Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 2

by M. P. Hingos

  “I see,” was all he said as he picked up his phone and dialed.

  This could not be good.

  Switching to speakerphone, I heard the groggy voice that answered,

  “Connor is there a reason why you’re calling me and interrupting my beauty sleep?”

  “You don’t need any more beauty sleep Gabe, you’re pretty enough.”

  “That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me today. Did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed or did your beautiful wife finally come to her senses and kick you out of that bed?”

  “Gabriel I have Ally with me here and you’re on speaker.”

  Silence, and after a couple more seconds of silence he finally said,

  “Hey Ally.”

  “Hi Gabriel.”

  “Okay now that that’s out of the way I’m going to ask both of you, why is Ally going to California?”

  “I’m not going to see him.”

  “She’s not coming to see me.”

  “I have no idea why she’s coming to California.”

  “Why would he know why I’m going to California?”

  We both answered, simultaneously.

  “Okay, enough, both of you,” Connor roared.

  “Gabriel you’re not a very good liar, never was, not even over the phone. I knew something was wrong when I spoke to you last week so don’t even deny it and Ally, you’re even worst that he is and you’re sitting across from me so I could tell, now, whatever trouble is brewing I want to know about it. NOW! This family does not need anymore shit raining down on it.”

  Gabriel and I both remained silent, me more so because I didn’t know how much Gabriel wanted Connor to know. When he finally spoke, Gabriel told Connor everything he told me during our midnight call and more.

  “Connor I didn’t want you guys to worry and I have every confidence in Ally to know she’s going to get to the bottom of this whole mess.”

  “I am confident she will Gabe, but I want both of your promises, now, if this shit gets out of hand you’re going to let me know and only then will I step in. Also, I want to be kept updated on everything that happens and under no circumstances is Tess to find out about this. Got it?”

  We both agreed to the controlling billionaire’s demands and after he was reassured repeatedly we were going to be cautious he subsequently hung up.


  “Did Ally leave?” Connor asked as soon as I entered his office.

  “Yep, Sterling had Brett take her to the airport,” I replied, climbing onto his lap and making myself comfortable.

  “Good, Tess, still sad she left?”

  “No, I’m fine,” I replied while twiddling his tie.

  “So you want to tell me why she’s really going to California?” I asked, noting the surprised look that overcame his face.

  “What do you mean Hun, she said she was going for work didn’t she?”

  “Mmmhmm…Did I ever tell you your mom once told me you had a tell whenever you’re lying? Your left eye twitches ever so slightly. It’s so faint you have to be almost nose-to-nose with someone for they to notice it. Just like now. So again Mr. I Can’t Lie To My Wife To Save My Delicious Ass, what’s the real reason for Ally’s trip to California?”

  “…I don’t know…”

  “Did she really think I bought that crap about her going for work? I maybe four months pregnant but I sure as hell don’t have pregnancy brain, yet, anyway. I know her suspension wasn’t lifted, because if it was I’d be the first person she’d tell and I know almost everyone she knows is in either Chicago or New York. Which leaves two possible scenarios,” I rambled on while Connor continued to stare at me, this time with an indulgent look on his face.

  “She’s following a lead on Alexis. However, wait, if she was you wouldn’t let her go alone, Sterling would have people go with her which brings me to my second scenario which I know is the correct one. She’s going to be with Gabriel.”

  I knew I nailed it when I saw the slight arch to his eyebrows.

  “And why would you think that?” he asked coyly.

  “Oh my darling husband, you may be a brilliant business man but I, my love, I know people. It all started right after our engagement party. Yes, we were all distracted when Bethany tried to kill us both but Ally started going out of her way since then to avoid Gabriel. I finally asked him about it on the day of our wedding but he clammed up like….like ahhh….like ammm…”

  “Like what Tess?”

  “Hmmm, like a virgin staring at a ten inch dick.”

  I felt his body shaking, heard the gaggling noises coming from his throat, and gently rubbed his back as he attempted to lean forward.

  “You okay babe?”

  “Yes,” he squeaked, “Please… continue.”

  “Yes, as I was saying he clammed up, but even though he did not admit it he did not deny it either. He simply said it was none of my business and whatever was going on was between him and Ally was their business, which led me to the conclusion that something was definitely going on and now she’s going to California to be with him.” I took a deep breath.

  “Tess, maybe you should stay out of this.”

  “I intend to baby…. as long as they realize they belong together, get married and have babies like we’re doing.”

  “Honey I think you’re spending too much time with my mom and Mrs. Montgomery. Matchmaking never ends well. Promise me you’ll stay out of this.”

  I knew he was right. If they were meant to be together it will happen. I fought my feelings for Connor but in the end when I did give in I gained a new perspective on life and love. He became my world and I’ve learnt no amount of obstacles that we’re constantly faced with was every going to change that.

  Ugh, but admitting to him he was right was so hard, he already had an ego the size of China.

