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Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2

Page 5

by Sable Hunter

  "We've got to stop meeting like this, angel."

  Jacob breathed a sigh of relief. She was able to stand up and walk around. Hopefully, she and the baby were okay.

  Even though Jacob's voice was warm and kind – Jessie had almost jumped out of her skin. Their second meeting and she was still as naked as a jaybird in whistling time.

  "Oh Lord, Jacob. You're going to give me a heart attack. Turn around. Don't look at me. Good grief, you're going to think that I run around naked all the time." Much to Jacob’s disappointment, she pulled a simple yellow sundress over her head. He didn't turn around – he couldn't. As if drawn by a giant magnet, he found himself moving toward her at a steady, predator-like pace. God! He was an absolute goner! To ease his discomfort, Jacob rubbed his swollen dick through his jeans. It wasn’t enough – not by a long shot. But wanting to please her, he turned around before she discovered that he had been memorizing every square inch of her incredible ass.

  Jessie straightened the lemon colored dress. It was the only change of clothes that she had. Slipping on a pair of plain little panties, she had to forego a bra because the only one she had was drenched in river water. Stalling, she tried to think. Earlier she had been so dizzy with adrenaline rush that she thought she might faint. What was she going to do? Was this her opening? At least the shock of nearly getting killed had erased any vestiges of the embarrassment she had suffered from seeing Jacob in all of his glory, going at it in the barn.

  Jacob was overcome with emotion. He felt like every wish he had ever made had just been granted. With his back still to her, Jacob began to speak. "Nathan tells me that you saved his life. We're forever in your debt."

  "I'm just glad I was there when it happened. That man never even slowed down. I don't think he even realized that he hit us. You can turn around, now." Jessie sighed.

  Her voice did funny things to his heart. It was husky and sexy as hell. Following her directive he turned back around to face her. When he did, he found that she was standing right in front of him. Jacob was amazed; she took his breath away. He couldn’t help himself, he literally growled with male appreciation. She had an unforgettable face – high cheekbones, a full sweet mouth, big dark eyes and the cutest turned up nose that just begged to be kissed. And her eyes were the most incredible shade of blue – a deep, cobalt blue. “God, you’re beautiful, baby.”

  A little laugh bubbled from her lips. "No, I'm not. You’re just happy because Nathan is okay. I’m not even close to being beautiful. People say my nose is too pug and there's just – uh – too much of me, everywhere. Would you zip me up?" Turning, she backed up to him so he could get to her zipper.

  Lord, she wasn’t wearing a bra. "Baby, there's not a damn thing wrong with you. You are absolutely perfect." The smooth line of her back made his mouth water – she was so sexy. Moving the wealth of her hair, he couldn’t resist running a finger from the base of her spine to the sweet spot at the nape of her neck. The only thing that would have been sweeter would be if he could have made the same journey with his lips.

  Jessie didn’t dare breathe; was that touch accidental or on purpose? She couldn’t help but smile. "I can't believe you've had to see me naked twice in one day. You should be getting hazard pay."

  Why was she putting herself down? Didn’t she know how precious she was? “Babe, you didn’t have to get dressed on my account. I liked looking at you all unclothed and cuddly.” As he began to pull the zipper up, it hung on a thread. Bending down, he unzipped it and held it out so he could dislodge what was snagging it. Pulling the material away from her back, Jacob cursed – her side was discolored and beginning to bruise. "You're hurt." Without asking, he slipped the dress from her shoulders, so he could look more closely. "Oh, sweet baby." Jacob ran his hand over her skin, wishing that he could absorb the pain. "Let's get you to the hospital."

  She pulled away from him quickly, almost stumbling. Quickly, she adjusted her clothing. "No, no – no hospital. I feel fine, it’s just a bruise – all I need is to rest and get something to eat."

  Jacob caught her, picking her up gently in his arms. "I’ll zip your dress when we get to the truck. Are you sure you don‘t need to go to the hospital?" He wanted to insist that she see a doctor. After all, she might be pregnant with his child. But she didn't know that he knew that ultimate fact. For some reason, he wanted her to tell him herself. Willingly. So, for right now he would watch her like a hawk, making sure she was as well as she thought she was.

