The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 87

by Lora Ann

  Alex approached from my left with a rocks glass filled with clear liquid and a lime—Absolute. After gulping over half the vodka, I inclined my head. “You’re welcome,” Alex said with a knowing a grin. They joined me on the sofa as he assured, “Nik filled me in. So, I propose a schedule to get your ass back in the game.”

  My brows hit my hairline at that. “What? No telling me I’m out of my cotton pickin’ mind to think I could be one hundred percent by my wedding?”

  “Not hearin’ that from me,” Nik claimed.

  “I sure as hell never said any such thing,” Alex reassured.

  “Alright, what’s the plan?” Excitement kicked in at full speed. Felt damned good to feel something besides anger. You feel desire every time Lacey is around. Well, there was that. And I sure didn’t want it disappearing. No siree.

  Alex replied, “Let’s start you out on an average workout routine.”

  I shot him a pointed look. “I’m not some middle-aged business man who’s trying to get in shape, brother.”

  “True,” Nik appeased. “However…you are recovering from one hell of a round with the grim reaper. I’m afraid you’re outnumbered on this one, E.”

  Really? How did I argue over something I’d insist if one of them were in my shoes? Still, I felt like a pussy. I gave a tight nod as my jaw clenched. Alex tapped something into his cell phone which got my attention. Without my voicing the question, he answered, “Clearing all my appointments.”

  “Ditto,” Nik responded when I looked his way.

  “We have less than a month,” I stated with not a little concern. Could I really do this? Would my body cooperate? What happened if I caused a set back?

  My brothers each clasped a shoulder. “Don’t go there,” Alex commanded. “Nothing good comes from that miry pit.”

  Nik’s, “True that,” resonated through my bones. They were right. Giving self-doubt and fear free rein was not only dangerous, but it also set me up to fail before I’d ever begun. Not optional. Lacey deserved a husband who could give her everything. Who would give her the world. And dammit all to hell, I would provide for my bride or die trying. What if you get your strength back but you can’t perform sexually? Listen, motherfucker, not only will I perform; she’ll scream my name so loud in pleasure that it’ll be heard in four states. That was a fucking promise.

  Chapter Two


  Not all together there when I entered Sofie’s office, so, I shouldn’t have been surprised at Aimee’s, “Oh, shit! What’s wrong, hon?” I stared at her for a long moment debating whether or not to spill something private and intimate; however, if anyone could help me it was her. My lip began to bleed from my incessant gnawing. She reached up and released my tortured bottom lip from my teeth, shaking her head. “You need to stop that or it won’t heal in time for your wedding.” That did it. Cue the water works.

  Sofie held out a box of tissues. “Hey, sweetheart, if you don’t tell us what’s going on we can’t help you. And as you’ve said, ‘we’re family,’ so it’s not an option to close yourself off.”

  I gave a watery smile to that. She was right. Though I knew it, my apprehension was two-fold: What if Even found out and decided he couldn’t be with me any longer because I betrayed him? How would we survive as a couple if sex was no longer an option? Dear Lord, I was terrified to speak either, for fear they’d come true. Aimee hugged me tight. “Talk to us, sweet girl.”

  Sofie embraced me from the other side. “We can’t fix it if we don’t know what’s wrong.”

  I nodded as both of my sisters led me to the couch against the far wall, admiring, once more, Sofie’s talent on color and texture. I wasn’t sitting in some little girl’s pretend castle, though the colors were there. Instead of soft pastels, they were either dark or bold creating an incredible contrast that was sultry and enticing, much like the woman to whom they belonged. The more I got to know her, the more I really liked her. She was quiet but not standoffish. Actually, she was emerging from that shell of silence every day, becoming more verbose and inviting. She grabbed my hand and encouraged, “Alex will not hear a word about this from me.”

  Aimee clasped my other one and vowed, “What’s said in this room stays in this room.”

  Barely whispering, “E c-can’t…you know,” as I felt my face heat.

  “Wait,” Aimee inquired, “I thought he was choosing not to make love to you.”

  With a deep cleansing breath, I illuminated our situation. “Yes, but part of that is due to the fact he’s not—”

  “Able,” Sofie finished then added, “Isn’t that a little difficult to know if he won’t try?”

