if I didn’t get my head in the game.

  The door swung open with Nik standing there taking up the entire jamb. He had a frenzied look in his eyes that immediately grabbed my attention. “What’s wrong?” I asked, standing to meet him.

  “Come with me,” he ordered in the way only Nik could get away with.

  As we were walking, again I inquired, “Are you going to tell me what this is about?” We entered the double doors into the ER and I stopped short. “Nik?” He went over to a curtained area and pulled it back. Aimee was sitting beside the little bed whispering softly. My eyes were drawn to the figure lying there. “Sofie?” I stepped towards her, noticing she wasn’t quite there. I scanned her body quickly and couldn’t see anything that looked wrong. I pivoted towards Nik. “Start

  He shook his head. “She was found unconscious in the parking garage.”


  Aimee chimed in, “Nope. Her purse and jewelry were there.”

  I cocked my head to the side studying Sofie closer. “She was drugged.”

  “Yes,” Aimee confirmed.

  I knelt down next to Sofie, stroking her forehead. “Can you hear me, Sofia?”

  Her eyes met mine as she mouthed, “James.”

  “No. It’s Alex.”

  “I know who you are,” she pointed out.

  Finally it clicked, she meant her ex-husband. “Are you sure?”

  A croaked, “Yes,” escaped.

  I glanced over at Nik. “Odds are, he covered his tracks.”

  “Yep. But maybe we can find something.” With that, he bent over to whisper something to Aimee.

  She stood and declared, “I’m coming with you.”

  He clasped her tiny hand with his as they left the small area.

  Sofie turned her head towards mine. “I’ll press charges.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that. It will at least start a paper trail of what he does to you.” I swallowed hard. “He’s hurt you, hasn’t he?”

  Her eyes shut as I watched the shame and guilt play across her features. God, it wasn’t her fault. Didn’t she know that? Without forethought I eased in next to her on the bed, holding her close. The sob that broke from deep inside her nearly knocked me on my ass. I held tight and let her know with my body and my words: “You’re safe. I’ve got you, love. I won’t let go.”

  Her desperate, “Alex,” shattered me as I lay there comforting the only woman I’d ever been in love with. Still in love with if I was to be honest with myself. The absurdity of lying to oneself was the proverbial biting off your nose to spite your face. I might be a stubborn ass, but stupidity wasn’t something I was known for.

  As my tears fell into her hair, I vowed, “I’ll protect you, kjære. Never again will he or anyone else harm you.”

  She fisted my shirt and continued to let it all out. Eventually she had cried herself to sleep, and I couldn’t bring myself to leave her there alone. I had meant every word of that promise to her. She had my protection until the threat was gone. Who the hell are you kidding? Apparently I did suffer from idiocy, because that right there was a boldfaced lie. She had my protection for much longer than that.



  Those were the words flashing over and over again in brilliant neon through my head. Whether she realized it or not, she was stuck with me now. Poor thing deserved a whole lot more than my fucked-up-ness. Was that even a word? It’d been an accurate definition even if it wasn’t. God, I had so much to atone for. One thing was for certain, Even and I needed to have it out. And well, the beauty asleep on my chest—she needed my full apology. But can you forgive her? I wanted to. Surely that was half the battle right there. Inhaling deeply, I kissed the top of her head. She had captured my heart and soul as a girl. The woman now had a jaded man to contend with. God help us both, I prayed silently before dozing off with Sofie in my arms. Right where she always should’ve been.

  Chapter Nine


  Ah, there she was, the bitch that had ruined it all. I crawled out of my unremarkable car and began to tail Aimee. A rush came over me. I hadn’t done this sort of thing in years. The sweet little voice in my head reminded, “Not since me.” In my mind she was sitting at a small table sipping a cup of coffee, watching me over the rim. I smiled at the memories.

  She was walking towards her World History class as I managed to ease around the bank of lockers to keep my eye on her. Her tiny hips were in full swing as her chin-length, blonde hair swung in time with her ass. I had to adjust the raging hard-on as visions of taking her slammed into me. I was about to make my move and carry her off someplace private when I saw her entire demeanor change. She cocked her head to one side as if she could hear my thoughts. I froze against the wall, hoping she hadn’t seen me. I was supposed to be away at school, San Francisco to be exact, which was just shy of two-hundred miles away from Lake Tahoe. I held my breath as I held my body flushed with the wall, willing her to turn around and continue the trek to class. But when I heard her anxious whisper, “Who’s there?” I eased along the wall until I was around the corner and out of sight. It was a grave error on my part. For standing there in the hallway was a giant of a boy, well technically man, staring at me with unadulterated hate in his eyes. He knew. He’d known all along about my obsession. Yet my angel, Rachel, always defended me. He moved towards me with a speed and grace that seemed impossible for someone of his stature to have, grasping my arm.

