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My Kinda Wedding: A Summer Sisters Novella

Page 3

by Lacey Black

  They go off together, hand in hand, in the direction of Brian and Cindy. My eyes do what they always do – follow their movements.

  “Heading out?” Levi asks in a hushed tone as he comes to stand beside me. He instantly reaches out and rubs Noah’s back.

  “Yeah, as soon as the girls go say goodbye.” I watch as he continues to run a soothing hand down my son’s sleeping form, a tiny smile playing on the corner of his lips. “You guys need to have one of these,” I add.

  Levi’s eyes meet mine. “Soon.” He glances down at Noah again. “I’m ready.”

  “Yeah?” I ask, happy for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. They’d both make great parents.

  “Yeah, we’ve talked about it a bit lately. We just got married last year, and we’re enjoying the hell out of the honeymoon phase,” he quips with a smirk, making me laugh.

  “I recall that phase well.”

  “You guys gonna have another? Noah needs a little brother or sister,” he says innocently, but the question still makes my chest tighten. Everyone knows how difficult it was for us to get pregnant, and I’m just not sure it’s worth going through all of that heartache and heavy emotion again.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. If I never see tears on my wife’s face from a negative pregnancy test again, that’d be just fine by me.”

  Levi sobers. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s okay. I think our family is pretty great as is. If it happens, fine, but I don’t think we’ll try again like before.”

  “I don’t blame you. Just the thought of Abby being upset makes me want to cut out my heart,” Levi says, his eyes seeking out his wife. She’s over with Payton now, giving hugs to Brielle and telling her goodnight.

  The trio heads our way, Payton offering farewell greetings as they return to where Levi and I are standing. I throw a wave at Brian and Cindy, then grab the diaper bag, pulling it over the shoulder that isn’t occupied by a sleeping baby. By the time my wife and daughter return to my side, I have all of our stuff gathered up.

  “Ready?” I ask the beautiful woman standing beside me.


  “I’m not,” Brielle grumbles, clearly not happy that she has to leave the party.

  “You’ll see everyone tomorrow. It’s a big day,” Payton reminds our daughter.

  “I know,” she sighs, heading toward the door.

  “Hey, I’ll see you at lunch tomorrow. I’m having pizza delivered to the salon,” Abby says, her eyes wide with excitement.

  “With extra mushroom?” Brielle asks her aunt.

  “You know it,” she whispers conspiratorially.

  “Excellent!” Bri exclaims as we exit the small room in the back of the restaurant where tonight’s rehearsal dinner was held.

  “Good night,” I say to Levi and Abby.

  Outside, the early May air is cool as we head to my wife’s small SUV. I get Noah strapped into his car seat, while Payton loads up the back with all of our stuff. It’s a short drive to our home, but that doesn’t stop our daughter from filling every second of it with chatter. A couple of times, I glance over and find Payton just staring out into the dark night, a smile on her lips as she gives the appropriate ‘uh huh’s’ and ‘of course’s’ to Brielle. She’s so amazing with her, patient and kind. Even now, at nine years old, when everything is a bit more dramatic than ever before.

  When we arrive home, we go about our nightly routine. Payton gets a bottle for Noah, while I help make sure Brielle gets on her pajamas, brushes her teeth, and climbs into bed, without sneaking a package of crackers under the blankets.

  Has happened.

  Bri’s eyelids start to get heavy the moment her head hits the pillow, and I know it won’t be long before she’s out. It was a big day for everyone, especially her. She takes her flower girl duties very seriously, and made sure to listen to everything Meghan said during the rehearsal.

  I can’t wait to see her in her dress tomorrow.

  And her mother.

  Which reminds me, it’s time to go find my lovely wife.

  We meet in the hallway, as if by some sort of kismet. She gives me the sexiest little grin, one that I know means we’re all alone and she has an idea of how to take advantage of this moment. Funny, I have an idea too and it involves throwing that red dress she’s wearing on the floor.

  “Is she out?” she asks, slowly making her way to me.