  Aimee gave her a pointed look. “Pretty sure he would have at least tried on his own.”

  “Oh my, God,” she shook her head, “I’m so stupid.”

  “No,” I reassured her, “You just weren’t considering all the options.”

  Sofie giggled, “Nice save there, little sister.”

  We all laughed at that before Aimee stood and announced, “This calls for a bottle of wine.”

  “Hell yes,” Sofie replied, “Grab the Riesling.”

  “On it,” she called from the quaint bar in the corner.

  Sofie’s brow furrowed as she queried, “Maybe waiting until the honeymoon to find that out isn’t the wisest choice?”

  “Agreed,” I snorted, “But have you ever tried to tell a Dom he’s wrong?”

  “Fuck no. What you need to do is make him think it’s his idea,” Aimee professed as she handed me a full wine glass.

  After draining most of the delicious liquid, I raised a brow at her and inquired, “How would I do that?”

  “Well,” Sofie chimed in, “All the Strand men are Alpha males. With Alex, I suggest in passing.” She sipped the wine with a gleam in her eye.

  “Nik needs a seed planted,” Aimee stated, and it was then I noticed she wasn’t drinking anything but water. That was peculiar.

  Before I could question it, Renée walked in. I really liked Aimee’s best friend. She’d been here for about a week now. Her no nonsense style was appreciated. Not that Aimee or Sofie suffered from dramatics, which was why I loved them. Renée poured herself a glass of wine and took a seat in the vibrant purple chair. “’Sup, girlies?”

  Aimee eyes went bright as she exclaimed, “Lacey! I think Renée can help you.”

  “Shit, girl. What’re you draggin’ me into now?” Renée asked.

  Aimee bounced as she replied, “You’re going to give lessons on how to Domme.”

  Renée’s brows rose high. “You got your man wrapped, plus, you’re pretty damn good at it yourself. Why would you need my help?”

  “Not me,” Aimee patted my leg, “her.”

  Renée eyed me. “Ah, the Master’s lady wants to switch.”

  I choked on a mouthful of wine. Holy crap! Could I do that?

  Sofie had a wry grin on her face. “Yes. That’s exactly what she wants to do.”

  “Um…it is?” I wasn’t so sure about that.

  They all nodded in unison.

  I emptied the bottle and declared, “More alcohol is required.”

  Sofie stood and grabbed my hand. “Hold that thought. Let’s go do this final fitting first.”

  In the dressing room, Sofie studied me from every angle possible as I stood on the raised platform like thing she had provided. Honestly, I had no clue what the name of it was. Sort of like a step but larger, reminded me of a tiny stage, yet she was able to maneuver all around it on a wheeled stool. Even that was in a deep pink almost red color with a soft fabric that brought kittens to mind. She nodded finally and instructed, “Okay, take a look.”

  Catching my reflection for the first time in the mirrors, I gasped, “Wow!”

  “Yeah, you are a stunning woman,” she cooed.

  “Not me. This dress,” I gushed, “Is just amazing.”

  No desire to accidently harm the delicate lace, mermaid gown, I kept my hands clasped in front of me. So
fie reached up and grabbed my writs, shaking. “Relax.”

  I timidly traced the lace collar around my neck. “It’s perfect. Like you reached inside me and pulled out my personality then mixed it up with E’s.”

  Her look was sheepish as she declared, “He couldn’t have a bride who wasn’t collared.”

  I twisted my engagement ring, remembering the night I wore his collar for the first time. The necklace sat in a safe. It wasn’t something one wore every day. But the ring on my finger— now that was another story all together. “What if he grows bored with me, Sofie?” The question was torn out of me on a sob.

  She wrapped her arms around me. “Oh honey, I’d worry if you didn’t have that question.”

  “You would?”

  “Of course. What woman doesn’t grow concerned with such things?”

  “Alex adores you. And he’s so in love. Never, would he grow bored with such an astounding woman.”

  She pulled back and swiped under her eyes. “Right back at you, sweetheart. Even thinks the sun rises and sets in you. He cherishes you above all else. Don’t ever doubt how deep his love is for you.”

  I accepted the tissue she offered and apprised, “We are very blessed women.”

  “I wholeheartedly agree. Now, let’s get you out of this and go see what we can learn from Mistress Renée.”

