The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 95

by Lora Ann

  “Smukka, soon can’t get here fast enough.”

  She stroked my jaw. “Agreed.”

  The announcement of the next dance was made, breaking what would’ve led to us in a compromising position. Lacey was sashaying away as I took in the room full of our loved ones. Admiration filled me as I watched Nik and Aimee along with Alex and Sofie, twirling around the dance floor. Happy. In love. My brothers deserved happily ever after. My regard traveled to a table where Ari was laughing with a couple of girls her age. What a sight. We’d come so close to losing my niece, to see her being a normal teenage girl did my heart good. My scouting continued until Keeley and Lacey caught my eye. They were in some sort of an intense conversation. That girl worried me more and more each day. It was only a matter of time before Keeley snapped. Heaven help us all when she did.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Something had my sister crawling out of her skin. “Kee, tell me exactly what happened when you left here earlier.”

  She fussed with the hem on the pretty, dark pink halter dress. The rhinestones along the bodice were in parallel lines, running between her breasts where they came to a stop. Sofie had done a magnificent job. The bride’s maid/matron dresses were the same just in a medium shade of the same color. Ari’s was pale pink, and like Keeley’s, knee-length with a flared bottom. The other dresses were long and flowing. Under her breath she mumbled, “Where did I know that voice from?”

  “You spoke to someone?” I queried.


  “Are you talking about Tarius?” That was stupid. She would’ve known his voice. Whoever Keeley was referring to, she couldn’t place. “Dumb question. Sorry.”

  “I’ve never seen her before. That I’m certain of.” She worried her lip, pensive.

  The person who had her so distraught was a woman. Why? Acknowledging she was agitated, I changed the subject. “So…you and Tar are getting along?”

  “We fucked,” she snorted.

  Mom chose that moment to approach. Of course she’d heard the swear word Keeley had spoken. “That is not a word a young lady should use.”

  When Keeley rolled her eyes at me, I knew she was slowly coming back to herself. “Whatever, Mom. Last I checked, it was still the best word in the English language. How many others do you know that claim to be a verb, noun, adjective, and adverb? Plus, you can use it to build new ones. It’s very versatile. You should give it try.”

  Our mother stood there with a bewildered expression until the chortle broke free. The three of us began to laugh. Silly, yes. But wow, did it feel good. Other family members walked up to the scene and began to join in. E clutched me tight around the waist. I leaned into him and whispered, “I can just see what the headlines would say tomorrow.”

  “Death at a Wedding,” he chuckled.

  “Contagious Laughter Breaks Out at a Reception. No Survivors Reported,” I added in mock horror, which brought more laughter. I almost peed myself.

  Tar stepped into the group. “It’s time, man.”

  E swatted my butt. “Go change, wife. We have a plane to catch.”

  I winked before sashaying away.

  There was no privacy in the ladies’ lounge. Aimee, Sofie, Keeley and Mom were helping me out of my wedding dress. Mom’s gasped, “Lacey Marie! Where are your panties?”

  The knowing giggles grew louder. Keeley used it to her advantage. “Not like she’s a virgin. And hello, where was her husband’s head a couple of hours ago.”

  “Oh dear.” Mom’s hand covered her mouth as I gave Keeley the hairy eyeball.

  I chastised, “Seriously?!”

  Sofie saved the day. “Giving your husband a peep show is healthy. I highly recommend it often.”

  Mom’s demeanor shifted as she blushed. Aimee wrapped her arm around my mother. “Mrs. Kincaid, surely you of all people know how important a good sex life is with our spouses.”

  I watched my mom closely, wondering if that comment would make her sad. On the contrary, she smiled. “It’s a beautiful gift given to a man and his wife by God. It should be all kinds of amazing.”

  Aimee’s, “Amen,” was met by more laughter.

  Once I had myself all together, we stepped out to join the men. There were lots of hugs and kisses for E and I before we left. I even noticed Keeley and Tar hand in hand. He was good for her. Hopefully, she would recognize that sooner rather than later.


