Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2

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Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2 Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  As they walked through the western clothing store, he kept seeing things he wanted to buy. Little boots. Little jeans. A tiny belt and an even tinier Texas belt buckle. He gathered them up, never saying a word to Jessie. She found a pair of jeans. “These won’t fit for too many more weeks. I’ll have to get maternity clothes, pretty soon.”

  “You can have anything your little heart desires,” he told her. “Try them on baby. What size are they?”

  Jessie mumbled ’size twelve’ as she headed for the dressing room. She had always been bigger than her mother and all of the other model-thin women who had made her feel less than perfect.

  Jacob picked up another pair of jeans, then went over to the rack that held some soft, lacy little blouses that he knew would cup those luscious tits and cause his dick to stand at attention like a guard at Buckingham palace. “Here baby, slip this on and let me see how you look.”

  Jesse took off the plain t-shirt that she wore and pulled on the pink lace camisole. She knew her limited funds wouldn’t stretch this far, but she had to have on some kind of blouse to model the jeans – and it was very pretty. When she had the clothes on, she thought she looked fairly good – for her. Stepping out from behind the curtain, she let Jacob see her in the new clothes.

  Hot Damn! These jeans fit better than the ones she had pulled off. And that top! When she walked in front of him and then turned around, all he could think of was Mel McDaniel’s song “Baby’s Got Her Blue Jeans On.” Jessie couldn’t help it if she was made that way. She wasn’t to blame when men looked her way. All that beauty just came naturally.

  “Sweet Jesus!” Jacob muttered. “You can wear them out, baby. We’ve got to get out of here!”

  “Why?” Had she done something wrong?

  He hurried her up, not even giving her a chance to argue about who was paying, or what they were buying. Hustling her out of store, they made it to his truck in record time. Helping her in, he beat it out of town without saying a word. Jessie couldn’t imagine what was wrong. Once he got out of the city limits, Jacob wheeled down a little dirt side road and parked underneath a big old oak tree. Reaching under his seat, he pulled the release and pushed his bucket seat all the way back. “Come ‘ere, doll-face.” He held out his hand.

  Even though she didn’t’ know what he was up to, Jessie placed her hand in his. He pulled her into his lap, her head on his arm, her legs stretched out toward the passenger door. “Now while I kiss you, you tug those sinful jeans off. And lose the underwear.”

  “Good Gravy! I thought you were mad at me about something,” she laughed as she wiggled out of her new jeans and underwear. Getting them down so far, she had to kick out of her tennis shoes.

  “Honey, I’m mad about you! Seeing your luscious little ass in those blue jeans made me as hard as granite.” Slanting his mouth over hers, he kissed her with a hunger that he had never known. He let his tongue mate with hers, delighting in her taste and the sweet little noises that she was making. She wanted him as bad as he wanted her. Tugging at her new top, he pulled it over her head. Next he, unsnapped her bra, until he had her naked and trembling. “Another kiss and then I want to take you for a ride.”

  “But, I don’t want to go anywhere, I thought we were . . .” He didn’t let her finish that thought. It didn’t matter, she would soon understand. Covering her breast, he circled the nipple and rubbed his thumb across the puffy little peak. “Sit up, sweetie. Let me get my dick out of my pants before I have a permanent zipper tattoo.”

  She moved back, her eyes on the huge bulge at his crotch. Lord! Now, all she had to do was glance at that part of his anatomy and her vagina bloomed like a flower. Instantly, she began to ache, eager to accommodate all of his needs. When he pulled his cock out, she moaned.

  Jacob thought he was the luckiest man in the world. His woman wanted him! Catching her by the wrist, he pulled her to him. As he arranged her astraddle him, he saw the evidence of her desire. Her sex literally glistened and dripped with her juices. “You want me don’t you, baby?”


  She was so ready, he didn’t have to wait. She took control. Easing herself down on him, Jessie almost screamed with relief as she felt him tunnel up inside of her. Going up on her knees, she began to ride him. Raising up, and letting down – feeling the drag of his penis over her hungry spot and letting her clit rub up against him. “I love kissing you,” Taking her face in her hands, she kissed his eyes and nose, his chin and cheek, before settling on his incredible mouth.

