Dallas Fire & RescueHis Burning Desire

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Dallas Fire & RescueHis Burning Desire Page 9

by Valerie Twombly

  “I’m not sure. They’ve called for backup.” Ethan was right behind him as they both hit the parking lot. Panic strung every nerve tight. The thought of losing Jenna made him ill.

  “Stand back! I’m going to shift.” There was no way Connor would make the drive across town. Fuck the rules. He’d always hated them anyway.

  Bone snapped as he decided on a small sleek dragon. It would be easier to navigate the skyscrapers. He hardly noticed Ethan’s face, which contorted into a mixture of surprise and awe. A female in the lot let out a scream. Within seconds, he stood three feet tall with a wingspan that almost doubled his height. He stretched the appendages he hadn’t felt in a long time and gave a flap to try them out. He usually preferred his primary form, which was a much larger size, but small was necessary at the moment. With the detective yelling something unintelligible, and another guy in a designer suit running toward them, Connor sprang into the air. He watched Ethan and the attorney run for his car, Ethan tossing out some colorful words the entire way.

  Jenna? His dragon reached out for its mate. He screeched in fear when she didn’t reply and rocketed through the air. Jenna, baby I’m coming. Please hang on. Sheer terror pushed him to fly faster. He was a flash that sped by. An apparition to many who shook their heads, believing they were seeing things. He caught a current that sent him higher and helped move him closer to the woman he loved more than anything. He’d die for her, and right now, he was kicking himself because he had let his ego, his pride, and his stubbornness get the better of him. He should have searched for her the moment he’d read the note and demanded she come back to him.

  Yeah, that would have gone over like a bag full of scorpions. He also should have told her how he felt long ago. Maybe she wouldn’t have felt the need to flee.

  Smoke rose thick and black in the distance, and his heart nearly stopped. He swore he saw a finger curl through the blackness and beckon him. He narrowed his gaze and headed straight for it. As he approached, he bore witness to the horrors the firefighters battled. Flames climbed up the side of the building from the main, third and fifth floors. Every couple of floors appeared to be ablaze. No way could this be the work of one person. How the hell would they have gotten out? Hadn’t the sprinklers worked?

  He scanned the crowd that stood around the several ambulances on the scene. Opening his senses, there was no detection of Jenna. His worst fear was met.

  She was still inside.


  Still no response. He summoned all the magic at his disposal. Searching for her life force, he flew to the other side of the building where his room was located. The tenth floor was engulfed. Fear gripped him tighter as he finally found Jenna’s faint heartbeat.

  So slow. She was on the brink of death.

  He raced to the window, hovered, and realized the glass was still intact. People shouted from below, but he paid no attention. In his dragon form, he could withstand the smoke and fire. Even if it destroyed him, he would go in anyway.

  Circling back, he picked up speed, folded his wings against his body to help protect them, and crashed through the thick pane of glass. Shards cut into his skin and a warm wetness trickled between his eyes and down his sides. He somersaulted into the room, crashing into the desk before he stopped with a grunt. Standing, he shook off chunks of glass and let his vision adjust. Even with excellent sight, he still had difficulty seeing through the thick mass of smoke. Fire hadn’t found its way into the room yet, but the toxin-filled air was enough to kill any human.

  Jenna’s heart stopped.


  He shifted back and felt his way to the bed where he found her limp body. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she lay on her stomach. He gently scooped her up and headed for the window. With her body tucked to his chest, he leaped to the sill and jumped. He willed all his magic to his wings and made a partial shift, so he could still keep hold of her, yet fly gently to the ground. When he landed near the crew administering first aid, he laid her down. Two men came running with an oxygen tank in hand. Their eyes fixed on his wings.

  He produced a claw and cut the bindings around her wrist then rolled her to her back. By all human standards, she was dead. Her lungs were seized from too much smoke and her heart still.

  “You do not have my permission to leave,” he whispered. Tears stung his eyes.