  "Yes," she spoke softly. "I'm okay. It's just my ribs – I think they may be bruised. If you'll put me down, I can walk."

  "Nope." Jacob started back to the truck. "This time, I'm going to hold on to you. You're slippery as an eel. I went back down to the barn looking for you, you know." He smiled down at her and Jessie's heart skipped a beat. She could see that arguing with him would get her nowhere, so she gave up and let her head rest on his shoulder. It sure felt nice to lean on him for a little while.

  "I know, I saw you," she said shyly. "I had gone upstairs to freshen up before you came back to talk to me." Hiding her head in his neck, she confessed. "When I came back downstairs, you were – uh," At that her voice failed her. A deep chuckle rumbled through Jacob's chest and he planted a soft kiss on the side of her head. Unable to be aloof, Jessie snuggled deeper into his embrace.

  "Did you see anything you liked, baby?" God, he hoped so. She was the sweetest armful that he had ever held. A thrill ran through him to think that he might be holding his child as well! A big knot formed in Jacob's throat. Lord! He couldn’t remember ever being happier!

  Did she see anything she liked? "Oh, yes." Jessie whispered. "You are beautiful."

  "Why didn't you come on down? I could have used your help. Besides, I was worried to death about you. You shouldn't have walked away from me."

  “If I had stayed, I wouldn’t have been with Nathan when he was knocked into the river,” Jessie said softly. She was a firm believer that everything happened for a reason. That was why she was so determined to keep her baby.

  “True,” Jacob shuddered to think how different the outcome would have been if Jessie hadn’t been with Nathan on that bridge. "I guess everything worked out just right. Nathan is alive and you're here in my arms, where you belong." His voice trailed off. She lifted her head to look at him and he couldn’t resist the temptation to get closer. Rubbing his nose over the silken skin of her cheek, he found it was just as soft as he imagined it would be. “You smell like a Bit-O-Honey candy bar. I bet you taste just as sweet.”

  Jessie shivered with awareness. She knew that she should pull away. This isn’t how they should begin their relationship. But in Jessie's mind, Jacob was her Knight in Shining Armor and Prince Charming all rolled into one. “Jacob, please,” she begged for sanity – for both of them. Her loins felt like they were on fire. She wasn't unfamiliar with sexual urges, she read romance novels. But until now, her sex drive had been a very private and personal matter. “I really need to talk to you. There’s so much I have to tell you.” Even as she spoke, her lips were seeking his. She couldn’t quit looking at his mouth. It was just right. His lips looked firm, but so kissable. And he had the sexy shadow of a beard that made him look a little bit dangerous. Her heart was pounding like she had run a mile. Jessie wasn’t used to feeling this way.

  “There’ll be plenty of time for talking, later. All I know is – if I don’t kiss you – I’m going to go crazy.” Standing her down, he pulled her close to him. She wasn’t as big as a minute. Her sweet little body fit perfectly against his, hard planes melding into soft curves, just as if she had been created for his pleasure. “I’m so glad I found you. Promise me that you won’t disappear on me again.”

  “I’m here because of you, Jacob. I promise that I’ll only stay as long as you want me to.” That was the only promise she could make.

  “What if I want you to stay forever?” Slowly, he brought his fingers to her face, learning the texture, memorizing the shape. God, she turned hi
m inside out! He leaned down, rubbing his nose and cheek against hers, stealing little kisses from the soft place under her ear and the delicate velvet next to her eyes,

  “Nobody has forever, Jacob.” His gentle, loving touch made Jessie whimper in need. She had never known this desperate urge to surrender to a man before.

  The small noise of her arousal caused Jacob to groan. The first time he had kissed a girl, he had been Nathan's age – and he had kissed hundreds since – easily. It wouldn't be a lie if he had said he was damned good at it, too. No brag, just fact. Some men were adequate lovers and some were exceptional; Jacob had been told by reliable sources that he ranked in the top one percentile. In others words – he had what it took and he knew how to use it. But, by God, at this moment – it felt like the first time. No woman had ever excited him like this little doll.

