The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 79

by Lora Ann

  I grabbed her phone and plugged in my number with an email and then slipped out of the room undetected. Out of sheer willpower I made it to my car, refusing to let myself break down. I had to do this. Never mind that my heart and soul were in that hospital with Ari and Alex, or that I would never be forgiven for this act of betrayal.


  With the knowledge I couldn’t fly out of San Francisco International, I drove south to San Jose’s airport, purchasing a one-way ticket to France via New York City. The flight would be an all-nighter, and it was only noon. Exhaustion had settled into my bones, so a hotel room seemed the perfect remedy.

  Falling onto the bed and curling into a fetal position, I finally let heartbreak have her way with me. Toni Braxton’s “Un-break My Heart” was on a loop as I cried myself to sleep.

  I awoke to pounding fists on the hotel room door. What the hell? No one knew of my whereabouts, so whoever it was had the wrong room. I attempted to yell just that but could only manage a croak. From all the sobs earlier my throat was raw and tender. I deserved much worse. With only my bra and panties on, I wrapped the sheet around me before peeking through the peep hole. “Holy shit!” I gasped, and apparently could be heard on the other side.

  “Open up, Sofie. Now,” Alex commanded.

  I took a step backwards, clinging to the sheet for dear life. No, no, nooooooo…this wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

  Another loud rap of knuckles with a growled, “Don’t make me break this door down.”

  If he kept that up someone would call the police, so reluctantly I opened it. Good thing I hadn’t stepped behind that door, or I’d most likely be sporting bruises from the force he used. A loud thwack reverberated, and I was positive the wall had been damaged. My eyes were cast down towards the floor until his hands landed roughly on my shoulders. Hold on…where was his sling? I looked up through my lashes to see that he had removed his arm from it. Oh, that was not good. He could easily reopen the wound. I started to say something when he shook me slightly, bringing my wide-eyed gaze to his. The anger pulsated out of him like an enraged grizzly ready to rip apart the offender. Fuck. His demeanor was downright terrifying.

  “Damn you, Sofie,” he ground out.

  Fairly certain deep inside me must have been a death wish, I squared my shoulders—which he still held too firmly—and raised my chin in defiance. Now it was his turn to sport a flabbergasted look of shock. “Don’t you dare ‘damn’ me until you know where the hell I’m coming from.”

  Alex took a deep, exaggerated breath while his fingers flexed. “Talk. Fast.”

  My hip cocked of its own accord as I stared at him. “I am a human being, not a fucking dog. You will speak to me with a shred of respect,” I declared. Oops!

  I was lifted and pressed against the wall as he spat out, “Like you showed me respect? You better listen and listen well, sweetheart, because I don’t intend to repeat myself.” He got right in my face, so I had no choice but to give him my undivided attention. “I don’t give a rat’s ass why you left. I could care less about your list of reasons why we shouldn’t be together.” His hand came up around my throat with enough pressure to let me know he was in control but had no intention of hurting me. Problem was, I didn’t do well with anyone telling me what to do or how to think. My knee came up, but the bastard blocked the strike with a dark chuckle. “Ah, you wanna fight me, kjære?”

  His foot went between my ankles as he kicked one out to the side, effectively opening my stance. Without apology, his knee shoved up under the sheet making direct contact with my panty-clad sex. I brought my hands up and shoved against his chest, but he still had a decent hold on my throat, which tightened a little more. I began to struggle. “Let me go, Alex!”

  He suddenly released me. I lost my bearings, falling to a heap on the floor. “Touch me like that again motherfucker and you’ll get your fight,” I warned through gritted teeth.

  “You talk a tough game, little girl. Show me what you’ve got.” His hand grasped my wrist as he pulled me up and taunted, “Go ahead…” his arms spread wide, “hit me.”

  Why the hell Pat Benatar’s “Hit Me with Your Best Shot” came to mind I’d never know. If Alex thought his gesture would get me to back down, he had another thing coming. I moved with a side kick, which he blocked easily. Prick. I attempted a jab, but he caught it and countered, bringing me to the floor with a thud. “Again?” he asked with a cocky lift at the corners of his lips.