  “Jesus. We have to start CPR,” a paramedic said next to him.

  Connor growled. “You will not touch her until I say so.” He placed both palms on her chest above her breasts. He spread his wings and gave them a slow gentle sweep up and down. Magic spilled around him and cocooned them both in its silky embrace. Words spilled from his lips in the ancient Celtic language as if he had spoken them a hundred times.

  “Love of my life. Guardian of my soul. I willingly give you everything I am. My heart, my magic, and my very essence.” Power flared into a light so white it nearly blinded him. The men beside him shielded their eyes.

  “My breath is your breath. With every beat of my heart, yours will follow. My tears...” He completely shifted into his primary dragon. A sleek, yet muscular black beast that towered over his petite mate.

  The two paramedics scooted backward.

  Connor’s power flared from white to cobalt blue. “My tears flow and bring the beginning of life.” A single drop fell and touched her cheek.


  Jenna floated and watched as the big onyx dragon bent over her. Seeing herself on the ground was more than a bit strange. But the peace, which swept over her and wrapped her in a warm and loving embrace, had her quickly forgetting the scene below. She drifted backward toward a calming bliss, when she suddenly stopped. A tear slipped from the dragon’s eye and it wrenched at her. How had she not noticed the beauty of the beast before? Its skin so black; it shimmered like a mirror. Muscles, firm and strong, filled out its body, yet the dragon was sleek. She instinctively knew he was powerful but gentle. His tear touched her face, and she drew in a breath.


  Recognition struck, and she battled with the peace that surrounded her and a burning desire to go back to him. She was part of the dragon. He needed her and she needed him.

  Searing pain burned her chest. She tried to gasp for air, but her lungs refused to cooperate. Slowly, she forced her eyes open and met a pair of almond-shaped green eyes surrounded by a large head. The dragon’s nose came within inches of her own and exhaled. The scent of spice and chocolate surrounded her and sent air rushing to fill her lungs. She clutched the earth beneath her, ripping at it as tears slipped down the side of her face, the pain so severe.

  The dragon morphed into a man. His eyes glistened as he cupped her face. “I know it hurts, but you have to exhale.”

  She stared into the depths of those cocoa eyes and forced the air from her lungs.

  “Good girl. Follow my lead.” He inhaled a deep breath. She forced her lungs to cooperate and dragged in a rattling breath. It was as if she were drowning. Her lungs were filled with foreign material, and there was no room for air. She was suffocating but remained focused on his gaze. Again, they exhaled together and this time she went into a coughing rage. After what felt like minutes, she calmed and noticed the pain was gone. She was breathing much easier. Connor spoke to someone.

  “Now you can give her oxygen. Check her vitals.” He began to move away, and she tried to reach out as someone put a mask over her face.

  “Shhh. Don’t struggle.” He stroked her hair.

  She shoved the paramedic’s hand away and lifted the mask, her senses finally intact. “You need to help save the others. I’ll be fine now.” She knew Connor wouldn’t want to leave her, but neither could he let the others perish. He kissed her forehead.

  “I’ll go.” Then he looked at the man attending her. “You let anything happen to her and I’ll kill you.”

  “Connor!” A man yelled.

  Jenna recognized Detective Collins as he filled her vision. He appeared out of breath and had
another gentleman with him.

  “Ethan. Stay here and guard my mate. Shoot anyone who looks suspicious,” Connor growled before he shifted and flew away back into the inferno.

  The detective looked down at her. “How are you doing?”

  “I’d say considering she was dead only moments ago, pretty damn good.” Jenna finally realized it was Trent who spoke as he slapped a blood pressure cuff to her arm. She was relieved to be in excellent hands.

  “Damn, Jenna. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Flying dragons, magic voodoo shit, and bringing back the dead.” He smiled at her. “Please tell me you don’t have a craving for flesh or human brains.”

  She laughed and pushed herself up, freeing the mask from her face.

  “Hey.” Trent started to admonish her but she held up a hand.