  As he hauled me back around the corner I’d just slunk away from, I heard a surprised gasp. “Omigod, Caleb! What are you doing here?” Busted. Or so I thought. I should’ve known she would never think the worst of anyone. Let alone me, her childhood friend. “Mom said you weren’t supposed to be here until tonight. It was nice of you to show up early.”

  I shot a cocky grin at Nik who had released me and was taking up residence next to my Rachel. He was becoming a problem I needed to deal with quickly. I held Rachel’s gaze as I replied, “I wouldn’t miss the grand opening of the renovated lodge. Your family is like my own.”

  She left Nik’s side, as he attempted to grab her hand, and gave me a hug. Something in her changed in that moment. She took a step backwards with an “Oh.” Standing there rubbing her arms as if she were suddenly freezing. Nik enfolded her in his arms from behind. She leaned into him and that was when I knew I’d never have her as long as he was in the picture.

  I politely added, “I need to go see Mr. Hall for a few minutes. I’ll see you tonight.” I smiled, making my way past Rachel and Nik to visit a man I’d no intentions of seeing. He was good friends with my parents, but I didn’t particularly care one way or the other for him. As I came to an abrupt halt before the door to the math classroom it hit me, I could cut the brake lines to Nik’s car and no one would be the wiser. Then it’d look like a tragic accident, and I could be the one to offer comfort to Rachel. It was the perfect plan.

  Too bad I hadn’t known, at that young age, just how hard it would be to pull off, or just how long a plan like that took to put into motion.

  Rachel’s head lifted from her cup, “Also a shame you didn’t realize I would be the one you killed.” She rose from her chair and walked back to the room.

  Yes, that had been a tragedy I still regretted to this day.

  I brought back my focus on the curvy blonde in front of me. She had a bodyguard with her, so I had to use extra stealth. He was a fairly decent one, for he knew something was amiss. He kept checking for the threat, closing in around Aimee. Damn. That was my cue to ease back into the crowd unnoticed. But now I had the information needed. I would be able to get Aimee away from her protector without any problems. Once I had her again, she wouldn’t get away. I would have to be quick. She did not deserve a speedy death, but I had no other choice. I couldn’t risk her escape. One thing was certain; I would never again keep any of my captives in the same location. I had learned my lesson well.


  I eased back into the car as visions of Lilly filled me, once more. I rubbed my erection, remembering her scream of pain when Helga had broken her hymen. What a beautiful sight that had been. The blood flooding her opened vagina, thanks to the speculum spreading her wide. Due to technology, I had a bird’s eye view with the camera attached. I pulled my cock free in the car, just as I’d done in the adjoining room while watching Lilly technically lose her cherry, and stroked the ache until I came. Yes, I was through with waiting. Tonight I would play with Lilly. It was time to see what she was made of.

  Marissa sat on the sofa peering over at me, “You better go easy on that one, or you’ll kill her too soon.” With that recognition, she placed the magazine down and stood. “Oh please, Caleb. Torture her for me. Let me show you what you can do to her.�

  Vicious little slut had some sick ideas on that front. I thought I had the market on demented. Yet she outshined me on her deviousness every single time. I guess it was true: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Regardless of how she felt, I would take things slower and easier with Lilly. If I gained her trust, her affection, I had a better chance that she would choose to stay with me. That way I wouldn’t need to worry about an escape. It was time I used my charm to woo. Had I done it before? Only once, with Aimee.

  “And look where that got you,” Marissa whispered.

  “Nik,” I spat out, “is the reason she got away.”

  Rachel stepped into the room next to Marissa, “Well, she does look a lot like me. Then again, they all do.”

  “For that, they should die a most punishing death,” Marissa said with not a little excitement in her voice.

  “Your both right, my dears,” I answered them as the plan to take out Aimee and Nik became clear. Yet my thoughts instantly returned to Keeley. Where had Even hidden her? I’d give that damn Strand credit, he was good at making people disappear. Maybe with Viv overseas she could find a lead for me. At least this way she stayed away from here, and it kept her mind occupied. I really had no desire to kill her. She had become a friend of sorts. All of those thoughts zigzagging in my mind brought another, Arianna. My precious. She was as much mine as Lilly. I had to wonder if she’d survived that infection. Oh, I knew she was far too young for me, which was why I had Lilly. Someone to play with until Ari was of age. Two years really wasn’t that long to wait for her. Time to get some information on her; I needed to know if she was going to survive. And then, I would take her back. No one stood in my way of what I wanted. Not even the Strand brothers. If I needed to remove each one of them, I’d do so gladly. Their Achilles’ heel was their love and devotion towards one another and the women they loved. Made them easy targets, actually. I grabbed my phone. I would need some help with this, and a certain judge was now my patsy. He would do as I said, when I said it. He was fully aware of what would be on the line if he disobeyed. God…the power I held over so many was an adrenaline shot to my veins. I had them all right where I wanted them. Anyone leaked out information there would be hell to pay, for I owned their souls. The laugh that bubbled up from within me was diabolical at best. I was on top of the world, and no one could bring me down. Now that was heady and made me want only more.


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