The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 70

by Lora Ann

  The comfort of his body enfolded around mine. I felt safe and wanted, cherished and protected. He’d always made me feel this way. Even when we were teens, Alex had that affect. I silently prayed, please let him trust me again before drifting off.


  Startled out of a blissful sleep, my cell phone buzzed. Whoever it was kept calling back, which was how I woke up. I grabbed it just in time to hear panting on the other end. “Hello. Lilly?”

  A staggered, “Help…me, p-p-please,” urgently greeted me. I swung my legs off the bed and beelined for my closet. “Tell me where you are, Lillian.”

  I heard a sudden gasp followed by a piercing scream. “NOOOOO!”

  After that, the line went dead. My heart was bound and determined to escape my chest as I scrambled to put on the first thing found. Rushing towards the elevator, I didn’t see anyone until running smack dab into a hard, lean muscled body. We rocked from the force as he barely steadied us. “Where’s the fire?”

  With an attempt to calm my breathing, I replied, “Fabric emergency. I’m so sorry.”

  He eyed me speculatively. “Really, Sofia?”

  Fuck! I had to protect him whether he understood that or not. I squared my shoulders. “Yes. Excuse me please, my assistant needs me.”

  He stepped to the side, letting me pass. A cautioned, “You better not be lying to me,” met my ears like a clanging gong.

  I paused mid-stride wondering if it were best to bring him up to speed. Our relationship was tentative at best, and lies were the reason we hadn’t survived in the past. No matter how much my heart screamed, tell him the truth! Let him help you. My head insisted it was better to handle the situation myself. No one would get hurt that way. I pivoted and smiled, “Spare set of keys is in the kitchen on the hook. I’ll call you later.” He took a step towards me, reaching out to hold my shoulders. I tip-toed to brush a tender kiss across his lips. “I’ll see you soon.”

  He released me with concern etched across his brow. Alex was an intelligent man, and I acknowledged he’d figure things out quickly. My hope was to be gone before he did. I walked into the waiting elevator and hit the button. As the doors closed, I saw the connection light up his face. “STOP!” he yelled, but it was too late for him to open the doors.

  Tears seeped out as I placed my hand along the seam of the doors. “I’m so sorry Alex,” I whispered as the elevator began its descent.

  Determined not to be caught by Alex, I chose to drive my BMW M6 Convertible. A car he didn’t know about. He was only aware of my Audi A6. Then again, I wasn’t sure if he realized just how successful the designer business had been for me, plus the inheritance from my father. I was independently wealthy. All had been attained after my divorce, which pissed James off more than anything. Actually, I wouldn’t put it past that snake to ransom his own daughter just so he could get his slimy paws on it. Money didn’t mean jack to me. Lilly and Ari were all that mattered. And Alex, my little voice reminded, don’t forget Alex. That was when it hit me. The reason James had done this—not for money but to hurt me. Unaware of the fact I’d finally located Ari, so he was using his own flesh and blood to harm me. What kind of fucked-up was that? Using your own child as a tool to gain control? Power? Money? Something wasn’t adding up. James loathed me. He had never wanted me for his wife and had made that perfectly clear on our wedding night.

  “You’re plain. I have no desire to touch you. You will do what I say, when I say. Your purpose is to take care of Lilly.” After that he made me face the bed where he tore off my wedding dress and slammed into me with no preparation whatsoever. I was dry and it hurt like hell. Once he finished, he walked out of the bridal suite. At the door he said, “You fuck like you look, boring and nothing worth discussing.” The door closed and I cried myself to sleep. I’d left the hell of my father’s verbal and emotional abuse to enter into a marriage of sexual and physical abuse. Both men were correct, I wasn’t worthy to love.

  As I drove, following the coordinates on my GPS from Lilly’s phone, I told my wounded self-esteem, “You are worthy.” Though, I couldn’t quite believe that. Once more, I had lied to the only man who’d ever shown me respect. Didn’t it confirm Father’s and James’ claim that I was in fact an awful person? My cell lit up with a text: Please, Sofie. Come get us.

