The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 81

by Lora Ann

  Hell no! I would lose everything if this scumbag got the best of me. Every muscle in my body shook from the need to destroy the man who had done nothing but wreak havoc on my family for years. Willpower—I didn’t know I possessed—took over as my hand began to loosen. I stared into the eyes of the devil and dared, “Move one fraction of an inch and watch just what I’m capable of.”

  His gasping for air was muffled by the commotion still taking place further down the hall. Then, everything went into DEFCON 5. Shots were fired, leaving my ears ringing. Nik’s hand grabbed a hold of my arm and shoved me hard to the floor. Right in my ear he ordered, “Don’t move.”

  The desire to raise my head and see what was going on damn near overwhelmed me. Instead I saw the bloody boots step into my line of sight. Next, Nik was fighting a gunman. And that was when I noticed Reynolds was nowhere to be seen. Mother! Fuck! I turned my attention back to Nik who had complete control of the situation, until reinforcements showed up on the scene. Mass chaos would be an understatement. Drill was, we were all suspects until they knew otherwise.

  What felt like days was most likely hours. Once allowed to make a call, I informed Aimee and Sofie we were all fine, including Ari who had been my first person to check on. Both fully comprehending we were in lockdown since they couldn’t come within one mile of the hospital. Officers were made aware of the danger Zane Beckfield was in and scoured the area for him. Senator Reynolds was officially being searched for as well. All points of entry and exit to the lake on the south shore had road blocks and check points one had to get through. Airport had been closed, and no boats were allowed to leave or enter from Zephyr Cove, Nevada to D.L. Bliss State Park, California. Caleb wasn’t making a move without someone seeing him. And all we could do was wait it out.

  Tick. Tock.

  Nik and I sat next to Ari, doing our best to keep her from focusing too much on Reynolds. “You know, hon. Aimee would be a good person for you to talk to,” Nik spoke conversationally.

  Her eyes lit up. “I’d like that. Aunt Aimee is a pretty amazing lady.”

  I couldn’t hide my smile and responded, “Yes, she is.”

  The love visible all over Nik was also in his words. “I wouldn’t be the man I am today without her. Special doesn’t even begin to cover what she means to me.” Passion lit up his eyes. “She’s fucking breathtaking.”

  My eyebrow quirked as Ari giggled, “Dad, I’m sixteen not six. And I say fucking too.”

  Nik threw back his head and laughed as I attempted to scold her. “That’s not a word a young lady should be saying.”

  Of course it was at that exact moment I heard Sofie. “What the fuck, Alex?”

  Aimee added, “It’s a fucking beautiful adjective when used correctly.”

  “You’re soooooooo outnumbered,” Nik chuckled.

  Ari’s smile said it all: even in the throes of disaster, Strands could find something to laugh about.

  Instead of saying anything, I coiled my hand around Sofie’s waist and tugged her forward, planting a reverent kiss. “Hi,” I whispered against her mouth.

  Her hands went to the nape of my neck where she pulled me forward, locking our mouths together. My hard-on told her what she needed to know as our tongues slid over each other. Nik’s cough broke the moment of passion as Ari tried to hide her blush. Sofie removed her hand from me and clasped Ari’s forearm. “Sorry if we embarrassed you, sweetheart,” she declared earnestly.

  “Well, honestly, Nik and Aimee were all over each other, too. I was pretty sure if given another five minutes, I would have gotten an education in the birds and the bees front and center.”

  We were all laughing at that until an officer entered the room. Sobered by the look on his face, I inquired, “Did you find him?”

  “May I speak with you privately,” he replied.

  “Of course,” I nodded, leaving the room.

  Once we were out in the hall, he informed, “Mr. Strand, there’s no easy way to say this.”

  “Just give it to me straight up, please.”

  “Right.” He shook his head. “We lost the senator.”

  At first I felt elated, as in thank God he’s dead. Then I studied the look and demeanor of the cop in front of me. Shit! “How’d he get away?”

  “We’re still not certain. But he managed to make it up to Emerald Bay where a helicopter picked him up.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “I am sorry, sir.”