  The limo pulled out as E yanked me onto his lap. His hand skated up my leg as he inquired. “Did you keep the garter on?”

  I challenged, “See for yourself.”

  “I fucking love it when you go all sassy.”

  “No,” I corrected, “You like spanking me for being sassy.”

  “Same thing.” He continued exploring his way up and under the sundress I was wearing. It was light gray, reminding me of his eyes. All of a sudden he turned me over, yanking the dress up to my waist. My bare bottom greeted him. “Hell yes,” he said, caressing my cheeks. His hot mouth was now along the edge of the garter. When he began licking around it, I squirmed. That earned me a hard swat. Next he nipped the tender skin just where my thigh met my rear. I squealed, bringing another strong smack. The heat in my ass was making me wet. He kissed up my crevice.

  I moaned out, “Please.” Another slap was applied. He dipped his finger into my core then up to my exit hole, teasing until the muscles relaxed enough to let him enter. Fingering my back door, he began to kiss where he’d spanked. There was no containing my writhing. Just when I thought he’d let me come, everything stopped. “Even,” I whined.

  He pulled my dress down and eased me off his lap. I felt wounded until he clarified, “We’re here.”


  The knowing grin on his lips made me grab his face and plant the hottest kiss possible in a short amount of time. By the time our driver opened the door, he was the one taking ragged breaths. We crawled out of the car and followed our escort to the waiting plane. E spoke in my ear, “Hold your dress tightly against you.”

  Before I could ask, he scooped me into his arms and climbed the stairs of the Gulfstream. “Enjoy your trip Mr. and Mrs. Strand,” could be heard behind us as we boarded.


  E sat with me on his lap. The flight attendant served us champagne and greeted, “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Strand. I’m Heidi, and will be here to serve you whenever you need me.” She turned to walk away. I noticed E had taken us to the rear of the aircraft. After a sip of bubbly, he got a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Take your bra off.”

  “You do it,” I fired back. Where this sauciness came from was anyone’s guess. Though, if I really thought about it, probably had everything to do with my confidence to turn the tables.

  Like a teenage boy, he snapped my bra before unclasping it. “You finish,” he commanded.

  Oh, how I loved it when the Dom came out to play. There was a subtle difference in him. What it was I couldn’t quite place. I slipped my arms through the straps and pulled my bra free from the top of my dress. He tossed it on the seat next to us as cool air met my boobs. My arms were held prisoner by the straps of the sundress he’d just slid down to my elbows. With a grin, he poured champagne over my hard peak, blowing lightly to cause it to stand at attention even more. He raked his teeth over my nipple, flicking with the tip of his tongue. The ache between my legs increased as my head went back on a moan of pleasure. The action was repeated on the other side until I begged for more. Each time he toyed with the sensitive points, he increased pressure. I was one hot mess when he covered me with a blanket suddenly. Heidi informed, “We’re about to take off. Mrs. Strand, please take your seat and fasten your seat belt.” She took our glasses with a knowing grin.

  I buried my head on his shoulder and replied, “Yes. Thank you.” Once she was walking back up the aisle, I apprised, “Little hard for me to comply with safety standards like this.”

  E slid me over to the seat and fastened my seat belt.
He then tugged the blanket free and drove his hand between my legs, working my clit like he knew the combination. He did. As the aircraft reached speed and lifted off, he ordered, “Come.”

  I broke apart on his fingers, crying out his name. The aircraft was still at a sharp incline when he undid his safety belt and went to the floor on his knees. Facing me between my legs, he hit the button so my seat back reclined. Both of his hands slid under my butt as he yanked me forward and dove onto my sex. “Fucking sweetest pussy on the face of the earth,” he declared above my lips before biting and then lapping away the sting. He licked along my folds before entering me with thrusting motions of his tongue. The tip of his nose made direct contact with my throbbing clit. Withdrawing from my canal, his mouth latched on to my oh-so-hot button. Held hostage between my teeth was my bottom lip, preventing a scream as the orgasm ripped through me. He rose up with my juices still glistening on his mouth and chin, kissing me with vicious desire. His hands were now on my waist as he lifted, sitting underneath me. With my knees on either side of his hips, he tore at his fly. After releasing his big, handsome cock, he commanded, “Ride me, sweetness.”