  “You’re right,” I admitted, “but I promise you, I love your brother but if he hurts her I’m going to have to unleash my ninja skills and kick his ass,” I swore with utmost conviction.

  “That’s fair my little ninja warrior. Now how about before we go to the office you give me a little demonstration on that whole virgin staring at a ten inch dick reference you made before,” he snickered as his fingers began to nimbly unbutton my blouse and his lips began to trail kisses on the side of my neck before traveling to mouth and capturing my lips with his.


  Chapter 3

  I’ve always enjoyed flying, taking the time, especially if I was coming back from an assignment to catch up on my sleep or simply relax while I traveled through the clouds. Today however, I wanted to find the nearest exit, open it, jump and freefall through the skies before I hit the ground with a splat.

  Okay, so maybe the anxiety of seeing Gabriel and spending an uncertain amount of time with him had something to with my foul mood but the screaming baby a couple of rows ahead and the constant chatter of the two old ladies behind me was certainly not helping. Did the entire plane need to know that this was their first trip to California or that they were hoping to meet most of the hundreds of actors they were randomly naming? I fidgeted once again earning a nasty frown from the middle-aged man sitting next to me. That could have something to do with the fact that I ignored his constant attempts at small talk especially when I saw him not so subtly slip the wedding band from his finger when he saw me approaching the seat next to him. He was definitely a douche and my disdain was as subtle as him slipping off his wedding band was.

  Giving up any pretense of ever getting comfortable and trying to stop wiggling my butt on my seat as if I had ants crawling in my pants and chewing on ass I threw back my head back on my head rest and closed my eyes.

  My mind began to chase images of Gabriel and I couldn’t help but reflect on how a career minded FBI agent ended up one night in the arms of America’s hottest movie star.


  The call came in to the FBI office, where I was stationed, one cold Wedn
esday morning. A hostage situation, at a steel mill in the industrial section of Chicago. The team I was part of quickly geared up and headed out to the location. When we arrived, the place was already swarming with law enforcement. We were quickly briefed on the situation; the General Manager was holding two executives, a twenty-six year old female and a 32-year-old male, from New York hostage in a conference room. There was a gunshot at one point and there was reason to believe that the male was shot. After my team took control of the situation, we were introduced to billionaire Connor Steele, owner of the steel mill and I have to admit my eyes did linger a tad bit longer on him, appreciating for a moment the fine specimen of man he was. From him we learnt that the female executive, Tessa Matthews, was in fact his executive assistant, who, while conducting an audit on the mill in New York found some discrepancies in the accounting which led to the discovery of over five million dollars missing and the male executive, John Lucas, was actually her bodyguard. They were in Chicago to gather more evidence of the thief before Mr. Steele took charge of the situation. After the eventual release of Lucas and hours of agonizing wait, the situation finally ended with the General Manager putting a gun to his head and taking his own life. The speed at which Mr. Steele left the room after that gunshot confirmed my suspicion that Ms. Matthews meant more to him than just an employee.

  However, nothing prepared me for the shock that overcame me when I first laid eyes on her, forcing me to fall back through the crowd that gathered around her where she sat cradled in Connor’s arms. This was the woman I spent my entire adult life looking for, but instead of looking for Tessa Matthews, I was looking for Tessa Riley, my stepsister. I never got the opportunity to talk to her that day but the elation of having found her and knowing where I could contact her had me speeding home to my dad, well, technically my step-dad, Tessa’s biological dad and the only person I considered my real family. He was overcome with joy when I told him I finally found her but instead of rejoicing like I hoped we would he suffered a heart attack that night barely managing to make me promise that I would get her and bring her to him.

  My mother, Bethany, married Sebastian when I was ten and my sister Alexis was twelve, quickly changed our last name to Riley after Sebastian legally adopted us and severing all ties I had to my biological father and his family. My biological father wanted nothing to do with us anyways and even when my parents were married, I would often hear his family refer to my mother as a money grubbing whore, whose main goal was to be at the top of the social ladder in Iowa. Being too young to understand any of their grown- up bullshit I surrounded myself with things I liked, being outdoors and playing sports, which pretty much distanced me from everyone around me. My mom and Alexis were like two peas in a pod. Where I preferred to get my hands dirty and engage in physical activities they preferred to remain dainty and well kept. They saw me as being different, treated me as if I was and would often torment me about my unkept state. My mother took every opportunity she got to criticize me. My father finally had enough with her and her selfish ways when I was five and divorced my mother and I guess his kids as well because he barely made any attempt to see us after that. We had a good life with the outrageous divorce settlement my mother received and when she met and married Sebastian, she was determined to maintain the lifestyle she surrounded herself with. When I first met Tessa, she was shy and reserved but she looked at my mother with hope in her eyes. I could tell after sometime when the disappoint of being ignored by both my mother and Alexis wore off she was disgusted by my mother’s bold attempts to alienate her father from her. With her head always stuck in a book it was difficult for me to get to know her considering she was an intellectual and I was a tomboy but I tried and before long I had a real sister. We had a bond that was strong and no matter how much my mother and Alexis tried to come between us we held strong. I knew they were jealous of Tess, especially with her being a genius and Alexis barely getting by in school.

