Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 9

by M. P. Hingos


  The gentle shaking of my shoulders and the whispering of my name startled me out of my sleep.

  “I knocked but you didn’t answer. We have activity at one of the front windows. Cane is monitoring the situation,” Dell whispered.

  “Don’t make a move until he enters the house. I’ll secure Gabriel,” I whispered back and just as silently as he entered Dell exited.

  I gently shook Gabe’s shoulders and woke him.

  “Babe I need you to get dressed as quietly as possibly. We have activity in the house. You do not leave my side do you understand?”

  “Yeah, just promise me you’ll be careful okay,” he replied before pressing a hard kiss to my lips.

  I jumped off the bed and just like Gabe silently got dressed in the dark. Using the light from my cell phone I armed myself with the knife I kept with me and silently crept out of the room with Gabe following close behind. As my eyes adjusted to the shadows I crept downstairs and instantly sought Cane and Dell as they blended in the shadows in their pre-designated spots. Securing Gabe in our hiding spot my eyes fixated on the shadow creeping around in the dark. He stood in the middle of the living room taking in the personal space of his prey and as I saw the relaxed slouch of his shoulders and reassured myself he was not holding a weapon I let out a piercing whistle signaling to Cane and Dell to take him down. They were on him in seconds before he realized something was up and over four hundred pounds was gunning for him. I gave Cane and Dell the time they needed to properly secure him before turning on the light. It was exactly who I said it was. Bernie Wilson, an assistant of an assistant of an assistant who worked for Gabe. He was like wallpaper, invisible in a crowd. He was literally foaming at the mouth now and a streak of curses spewed from his mouth before he noticed Gabe standing behind me. His eyes dropped as if he was ashamed of his behavior and when he looked up again his eyes fixated on me.

  “This is all your fault. You came here and distracted him from his passion and kept him hidden away. How could you do that?” he screeched.

  Gabe stepped forward and before I could stop him he asked him,

  “Why were you stalking me?”

  “I wasn’t stalking you Gabriel. We work together. You and I have been a great team for years, making outstanding movies together.”

  Definitely disillusioned I thought to myself.

  “Okay so what gives with the photos?” Gabriel pushed on, surprisingly calm.

  “They were reminders of how great we worked together. You the star, the face the public wants and I controlling everything else. Don’t you see Gabriel our relationship is co-dependent on each other. Those photos were a reminder of that. That I know who you really are and I’m always watching your back.”

  If he kept rambling this was definitely going to be a long night but at least he was talking. I discretely signaled to Cane. It was time to get the cops involved.

  He was still talking when the cops arrived and they had no problem getting the whole story from him. He suspected I was responsible for Gabe’s seclusion so he took it upon himself to deal with what he saw as a problem. He told the cops he had every intention of getting rid of me, which was his purpose of breaking into the house. That I did not see coming and from the tightening of Gabe’s jaw when he heard that I knew it was taking all the self control he had to stopping himself from ripping Bernie apart.

  It didn’t take long after the cops arrived for the press to descend in full force. With a few phone calls Gabe had his public relations people racing to the house. It was almost six in the morning when an official statement was giving and everyone who needed to be updated on the situation was. With one final call to Connor in New York to update him, I finally hung up the phone and tumbled into bed with Gabe.


  Chapter 13

  Butterfly kisses on my neck and the gently massaging of my breast woke me. This was definitely becoming my favorite way of waking up. A tiny moan from me alerted him I was fully awake and within seconds his lips were on mine devouring and eliciting all the sexual awakening from my body. I couldn’t imagine my life without this and I refused to. Not now anyhow. I didn’t know where Gabe and I went from here but wherever we did I knew in my heart if it ended soon there wouldn’t be anyone out there who would be able to compare to Gabe. He entered me and in that moment I surrendered my heart, body and soul to him. I couldn’t allow myself to convey in words how I felt so I allowed my body to do my talking. I knew without a shadow of a doubt I was in love with Gabriel but with everything that’s surrounding my life I couldn’t embroil Gabe in the drama that followed me with a declaration of love. For now I would accept what was in front of me and when it was time to leave I would cherish the time I had with him.

  “Come for me baby,” he whispered with a labored breath.

  I lost control then and tumbled into the abyss he pushed me into every time he took me.

  “Good morning to you too,” I whispered, finally catching my breath.