  “The moment her head hit the pillow,” I tell her, wrapping my hand around her hip and pulling her into my arms.

  “Noah too. It was a big night,” she says, already slightly breathless. The sound makes me want to kiss her.


  I waste no time in doing just that. I pin her against the wall, her head knocking into one of the family portraits we took at Christmas. Her hands grip my shirt at my hips as my lips devour hers, hungrily. This kiss is a prelude, a tease for what comes next.

  “Come to bed with me, beautiful,” I whisper, nipping at her swollen, wet bottom lip.

  “There’s no place I’d rather be…”

  Chapter Five


  Levi and I help gather dirty plates and silverware, disposing of them in the plastic tub by the kitchen door, while AJ and Sawyer straighten chairs and tables. Nick’s parents covered tonight’s dinner, even though Nick and Meghan balked about it. They wanted to do it all themselves, but couldn’t turn down the offer when his mom pulled out her puppy-dog eyes.

  “I think that about covers it,” I say to my sister, making sure we leave the room in the back of the restaurant the best we can.

  “Looks good to me. The manager said they’ll collect the linens after we’re gone,” AJ chimes in, with one final glance around.

  “I say we hit it,” says my husband of a year.

  It’s still so weird to say that word. Husband. It wasn’t that long ago that he was merely my friend. My best friend, actually. The one I secretly watched from afar, waiting until my stupid crush was over. Fortunately, it never ended. In fact, it only intensified, and the best part was his feelings did too. We went from friends to lovers in a matter of weeks, and we never looked back.

  Oh, it wasn’t all wine and roses, though. I mean, men are stupid, so of course, he almost messed it up. We were able to work out his blunder, and it was the best decision I ever made.

  Well, besides saying yes to a certain question he popped, while down on one knee.

  Glancing his way, I see that twinkle in his hazel eyes that lets me know he’s probably thinking something dirty. The man’s mind is always in the gutter, but that’s okay. I usually benefit greatly from his naughty thoughts. Between that wicked tongue and the apa piercing, I’m a very well satisfied woman.

  And often…

  “Are you okay? You’re all flushed,” AJ says, a look of concern mixed with her grin.

  “Oh, yeah. Fine,” I reply, looking around the room once more to conceal my burning face.

  I feel his presence before he wraps his arms around me, pressing his front to my back. He’s already hard, which doesn’t surprise me. The man is a walking hard-on anytime I’m in the room. “What are you thinking about, Mrs. Morgan?” he whispers in my ear, his warm breath tickling my earlobe.

  “Nothing,” I reply, and even to my own ear, it comes out all breathy.

  “Mmhmmm, nothing. I bet it definitely is something,” he says quietly, flexing his hips discretely and sliding his cock against my rear.

  “Well, maybe it is something.”

  “We should go. Then I’ll be able to do something about it.”

  “Are you two talking about sex? Abby has a look on her face like she’s about drop to her knees and worship at the altar of Levi,” AJ says loudly, drawing the attention of the staff milling about and cleaning up the room.

  Again, cue the blush.

  “Stop it, Grandma,” I tell my older sister.

  “Did someone say sex?” Sawyer says, joining our group with a sleeping baby boy on
his shoulder.

  “He finally fell asleep?” she asks, checking on her infant son, sleeping in his father’s arms.

  “Finally. If we hurry home, we can get about an hour of Mommy and Daddy alone time before his next feeding,” Sawyer adds, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at my sister.

  “You know damn well that the moment we lie him down on his mattress, he’s going to be wide awake again,” she grumbles, holding in a yawn.

  “Then maybe we should drive around for a bit. You know, check out the local parking spots…” he suggests.

  “We’re not parking with our son, Randall. You’ll just have to keep it in your pants until we’re home and he’s passed out again,” AJ says.

  “Is he sleeping better yet?” I ask.

  “Nope. He’s wide awake at night. There isn’t enough coffee in the world to help us get through the day, some days,” she replies.