  “You did all you could. Thank you,” I answered, pulling out my cell phone.


  “Yes, Alex.”

  “Reynolds got away.”

  “Did he?”

  What the hell? Was she on to him? “Where is he?”

  “Meet me in Sacramento ASAP.”

  “On my way.” I ended the call and rushed back to Ari’s room.

  I explained, “Due to a lead, I have to leave.”

  Sofie was suspicious. “Why can’t I go with you?”

  I bent down and whispered in her ear. “Because you are mine to protect and I need to handle this without worrying about your’s or Ari’s safety. Trust me, please.”

  She locked her arms around my waist. “Always. You better come back to us unharmed,” she affirmed.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” I declared, “I love you.” Then I kissed her passionately.

  Nik broke the moment with, “There’ll be plenty of time to play kissy face when we get back.”

  “Nikko!”Aimee scolded.

  He silenced her with his mouth.

  Meanwhile I turned my attention to Ari. “Don’t you worry. I’ll be back soon enough,” vowing, I kissed her forehead.

  “Hurry back, Al…I mean, dad.”

  “You bet.” I smiled. “By the way, I love hearing that.”

  Ari shocked me when she said, “I love you.”

  Sofie gasped as I blinked several times hard. I squeezed her hand and nodded before leaving with Nik.

  If all went well in the next three hours, our arch enemy would be behind bars. I could only hope he would never see freedom again for the rest of his miserable life. On hope and a prayer, my brother and I went after the man who had devastated more lives than I cared to count. Surely God and justice were on our side.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  We were in a race to reach my mother’s childhood home in Sacramento before authorities were able to track us. Adrenaline pumped through my system at breakneck speed. The high was almost as exquisite as that moment just before I claimed a life. Need for death collided with the need for escape in an explosion that shook my center of gravity.

  Marissa clutched Rachel as everything tumbled on top of one another in a brilliant display inside my mind. The visual wouldn’t leave me even as the helicopter descended. I watched the scene play out in slow motion, and, by the time we had landed, both were bloody heaps on the floor. NOOOOOO! They were not dead! Get up, I shouted in my head. You stupid little bitches. Move. Yet they refused to obey me. I searched and searched for the source. My girls could not be gone. I grasped my head with both hands and howled.

  “Sir,” one of my men called out, “we need to go inside.”

  Staring at him for a moment, his name finally came to me. “Hughes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I reached forward and yanked his gun from his shoulder holster. His head cocked to one side. “Senator?”

  The boom echoed, leaving me deaf for the time being—at least that was what I hoped. The brain matter pattern was mosaic. Someone clapped my shoulder and shook. I turned towards the pilot and pulled the trigger once more. Exiting the helicopter, something pierced through my side. I glanced down watching blood begin to seep from the bullet hole. Who did that? Things were difficult to figure out without my hearing. A shadow passed on my right, and I fired off yet another round. Lumbering towards the body on the ground, I noticed flaming red hair. From where I was standing, the rise and fall of her chest appeared to be st
aggering. I locked on to her wrist, dragging her behind me.

  Once inside the home from my childhood, where numerous summers had been spent, I slid to the floor next to the tiny woman. She wouldn’t make it if help didn’t arrive for her soon. I’d managed to shoot her in the chest. By the gurgling sounds, her lung had been damaged. The smell of her blood mixing with mine had my erection throbbing. I leaned down, inhaling deeply from her wound. Someone yanked my hair from the back of my head, pulling me off her. I sat in stunned silence looking into familiar eyes. Viviane.

  Her mouth was moving but I still couldn’t hear. I pointed to my ears, “Can’t hear you.”

  She spoke slower so I could read her lips. “Looks like I arrived just in time.”

  “Yes,” I agreed.

  Viv began to search the little woman struggling to breathe. She held up a badge for me to inspect and then said, “Let’s go. They’ll be looking for this one.”

  “Too bad,” I complained. “I wanted to take her with me.”

  “No. We need to get you to safety.”