  “I’m fine. Really.” She stared at the hotel, which finally looked like it was relenting to the tons of water being dumped on it. “Connor is very powerful. He brought me back.” And broke a huge rule in the process. Shifting in front of humans, no matter the reason, was not tolerated. He could be banned from the clan and his position in the firefighting crew stripped. Also, using magic where others could see. Yeah, he was in some serious shit, but as she watched him fly across the smoke-filled sky, she knew he didn’t care. Fire was his mistress and saving people and property his life. He’d find a way to move on.

  She caught the gaze of another. Derrick, covered in soot, worked in the distance. She wanted to go to him, but this wasn’t the time. Later, she would tell him everything. The man in the suit knelt in front of her.

  “Miss Dunne? I’m Patrick O’Donnell, District Council attorney. I’m happy to see you’re safe.” He handed her his card. “We can talk later. I’m going to snoop around.”

  She accepted the piece of paper. “Thank you, Mr. O’Donnell.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Connor flew through the hallway on the top floor of the hotel. Still shaken after losing Jenna, he hadn’t been sure if he could bring her back. After all, they were not completely mated yet. A minor fact he intended to correct right away. Thankfully, his power was stronger than even he had realized.

  Opening his senses, he detected no humans and moved to the next floor. He could hear the muffled sounds of the firefighters who searched the smoke-filled corridors below, and he tried to make his way closer. As he moved down to the next floor, the smoke was so thick even he had difficulty seeing. He heard them say the fire was under control, but they were worried about casualties. Conditions were less than ideal, but it was still possible for survivors. His dragon was in its element, even though it hated the searing heat.

  He detected several men ahead; crawling along the corridor, their ability to see would be zero. He landed behind them, folded in his wings, and summoned a larger form. Once he’d grown and filled the hall, he took in a deep breath and released it in a slow steady stream of air that pushed the smoke away. It wasn’t completely clear, but it was enough they could get to their feet and continue working. The man at the back of the line turned and gave Connor a salute.

  He nodded then shrunk enough to take flight again, thinking that this is how it should have been all along. Shifters held special abilities when in their dragon form; magic was helpful in saving lives. Yet, the elders refused to allow the use of either in the presence of humanity. Screw it. Things needed to change, and with Jenna by his side, they would change them together.

  Escaping out a broken window, he flew around the outside of the building. Jenna was sitting up and looking into the sky, watching him. People on the ground pointed, but none seemed overly afraid. He banked to the right and angled around the front when something caught his attention. A scent. Something he hadn’t detected before. Now for some reason, it burst through the air, and he knew exactly who it belonged to.

  An ancient. One skilled in masking both scent and physical form. But why? He intended to find out and quickly made his way back into the building. Following the scent to the bowels of the hotel, he ended up in the basement. It didn’t take long for the one he was chasing to make an appearance.

  “You should have stayed at home.” An elder by the name of Cyrus stepped from the still lingering smoke.

  “What are you doing here?” Connor had shifted back to human form and contemplated his next move. The shifter in front of him had a few thousand years on Connor and was therefore much more powerful.

  “Doing what should have been done long ago. These females are a waste of resources and need to be purged from society.” Cyrus took a step closer, but Connor held his ground. No way in hell was he backing down.

  “What resources? You ban them from our society, so they go and live with the humans. How does that hurt us?” Connor’s anger grew when he thought about the deaths this man had caused.

  Cyrus laughed. “You are a fool if you believe that. They are of no use to us in the breeding program. They mix our DNA with the humans, creating useless mutts that are allowed to wander around. Who knows how far this mess has spread.”

  The asshole was crazy. “Breeding? Is that all you’re concerned about?” He curled his fingers into his palms. Somehow, he had to subdue Cyrus and get him out of here…but to where? “How many of the elders are in on this little extermination of yours?” He had to buy some time. Somehow distract him so he could reach for the dagger in his boot. The blade was coated with diamond dust. When shoved into a dragon, it would either keep him from shifting or force him to shift back. Connor would figure out what to do with him later. Maybe local authorities could help get him on a plane headed back to Minnesota.