  There was no controlling the nervous giggle that erupted as she helped me remove the gorgeous gown. Once back in my normal clothes, we met Aimee and Renée back in the office. My eyes widened at the “toys” lying out on top of Sofie’s desk. “Holy fuck! What is that wicked looking chain thing?”

  Aimee giggled, “We’re all rubbing off on you with the F-bomb.” She wrapped her arm around my waist and replied to my question, “It’s a Y clamp. These—she ran her fingertips over the two clamps attached to chains the same length—go on your nipples.”

  I gasped, “And the other one goes on my…”

  “Clitoris,” Renée answered.

  Sofie’s, “Oh my, God,” said it all.

  I swallowed hard, staring at the longer length chain with a clamp on the end. “Won’t that hurt?”

  Renée studied me closely. “Do you like pain with your pleasure, Lacey?”

  “Some,” admitting before I bit my lip.

  “Alright then, time to get up close and personal with items that’ll test your limits.”

  I could only nod my consent. Words had completely escaped me as I got a tutorial on things from holy-shit-that’s-gonna-leave-a-mark to little-ouchy-pain. I couldn’t help but wonder about my twin sister, Keeley. This was far more her kind of scene than mine. Yes, I was marrying a Master, and so far, he’d led me into areas of pleasure I not only welcomed but craved. I was out of my element. As that fear filled me, focus on my concern for Keeley took over. I knew she had been in California recently, but she’d gone back to Italy without coming to see me. That told me she’d been up to no good. E was investigating. With all that had been going on, I hadn’t asked in a couple of days. Shame consumed me. How did you not ask about your own sister? Although that strange twin connection told me she was okay. God, please let her be all right.

  Aimee snapped her fingers in front of my face. “You in there?”

  I blinked several times, bringing myself back to the adult toys-r-us party. “Sorry.”

  Renée reiterated, “It’s all about the mindset. Own your sexuality and his.”

  “Isn’t it about the power exchange?”

  A wicked grin slid along her lips. “Hell yeah.”

  Aimee’s eyes were lit with fire as she declared, “Make him. Whether it’s a Dom/sub or straight vanilla, power must change hands. We can’t both be in control at the same time.”

  Sofie added, “Someone must lead and someone must follow for any relationship to work. You already lead him at times. I’ve seen it.”

  “I do?”

  “Damn girl, where have you been?” Aimee had an incredulous look as she continued, “That man fucking adores you.”

  “I love him so much. I don’t want to let him down, y’know what I mean?”

  Sofie smiled, “Not possible. News flash, he loves you too.”

  Why I was so worried suddenly about E’s feelings disturbed me more than I wanted to admit. Could lack of sex be causing it? If so, was he struggling with all of this negative crap too? Time to remedy that. I really did respect his wishes to wait until our wedding night to have intercourse again. Part of me felt beyond honored that he wanted to. Fine line to walk, helping him stick to his vow while testing his virility. Geez, what was I thinking? Your soon to be husband needs to know he’s still a man. Right. Operation Domme-the-daylights-out-of-Even was now in full swing.


  Fully expecting to see Nik and Alex when I walked into the penthouse, surprise hit me at seeing E asleep on the couch. God he was beautiful. Not easy on the eyes handsome but light your lady parts on fire attractive. A heart-hammering kind of gorgeous, he really was sex on a stick. The fact he was a loyal, good, honest man added to his appeal. In case anyone ever thought he was tame, the tribal dragon tattoo would make them think twice along with his commanding presence. Never could there be a doubt he was in full control. His deep moan instigated my gaze to perform a full scan of his body, making sure he wasn’t in any pain. He was pushing himself too hard, but there’d be no reasoning with his stubborn ass. I turned to leave him in peace when he moaned my name. Easing closer, I didn’t miss the erection that greeted me.

  “I’m right here, E,” I reassured, watching his reactions.

  A low groan was followed by his hand stroking his straining length. Still completely lost in what appeared to be his erotic dream, he commanded, “Touch me, Lacey.”

