Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2

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Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2 Page 2

by Sable Hunter

  Foot! And there was no hope for her to get any thinner; not any time soon. After all, she was four and a half months pregnant. And the sad thing was, she couldn’t blame her overabundant figure on her pregnancy. She had been chunky to start with; and as the baby grew, so would she. Hopefully once her bundle of joy was born, he would keep her hopping and she could shed a few pounds.

  Jessie picked up her things. Good Lord! What was she going to do now? She finished dressing and did what he asked. She sat down on a hay bale to wait. Nervous. She was so nervous. Feeling of her hair, she realized it was a tangled mess. And she had no make-up on! There was a mirror upstairs in the apartment, maybe she could go up and try to repair a little of the damage. She wanted to look as nice for Jacob as she could.

  “I’m so sorry, Joseph. Is there anything I can do for you?” Jacob was sincere. He would move mountains for his brother if he could.

  “Yes.” Their eyes met. “I want you to run across the south meadow for me. I want you to climb that big spreading oak down by the creek; go all the way to that limb that stretches out over the blue hole, where we’ve always swam. And I want you to have sex with a woman for me. Stand on your strong legs and bounce her on your cock till she screams your name . And when you’re through, hold her in your arms all night long. You should be thanking God that you’re a real man, not half a man like me.”

  Jacob was stunned at the emotion that was pouring from his brother. He knew that Joseph was feeling a tremendous loss; but he had no idea at the depths of his despair. Jacob did his best to comfort him. “You will make love to a woman again, Joseph. Don’t you dare give up! We’re going to find some way and somebody to help you. You will walk again, run again, swim again – all of it. I promise.” How in the hell he was going to keep that promise, he didn’t know – but he would. He would, if it was the last thing he ever did.

  Maybe, he could take Joseph’s mind off of his problems. "This morning, Nathan went out to look for Noah’s phone. He spotted something in the stock tank, and came barreling back in the house swearing that there was a mermaid out there taking a swim. Nothing would do, but I go check it out.” Jacob grinned.

  Joseph feigned interest, embarrassed by his own outburst. “I guess he was imagining things – or did you find a beautiful woman from the sea?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.” At that, Joseph jerked his head up and looked at his brother, trying to see if he was kidding.

  “You found a girl in the stock tank?” Aron and Libby had a stock tank story, but they wouldn’t share it. Aron said it was too precious and personal to talk about, even with his brothers. Joseph wanted a chance to make memories like that with a woman. He was afraid those dreams would have to be placed on the shelf with his parachute and his running shoes.

  “No, I found her in our barn. Stunningly naked.” Jacob drawled the information with the most satisfied smirk that Joseph could ever remember seeing on his brother’s face.

  Joseph snorted. “Lucky bastard!”

  “She may not have been a mermaid like Nathan first thought,” Jacob smiled, fire in his eyes. “But, he was close. She’s a goddess.”

  Joseph looked back out the window. “If she’s in the barn – stunningly naked – what in hell are you doing in here?”

  Good question.

  Jacob held his breath, hoping against hope that his bathing beauty had waited on him. Entering the barn, he looked everywhere. “Sweetheart? Don’t be afraid. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. I just want to talk to you.” He stopped, listening for the slightest sound. There was only silence. Fuck! She was gone. He didn’t have her name – he didn’t know which of the neighboring ranches she was from – he knew absolutely nothing! Jacob felt totally helpless. He had the oddest feeling that he had just lost something infinitely precious.

  Standing there, forlorn, all he could think of was how beautiful she was, and how soft her skin had looked. Her breasts would have filled his hands with some to spare. Jacob felt his cock begin to harden, again. What he wouldn't give for the privilege of loving on that sweet thing for a spell. A woman like that would make living worthwhile.

  What the hell! It had been so long. Jacob needed relief in the worst way; even if it was from his own hand.

  Mother Mary Full of Grace! Jessie Montgomery was more turned on than she had ever been in her life. Leaning against the stairwell wall, she peeped around the corner and fell head over heels in love. Jacob McCoy was more man than Jessie had ever seen in the flesh. And heaven help her, the flesh in front of her had to be at least nine inches long and six inches around. Crossing her legs, she squeezed her thighs together; trying to give her throbbing clitoris a tiny bit of relief.