  The day flew by with me dealing with the aftermath of my stalker, leaving me no time to deal with a problem I had that was way bigger than any stalker. It was forefront in my mind and making me extremely agitated and angry. After waking her up this morning to an intense session of fantastic sex I left and retreated to the study to make some phone calls. Two hours later I went in search of her but hung back when I heard her on her phone in the bedroom. The conversation she was having made me see red. If she thought now that her assignment was over I was simply going to stand by and allow her to jump on the first available flight back to New York she had another thing coming.

  Eight hours later and I was ready for a fight, whether she wanted it or not.

  I stepped into the bedroom just as she was coming out of the bathroom and from the looks of her, after a nice relaxing bath.

  She didn’t see me standing by the door as she dropped her towel and began rummaging through the drawer she took over for her sinful little scraps of underwear. The woman definitely had a sexy body. My body began reacting to hers and I quietly cursed myself as I began searching for things to think about to make my erection go away. I wanted a fight and needed to make her know there was no way in hell I was allowing her to leave tomorrow.

  Bunny rabbits! There’s nothing sexual about bunny rabbits. Sure they’re cute and fuzzy and have adorable little button noses and kids love them but there is definitely nothing sexual about them. Of course Ally has an adorable little nose as well. In fact she has the perfect nose to fit in with her beautiful face that goes with her slamming body that I want to possess every waking moment.

  Crap I’m getting even harder. Bunny rabbits my ass!

  “Hey you’re finally back. I didn’t hear you come in,” she said startling me out of my introspective.

  I smiled at her but from the look on her face it must have been a weird looking smile that made her think I was having some sort of mental aneurysm when infact I was actually chasing bunny rabbit away from my mind because she asked,

  “Gabe is every alright? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah everything’s fine. Just a long fucking day,” I sighed, trying to sound as normal as possible.

  “Long night and day right.”


  We stood in silence looking at each other and as much as I needed to say what I wanted to say I didn’t have the heart to start a fight with her. I wanted her to stay, no I needed her to stay but I didn’t want her to do so because I coerced her to. I needed her to see how good we were together and want to see where what we had between us was going and give it a chance because she wanted too.



  “You go first,” I said.

  She stood silent for a few seconds longer, nervously twisting her hands, completely oblivious to how adorable she looked when she was nervous as well as naked. Finally, with a deep breath she said,

  “I’m leaving tomorrow. Bu
t before I go I need you to know something. This….thing….between us Gabe…I’m not very good at expressing my feelings but….it means a lot to me. I’m not too sure where we go from here but I just wanted you to know that no matter what you decided, what we have between us is good….”

  “It’s not good Ally….”

  Her face fell. I walked up to her and stood toe to toe with her. Cupping her chin I pulled up her face so she had nowhere else to look but directly in my eyes when I said it.

  “It’s great, it’s extraordinary, it’s magical, and it’s everything I want.”

  The tears gleamed in her eyes and I knew without a doubt she felt everything I felt.

  “What do you want Ally?”


  “You have me baby….Stay, please?”

  With tears streaming down her face she nodded yes. I grabbed her and picked her up, her legs wrapped around me and then I kissed her. It wasn’t one of those greedy, sexually charged kisses where all I’m thinking about is ripping her clothes off and taking her before I exploded. No. This kiss was filled with the passion and the intensity of our emotions and promises of tomorrows and even though neither of us ever said it, it was filled with love.


  “Bite the bullet babe. You need to make that call.”

  I shot Gabe my most evil glare and he had the nerve to grin at my dilemma.

  “Why don’t you make the call. She’s your sister-in-law,” I snapped at him before picking up my phone for what seem like the tenth time.

  “And have my ass chewed out by a hormonally charged pregnant woman whose obsession with cheese cake has no bounds? No thank you. I’d rather you deal with that freight train.”

  Its been seven days since I made the decision to extend my stay with Gabe, giving this blinding attraction we have for each other a chance to see where it led and I must admit it’s blissful. It’s my own slice of paradise and I cherish every moment I have with Gabe. The sex was phenomenal and we couldn’t get enough of each other and then there were those cherished moments we spent trying to learn everything we could about each other as we took long walks, hand in hand on the beach or extra long baths. The only problem we had, as Gabe rightfully put it, was my hormonally charged pregnant sister. After the shit hit the fan with Gabe’s stalker we were bombarded with phone calls from his parents, Tyler and Mavis and Betsy, who’ve taken over the role of mothering me. To this day I’m still overwhelmed with emotions when I think about how I’ve spent most of my adult life with having only one person who really cared about me to having all these people love me unconditionally. My own mother and biological sister didn’t even care when I got shot on the job a couple years ago.