  Using my wetness for lubrication, I positioned him at my entrance and slid down. We moaned out at the connection as I began the up and down motions. Every few strokes, I’d grind against him. His hands wrapped my hair tightly as he pulled, exposing my throat. He bit and left his mark as we came. Our breathing was regulating as he said, “Mile High Club…check.”

  I tilted my head. “Part of your bucket list?”

  “Hell yes,” tracing my spine with his fingertips, “On yours too?”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “Tell me a fantasy,” he whispered, wrapping the blanket around us and pulling me against this chest.

  “Having sex outside in a thunderstorm.”

  “You’re not concerned about the danger?”

  I yawned, “Sure. I meant as the thunder rumbled in the distance.”

  “I can see the allure of that actually.” He tucked me in tight. “Sleep, søta.”

  I woke up to the sun peeking over the horizon. The beautiful Pacific Ocean was underneath us as we raced to our destination. Our pilot had given away Tahiti, but I was still unclear as to which island we were honeymooning on. With my sundress back in place, I went to use the lavatory and freshen up. This particular aircraft was missing a bedroom, but E and I had made the most of our private jet. Heidi met me as I stepped out, offering me some much needed coffee. I sat staring out the window at the unbelievable beauty. When a loud yawn drew my eyes, I admired the gorgeous man beside me. A true work of art and he was now my husband. “Whatcha thinkin’ about, sweetness?”

  “You. Me. Our life together.”

  “Heavy thoughts for this hour,” he chuckled.

  “Also,” leaning in so I spoke right into his ear, “all the ways I’m going to make love to you.”

  He adjusted himself, gave me quick peck, and excused himself. “I’ll be right back. Hold that last thought.”

  The plane was beginning its decent when he returned. I was holding the cup in both hands, so he took advantage and reached over, pulling my chin towards him. I was properly greeted by a panty-melting kiss. “Good morning, Mrs. Strand,” he spoke against my lips.

  A little breathless, I replied, “Hello, husband dear.”

  He leaned over me to look out the window. “You’re going to love Bora Bora.”

  No containing my squeal of excitement. “Oh my, God!”

  “Surprise,” he drawled, tracing my upper thigh.

  “I’ve always wanted to go there. Did you know that?” His shrug told me he did. “Keeley? Or Mom?”

  “I never divulge birdies.”

  I smacked his chest. “Figures you’d cover for ‘em. But honestly, I can’t be mad,” glancing back out the window, “just look at all that beauty.”

  “I am.” His tone had grown serious enough to draw me away from paradise.

  The look in his eyes when I turned towards him, stole my breath. “What?”

  “You are far more beautiful than any island. I could sit and stare at you all day long and it wouldn’t be long enough. I’ve done nothing in my life to deserve such a treasure. But I promise you, I’ll do everything within my power to make sure you know every single day how much I love you. How precious you are to me.”

  Tears were sliding down my cheeks as I grabbed his face, “Oh, E, I’m the one who’s blessed,” and placed a reverent kiss on his lips.

  He was cupping my face as well. “Agree to disagree with me, Lacey.”

  He then began to worship my mouth with his until Heidi interrupted, “You need to fasten your seat belts for landing.” She reached over to grab my coffee cup. “Enjoy your honeymoon in the French Polynesia.”

  “Thank you,” E replied.

  Once we were situated, he grabbed my hand. Together, looking out the window, we watched turquoise water, white sand beaches, and a lush, green mountain come closer into view. I sat in absolute awe. Not of just the beauty all around me but of this amazing man who was my husband. God had chosen well for me, and I would spend the rest of my life showing Him just how much I cherished that gift.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Lacey’s fascination was awe-inspiring. I fell in love with my wife just a little bit more due to her adorableness. She glanced over at me. “You’re staring.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” I apprised.