  Us? Lilly wasn’t alone? I raced along Interstate 5, hoping to get there in time before James could figure out what I was doing. Also, before Alex tracked me down. If there was one thing I knew about the man Alex had become, there would be no rest until he knew I was safe. None of the Strand men would.

  Chapter Thirteen


  How Zane had gotten us out of the House of Horrors, I’d never know. Caleb was hot on our tails as we maneuvered around the corner out of sight. “Hear anything back?” Zane asked.

  “No. But Sofie is smart, she’ll find us,” I stated confidently.

  He nodded and brought his finger to his lips in a shh gesture. I watched intently as the shadow moved over us. I began to plea silently, please God, please don’t let him find us. I knew it was Caleb just by his movements. I hadn’t been with him long, but there was a distinct way he carried himself. He moved past where we were hiding just as headlights lit us up like the Fourth of July. “FUCK,” Zane roared as he stepped in front of me.

  What I hadn’t seen but sure as hell heard was the gun. Zane fell at my feet. I covered my mouth to stifle the cry. Bending down to see what I could do to help him, hard hands grasped me. “Move, Lilly.”

  I drew in a deep breath, about to scream at the top of my lungs, when the gun was held at my temple. “Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.”

  I swallowed down my plea for help, instead begging for Zane. “Please don’t leave him like that.”

  Angry eyes met mine. “He took what is mine.” Ah God, I’ll never forgive myself if Zane died. In the face of pure evil, I decided some people were worth the sacrifice. I pulled free of Caleb and screeched as loud as possible. He growled, “Little bitch. This isn’t over.”

  Then I watched in abstract horror as the vehicle that passed by earlier returned. Caleb stood there with the gun tucked to his side where the driver wouldn’t be able to see it. I begun to holler for them to stop and leave when said gun fired, again. The body that had been silhouetted beside the car slumped against the door. The headlights were still blinding me so I had no clue who the Good Samaritan was. My hair was wound tight around a fist as Caleb yanked me backwards into his body. Without hesitation he shot Zane again. My “NOOOOOOOO” was cut off by another shot. I felt the air whoosh from my lungs. My body refused the command to move. I stared at the devil himself as he leaned in to kiss me violently.

  He pulled back and growled, “If I can’t have you, no one ever will.”

  Struggling to breathe, I slid down his body and hit the wet pavement. Somehow I hadn’t noticed it’d begun to rain. The last thing I saw was Zane lying lifeless next to me. With excruciating effort, I reached for his hand. My fingers were touching his as everything went pitch black around me. My last thought was, at least I died fighting.



  Stupid bitch! Did she really think I would tolerate such behavior? Who the hell was in that car? Well, they should be silenced now. I aimed straight for the head. Even if they survived, they shouldn’t be fully functional any longer. Besides, I had more to contend with. If Lilly or that little shit Zane were alive, I’d have to finish them off quickly. They could be an issue. A terrible breach in protocol for me. Viviane’s words came back to haunt me. “You’re getting over confident, Mr. R, and that’s how mistakes happen.” She was still off the damn radar. But mark my words, once she was found, Viv would never tell a soul about me.

  I marched with purpose into the house and straight to my office. I dialed the number while pouring myself a brandy. The line picked up and I inquired, “You alone?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. That brat of yours deceived me.”<
br />
  “Lilly? God, is she…dead?”


  “I see.” I heard the distinct sound of mournful remorse.

  “Fuck, Hoffman! Get your damn act together.”

  “Sorry, Mr. R. What do you need from me?”

  There, that was better. My sycophant had returned. Good thing, because I was about to order his demise. “Find out if I achieved my goal. Pronto.”

  “Indeed, sir.” He paused for a moment. “Should I terminate her if she’s alive?”

  Now that was what I expected. Yes, I’d picked the right man to fill Joe’s shoes, after all. “What do you think?”