  Jacob rewarded her by paying homage to her nipples, pulling on them, rubbing the areolas, making her squirm with bliss. “Come for me, baby. Milk my dick like I’m milking these beauties,” his words sent her over the edge of the world and she screamed her release, which triggered his own volcanic explosion.

  “Jacob! Oh, God! Jacob!” They came so hard that it took several minutes for them to come down. Laying her head on his shoulder, she cuddled close while he rubbed her back.

  “Do you want to go back to town, sweetie? I didn’t give you a chance to finish your shopping.” Jacob knew how girls were. When they went to town, there were countless things that they wanted to look at and shop for.

  “No,” she sighed against his neck, letting her lips trail across his warm skin. “I have everything I want, right here.”

  He didn’t know if she realized what she said, but it sure sounded good to him.

  What was this? Noah ripped open the manila envelope and his draw dropped six inches. Holy Shit! Photos of a very nude Jessie Montgomery fell into his lap. Good Lord! They appeared to have been taken while she was in the shower and in her bedroom. Noah felt almost guilty looking at them. No wonder Jacob was so taken with her. She was lush and built like a brick house. Tearing his eyes away, Noah picked up the letter that accompanied the pornographic shots.

  Dear McCoy Family

  Enclosed you will find lewd photographs of Jessie Montgomery. These were taken, apparently, with her consent. I felt it was my duty to inform you that Ms. Montgomery is not what she seems. She is quite the little schemer. After the unfortunate error by the Cryobank, my husband and I could not be responsible for her and her child. She would not consent to a medical abortion so that our contract might be continued. That was due to the fact that the possibility of profiting from her connection with your family was far greater than she could ever hope to get out of my husband and myself.

  Is this the type of woman that you want to be a part of your family? These are not the only photographs that were taken. I have evidence that she has sold some shots to a porn site by the name of Lusty Liasons. Check it out if you don’t believe me. I advise you to cut ties with this woman before she drags down the good name of McCoy. She is a liar, a home wrecker and a woman of highly questionable morals.


  Ms. Rachel McCay

  Noah gathered up the photos and put them back inside the envelope. He debated what to do with them. Jacob would have to see them, that was for sure. But was he already too blinded by Jessie to see the truth? No, he would confront Jessie first and maybe scare her off Tebow land and out of their lives before she had her hooks so deep into Jacob that he could never get loose.

  Jessie insisted on cooking supper. If she was going to live at Tebow for awhile, she intended to do her part. “What’cha fixing, Jess?” In the short time that she had been there, she had learned that if there was food to be had, Nathan would be right in the middle of it.

  “I’m cooking something that my grandma taught me how to make,” Jessie smiled as she gave him a taste of her homemade chicken and dumplings. Her dad’s mother had been her favorite person in the whole world. She had loved Jessie just the way she was.

  “Boy, that’s good. You and Libby are such good cooks.” Nathan was a charmer, there was no doubt about that. She had also made two huge pans of biscuits, purple hull peas, green beans and two big chocolate cream pies. Cooking was something she could do. Her mom had turned the kitchen ove
r to her at an early age. That was probably one of the reasons that she was a heavy as she was – having to taste everything to make sure it was good. Laughing at herself, she thought it sounded good anyway.

  “I’ve got to feed the horses, but I’ll be back in a jiffy. Okay?” Jessie kissed him on the top of his head, laughing as he scampered off.

  Jacob had gone to check on his gas wells, and had promised to be back at six pm. Checking the clock, she saw that it was getting close to that time. That was when she had asked the rest of the family to assemble for supper. Mixing sugar in the big crystal pitchers, Jessie made iced tea. Hoping there were lemons to slice, she checked in the fruit baskets that Libby kept piled with citrus fruits.