  She shook her head. “All this beauty and you can’t take your eyes off me.”

  “Nothing compares to you,” I pointed out.

  She snorted, “Ugh, you sound like a romance novel.”

  I had been tracing along her wedding ring in the backseat of the car as we were driven to the resort. Intention filled me as I placed her hand on my arousal. Not wanting to be overheard, I spoke directly into her ear. “My dick is going to spank your wide open pussy when you’re tied down and at my mercy.” Her breath hitched when I arched into her. “And I’m going to make you beg before I let you come.” I pressed her hand down tightly. “Guaranteed, sweetness, that you will scream my name so loud coconuts will fall from the trees. Never forget. Who. You. Belong to. Say it.”

  Her breathy, “You,” licked at my balls. Holy hell, we weren’t going to make it to our villa at this rate. I moved her hand to my thigh. “Does that sound like some sappy-ass novel hero you read about?”

  “I don’t read those kinds of books.”

  Interest piqued, “Just what kind of books do you enjoy?” I inquired.

  It was her turn to lean in as she replied, “Erotica. Or I should say erotic romance.” Shocked into a complete silence, my mouth gaped open. She giggled, “You’re the reason, too.”

  “What?!” Still dumbfounded, that was the most I could say.

  “Well, you see,” playing with her ring, “I thought it’d help to do a little research.”

  “Hold up. You thought books could teach you about sex?” She bit her lip and nodded. “Fuck. You are adorable.” With that, I pulled her into a deep kiss. Unbelievable…she wanted to learn for me. That was what truly blew me away. And let’s be honest, reading an erotica together would be more than fun. Hell yeah, I had plans. Naughty ideas played through my mind at the info she’d just shared.



  I couldn’t believe I’d told him about my reading preferences. The wheels were turning in that devious head of his. I could see it, as if the bright light bulb was lit up over him—except his would be in flashing hot pink XXX. Lord, help me keep up with my husband. We had arrived at the resort. Our driver was holding the door open as I pulled myself from my musings and crawled out. There was no need for us to check in since this was one of Nik and Aimee’s properties. The manager escorted us to our villa. I could see the bungalows on stilts in the lagoon. He apologized profusely about the private island being booked by some celebrity. Really, we were on our honeymoon. As long as there was p
rivacy and we didn’t disturb others, I could care less what we stayed in. My opinion shifted when he opened the door: Teakwood furniture was throughout, along with Polynesian art work. When I looked up, a thatched roof greeted me. “Gorgeous,” I affirmed.

  E wrapped his arms around me as the manager politely made his exit. Once the door closed, I found myself being carried into the bathroom. “Get naked.”

  I quirked a brow. “Please?”

  He prowled forward and lifted my dress over my head. “Better,” he declared. “Now, Mrs. Strand, next time I will punish you for that.”

  I fought the grin. Inside I was screaming, Yes, punish me. “Could you give me a sec to use the toilet, Sir?”

  He shrugged. “G’ahead and pee.”

  I considered that for a moment. What could be seen that he hadn’t already? Nothing. As I did my business, he stripped. After I wiped and flushed, he pulled me towards the huge bathtub. There was water inside and I knew he hadn’t filled it up. “Who did this?”

  He chuckled softly, “I requested it for our arrival.”

  “Oh.” He held out his hand, helping me into the tub, and then joined me. Grabbing a washcloth and filling it with an exotic body wash, he began to bathe me. “Feels so good,” I purred as he scrubbed my back. His motions weren’t erotic but kind and caring. After I’d been thoroughly cleansed, I returned the favor. Wrapped in large bath sheets, we stepped out to a lovely breakfast spread. My stomach growled at the smell of food. We sat at the table and devoured what was there. Neither of us ate on the flight and our last meal was at the reception. In other words, we were famished. I yawned out, “Maybe a nap is a good idea.”


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