Dallas Fire & RescueHis Burning Desire

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Dallas Fire & RescueHis Burning Desire Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

  Jenna didn’t need to be told twice. She grabbed plates from the cabinet and pulled open the drawer to dig out silverware. By the time she had the table set, including napkins and glasses, Kate was loading up a plate with bacon and setting it on the table.

  “Orange juice?” Jenna asked, holding open the refrigerator door.


  Jenna filled two glasses and put the container back in the refrigerator. Again, her timing was perfect as Kate slid an omelet from the pan and onto Jenna's plate.

  “You first,” Kate said.

  Jenna piled several strips of bacon on her plate, grabbed her fork, and dug into the eggs. The cheesy goodness burst across her tongue, and she moaned as she chewed then swallowed. “This is like the best ever.” She shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth.

  Kate rolled her eyes. “You're just hungry, that's all. I mean it's not like a gourmet meal. Just bacon and eggs.” She pulled out the chair across from Jenna, sat, and dug into her own eggs. “Though I must say, I do make a pretty mean cheese omelet,” she giggled.

  “I'll say.”

  The girls remained quiet as they polished off their breakfast. When they were done, Jenna cleared the table and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher. It was then Kate finally spoke up.

  “So, have you thought about what you're going to do?”

  Jenna turned and leaned against the counter, facing her friend. “Yes. I realized it's time I faced Connor and told him the truth. Well, some of it anyway.”

  Kate looked at Jenna for the longest while before she finally responded, “What do you mean exactly by some of it?”

  “Tell him what my fears are, but I'm not admitting my feelings for him.” She looked down at her hands as she rubbed her thumb. “I can't open that wound yet. I need to keep a wall around my heart. Maybe if he understands my fears, he'll finally let me go.”

  Kate let out a sigh. “Oh Jenna, I understand you're afraid, but I still think it's best if you clear the air. You need to come clean and tell him everything, including how you feel. Maybe he'll surprise you.”

  Before Jenna could reply, there was a knock at the door. “Are you expecting company?”

  “No,” Kate replied and went to answer the front door. Seconds later, Derrick stepped into the kitchen.

  “Hi, Jenna. I came to check on you and see how you’re doing.”

  Jenna smiled back at him, actually happy to see him. Even more so, now that she’d decided to come clean with Connor. She also had some explaining to do about the whole fiancé thing she’d thrown at him last night.

  Chapter Nine

  Connor woke and stretched, feeling more agitated than when he’d lain down to take a quick nap. He looked at the clock; he'd only been asleep — if that's what you wanted to call it — for about an hour. He rolled out of bed and walked naked to the suitcase he still hadn't unpacked. Flipping it open, he pulled out a pair of jeans and slipped them on, leaving them unbuttoned. He dug for a T-shirt and pulled it over his head then tucked it into his pants before zipping them up.

  Heading into the bathroom, he ran a comb through his hair and quickly brushed his teeth. Hopefully, he'd be able to get on the crime scene so he could do a little investigation of his own. Going back into the other room, he grabbed his black boots, pulled them on, and shoved his laptop into the bag. Snatching his phone off the nightstand, he dialed the detective as he headed out the door.

  “Ethan. I need to get on the scene so I can check things out. I also have more information on the girl.”

  “Sure thing. They’re expecting you. I’ll meet you there, in say, twenty minutes?”

  Connor headed for the elevator and pressed the button. “Yeah, sounds good. I'll see you there.”

  “I'm stopping for coffee. Can I get you anything?”

  Connor entered the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. “Large with cream. And thanks.” He hung up as the doors swung open to the lobby. He strode across to the exit and stepped outside. Already the August heat of Dallas was stifling. “Jesus Christ. How do these people put up with this?” His ancestors originated high in the mountains, where summers were mild and winters brutal. He’d much rather face cold, blustery winds and the snow of winter than this shit. The only reason they were firefighters was because they were damn good at it and loved it. Otherwise, in human form, fire could harm them like any other mortal.