  “I fell asleep last week at my desk before baseball practice. I had to pretend to be looking over the opponent’s roster to cover up the fact that my starting pitcher just busted me sawing logs at school,” Sawyer adds.

  “I’m sorry,” I say to no one in particular. I take a few steps forward to where my sleeping nephew rests, his tiny little mouth gaping open in a deep slumber. “He seems to be out pretty good. Maybe you’ll be able to get some sleep,” I add in a hushed whisper.

  “Don’t let the stinker fool you, Abby. He’s a pro at taking a power nap so he’s raring to go come midnight,” AJ adds, covering another yawn.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Levi says, placing a hand on my back and leading me to our table to gather our belongings.

  Sawyer gently places their son in his carrier, while AJ makes sure she has bottles, burp rags, and his soft little toys picked up. Levi grabs my clutch purse before I have a chance to pick it up, which makes me grin.


  “Red is definitely your color,” I tease.

  “Abby is my color,” he replies with a smirk, making my cheeks burn with his innuendo.

  Nolan begins to fuss from his seat, his little arms starting to flail and his mouth opening wide, like he’s ready to let out a loud wail. Levi turns around quickly, grabs the pacifier in the seat beside the baby, and gently places it in his mouth. My nephew instantly starts sucking hard, calming himself down until he settles back to sleep. The entire time, Levi stays right there, Sawyer standing by his side, as they watch over the infant.

  “There’s nothing sexier than watching two hot guys dote over a baby,” AJ murmurs beside me.

  “No kidding,” I reply without taking my eyes off my husband.

  Some day, he’s going to make an amazing dad. He loves spending time with each of my nieces and nephews, even holding them when they were tiny babies. He’s gentle, caring, and patient, and my sister’s one hundred percent right – it’s sexy as hell.

  “Time to have one?” she asks quietly, as to not draw attention from the two alphas, protectively watching over the sleeping baby.

  “We’ve talked about it,” I confess. “We both want kids.”

  “No time like the present,” AJ says with a grin. “He’ll be the best dad,” she adds, nodding toward my husband. Levi is softly rubbing Nolan’s foot, adoringly gazing down at the sleeper, and quietly chats with Sawyer.

  “He will.” My heart starts to pound in my chest. We’ve talked about it, sure, but I’m not sure we’re there. Okay, so I’m not sure Levi’s there. I’m ready. I’ve always wanted kids some day, and now that I’m spending those days with Levi, it makes me yearn for one that much more. He really will be the best dad ever, and I can’t wait to share that with him.

  “Ready?” Levi asks, approaching with a smile.

  “Yep,” I reply, following my sister and her husband out the door. “Good night,” I say, one more time, as we reach their car and they go about securing their son in the back seat.

  “See you at the salon,” AJ says with a wave.

  I can’t believe Meghan is getting married. Finally. It’s been a long time coming. While we all grieved Josh’s death, no one hurt more than my sister, Meghan. It was excruciating to watch, especially when all of us were finding our bit of happiness.

  And then Nick came along and showed her how to feel again.

  It makes my heart sing with happiness.

  “What’s wrong?” Levi asks, pulling me into his arms, placing his thumb and pointer finger under my chin, and tilting it upward. He has always been so in tune to me.

  “I’m just happy. For Meghan and Nick,” I tell him, placing my cheek against his chest.

  “Me too,” he says, kissing the top of my head and escorting me the rest of the way to his truck.

  The ride to our place is quiet, but we’ve discovered over the last several years, we don’t need to fill it with chitchat. Our hands are entwined on the seat between us as a country love ballad plays on the radio. I hum along to the tune, and it doesn’t take long for Levi to join in. Only, he sings.

  And it never fails that every time he opens his mouth to sing, my panties are ruined.

  “What’s going on over there,” he asks, glancing my way for a second before returning his eyes to the road.

  “I was just enjoying listening to you sing.”