  “Consider it handled, Mr. R.” And then the line went dead.

  I stood and made my way down the hall to Helga’s room. Time I told her about her stepson. She was moaning in pain as I entered. Glancing down at the blood seeping through the bandages, I was fairly certain her hand would still be useful. Really, she had left me no choice. After she beat my Lilly, I had to teach her a lesson. Crushing her fingers one by one got my point across nicely. Her eyes met mine. I could see the fear and reverence in them. Also, it was apparent she needed more pain killers. I grabbed the prescription bottle off the bedside table and placed two OxyContin in her other hand. I held the glass, with a straw in it to her lips, as she pulled a greedy gulp of water into her mouth. Her dry lips were noticeable. I acknowledged someone would have to be brought in to care for her. Ah, the possibilities that brought to mind. My cock stiffened as the thought of a nurse being on site played across my mind.

  Marissa stood in the corner, with her arms crossed over her breasts, tapping her foot. “Not a good idea.”

  Rachel agreed, “A professional would be very bad for you.”

  They were right, of course. Still, I argued with both beauties. “You’re just jealous.”

  Rachel smiled her sweetest smile. “Caleb…surely you see that you can’t keep doing this. Please stop.”

  Marissa seductively ran her hand between her legs as clothing magically disappeared. She tugged on the piercing through her clit as I watched her juices flow. She met my eyes. “You want to fuck.”

  I blinked several times, pulling my attention back to Helga and away from the siren in my mind. Helga was studying me as I watched a haze from the drugs wash over her. Before they pulled her under into the depths of pain-free bliss, she hissed, “Find another girl, quickly.”

  Shocked, I stared at her for a long moment. Were they right—Marissa and Helga—I needed to get laid? Or were Rachel and Viviane correct? I should stop before I was caught and put in prison for the rest of my life. I sat in deep contemplation as the TV blared to life. There on the screen was footage from the street I’d been on earlier. The newscaster confirmed my deepest fears.

  “Victims from the shooting that took place this evening at seven are alive and recovering at The University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. Names are still being withheld until family has been notified. Stay tuned to KPIX 5 for more information.”

  My hand gripped the glass pitcher beside me before I hauled it towards the plasma screen. I watched both shatter and then stood and roared, “FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!” I exited the bedroom and barked orders into my cell phone. Somehow, someway, I had to finish them off before Lilly or Zane could identify me. The trained assassin on the line reassured me he would handle everything. With all in place, I decided the best location for me was in the public eye. I needed witnesses. Just so happened when one had money and power they could buy whatever or whoever was necessary. I left the house, acknowledging there would never be a return. Helga would be silenced as well, and it would appear to my constituents that I had an arsonist after me. Yes, perfect cover up.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Lied to, once again, by the woman who held my heart hostage. What the ever-loving fuck was wrong with me? Like before, odds were Sofie was lying to protect those she loved. Sad thing that she couldn’t trust me enough to help her. I had to wonder for the umpteenth time if she ever would. Her whole life had been one nightmare after another when it came to men who should’ve protected her. Even I’d failed when I didn’t search for her after our fateful arrangement went south, sixteen years ago. I hadn’t trusted her love enough to know beyond a shadow of doubt she would never have done such a thing without a damn good reason. While there was full comprehension of all that, I was still hurt, distrustful, and mad as hell. A cocktail for destruction if ever there was one. What Sofie didn’t realize, there was a GPS tracker on her cell phone. I was going to ensure her safety before she got a stern what for.

  Somehow in the rain and fog I had lost her. I drove around the corner and saw what appeared to be a crime taking place. Double-checking as I dialed 911, something felt wrong about the scene playing out before my eyes. I stepped from my vehicle to help the person lying on the ground when suddenly my shoulder burned fiercely. Then it registered, I’d been shot. So why hadn’t I heard the gun go off? Silencer, my mind quickly provided. My cell had fallen to the floorboard from impact, but I heard the dispatcher on the other end of the line. Odds were good the shooter thought they’d hit me in the head. Thank God, I was a tall man and visibility had been poor. I heard someone beat feet and then another gasping for air. I gave our location so help could find us before lumbering towards the couple lying on the ground. The young woman was fighting to breathe. And the young man she was touching fingers with appeared dead. I bent over the pair to check his pulse first, thanking the good Lord above he still had a weak one. There wasn’t much I could do for her except encourage and pray.