  I nodded my acquiescence.

  Things were blurry, but I could’ve sworn Viviane had help placing me inside the vehicle. I lost consciousness before I could inquire further.



  “Drive faster!” I commanded.

  “What the fuck do you think I’m doing here?” she fired back at me.

  “Alright. Calm down.” I glanced back to see Caleb in an awkward heap.

  “Why the hell didn’t you just kill him?” Her voice was full of anxiety.

  “We had a plan, remember?” I reminded her.

  “Well, would’ve made more sense to leave his bleeding ass back there,” she pointed out.

  “Damn, you’re right.” I grabbed her thigh and squeezed hard enough to make her whimper. “Last I checked, I was calling the shots. So…shut the fuck up and drive.”

  I hadn’t spent the last few weeks plotting my revenge to have some smart mouthed bitch tell me how the situation should be handled. Never should’ve brought her back from Italy. I knew she was trouble. But the fact was, she hated Caleb as much as I did, which made the decision for me. Her need for vengeance was as strong as mine. I reached forward to turn on some kind of background music and was greeted by Fall Out Boy’s “Immortals.” Appropriate. We were definitely superheroes for taking down Senator Caleb Reynolds. The plan of action had been set in motion, and we were going to stick to it.



  “It’ll work. I promise.”

  She sighed heavily. “Lacey can’t know I’m back in the States, Viv.”

  “I know,” verifying, “I’ll get you on a plane to Italy as soon as possible.”

  “Tar is going to kick my ass for tying him up and leaving him like that,” she responded.

  “Um…sorry. Not sure how to help you out of that.”

  “I’ll deal,” she declared, reaching over and squeezing my hand.

  We arrived at the home Joe and I had bought right after we were married. I’d always loved Folsom. The little house was set out and away from the city as well as subdivisions, giving us the privacy needed. Ironically the infamous prison wasn’t too far from here. Couldn’t help but visualize Johnny Cash singing “Folsom Prison Blues.” Joe had been a huge fan, so I was more than familiar with that particular song. I wiped the tears that tracked down my face. My beloved didn’t deserve to die in that mine shaft. It should’ve been the douchebag in the backseat who perished there. Don’t worry, Joe. I’ll make you proud of me. Mr. R is going to pay for taking you away too soon.

  Luck was on our side as Keeley and I managed to heave Caleb inside, then into the sterilized room I’d made into a makeshift triage. I would give the girl credit: she assisted with the surgical procedure without once fainting or even turning green. We had properly restrained him to the bed before going upstairs to have a drink. “Would you like a soda?” I offered.

  Keeley shot me a wry grin. “I’d like a beer.” I paused, considering. “How about a Coke,” she chortled.

  “Good for you, Keeley,” I praised while handing her a can.

  “I have no intentions of ever returning to any form of substance abuse, Viv,” she affirmed. “But thanks for your concern.”

  “Anytime.” I added, “If all goes well, you can head back to Italy tomorrow. No one will be the wiser.”

  “Provided,” she shook her head, “Tar didn’t contact Even.”

  “Oh shit! I never considered that,” I admitted.

  “I did.” She shrugged. “Yet here I am.”

  We heard a loud groan and rushed back to where Caleb was being held. I hadn’t been worried he could break those restraints, still…better to be safe than sorry.



  Where am I? I couldn’t exactly feel any pain but was uncomfortable all the same. My ears were ringing, yet I could hear some things. I tugged my arm and quickly came to the conclusion it was strapped to the rail. As I scanned the room, numerous medical devices did not escape me. So, I was in a hospital? Over my head and to the left was an IV pole. I tracked the tubing down into the bend of my arm, though I couldn’t seem to sense the unpleasantness of the needle. Strange indeed. Attempting to move around some more, I still had no sensation of pain anywhere. The gauze on my side told me I had in fact been wounded. Those were some amazing drugs pumping through my system if I felt nothing. Disappointment filled me. I happened to enjoy pain. The rush I got from dealing it or receiving was a high like no other. Who could’ve stolen that joy from me? The door swung open and there stood my answer—Viviane. Honest to God, I’d thought I imagined her earlier.