  “Ally stop procrastinating and make the call,” Gabe urged, standing in front of me in all his naked glory before stalking into the bathroom.

  If he didn’t have such a cute butt I’d try kicking his ass into tomorrow.

  Ah the call. That would be a call to Tess. When she found out about Gabriel’s stalker, which unfortunately happened to be while she was watching the news she went ballistic. She quickly put two and two together about my visit to L.A. According to Connor the only thing that settled her down was her favorite cherry cheesecake while he delicately spilled everything to her. Her frantic calls went from epic meltdowns and crying fits at the thought that someone was stalking Gabe and wanted to hurt me to being pissed off that no one had the balls to tell her the truth and me lying to her about my visit to L.A., which led to her yelling at me over the phone and demanding I get my butt on a plane and back to New York in one piece. Through all of her calls neither Gabe nor I confessed that we also had an intimate relationship, even though she subtly tried prying it out of us over the past week. Both of us decided that it was all new to us and wanted some extra time alone to see where we were heading. Our dilemma now was that Gabe wanted me to attend an awards dinner with him in two days, which would be our first public appearance together. The guilt of lying to Tess was getting to us because we loved her so much and then there was the fact that she was pregnant which meant she blew everything out of proportion and considering how calmly she reacted to the initial reason as to my visit to L.A. we didn’t even want to think how she’s react if she found out we were romantically involved from the tabloids. Considering Gabe couldn’t keep his hands off me whenever we were within arms reach of each other and him being adamant about not wanting to hide how much I meant to him from the public, we decided, despite my hesitation, to come clean about our intimate relationship to our family and friends, hence the first call to Tess.

  I swore if I wasn’t already half way in love with the man I’d practice some of my ninja skills on him for leaving me to deal with Tess by myself.

  The phone rang. Was there any chance that God would take mercy on me and let it go to voicemail and then I could just leave a quick message for her.

  “Hey Tess, it’s your sister Ally. Just calling to check up on you and see how my little nephew is treating you from the womb. Oh by the way sorry I lied to you but I wanted you to hear it from me, Gabe and I are sorta in a relationship. Love you, miss you.” Click

  That would be the ideal message.

  “Please don’t pick up, please don’t pick up, please don’t pick up…..”


  “Hey Tess…”

  “Hey Hun, how are you?”

  “Great,” I replied a little to quickly. “How are you and how’s my little nephew treating you from the womb?”

  “I’m great Al, and the little monster is definitely going to be a soccer player. He’s always kicking up a storm in there. Especially when he hears his dad’s voice.”

  “That’s so cute…..”

  “Al, you could cut the bullshit now. Are you calling to tell me you finally hooked up with Gabe and you wanted to tell me before I read about you two in the tabloids?”

  I almost choked on my own saliva as she continued.

  “I knew you were lying every time I brought the subject up. I could tell from your voice.”

  “I’m falling in love with him Tess….” There I finally said it out loud.

  A loud squeal came through the line.

  “Tess, I’m here because I want to give what we have a chance but I don’t see how this is going to work out. He lives here and I live in New York. His life is so public and I love my privacy. He has his life already sorted out and I’m still struggling to find balance in mine.”

  “Is the last part because you got fired from the FBI?” she asked.

  Wow, she was full of surprises. How the hell did she find out?

  “Ally, listen to me. I don’t give a rats ass you got fired. I wish you had told me when it happened so I could have been there for you, because that’s what sisters do. I’m not going to say I don’t feel partly responsible because I’m guessing whatever indiscretion you did was because of me. What I am grateful for is it did lead to me and it washed away the guilt I’ve had to live with for so many years. You and I, kid, we didn’t have it easy in the family and love department but everything we’ve been through led us to where we are today. We’re loved sis. We have the best and strongest support system standing with us and if you say you’re falling in love with Gabe then I know it’s the real deal. You would never open your heart if it wasn’t. When we found each other you gave up your life so we could be within walking distance of each other. Now I want you to know if staying in L.A. with someone I love as much as I love you means your happiness then do it. So what if I have to hop on Connor’s jet once or twice a month to see you? I would do anything as long as you’re happy.”

  The tears streamed down my face. This was not my hormonally charged sister talking. It was my clear, level headed sister who loved me unconditionally.

  “Thank you Tess.”

  “I love you sis. So tell me is he taking you to the awards show on Saturday?”


  Chapter 14


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