  Who was I to deny the man I loved? Besides, he needed to know that part of him worked. The doctor had assured us that the nerve damage would eventually heal. No time like the present to test it. Plus there was the yearning to have him in my mouth. The absolute necessity of ensuring he didn’t break his vow sat front and center in my mind as I placed my fingers over his. Intention to let him lead was there until I recalled Sofie’s office. He was asleep, so if it were an epic fail only I would know. Moving my fingers to his muscled thighs I directed, “My show. You’re going to do as I say, E.”

  His penis grew harder and longer as his hand stilled. From the waistband of his gym shorts, his head broke free. I licked my lips at the sight and forced my gaze up to his tightly closed eyes. He was fighting for control. “Take off your shorts.” His brows furrowed at my order. “Do it. Now.”

  His hands began to work the shorts off as I purred, “You’re cock is gorgeous.” I firmly declared, “And mine. You will follow my every command.”

  Again, I watched the deep lines in his forehead. He was battling himself. “Give it to me, E. Surrender.”

  I reached over to assist with removing the shorts. “Raise your hips.” This time, there was no hesitation. “Good, boy. Grasp your dick at the base.” The lines began to relax as he followed my directions. Aware of what I wanted to say, but it was naughty. Reminding myself, you both need this, I gave the order, “Masturbate for me, baby.” His hold tightened as he stroked himself. I watched the pre-cum leaking and couldn’t hold back any more. Leaning forward, I licked the tip as he continued to work his hand up and down. I made sure my hot breath was right over the sensitive slit and directed, “Cup your balls.” He complied as I encompassed the crown with my mouth, using my tongue to trace along the ridge. His hips bucked in response. And I released him with the demand, “I say what you can do and when you can do it.”

  His murmured, “Yes, Mistress,” threw me for a second. I recovered and instructed, “Stroke yourself faster.”

  “Oh God…damn, Lacey, I need your beautiful mouth on me.” Instead of sucking his cock, I eased his hand off his sac and licked each side. He groaned, “Fuuuuuuuck.”

  That told me he enjoyed it. I dipped my finger in the moisture dripping from him and began
to trace his rosebud. “Keep stroking yourself and put your other hand back on your balls.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he answered as I licked his exit hole. His knees had drawn up and now opened as wide as possible to give me access. I held his sculpted butt cheeks and spread them, tonguing his asshole. His body tightened up from the impending orgasm. Easing my pinky into him, I took the head of his spectacular cock into my mouth. He held perfectly still waiting for my command. “Mmm, you taste so good, baby. Fuck my mouth so I can swallow all you have to give me.”

  E’s hands were fisting my hair as he arched his hips, hard, all the while I fingered his back door. He hit the back of my throat and came. I sucked every last drop from him before releasing his cock and glancing up at his face. Silver blazed back at me. “What the ever-loving fuck, Lacey?”

  I sat up and held his fiery gaze. “Showing you, you work just fine.”

  “By forcing me to climax?”

  His look told me be very careful with how I answered. “I didn’t…” Hell, I couldn’t lie. I mean yeah, that sort of was what happened. “I gave you what we both needed,” I said with resolve.

  “Even though you know I want to wait until our wedding night.” His jaw was clamped tight. Wow, he was pissed. Not the response I’d prepared for.

  “It was a blow job with masturbation not intercourse. I would never have done that,” I replied, incensed at this point.

  “You need to leave.”


  “Go,” he roared.

  I stood, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Anger poured out as I faced him head-on. “This isn’t just about you, Even Strand. You may have been the one physically injured, but I’m the one who has been carrying the emotional weight. I love you, dammit. I needed to know we were going to be okay. You needed it, too, though your stubborn ass won’t admit it. And that’s fine. Just know, I have no regrets.” Turning away from him, I grabbed my purse and walked out.

  I could hear his enraged, “Get the fuck back here, Lacey!” But I kept going. Best for both of us to calm down, and that wasn’t going to happen if I stayed. I knew it. He knew it. Although getting him to ever admit that would be a cold day in hell. Fine by me. I was fully aware of the man I’d fallen in love with. Whether he liked it or not, that included his less than desirable temper. I might understand it, but that didn’t mean I had to stick around when he was beyond logical. Besides, this particular time, I was equally angry. Time out was not only wise, it was necessary. Cell phone in hand, I hit Keeley’s number for the hundredth time, hoping beyond hope she would answer as I walked off my frustrations.


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