  “Viv?” I croaked out.

  The sly smirk she gave me while approaching made me leery. “Hello, Caleb.”

  I shot her a look of disdain. “Wouldn’t that be Mr. R to you?”

  Her chortle spoke volumes, to reiterate she affirmed, “You don’t deserve my respect.”

  “Excuse me?” I jerked hard on my arms, but the bindings held. “I do believe you’re on my payroll,” I growled.

  “Pfft…was,” she replied snidely.

  Searching my memory for an indication that she was no longer my employee, I came up empty. I tilted my head and studied her body language. The woman before me was angry and frightening in her ability to function like it didn’t consume her. For the first time ever, I was aroused by her. Naturally there was no way to hide that as the thin sheet over me tented. Viv leaned forward and inspected my merchandise. “What are you doing?” I groaned.

  She batted her eyelashes at me. “Why, Caleb, you’re happy to see me.” Her finger traced the tip softly, which instantly made me flaccid. Her laughter was piercing. “Ah, that’s right. You like to play rough.”

  Another female giggle could be heard in the hallway. All of a sudden Keeley appeared, and my cock stood at attention, greeting. “My girl,” I hissed.

  She walked over and spat in my face. “I was never yours you sick motherfucker.”

  Viv reached forward and grabbed her hand with familiarity. “Wait for me upstairs, Keeley.”

  “Gladly,” she huffed. But then turned back towards me and sweetly spoke, “I hope you feel nothing but pleasure on your journey to the bowels of hell. And may the devil himself choose not to torture you.”

  “Keeley, my dear, you’re a liar,” I declared. “You enjoyed our time together.” I wouldn’t let her see the words had unnerved me. Torture was what I craved. Eternity without it would be hell.

  She raised her hand to slap me—yes, please—but Viv caught it midair. “Nice touches, remember?”

  What exactly were they plotting? Keeley replied, “Yes, ma’am. May I?”

  “Of course,” Viv responded in a syrupy voice that had me concerned.

  Keeley’s tiny hand stroked my engorged phallus. Again feathery, and instantly I lost my erection. She smiled, “I’ll be damned. You were right.”

; “Told you this would work,” Viviane answered.

  “What are you two scheming?”

  Keeley stroked my brow. “I’m leaving. You be a good a little boy.”

  Her laughter could be heard long after she’d made her exit. My attention returned to the woman who now held all the cards. If the wicked glint in her eyes gave any clue, I was about to be tested. Could I endure pleasure? The answer to that: a resounding no. She administered something into the tube leading to my arm. I had to hand it to her; she was smart—far more intelligent than I’d given her credit for. What better way to cause distress in someone who needed pain than to give complete relief, and do it so nicely. Fucking bitch was a genius.

  Chapter Thirty


  Worried sick didn’t even begin to cover how I felt. I was attempting to cover my anxiety for Ari’s sake, but she was a smart cookie.

  “He’ll be fine, Sofie. Don’t you trust him?” she inquired.

  “Yes, I do. However, there’s danger around anytime Caleb is involved.” Stupid thing to say!

  I watched my daughter’s brow knit together as she began chewing on her bottom lip. “Oh sweetheart, no. Please don’t worry about your father.”

  She glanced my way. “You really love him, don’t you?”

  I sat down next to Ari and grabbed her hand. “Very much.” After a moment of contemplation, I continued, “You were created out of that love. We had every intention of marrying. While you weren’t planned, you were wanted. So, so much,” my voice cracked as I saw the tears seeping from the corners of her eyes. She needed to hear this. Therefore, I took a fortifying breath and went on, “Your grandfather was not a nice man, sweetheart. I know one should never speak ill of the dead, but it’s the truth. He was a miserable soul who couldn’t escape his own self-pity to recognize the love around him. And that bitterness manifested into a hate that ran bone deep. You were taken from me because he couldn’t handle any form of happiness. He’d become that cold and desolate.”


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