  He crossed the parking lot and pulled open the door on his truck, cursing under his breath as the steam blasted him in the face. He climbed in, started the engine, and quickly cranked the air-conditioning to high. Pulling from the lot, he made his way across town in good time and was on the crime scene before Ethan. He exited his truck and approached an officer, who stood in front of the crime scene tape.

  “Sorry, this place is off-limits,” the young officer stated, pulling his shoulders back. He was a good six inches shorter and far less muscular than Connor. Puffing his chest wasn’t going to do him a damn bit of good.

  Connor looked around, trying to see who else was there. “I'm part of the investigation team. Names Connor O'Rourke.”

  The kid’s eyes widened. “Oh, yes, sir. I've been instructed to let you in when you show up. Go on ahead.”

  Connor lifted the tape and walked under it. Picking his way across the small front yard, he stepped over burned debris that had been scattered in the wind. He stopped and inhaled.

  Still nothing but the stench of a smoldering fire. Maybe if he got closer, he could catch the assailant’s scent.

  “Good morning. I'm Arson Investigator Tim Johnson, and this is Detective Sam Patterson. You must be O’Rourke. We've been expecting you.”

  “I am. I was here last night, but can you fill me in on the details?” He stuck his hand out to shake the other gentlemen’s hands.

  “So far as we can tell, our victim Maggie Smith was bound and gagged and left here in the closet. She had a wound on the back of her head, indicating she had been struck with something,” Sam stated, shaking his head. “She was also naked, though that could just be how she slept. However, the coroner is checking for sexual assault. Hopefully, we’ll have more answers later as to whether or not she died from the head injury or smoke inhalation.”

  Connor nodded. “I detect gasoline, the same MO as our arsonist.”

  “You'd be correct. We have no way to know if it's the same guy.” Tim ran his fingers through his short, gray hair. “This is the first time we've had a victim that was clearly murdered.”

  Connor stepped into the large walk-in closet. One wall was totally burned away, while the others were only covered with soot. “I would tend to disagree that this is your criminal’s first murder. You had victims in the other fires, just not any who were bound and gagged and shoved into a closet.” The investigator turned a little red in the face.

  “True. Poor choice of words on my part.” Tim moved up next to him and pointed. “She was found over here, lying on her side, hands bound behind her back. She was facing this wall over here.” He indicated with a nod that her back had been to the wall that was now burned away. “Of course you probably already know all of this.”

  Connor stared at the floor. Blood stained the carpet where her head had obviously been, and once again, anger coiled in his stomach. How the hell was he going to tell Jenna her cousin was dead, likely raped and definitely murdered? “I do, but I appreciate the confirmation. If you don't mind, I'm going to take a look around, see what I can find.”

  Sam nodded. “Let us know if you need anything. We need to find this bastard and stop him.”



  “So, you're telling me Connor is your fiancé, yet he's not?” Derrick questioned, a perplexed look on his face.

  Jenna wasn't sure how she could explain it so he would understand. Hell, it was so different from what humans were used to. They had abolished arranged marriages decades ago. “Yes, that's pretty much what I'm telling you. I haven't seen him in at least a year, and I'v
e already asked him to break our bond.”

  He scratched his chin and stared at her with those baby blues. “What do you mean by bond?”

  “It’s complicated, I know. A blood bond was formed between Connor and I when I was a baby. It means we have a connection. We sense each other’s moods and can find each other no matter where we are. This initial bond tells a dragon male I belong to another. Once a couple decides to actually mate, they complete that bond. It involves sex and magic...” Her cheeks heated at the thought of Connor performing the ritual. “I can’t go into detail, but the couple are then tied together. The female is given power and a longer life expectancy from her male. If not already formed, a telepathic link begins. The bond I have now with Connor can be broken, however. He just has to go to my father and say he no longer wishes me for his mate.”