  Mesmerized, she licked her lips as Jacob began to pleasure himself in long, rhythmic pumps and pulls that Jessie could feel from the tip of each nipple to deep inside her aching, empty vagina. Thank the Lord, he was standing in a section of the barn where a shaft of sunlight cut down through the semi-darkness and spotlighted his more than generous assets. Watching him work his tight hips as he squeezed and rubbed his own cock made Jessie tremble with desire.

  And this was the father of her unborn child? Jessie dropped her head in her hands and groaned silently. What she wouldn’t give to have been able to acquire his sperm the old fashioned way.

  Jacob felt his sac begin to tighten as he worked his dick furiously. If he didn’t bury himself balls deep in a woman’s hot pussy soon, his dick was going to fall off from disuse and neglect. He wanted to suck on those sweet, peach nipples that had tempted him so sweetly. Jesus! He wanted to squeeze that pair of perfect tits until he made the sweet doll beg him to love her all night long! God! Jets of cum shot up and out in a high arc, testimony to the tremendous need that he had built up after months of celibacy – a drought of the worst kind.

  Jacob wasn’t used to doing without sex. Since he had reached puberty, women had made themselves available, and he had been glad to take them up on their generous offers. But in the last year or two, Jacob had decided that he wanted more from a relationship than a quick roll in the hay. Jacob wanted a family. So, he had made some changes in his lifestyle. He had backed off of meaningless one night stands. Jacob was in the market for a wife. Watching his brother, Aron, with his beloved Libby, only made him want one more.

  Jacob had been keeping an eye out, looking for that one woman who could turn his world upside down. He hadn't found anyone that even came close. Until today. Not ready to give up on the little angel who had started a fire in his blood – Jacob decided there was only one thing he could do. He was just going to have to find her and sweep her off her feet – and right into his bed.

  Tucking his cock back into his pants, Jacob turned to leave. He would go grab his keys and drive around. She couldn't have gotten far. If that didn't work, he'd call all the surrounding ranches and ask if any of them were harboring his tantalizing trespasser.

  It took a few minutes for Jessie to calm down. Her panties were soaked and her cheeks were burning with a combination of excitement and embarrassment. There was no way she could face Jacob right away. She wouldn't be able to look him in the eye! The best thing she could do would be to walk into town, fill out some job applications and give herself time to cool down.

  Taking time to clean herself up in the upstairs sink, Jessie was amazed at how aroused she had become at the sight of Jacob’s sexual display. Maybe by the time she got back from town, she’d be able to hold a sensible conversation with him without launching herself into his arms like the sex-starved virgin that she was.

  As she started to leave the barn, she noticed Jacob getting into his truck. Stepping back into the shadows, she waited for him to pull out of the driveway. He turned to the left, away from town. Just as soon as he was out of sight, Jessie started off, cutting across the open field. That way, no one would think she was hitchhiking and try to pick her up. Jessie was afraid to hitchhike, again. When she had left Austin in the middle of the night to come to Kerrville, she
had been lucky to get a ride with a nice, elderly couple. They had stopped to pick her up just two blocks from the McCay’s apartment, bought her a hamburger and even gave her thirty dollars in cash before leaving her at the Kerrville Little League Park. The park was the destination she had requested after Gretchen had seen the article in the Kerrville news that gave the schedule for the playoffs. Jacob McCoy was named as a coach and sponsor. If it hadn’t been for her friend, Gretchen, doing research for her on the computer, Jessie would not have known how to find Jacob, or even who he was.

  When she had walked about a block from the ranch road, Jessie topped a little hill and gasped in wonder. It was a whole field of sunflowers! As far as the eye could see, there were huge ten foot stalks with flowers on them as big as her head! With a squeal of delight, she threw her arms out and ran toward them. It was one of the most beautiful sights that she had ever seen. Who would plant such a wonderland? Scampering, she darted in and out among the rows. Flocks of birds lifted off, startled by her uninhibited laughter. For a good ten minutes, Jessie walked through the rows, fascinated by the different colors, which ranged from lemon yellow to a deep harvest orange. Finally, she tore herself away from them and headed on toward the township of Kerrville.