  Emergency crews arrived and took over the scene as Sofie came running over, screaming out, “NOOOO! Not Lilly!”

  I bolted upright off the stretcher, running over to Sofie. A police officer was attempting to calm her down. I approached from my uninjured side and wrapped an arm around her—madder than a hornet at her but I still loved this woman. “Was that Lilly?” I inclined my head towards the ambulance that was pulling away from the scene.

  “Y-yes,” she choked out.

  “Alright. Let’s go check on your girl.”

  An EMT had joined us. “Sir, you really need to get that taken care of.”

  The officer nodded his agreement. I clutched Sofie’s hand in mine. “She comes with me,” I said in an authoritative tone that instantly gained respect.

  The EMT confirmed, “That’s fine.”

  “I’ll ask you questions after you’ve been seen by a doc,” the officer added.


  The emergency room was mass chaos. We had learned Lilly and the guy she was with were rushed to surgery upon arrival. Sofie never left my side, even as they stitched the wound. I had been lucky that the bullet passed clean through. Once I was patched up, we went to find out information on Lilly. Surprised Sofie had stayed with me, yet grateful. Somehow that simple gesture had dispersed some of my anger. Realization hit, I wasn’t mad at her so much as at the events that’d transpired, which caused the aftermath we had to deal with. Sort of like an earthquake. No human was responsible for them. But when you were a victim of one, you still had to deal with the clean-up and affect it left in its wake of destruction.

  We arrived in the waiting room outside of surgery and sat. Pure exhaustion had taken over my body. I was positive the drugs in my system had something to do with that. The question that had been burning on the tip of my tongue since she arrived at the scene of the crime, I had chosen to bite back. Until now. “Why’d you lie to me, Sofia?” The harsh accusatory tone did not escape my ears.

  Before I could gentle my voice or explain myself further, she blurted out, “I don’t know.”

  The noble gesture to ease the truth out of her was gone instantly. “Bullshit! Try again, my dear.”

  Her eyes widened as she stood, pointing her finger at me. “You don’t get to speak to me that way. Ever.”

  “The hell I don’t,” I growled in response. “Start explaining yourself. Now.

  With hands on her hips and chin jutted out in defiance, she spat out, “Fuck off.”

  As she turned to walk away from me, I stood up and grasped her arm. “Hell no!” War was waging inside me: spank her ass or kiss her furiously? I yanked her forward and she fell against my body. I felt her softness mold into my hardness as she fought in vain to hold on to her indignation. I spun us around, so she was pinned against the wall, and took her mouth with a fierceness that almost brought me to my knees. She gasped, giving me the access I craved. Due to my shoulder being taped up, her hands went around my waist. I cupped one cheek of her ass and squeezed tightly. After a few moments, it became clear if we didn’t stop there’d be a show for all of those within eyesight. Breaking our connection but holding my forehead against hers, I panted, “What the hell are you doing to me, Sofie?” Never had I felt so torn in all my life. Part of me wanted nothing to do with the woman who had shattered my heart into a million fragments. Yet another, wanted nothing more than to be buried deep inside her. Lust? Not at all. The connection of two becoming one was like no other. Sure there was pleasure in that, but this went much deeper. More complete. As if I were created to only please her. All for her.

  On the verge of succumbing to that need, the moment was broken when she replied, “It’s called desire, Alex. Nothing more. Nothing less.” She eased along the wall until able to totally break free of me. Then began to pace.

  The tiny mending that had been taking place in my heart was ripped apart by her words. “If that’s how little you think of me, then why bother?” I fired back.


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