  He shifted his weight on the couch next to her. “Jenna. You must know I like you. A lot. And if there's really nothing between you and Connor then I wonder if maybe I stand a chance? I mean of having a real date with you.”

  “I like you too, Derrick. I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t go out.” Tension snapped in the air as he leaned in closer.

  “Is it okay to kiss you?” he whispered.

  She swallowed. Her mind said no. You love Connor and belong to him. Her body screamed, yes, yes, yes! Maybe this would be good for her. A test of sorts to see if there was something between her and Derrick.


  Their lips were now only inches apart. Her breathing hitched when he finally brought his mouth to hers in a gentle kiss. She parted her lips, and he swiped his tongue across hers. He tasted different but not in a bad way. Smoky. Her lust stirred slightly but not as it did with Connor. Damn him.

  Derrick pulled back and rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “My shift will be starting soon, so I have to get going. You just let me know when you're ready for that date, and I'll make it happen.”

  “Okay. Stay safe.”

  He pushed off the couch and headed for the door. “I'll call you later.”

  “That would be great,” she replied as she walked him outside. Derrick stepped off the porch, and a truck pulled up the driveway. Jenna instantly recognized Connor, and if it were possible, her heart both flipped and sank at the same time. Derrick simply turned and gave her a questioning look, and she shrugged her shoulders. He nodded and continued on to his own truck.

  “Connor, nice morning,” Derrick stated as he passed.

  “I hope it wasn’t too nice,” Connor growled back. In three steps, he reached Jenna on the porch. “Jenna, I have some news. Where can we talk in private?”

  She sensed the turmoil inside him and worried what he had to tell her. Had he changed his mind? “We can go inside. Kate is just leaving to do some shopping, so we’ll have the house to ourselves.” She led him into the living room. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “I'm fine, thanks.”

  Kate stuck her head around the corner. “Hey, Jenna, I'm getting ready to head out. Is there something you want me to pick up?”

  “I can't think of anything, but if I do I'll send you a text.”

  Kate nodded. “Sounds good. See you later. Hi, Connor.” She gave a little wave and he nodded.

  “So, what's this bad news you have to tell me?” She took a seat in the chair across from the couch, not wanting to get too close to him. All kinds of craziness ran through her mind as to the bad news, so she shut it off and just waited for him to tell her.

  He cleared his throat. “You remember I told you I was here investigating some arsons?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Well, last night there was an actual murder. The girl was bound, gagged, and locked in a closet then her house set on fire.” Connor stared at her as if waiting to gauge her reaction.

  “Oh my God, that's horrible!” Jenna couldn't imagine and prayed the girl was already dead when she was locked in that closet with a fire burning around her.

  “I... Shit.” He scrubbed the scruff on his chin.

  “What is it, Connor?” Her body stiffened.

  “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered. “The girl was your cousin Sarah.”

  Jenna bit her lip. Numbness took over her limbs, and she tried to comprehend the words he had just spoken. “That can't be right. There has to be a mistake.” She jumped from her seat, and he was there to pull her into his arms. “You made a mistake.” She lashed out and pummeled his chest, but he only squeezed her tighter.

  “I can’t take away your pain, but you can take your pain out on me. I’m here.” He kissed her temple. “I’m here, baby.”

  The dam broke and she sobbed. Cried for the tragic death in her family. Screamed at the treatment of her kind by the elders. Cursed the one thing she could not deny. The man who held her was the only one she wanted. She’d been fooling herself every time she said otherwise. Relaxing into him felt right in so many ways.

  “I'm really sorry, but there was no mistake. It's definitely her. She had assumed a new identity and was going by the name of Maggie Smith. I... I hate to ask, but I was hoping you might be able to help me. Tell me anything you might know about what she’s been doing.”

  Jenna leaned back and searched his face. The sincerity she saw was genuine. “How could anybody want to hurt her like that? This has to be a horrible nightmare, and I’ll wake up soon.” She dropped her head to his chest and cried again. The motion of his hand rubbing her back was like a balm on an open wound.