  “Wow, and she can cook, too!” One moment she had been digging through oranges, the next she was pulled back against a large man with sex on his mind. She could tell that by the hard evidence pressed against her hips. Jacob. Jessie let herself relax against him. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. Giving in to temptation, he cupped her breasts and then her tummy, rejoicing in her blatant femininity. “What more could a guy want?”

  One second, two, three – she let herself enjoy being close to the love of her life. And he was. She might not have but a short time with him, but she intended to make it count. Some people get a lifetime of happiness, and some people only get a taste. The length of the time – whether long or short – did not do anything to negate its importance in the life of the one who loved. It was like the length of one’s days. If something lived a hundred years, like a tortoise or just a few days, like a Mayfly – was one lifetime more perfect or more valuable than the other? Jessie might only have a few days with Jacob, but she would treasure them for the rest of her life.

  Keeping one arm around her waist, Jacob lifted pot lids and inhaled the fragrance of the good food that she had prepared for him and his family. “How about after supper, we go for a little ride. There’s something I want to show you.”

  “I’d like that. Where are we going?” He never got the chance to answer, because their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a hungry bunch of McCoy’s.

  Even Isaac was glad to be home. He was sick about what he had said to his persistent little doll who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Avery. “Hey, pretty lady.” He leaned in and kissed Jessie on the cheek. Isaac was nothing if not affectionate, that was why he hated like the devil to push Avery away. What he really wanted to do was grab onto her and never let he go. But, he couldn’t. Avery was a good girl. She was a lady. And Isaac had lost his right to be with a nice girl a long time ago.

  The back door swung open and Libby and Aron came breezing in. “Jessie! It smells fabulous in here. From now on, we’re taking turns with the meals. It would be mean of me to deprive the family of your culinary expertise.” Jessie smiled. Maybe, she had found a way to pay them back for their kindnesses to her. She loved to cook anything that didn’t require her to read a recipe.

  The family loved to eat and used the dinner hour to catch up on what was going on in everybody’s life. “Tomorrow, we start cooking and freezing food for the Harvest Hayride weekend.” Libby was so deep in party plans that she couldn’t see an end to it. But she loved it! “Jessie, you’ll help me, won’t you?” Not waiting for an answer, she bulldozed on to another topic. “And I’ll need help decorating the pavilion area.” She looked pointedly at Noah and Jacob. “There are thousands and thousands of little white lights to string in the surrounding tress.

  “I thought we had hired whole teams to take care of that, baby,” Aron was the only one brave enough to question a direct request from Libby. He knew that she doted on him and looked over his many faults.

  His legitimate question didn’t faze her. “We have, but there has to be someone there to make sure they do it right. And I want to make lots of homemade hor douveres – they taste better than the catered stuff.” No one dared argue with her. Not that she was difficult to deal with, it was just the opposite. All of them loved her so much, no one wanted to risk making her unhappy or disappointing her about anything.

  “We’ll do whatever you want us to do, darlin’” Aron settled the discussion. There was nothing else to be said.

  “I have some news,” Joseph spoke up. “I think I’ve found me a physical therapist.”

  All noise and movement stopped. “No shit!” Aron wanted to stand up and shout. It was a huge step forward that Joseph had even consented to get a therapist. And that he would find one himself!?! This meant that he was serious about beginning intense therapy.

  “Tell us, Joseph.” Libby urged. “We want to know everything.”

  All eyes were on Joseph as he pushed his chair a ways back from the table. He put down his fork and looked from face to face. “Actually, Kane gave me her name. She’s from New Orleans. A buddy of his that was injured in Iraq was paralyzed like me and with her help he’s almost made a complete recovery.”

  There were looks exchanged. Jacob felt a niggle of trepidation. Even though they all hoped for a miracle, he wanted Joseph to keep sight of the fact that it was going to be a long hard road to travel. “What’s her name and credentials?” Jacob asked.

  Joseph was excited, they could all tell. He had hope for the first time in a long time. So the best thing they could do was be happy with him, until they had reason not to.