  It would be nice when she had her own apartment, again. She would feel safer. Surely, Keith McCay wouldn’t follow her to Kerrville. From the beginning, Mr. McCay had made her nervous. And the last time that she had seen him, he had scared her. Some of the things that he had said haunted her dreams.

  Thank God, that strange chapter of her life was finished. The only thing that remained of it was her baby, and she could never regret the child that she would one day hold in her arms. Determined to be happy, she started thinking of names for the baby. Would Jacob let her give the baby his last name? Maybe. McCoy; what would sound good with McCoy?

  Frustrated, Jacob returned to the house. There had been no sign of his angel anywhere. He had been foolish enough to hope that he would find her just strolling down the road. No such luck. Letting out a harsh breath, he decided to regroup and try again after lunch.

  The family was gathering. Jacob walked into a house brimming with joy, laughter and the smell of good food. It was Saturday, and highly unusual that they would all be at home. Joining the crew in the kitchen, he immediately felt the difference that a woman can bring into a household. Oh, they had always been a family, and they had always loved one another. But since their parents had died that fateful day ten years ago, nothing had been the same. A heavy rainstorm had flooded the small, hill country rivers and turned them from lazy waterways to frantic, white-water devils. A flash flood had torn through their county and washed out some of the bridges. To the McCoy family, that freak weather event had brought on the greatest of tragedies. Their mom and dad had been on one of those bridges when it had collapsed and they had been swept away into a treacherous maelstrom of death.

  At twenty-one, Aron had stepped up and took the weight of the world on his shoulders. He accepted the responsibility and raising of his brothers long before he should have known such duty and obligation. In his desire to make a home for his siblings, he had married a woman that had almost torn their family apart. After the fiasco with Sabrina, Aron had sworn off women – that is until sweet Libby had walked through their door and into his heart.

  The table was set with Libby's offerings for the day: Country Captain, crusty French bread, a healthy green salad and a steaming, homemade peach cobbler. "Good Lord, Libby, this looks fantastic." Jacob pulled out his chair and sat down, jerking a piece of French bread out of Aron's hand. Aron, who was busy kissing Libby, was trying to fill his plate without watching what he was doing.

  "What the hell?" Aron pulled his lips from Libby's neck and glared at his brother.

  "Can't you get your own damn bread?"

  Jacob tore off a hunk with his teeth. "Looks like you got your hands full, brother. Since the rest of us aren't as blessed, we have to take what we can get."

  Aron's eyes softened. "Man does not live by bread alone." He sipped from Libby's lips and counted his blessings. "Sit over here darling, so I can concentrate on my food."

  With a satisfied smile, she slipped from his lap and perched on the adjacent chair.

  The front door slammed. "Isaac's home!" Nathan announced. They all recognized Isaac's signature entrance; his biker boots made a heavier echo on the hard wood floors than cowboy boots and the chains on his black leather pants and jacket jangled as he walked.

  "Boy, when you tear that front door off the hinges, I'm gonna make you take up residence in the barn!" Aron tried to look at his brother sternly, but it failed. "Did you find me a band to replace those goat ropers that cancelled on us?"

  Isaac turned his chair around backwards and sat down noisily. "Yeah, I've got you a band. If you'll come to the bar tonight, you can hear them." Isaac started to go ahead and tell them his big news, but he figured it would be more to fun to show them. He was tired of bearing the family reputation as the bad boy – the bad-ass – the family trouble maker. It was high time he proved that he could succeed in whatever he set out to do. Like George W. Bush, he was tired of being 'misunderestimated'.

  The whirr of a wheelchair motor got their attention. Joseph had more than one chair and he usually preferred the manual one, but this time he was in his Cadillac version. "Nathan, you've got a phone call." He handed the portable house phone to his little brother, who broke out in a big smile. A call on a Saturday could only mean good things. Stepping into the den, Nathan's whoop of delight was easily heard.