  With both hands, he encircled her neck, his fingers lightly playing on her skin. Then, framing her face, he ran his thumbs over her jaw, committing each of her features to memory. “I thought about you all day.” When she laid her head in his hand, in absolute trust, he forgot every other woman he’d ever touched. With utmost care, he showered kisses over her brow, her eyelids – tiny kisses that enflamed them both. "God, you're sweet."

  Jessie was quivering with suppressed desire. Deep within her, the walls of her vagina were grasping for something to fill them. She wanted to cry out her need. Squeezing her eyes shut, she just let herself feel. His lips feathered down her face until he was almost at her mouth. Almost.

  At last. He touched his mouth to hers, softly. Their breaths mingled as he traced her lips with his tongue. She tasted like the sweetest wine. “Jessie, open up, baby. Let me in.” Her lips trembled as he rubbed them with his own, taking tiny nips – gentling her. When she shivered in his arms, he claimed what was his. Deepening the kiss, he tangled their tongues; tasting, licking, learning how to please her. When she moaned her delight, he consumed her, devouring her mouth, taking erotic little bites of her plump lips until they were swollen and red from his loving. Pulling back for a breath, he rejoiced in the fact that she followed him – wanting more. "O, that's it, sweet baby. I want you so much."

  He reclaimed her mouth, softening the kiss – making it so sweet that she thought she would cry from the sheer joy of being held in his arms. Never in her life had she been kissed like this. Her pussy began to dampen and her breasts felt swollen and heavy with need. Jessie fought the urge to just rub herself on his wide, hard chest seeking some relief from the wild, aching desire that was racing through her body.

  Jacob slid his mouth away, needing to calm down a moment before he shot his wad in his jeans. He let his forehead rest on hers. “Angel-baby, do you know what that was?”

  Jessie shook her head, too stunned with pleasure to speak.

  “That was the hottest kiss I’ve ever had.” Dipping his head, he rubbed his cheek on hers – letting his lips slide down until he was kissing her skin – collarbone to throat. “I want to be inside of you more than I want to see tomorrow."

  Chapter Three

  He wanted her.

  She wanted him, too. But, there were so many things that needed to be said. “Jacob, I have so much to tell you. Is there somewhere we could go? Maybe I could buy myself a sandwich and eat while we talk? I'm really hungry."

  Lord, she was hungry. That hurt his heart. He couldn't stand to think of her being hungry. Jacob wanted to take her home with him. To Tebow. But, he'd play along for just a little while longer. "Of course. It would be my pleasure to take you to an early supper," he answered her with a smile. “It’ll be our first date.” She might not know it yet, but Jessie was going to be returning to the ranch before the sun set. She might be carrying a McCoy, and there was no way he was going to let her stay in some ratty motel for the night. Just as important, she was a gorgeous woman that he felt an overwhelming need to protect. “Let’s get you in the truck.” He propped one foot on the running board and sat her on his knee as he opened the door. "Put your arms around my neck, angel."

  First date. Right. Wait till he found out what she did for a living. But, she did what he asked. Touching him wasn't a hardship. Jessie had to bite her lips to keep from licking the strong column of his neck. Having made up her mind to level with him, it was like her emotions had been released from the cage that they had been locked in. Jessie felt free for the first time in a long while. As he shifted her in his arms, she couldn't resist temptation. She let her lips graze over the bronzed skin of his neck, slipping her tongue out to get a tiny taste. Maybe he wouldn’t notice her almost-there kiss.

  But, he did.

  "God! What you do to me!" Jacob exclaimed as he placed her on the seat. "We're never going to get anywhere at this rate." He was as hard as a rock and as primed as a pile-driver. "Look at your nipples, baby. You're as excited as I am, aren't you?"

  Jessie looked down. The thin, yellow material did nothing to hide her breasts. Suddenly, she was past self-conscious. They were too big. "I'm sorry. I had no idea," she gasped, covering them with her hands. "I can't go anywhere like this," she moaned. "The only other clothes I have are wet."

  "Move those hands, doll-face. You don't ever have to hide from me." He was glad that her dress was still unzipped, it made unveiling her that much easier. Slipping the straps from her shoulders, he looked deep into her beautiful eyes, waiting to see if he was welcome.