  “Her name is Acadia Renaud. She goes by Cady. I think she’s Creole, but what that means, I’m not sure. She uses traditional methods mixed with some uh – unorthodox treatments.” Joseph could see a few skeptical glances, but he went on. “I’m not sure how I feel about all the extra stuff, but I’m willing to give it a try. If she can bring one guy back from the brink, maybe she can bring two.”

  Noah said what everyone else was thinking. “By unorthodox treatments, do you mean some sort of New Age mumbo jumbo?” Jessie caught herself wanting to smile. Noah was just a breath of fresh air on every hand. He wouldn’t look at her, but Jessie wasn’t upset about it. She respected Noah for his concern for his family.

  Joseph was ready for this question. Hell! He had asked himself the same thing. Still, the intriguing possibility that Cady could help him could not be ignored. “I wouldn’t call it New Age, or New anything. In fact, I understand her methods are pretty old. Her family is into hoodoo, voodoo, witchcraft or some New Orleans type of bullshit.”

  Aron snorted at his brother’s answer. Joseph’s attitude made this question easier to ask. “Well, if you think its bullshit, Joseph, why are you willing to let her within a mile of you?”

  Joseph pinned him with a stare. “Kane told me that not only did his buddy walk again – she gave him back his manhood.”

  Instantly, every man at the table understood why he was willing to take the risk. None of them could imagine living a life unable to make love to a woman. Aron grabbed Libby’s hand under the table and Jacob did the same with Jessie, caressing it with his thumb, promising her with a touch that their night was going to be very active indeed.

  “Well, Joseph, you’ve got my support. Whatever you decide to do is fine with me.” With that, Aron gave his blessing. Then, he went on to give another one. “Jessie, that was one fine meal. And to think – now we have two good cooks in the family.” At Aron’s surprising statement, seven pairs of eyes turned to stare at him.

  Libby chimed in, backing him up. “We’re glad to have you with us, Jessie. It’s as simple as that.” Aron kissed his little peacemaker.

  Pointing his binoculars at the McCoy main house, Keith McCay settled in and made himself comfortable. Parked up on a ridge where he had a good view of both of the ranch exits, he had enough food and water to last him for two or three days. It was only a matter of time. He would get his chance sooner or later. All he had to do was wait.

  It hadn’t surprised him to find that she was already comfortably ensconced inside the thick walls of the McCoy mansion. She did have a way about her – all innocent and unassuming. Twice already, he had seen her with that cow

  Checking to make sure that no one could see him, Keith got out and looked around. He had everything planned down to the last detail. Opening the trunk he went over his supply list one more time: handcuffs, chain, duct tape, and a cattle prod. That ought to do it. The stakes had changed for him. Rachel had discovered his stash of photos and his journal. The days of being married to Texas oil money were over. So was Rachel. He had performed his practice round on her. Now, she was floating down the Colorado River weighed down in a jumbo garbage bag filled with cinderblocks. Poor Rachel. She had wanted a child, so desperately. He hadn’t. All he wanted was Jessie. And he was going to have her one way or the other – dead or alive – the choice was up to her.

  “We need to do some serious visiting. So go on and let us have some girl time,” Libby shooed the men down to their man cave. “Go play darts or pool or something. We‘ll join you when we’re done.”

  “You have them all twisted around your little finger, don’t you?” Jessie was impressed, and a little jealous.

  “This is my home and they are my family,” Libby grew serous. “I came here as a temporary cook and housekeeper.” As she talked, she loaded the dishwasher while Jessie put the leftovers in Tupperware containers. “My leukemia had just gone into remission. And the doctor’s orders to me were to go out and live. My whole childhood and teenage years had been full of treatments and hospitals. So, when a friend of my mom’s asked me if I wanted to work here for the summer, I jumped at the chance.”

  Jessie was listening, intently. Libby, enjoying the chance to talk to another woman, continued. “You see, when I did get out it was to attend a rodeo or football game that starred the man of my dreams – Aron McCoy. Of course, he didn’t know I was alive.” Shutting the dishwasher door, Libby did a little dance around the kitchen. “Fairy tales do come true, Jessie. For some insane reason, Aron was drawn to me. I’m the luckiest woman in the whole world!”


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