  He kissed the top of her head and she melted. Jenna had to come back to her senses, so she pried herself free from his comforting arms. “I don't know how I can help you, but I’ll do anything I can. Promise me you will find the bastard that did this.”

  He rubbed his thumb across her cheek, wiping away a tear. “I will kill him myself.”

  Jenna knew he would, but she couldn't allow him to break the law like that. “No. Promise me you won’t. As much as I would like to see dragon law upheld here, we have to follow the human rules.”

  A scowl formed on his face. “I will only do it because you ask it of me. I know this is difficult, but do you know of any enemies Sarah might've had? Though I assume this was someone she knew, it’s possible. it was just another random arson. The perpetrator has simply gone from setting fires to committing murder.”

  Jenna thought for a moment. She hadn't seen her cousin since Sarah had left home, abandoned by her mate. Had she known sooner that her cousin had been in Dallas, she would've looked her up. Now she was riddled with guilt. “I feel like I don't know anything about her, she's been gone so long.” She sniffed. “I’ve only recently told my parents where I’m living. Sarah’s mom mentioned she thought Sarah might be here. Damn, how am I going to break the news to her?”

  Again, his eyes filled with understanding. “Would you like me to call her?”

  “No. It should come from family, but I appreciate the thought.” She stared into his brown eyes and almost lost herself, until she quickly jerked free of his invisible hold. This was the worst time ever to bring up her situation with Connor; it also seemed the perfect time, and she felt comfortable in doing so.

  “This brings me to something I need to talk to you about,” she whispered.

  He stayed by her side and took her hand in his. “Go ahead. You can tell me anything.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment and pulled in a long deep breath, searching for courage before she focused on his handsome face. “I feel it's only fair you understand the reason why I want you to break our bond. Why I left. What's happened with Sarah is a perfect example. I'm a halfling same as she, and I don't want what happened to her to also happen to me. You know there's a good chance in the world I cannot give you children.”

  He squeezed her hand. “When have you ever known me to follow the rules?”

  She blinked but couldn’t answer.

  “I understand how you feel, and I agree with your assessment that our ways are outda
ted.” He released her and stepped back. She missed his warmth. “I had fully resigned myself to the fact that if you indeed turned out to be barren, then we would remain childless or perhaps consider adoption. I would never break my vow to you.”

  She was stunned. “How come you never told me how you felt about our ways?”

  “I never realized it was something that bothered you. Then when you up and left, I was devastated. I wanted to look for you. Know that I fought with myself every second to keep from dropping everything and demanding you come home.”

  “Why didn’t you then?”

  “I thought maybe if you were given some time to yourself, you’d come back. Your parents even thought it might be wise to give you some space. And I’ll admit, I couldn't take you rejecting me again.”

  “I had no idea.” She looked down at her fingers as she plopped back into the chair. “This mess between us is all my fault.”

  “You’re not to blame. I should've been more open, told you how I felt but I was an idiot. It has to be hard on a woman in our society. After all, you're betrothed to a man when you're only an infant. You’re never allowed to experience the world, be with other men, or choose for yourself the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.”

  He surprised her, and she realized there were far more layers to this man than she had ever known. How could she have spent all that time with him, yet missed so much? Only moments ago, she had confessed interest in another man. Now? She couldn't be more confused. She had loved Connor once. Still did, if she stopped lying to herself. But she had been an idiot and ran off like a little girl instead of facing things like an adult. Where did that leave them now?

  “Things need to change in our society, or it will continue to get worse,” she stated.

  He steeled his features. “Then it shall start with me. I will give you back your life, Jenna. I will break the tie that has already begun between us, so you can be free to choose the life you want. Maybe we can set the example that couples should choose one another and fall in love. Not be forced into a relationship.”

  She pushed to her feet, feeling a little unsteady. He doesn’t love me. He so much as said so. “I'm not sure what to say. Thank you.” His promise to give her what she'd been begging for now left her confused. One minute he claimed she belonged to him and now...


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