  Tragedy struck when Tessa and I were sixteen. She was leaving for Stanford, having gotten an early acceptance to their law program. It was the weekend before she left when Alexis invited her to a party. Always one to try and create good memories with her family with every given opportunity Tessa hastily agreed but I had my suspicions when it came to Alexis. I tagged along with Tessa and Alexis to the party and made it a point to stick to Tess only leaving her side once, when I needed to use the bathroom. Someone locked the bathroom door from the outside while I was in it and I was stuck in there for almost thirty minutes. When I finally got out and found Tess, she was slurring her words and could barely stand. I confronted Alexis and she admitted giving Tess Vodka mixed with a soda to drink, claiming she needed to loosen up a bit. Disgusted, I grabbed her keys from her and took Tessa out to the car where she passed out on the backseat. Tragedy struck on our way home while Alexis was driving like a maniac at top speed. She slammed into another car, which resulted in the deaths of a mother and father and their two kids from the car she crashed into and her friend who was in the car with us. I lost consciousness and when I woke up hours later in the hospital, I had no memory of what had happened the entire week. Tessa suffered a broken arm but Alexis only had minor scrapes and bruises. The shocking news was Alexis’s account of what happened. She claimed Tessa was drunk, grabbed her keys from her and insisted on driving. She was going so fast no one saw the other car coming until it was too late. I had no recollection of anything so I could neither deny nor corroborate her story but some of her friends who were driving behind us did corroborate everything she said. Tessa was subsequently arrested and sent to a juvenile detention center where she awaited trial because my mother somehow convinced Sebastian not to post her bail. A year later and still no recollection of that night but a budding suspicion from the way my mother and Alexis behaved, I was elated when I found out that all the charges were dropped against Tessa due to lack of evidence and uncooperative witnesses. My elation was however short lived when Tessa arrived at the house and my mother told her in no uncertain terms she was not welcome back there. Unknowingly, I said goodbye to my best friend and sister that day because she never contacted me again. After months of waiting I eventually accepted that she was not going to contact me but vowed to myself I would reconnect with her some day.

  When I left for collage, I moved away from the toxicity of my mother and sister and settled down in Chicago. What surprised me was a few months after I left Sebastian divorced my mom and moved to Chicago, buying a house a short distance from my school. I soon moved in with him and not long after he and I developed a father-daughter relationship I never had. Just like me, he had completely cut Bethany and Alexis from his life.

  After collage, I immediately joined the police academy where I excelled and upon graduation, I was instantly scooped up by the FBI. I worked my butt of to become a good agent and when I wasn’t working, I used my resources to try and find my sister Tessa. It never occurred to me that she changed her last name and all the searches I did of her online proved futile. The suspicion I had of my mother and Alexis still lingered. Almost two years ago, I was shot while on the job. I fell and hit my head pretty hard but somehow that fall jarred my memory. It began coming back in bits and pieces and within a month, I had my recollection of the week I lost.

  I saw it all clearly, Tessa drunk, Alexis admitting she gave her Vodka and Alexis driving when the crash occurred. I remembered the video camera on me when Alexis admitted she gave Tessa the vodka and her friend filming her while she sped on the highway. I told my dad about what I remembered and my plan to prove once and for all that Alexis was responsible for the crash and clear Tessa’s name. It was simple, I knew Alexis had a fetish for filming everything and I knew she kept the tapes. All I had to do was play the part of the repentant daughter, gain some trust from my mother and sister and gain access to their house. It was easier than I thought possible, all it cost me at the time was a quick trip back to Iowa, a cruise for both of them and I had the house to myself. I eventually found the vid
eos and more and had all the proof I needed, my next order of business was finding Tessa. What I didn’t realize at that time was the repercussions my eagerness to learn the truth would have on my job as an FBI agent. It took me almost a year and a half to find her but Faith smiled down on me in somewhat of a tragic way when I saw her the day of the hostage situation.

  After settling my dad in at the hospital and promises of bringing her home I went to New York in search of Tess. New York was more difficult than I expected. Seems as though Tessa kept her past a secret from Connor who was undoubtedly in love with her and it all blew up after my mother and sister, who still had a hard-on for Tessa decided it was in their best interest to destroy anything good in her life and try and claim Connor as their own. Connor was livid after he found out about Tessa’s past having being touched by death through a drunk driver who killed his brother Jake and his wife Emily in a crash similar to that which Tessa was accused of. Using my badge I got my meeting with him, but after the true nature of my visit came to light he refused to listen to anything I had to say. Fortunately, common sense prevailed with the presence of the ever kind and caring Conrad Steele, Connor’s dad. I got my say. With everything out in the open and proof of Tess’s innocence Conrad took me to Tessa. After a tearful reunion filled with a world of truth I told her about dad and with the love and support of the people she surrounded herself with Tessa and I returned to Chicago.


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