  “You should make breeding your number one concern as well. Our species will one day be extinct if we don’t become more diligent.” Cyrus seemed to relax, likely confident Connor couldn’t harm him. “I’ve been encouraging the other elders to form a law that will demand all males take two mates. Every female of age should be bred.”

  Connor’s temper simmered. Keep him talking so you can make your move. “Then why did you try to kill my mate?”

  The older dragon leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “She is a halfling, an abomination. Our race must stay pure.”

  He really was fucked up in the head. Every female born to a mated couple was a precious gift, including the ones who couldn’t bear shifter children themselves. They were family, no matter what. Connor shifted his weight, lowered his head, and barreled forward. When his head came into contact with Cyrus’s gut, he reached into his boot and withdrew the dagger. With a quick thrust, he embedded it into Cyrus’s thigh. Not the ideal spot, but it would do for now.

  The shifter roared and punched Connor in the neck before Connor wrapped him in a vice and jerked. Vertebrae snapped and Connor was thankful to be a quick healer. His fingers still wrapped around the dagger, he gave it a twist, forcing Cyrus to release him. Once free, he fisted his other hand and landed an upper cut under Cyrus’s jaw, causing the shifters head to snap back and hit the wall behind Cyrus.

  “Seize him,” a strong female voice commanded.

  By then, Connor had Cyrus by the throat and turned his head to see Rosalee, one of the oldest females in the clan, storming toward them with three soldiers surrounding her. She stopped next to Connor.

  “We will take him home and he will face death,” she stated calmly.

  The men threw diamond-covered shackles on Cyrus’s wrists, neck, and ankles. One pulled the dagger from the shifter’s thigh and handed it back to Connor. He accepted it and wiped the blood on his jeans before seating it back into his boot.

  “What the hell is going on? You knew what he was doing?” Connor tried to hide the edge in his tone and remember who he was speaking to. Damn, but he didn’t care anymore. “He tried to kill my mate!”

  Rosalee touched his arm. “I know and for that I am sorry. I’m grateful you were able to bring her back. We’ve been tracking Cyrus and trying to catch him in the act, but he always remained one step ahead of us.

  “People died,” Connor snarled. “Why didn’t you warn us?”

  Rosalee’s blonde brow arched high. “And have him realize we were on to him? I never meant for people to die, but Cyrus is the oldest among us. Having patience was the only way to catch him.”

  Connor knew she spoke the truth, but it tasted like shit and he didn’t like it. “Things need to change.” He pulled his shoulders back. “Things will change.”

  This time she granted him a smile. “It is past time, Connor, but your breaking our laws will not help.”

  “It was necessary and I would do it again.” He was not sorry in the least, and it was time the elders realized how wrong they were.

  A twinkle sparked in her eyes. “You are what the future needs. Both you and your mate will have a seat on the council and help us bring our people into the current century.”

  “You offer me a seat rather than punish my disobedience?”

  Her gaze turned fierce. “If only more males would display their true feelings, we might be in a better place. What you did was for the woman you love, and I applaud that not punish it.”

  “Then I am honored.” He bowed his head in respect.

  She turned and walked away, blending into the lingering smoke until she was gone. He wiped his brow. Was it finally over? He had to reach Jenna and reassure himself she was still okay.


  Connor led Jenna down a narrow passage. “Keep hold of my hand. It can be slick through here.” He glanced back to be sure she was okay and was greeted by a wide smile and a pair of sparkling hazel eyes. God, how he loved this woman and could hardly believe she was his. They were about to complete the final phase of their bond. She would be with him for as long as he lived, and even if they didn’t have children of their own, he didn’t care. As long as they were together, that was all he needed. There were a lot of children in the world who needed parents, and both he and Jenna had a lot of love to give.


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