  I swiped at his face, making decent contact, and added, “Challenge accepted.” I got in a great uppercut and managed to get out from underneath him. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. And that was when I saw the blood. “Oh no, Alex,” I gasped.

  He shot me a knowing glance. “Thought you didn’t care about me, So.”

  “Bullshit. Of course I care,” I called out, walking to the vanity for a washcloth.

  He stood and took a step, catching the sheet barely hanging on my body with his foot. As it completely fell off, I hissed, “You’re an asshole.”

  He stalked closer. “Ah…but I’m your asshole.”

  My fingers met the side of his mouth that still trickled with blood. “You’re not mine any more so than I am yours,” I pointed out.

  He caught my fingers between his teeth, bringing forth a squeal from me. Once released, his hand snaked around my waist and hauled me forward. “You. Do. Belong. To. Me.”

  I turned my head, so his mouth caught me at the temple instead of mine and countered, “I don’t want to be.” Yes, I was trying to hurt Alex, but only for the sake of helping him. He had to see it was best to forget about me and move on. If lying was what would make that reality, then so be it.

  His other hand grasped my chin as he turned my face towards him. “You’re a bad liar, baby.”

  Before I could retort, his lips were on mine—taking. Punishing. Proving, I was indeed his. I should’ve fought harder. But when he began to nip at my lips, causing me to open for him, I was lost to his tongue demanding my compliance. I met his hungry kiss with viciousness. Yes, yes, yeeeees…I was his. And damn him for knowing it. The tears began to fall as I shook my head. “It’ll never work,” I spoke against his mouth.

  “Let me show you that it will,” he groaned along my jaw until reaching my earlobe, biting. I mewled in return as my wayward hands greedily roamed his body. Tugging his t-shirt from the jeans he had on, I traced up his back, reveling in the skin to skin contact. His muscles flinched as his hard-on pressed against my stomach. His leg swiped mine, bringing me down to the bed with him following. “Let me fucking love you, Sofie.”

  My gasped, “Yes,” was met with a roving tongue along my neck. I wasn’t patient, reaching forward to release his beautiful cock. Once freed, I eased my wet panties to the side and brought the head to my entrance.

  His confessed, “God I need inside you, now,” brought my legs up around his hips.

  “I need you, too,” admitting as he slid deep within me.

  Nothing else mattered. We were two damaged souls coming together as one. And while I might not know what lay ahead for us, in that beautiful moment—I was his and he was mine. The rest of the world faded away as Alex proved he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Buried inside Sofie’s sweet body, was right where I had always belonged. She orgasmed first, but I followed after three strong pumps. I rested my weight on my good arm, gently stroking her stomach as our breathing regulated. She turned towards me. “I’m sorry.”

  Silencing her with my mouth and sliding my tongue against hers, we began to tango. Once more building up into a frenzy, yet this time I planned on worshipping her. I left Sofie’s warm mouth and made my way down to her erect peaks, licking, nipping, and sucking until she writhed. Looking up from her beautiful tits, my eyes locked on hers. I walked my fingers down her stomach, over her mound and between her folds, before dipping into her heat. After my fingers were wet, I brought them back
to her nipple, swirling her juices and then proceeding to do it all over again. Fuck she tasted so good. Nearly bringing her to another climax that way, I left her on the precipice and slid off the bed. Her desire-ladened eyes followed my every movement. “Come here, Sofie,” I ordered, patting the edge of the bed.

  She scooched over to where I wanted. On my knees, I leaned into her delectable pussy and licked along her folds. Her hips rose to give me better access. I gave a lazy flick of my tongue against her clit as she cried out, “More.”

  “You like that?”

  Her rasped, “God yes,” made me repeat the action. By the third time, she had crested. Two fingers buried as far as they could go in her channel, I entered her puckered hole with my pinkie. Jackpot! Another orgasm hit with enough force to raise her hips completely off the bed, covering my nose and chin.