  His eyes darken as he looks my way one more time. He knows the impact his singing has on my body. “I’m not the only one who’ll be singing when we get home…”

  My body ignites, my blood boils as it zips through my veins. I never knew this sort of reaction was actually possible, outside of reading about it in the romance novels I edit, but ever since my relationship with Levi went to the next level, I feel this burn, this yearn for him twenty-four seven. If someone would have asked me about it years ago, I would have said it was a myth, a fable created by women with nothing better to do than dream up fictional men who don’t exist.

  But now I know. Now I feel it.

  Every day, when I’m with Levi.

  I feel it in my heart and soul. I feel it in the way he touches me, looks at me with love and compassion in his eyes, and says all of the things I’ve always dreamed of hearing. But he’s not just saying them to speak – he means them. We’re in this together, through thick and thin, and there’s no one else I’d rather be on this journey with. He’s my best friend, my great love.

  And we’re just getting started…

  Chapter Six


  There’s nothing better than waking up with my wife in my arms.

  My Abby.

  I feel her tense, even though she pretends to sleep. I’ll let her play her little game, as my hands slowly make their way down her hips, her ass pressed firmly against my cock. The sexiest ass in the world. The only ass I will wake to every morning, for the rest of my life.

  And I’m completely, one hundred percent okay with that.

  The ass in particular wiggles a bit and presses back against my ready-to-go cock. “Good morning,” she whispers, her voice tinged with sleep.

  “It could be,” I reply huskily, running my lips along her smooth neck.

  “I have to meet my sisters at the salon soon,” she says, her voice hitching just a bit as I continue a downward trek with my lips.

  “We’re still considered newlyweds, babe. It’s appropriate, and maybe even a bit expected, to be a little late.” My mouth slides down her shoulders and my hands squeeze her ass, as I gently maneuver my cock toward her sweet pussy.

  “You’re such a bad influence on me,” she gasps the moment I start to slide in from behind.

  “Fuck yes, I am,” I grunt, suddenly finding myself balls deep in her warmth. Abby turns her head to look back at me, and I’m just fucking lost. Lost in her body, lost in her desire, lost in her love.

  I can’t believe I fought this, all those years ago. The attraction, the want, I pushed it all aside out of fear. Too afraid of losing the best thing in my life – my best friend – I fought my feelings for her for too long. Now? She’s mine, and I’m h
ers. She owns my heart, wholly, and I’m more than fine with that.

  She’s my life.

  Continuing to move my hips very slowly, I rain kisses down her neck, shoulders, and upper back. I knew exactly when the head of my cock – or more precisely, my piercing – hits that magical spot inside her. Abby gasps and stills in my arms, which makes me only thrust with a bit more force this next time.

  I can feel her starting to shake, so I know she’s already getting close. My own body starts to tighten, my moves a bit more jerky and my pace picking up. She shudders as I grind my pelvis against her ass, letting my piercing work its magic and take her there. I hear her gasp a second before I feel her tighten around me. My eyes practically cross as she grips my cock and pulls me into her.

  “Fuck,” I groan. The base of my spine starts to tingle, and I know I’m about to fucking come.

  “Levi!” she gasps, the sound of my name on her lips the sweetest blessing in the world, as she starts to come, pulsing tightly around my cock and finishing me off.

  Her name spills from my lips as I release everything I have inside of her. Gasping for sweet oxygen, my lips automatically claim her skin, sliding along her neck and tasting the sweat on her shoulders. “So fucking good,” I whisper, wanting to stay buried inside of her forever.

  “Mmm,” she coos, relaxing in my arms.

  “We could take this in the other room,” I tease, placing another kiss on her exposed skin.

  Abby gasps. “We’re not supposed to be talking about that.”

  “You mean the swing?” I know she’s starting to blush a brilliant shade of red. “The one your grandparents got us that we use as much as humanly possible?”

  “Stop talking about it. You’ll get used to saying it and eventually let it slip. Then, we’ll never hear the end of it from them,” she says sternly, making me grin a mile wide.

  “Fine,” I grumble, pulling her even tighter into my embrace. “I won’t talk about it so I don’t accidentally let it slip how much my wife loves to be fucked in a sex swing.”


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