  "Wonder what that's all about?" Libby mused. She liked to keep up with what everybody was doing – especially Nathan. Libby was a little mother-hen.

  Joseph handed his plate to Jacob to fill with the fragrant chicken curry dish that Libby had introduced them to. "It was Bo Barkley's mom and he's having, and I quote – an impromptu swimming and ice cream party this afternoon." Joseph paused for effect. "Coed."

  As Nathan came back in with a silly grin on his face, the older brothers decided to have a little fun. "So, big man, what little girl are you hoping to see in a bikini this afternoon?" Isaac couldn't resist.

  Immediately, Nathan's face reddened. "Nobody."

  Joseph picked up where Nathan left off. "How about that little Morrison girl? She's gonna be a knock-out one day."

  "She's just a kid," Nathan mumbled. "Not like that girl I saw this morning in the stock tank." At his words, Jacob's heart leapt with the memory.

  "What's that?" Aron asked. He had his own fond memories of the stock tank. That was the first place he had seen his Libby in the altogether. Glancing at her, Aron wasn't surprised to see a pink glow wash over her perfect skin. "That old stock tank seems to see more action than the Playboy mansion." He watched Libby remember the night that she had pleasured herself, not knowing that Aron was watching from his second floor studio in the barn. When Libby had cried out his name in climax, Aron had lost his heart and nearly lost his mind.

  "I saw a really pretty girl swimming there this morning, I guess she was visiting one of our neighbors and just wanted to cool off." Nathan had backed off of his mermaid story; it sounded a little childish, he guessed.

  Joseph pounced on the story with relish. "Nathan thought she was a mermaid and Jacob can vouch that she was the catch of the day. He caught her in the barn in her birthday suit."

  Nathan's eyes got big as saucers. He might be young, but he was growing up fast. "No joshing?!"

  Libby started clucking her reservations, "Don't you think that we should talk about something else at the dinner table?"

  "No, I definitely want to hear this," Aron put his fork down so he could pay close attention. "I want all the dirty details, Jacob." At Libby’s poke in the ribs, Aron rephrased his demand. “I want the clean version of all the dirty details, Jacob.”

  Jacob didn't really want to share. It was too private, too personal, and seemed to mean more to him than it probably should. "Yeah, I walked in on the pr
etty girl as she was getting dressed. We didn't get a chance to talk, because when Libby screamed, I . . . . ." Seeing Joseph's face fall, Jacob paused.

  Aron looked at Jacob, Libby and Joseph. "What's going on?"

  Joseph let out a sigh. "I did something stupid. Libby came in here to check on lunch and I tried to get in my chair by myself. I fell. It was nothing." Aron realized that Joseph wanted to down play the whole thing.

  "I'm glad you didn’t hurt yourself. We've got to get you some help. I've put out feelers all over, and it won't be long ‘til I have a couple of physical therapists out here for you to talk to." Aron knew that Joseph didn't want to hear it, but it was absolutely necessary. "It's gonna have to be a live-in person. We want you to have the best of care – we want you to walk again."

  "That would take a miracle," Joseph slammed his glass of ice tea down. If it hadn't been nearly empty, he would have sloshed it all over Libby's snow white tablecloth.

  "We're in the miracle business, aren't we baby?" Aron ran a gentle thumb over Libby's cheek. It had only been days ago they had thought Libby's leukemia had returned. She had been nauseous and dizzy – typical symptoms of her body coming out of remission. But, it hadn't been her cancer reemerging – it had been the first signs that she was pregnant.

  "Yes, we, definitely, believe in miracles." Libby covered Aron's hand with her own, but it was Joseph she looked at intently. "We're going to find you the very best help there is. I've been praying about it, and it's going to happen. That's all there is to it."

  Aron chuckled at his baby's adamance. "I guess you all heard that." Remembering where this conversation started, he returned to a lighter topic. "So, what happened to the naked woman?"

  Jacob filled his plate, making sure he left enough for Noah. "I don't know. When I went back to the barn, she was gone."


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