  “Damn baby, you’ve saturated me,” I said in awe, moving my face back and forth over her sensitized core. I listened to her little whimpers as she came back down from the heavens. “Help me out these clothes,” I commanded with heat in my voice. If I didn’t hurry, I’d come all over the bed.

  She batted her eyelashes and answered, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Holy fuuuck that’s hot.” Really it was. I’d never been so damn turned on before. And if my dripping cock wasn’t a clue, then surely the heavy breathing gave me away.

  She eased my shirt over my head, tossing it to the floor. Leaning into me she whispered, “You need to feel pleasure, too, Mr. Strand.” Her fingers traced my throbbing length as she began to lick the edges of my lips.

  I moaned, “Sofie, I’m going to come.”

  She spoke against my mouth, “Not until your big dick is on my tongue.”

  My strained, “Hurry!” should’ve told her I was beyond close.

  Licking her way down my torso, she made quick work of tugging my jeans down. I kicked them free as her luscious lips sealed around my ever-growing cock. Fisting her hair, I erupted. The warning I’d given her wasn’t a lie. She swallowed every drop before working her way back up my body. Sofie’s tongue darted out to taste the last of me on her. I growled, “Naughty girl.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” asking as she pulled on her bottom lip.

  My hands came up and latched on to her hips, flipping her. I placed a knee on the bed and leaned my forearm into her upper back. Holding Sofie firmly in place, I ran my hand tenderly over her ass before pulling back and swatting hard. “Ow,” she squealed.

  I repeated on her other cheek and continued to spank her several times. Looking down I saw how excited she was, so I went further. “Put her fingers on your clit, baby.”

  She complied on a mewled, “Alex, I’m going to…”

  “No.” I barked out the command, “You will not come until I say.” I popped her ass harder, making sure we were clear.

  A ragged, “Yyyyyyes,” escaped as she worked her hot button.

  I positioned the head of my dick at her entrance and thrust all the way in, slapping her ass again. Then I began to pump with fury. Watching my cock move in and out of her pussy as she fingered her clit and I applied a hardy smack, brought our climaxes in the most spectacular display. I eased down beside Sofie, cradling her to me as we fell asleep from the exertion.

  By the time we woke up, it was nightfall. We sat in bed and talked. I now understood where she was coming from and why she’d made the decision to leave. I held her close wanting more than anything to erase all the bad she’d dealt with. Bitterness, anger, and mistrust no longer had their claws in my heart. They’d been replaced with forgiveness and love, mercy and grace. A gentle peace surrounded me as I held my heart and soul, otherwise known as Sofie. We were still broken people trying to learn how to function with our mending pieces, but together it could be done. Not one doubt filled me on that. Once the air was cleared, we made slow and steady love. Confirming with bodies what hearts already knew, our anchors had been found.

  After showering together, we called room service. My cell phone went off while we ate. I playfully reached over Sofie and answered, “Little busy here, Nik.”

  “Fuck, Alex. I don’t know how to tell you this.”

  All humor was gone. “What’s going on?”

  I heard him swallow. “Ari.”

  “Oh shit. What happened?” My mind went to several scenarios. None were good. “She needs blood? Her temperature spiked again?”

  Sofie held my hand as worry sketched around her eyes.

  Nik replied, “She’s missing.”

  “Excuse me.” Come on, I hadn’t heard him right. How could my daughter be missing?

  “Just like I said,” he responded. “We can’t find her.”

  I bolted off the bed and dressed in haste. Sofie was doing the same. “We’re on our way, brother.” I ended the call, spinning around to Sofie. “They don’t know where Ari is.”

  She nodded, “I heard.”


  The drive to San Fran seemed to take forever, when in reality we made great time. Hand in hand we rushed to Ari’s room, where police were all over the place. E greeted us in the waiting area and brought us up to speed. There wasn’t much to tell. I held Sofie tightly as she cried, “Where could she be?”

  “I don’t know, kjære, but we’ll find her.”