  Jessie didn’t know how or why it was happening, but Jacob was acting like she turned him on. Just the chance of that had her thinking and doing things that were completely out of character. Trying to justify her out-of-character behavior, she told herself that this was the father of her baby. If she was going to have a brief fling to find out what love could be like, what better man than Jacob McCoy?

  When Jessie arched her back, offering herself to him, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. Slowly, he let his gaze slide from that precious face, down over her long graceful neck. Pulling the top of her dress down to her waist, he treasured each and every bit of skin he slowly uncovered. She was utterly feminine, with smooth shoulders and creamy skin. But, God Almighty! Her tits were magnificent! They were high, with large areolas and prominent distended nipples. Reverently, he smoothed his hands in a circle around her breasts, cupping and lifting them, relishing their perfection. "Jessie, honey, you have the prettiest titties I have ever seen in my life!" With his thumbs, he traced her nipples, making them peak and harden even more. A small groan slipped through her lips and she let her head fall back, pushing her breasts even higher and harder into his hands. "I've got to get them in my mouth. Is that okay with you?" He didn't think that he needed to ask permission, but he was going to take every precaution with this treasure. He had found her, she was his, and he didn't intend to give her up anytime soon.

  "I think I'd die if you didn't." Her soft answer only enflamed him more.

  Taking off his hat, he tossed it to the driver's seat. Leaning over her, he let his lips and tongue dance across her skin from her breastbone south. With a churning hunger, he started nipping her flesh, taking little tastes as he teased them both. By this time she was whimpering her excitement. "Please, Jacob. Kiss my nipples, please."

  Jessie thought that she was going to explode with want.

  "Are they sensitive, baby?" He was hungry to know everything about her.

  Jessie didn't really understand the question. She was past thinking. "I don't know," she gasped. “Help me find out. Okay?”

  Damn! Her whispered request hiked his excitement level by a thousand percent. "Let me make you feel good, baby,” he opened his lips and enveloped one velvety morsel in the wet heat of his mouth. Sucking deeply, he pulled at her breast with strong draws, letting his tongue lave the tip-end as he fed his ravenous hunger.

  Blasts of heat and pleasure swamped Jessie. "Yes!" she keened. They were sensitive. God, nothing – nothing – had ever felt this good. Tingles of electric rapture assaulted her senses. "Jacob! That's so good, baby." She cradled his he
ad and held him close, reveling in the magic he was creating at her breast.

  The other one. Jacob wanted the other one. He had to pull himself away from one nipple to suck it’s lonely twin. Jesus! He wished he had two mouths. Dragging his lips from one, he skated over the softest skin imaginable to root and nuzzle at Jessie's other sweet tit. "Do you like this, angel? Do you like my mouth on you?" He didn't wait for an answer, but proceeded to devour the swollen crest.

  "Use your fingers, Jacob." she urged as she coaxed his right hand up to the still wet nubbin. "I need more. Please."

  Lord, she didn't have to beg. She never had to beg. Jacob wanted to give her the world on a silver platter. As he suckled at her left breast, he massaged the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  "Jacob, Jacob," she moaned. "I want . . . I need . . . ." she framed his face and urged his lips from her breast to her mouth.

  Jacob wasn't doing the kissing this time. Jacob was being kissed. She consumed him – devoured him – ate at his lips like she was starving to death. At the same time, he was rubbing and pulling at her nipples. Then it happened. Jacob felt it. Jessie shimmered under his hands. He wrapped her in his embrace, holding her tightly while she trembled. It was the first time that he could remember holding a piece of heaven in his arms.

  Sparkles of electric heat radiated out from Jessie's womanhood. She could feel her pussy grasping desperately around nothing. Unspeakable pleasure flowed out from her breasts and up from her clitoris. She felt like she had been thrown off a cliff and the only hope of salvation was the anchor that she clung to – Jacob McCoy.

  "That's it, sweet baby. That's it. Oh, you are so precious." He rained kisses of praise all over her face. Damn! If he wasn't almost parked on the side of the road, so that any Tom, Dick or Harry could see what they were doing, he would lay her down and love her like she had never been loved before.


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