  Nik, Aimee, and Lacey joined us. Even in the throes of anxiety, I noticed Aimee looked better. Her hand was engulfed in Nik’s paw as she attempted to console Sofie. We formed a circle and hugged each other. I was worried sick, yet the knowledge that my family was there to hold me up meant the world to me. Despite our recent differences, I never had to question Nik or Even’s love for me. Their loyalty and faithfulness were things I could always count on. No. Matter. What. Aimee and Lacey had proven they were part of this family as well. My hope was that Sofie would accept it, too. Only time would tell. Could she handle another tragedy? Dear God, please, I beg you, give her a happy ending, something to hold on to that speaks hope.

  Shannon walked up and greeted, “Hello. Would you mind if I spoke with Alex privately?”

  I gave her a sidelong glance. “You can say whatever you need to in front of them.”

  “Alrighty,” she nodded. “Seems Ari left with a guy by the name of Zane Beckfield.”

  Sofie looked over at Shannon. “The same young man that was with L-Lilly?” she stammered.

  “Yes,” Shannon affirmed. “Apparently they met in physical therapy.”

  “She went voluntarily?” I queried.


  “Holy hell,” Nik declared.

  As E stated, “Fuck a duck.”

  Aimee chimed in, “What does that mean?”

  I grabbed Aimee’s other hand. “Our hands are tied until she’s been missing for twenty-four hours.”

  “Oh shit,” Lacey added.

  Sofie wrapped her free arm around Lacey.

  We all stood there in shocked silence wondering what this turn of events exactly meant. I was not one to remain helpless. Placing a reverent kiss on Sofie’s quivering lips, I vowed, “I’ll bring our daughter back.”

  I stepped away and walked with Shannon down the hall.

  Nik called out, “Wait!” I saw him bend down and say something to Aimee as he kissed her passionately. That was a sight I would hold on to. It meant my beautiful sister-in-law was in fact healing from her grief and despair. So much brokenness had taken place in each of us recently. We needed something to go right. Hell…we needed a miracle.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Hell. I would burn in it for eternity. Then again, Mr. R hadn’t exactly given me much of a choice. Motherfucker had my kid sister in one of his torture chambers. Yeah, she was clothed in the little video I was shown, but for how long? Last I recalled he wasn’t into children. Didn’t mean the sick fuck couldn’t bring in one of his buddies who were, though. So I had done the most despicable thing possible and lured an innocent teenager to her death. I deserved to be drawn and quartere
d for such an act of deception. Lucifer had nothing on me.

  Ari rolled her head my direction from the passenger seat. “Where are we going?”

  God she was pretty, more than that, absolutely gorgeous. Why couldn’t I have died from that gunshot? Lilly flitted through my mind. My future expired with her. And to be honest, my heart rested six feet under in the casket next to hers. I’d never leave Caleb’s clutches now. He had me by the balls and knew it. Though I probably shouldn’t talk to her more than necessary, I genuinely liked Ari and answered, “Lake Tahoe.”

  Her eyes were heavy with sleep. “Niiiiice.”

  I couldn’t stop myself, reaching over and grasping her hand. “Rest, angel.” Shit! I should not use any terms of endearment, but there was just something about her that drew me in. It was far more than sexual attraction, though that was there in living color. My aching hard-on was proof.

  Needing to latch on to another thought, I focused on my hatred for my stepmother Helga. Bitch was the reason Darla was involved. My twelve year-old sister was clueless to everything Helga had ever done to me. She preferred to perform her twisted acts on boys. Plus, Darla was only a baby when dad had remarried. My mom had been a victim of an office fire. Faulty electrical wiring was the cause and she was the only one who perished. I held that over my father for years and blamed him for her being there. It was his office after all, and she had gone in to do some filing for him.

  I pulled into the remote drive that looked like nothing more than a trail. Nestled behind the towering pines, sitting on the edge of a cliff was a beautiful log cabin. Under any other circumstance I would’ve admired the structure, but acknowledging that I was bartering my sister’s life for Ari’s made me violently ill. I opened the door and tossed my cookies. Fuck. There had to be another way. Ari shifted in her seat and sat up, alert.


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