Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 13

by M. P. Hingos

  This got my attention. We were all huddled around as the authorities grew closer.

  “Jonah, did you at anytime go into the house?” I asked, knowing the answer before he replied.

  “Yeah, she forgot the wine-opener and asked if we could get one from inside the house. I don’t understand Ally, what does that have to do with anything?” he asked, sounding a bit defensive.

  “Did she go in the house with you?” I asked harshly, not really concerned with his feelings at this time.

  “Ally, what are you getting at?” he asked.

  “Jonah, just answer the question,” Gabe demanded, finally speaking.

  “Yes she did,” Jonah said and for the first time I heard the despair in his voice.

  “What happened after that Jonah?” I asked.

  “I left her in the foyer and went into the kitchen. When I came out she was on the phone. She said it was her boss and he needed her for something. She said she was sorry but she had to go and she left.”

  He was played and I knew exactly by who.

  “Jonah, does your girlfriend have short black hair, dark eyes and wears dark rimmed glasses?” I asked.

  He looked at me shocked and softly whispered, “Yes.”

  I heard the gasp from everyone. I could see the emergency vehicles coming full speed around the bend.

  “Do you have a picture of her Jonah,” I asked, hoping to God that he did and he had his phone with him.

  He pulled out his phone from his pocked and accessed his pictures. He showed me the first one he came across. I looked at a face I knew since birth and cursed myself for not recognizing her the night I saw her at the awards show.

  Gabe, Tyler, Dell and Cane all peered at the photo I was staring at and I heard the gasp from them all as they recognized the person whose face was etched in their memories.

  “No, Ally, tell me that’s not who I think it is,” Tyler exclaimed.

  “What the hell is going on here guys?” Marianna demanded.

  I looked at Jonah, feeling as though I owed him an explanation first and knowing his was another life Alexis screwed up.

  “Jonah, your girlfriend is my sister Alexis. She’s wanted for murder in New York and has a vendetta against my other sister Tess. She wants her dead and guessing by everything that went down here this evening, we’re all on her hitlist.”

  Jonah’s face turned pale under his tan and my heart hurt for him, but I couldn’t let that get in the way of what was priority and that was protecting the people I love. The cops came barreling up around us and I quickly turned to everyone and said,

  “Guys deal with the cops, tell them everything that happened. I need to make a call before I speak to them. Cane, Dell stick to these four like glue, Jonah, I need to borrow your phone.”

  I snatched the phone out of his hand and retreated to a secluded corner to make a call before the cops were on my ass like white on rice. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Gabe glaring at me. What was his problem? I just saved his ass from being blown to smithereens and he’s looking at me as if I just killed a puppy. I quickly dialed Max’s number and quickly scanned the area while I waited for the call to connect. I could only hope she was that arrogant that she’d come back to the scene of her crime. Other than the emergencies, lookie-loos were gathering as well as the press, whom I guessing had inside sources with the cops.

  “Hello,” Max’s voice barked, from the other end of the phone.

  I saw Gabe, striding towards me, his walk having purpose to it, his eyes capturing mine. He was still pretty much mad. My mouth became dry as he stood directly in front of me.

  “Hello,” Max’s voice barked again.

  “Max, this is Ally.”

  “Oh hey Chocolate thief. What’s up?”

  “Max I was right, she’s here,” I heard Max’s sharp inhale and continued, “Max she tried to blow up Gabe’s house tonight.”

  I quickly recounted the events of the evening without Max interrupting and only after he asked if everyone was fine and unharmed did he ask,

  “Tell me what you need Ally.”

  “I need you to do everything you can from your end to get the agency here to make finding her a priority before she disappears. I’m going to send you some pictures of her, it’ll make things easier. Also whoever’s taking lead down here is going to want to talk to Jonah, I’m going to take him down to the offices tonight after I speak to the cops here. You have to make them understand, this is priority. After that I’m getting everyone the hell out of here and back to New York. More protection there until we come up with something definite on her.”

  “Consider everything done, only I want you to stay at the house with everyone else, I‘ll have whoever’s in charge come to you. It’s safer that way. If she figures out that you’re on to her it’s likely she’ll try to hurt the kid. The chief owes me one so I’m going directly to him. He’ll get the ball rolling.”

  “Thank you Max. I owe you.”

  “No Ally I owe you. Alexis is my case and you just gave me my biggest lead. I’m guessing the California offices will have no problems cooperating on this one. You said you wanted to head back to New York so there’s no sense in me coming out there. I’ll work the leads here and speak to you and the kid as soon as you guys land okay Al.”

  “Gotcha Max. I promise you you’ll see us as soon as we land,” I promised.

  “And Al, everything by the book okay. You’re a civilian on this one,” he reminded me.


  Chapter 19

  It was after six in the morning and the sun was dazzling the California coast line with it’s beauty. Agents Collins, the agent who was now in charge of the bombing was the last to leave the house. He allowed me to sit in on the interview he had with Jonah, who by that time had composed himself enough to tell us what Alexis’s routine was for the three months that he was seeing her. She must have done her homework on Gabe and the working of his house previously to know that Jonah worked for him and it was no coincidence they met at the beach considering how much Jonah loved the water. Agent Collins had enough to try and track her, including a home address and workplace but I was still not taking chances with everyone’s safety, including Marianna’s and Jonah’s. Agent Collins was already briefed on our departure and promised to keep in touch with updates.

  Everyone was in agreement on our return to New York except Marianna and Jonah, but after my browbeating and a more finessed approach from Gabe they eventually came around. Gabe secured a private plane for us that was leaving in the two hours so after seeing Agent Collins out the door I hastily made my way to the bedroom to pack my stuff. I was running on pure adrenaline as was everyone else. I entered the bedroom and saw my suitcases packed and ready to go together with Gabe’s bags. He was still mad for God alone knows what reason and hadn’t spoken to me all night, but he was always present, close to me, listening and taking in all the information that was being passed around.

  I spun around as I heard the knock on the open door. It was Jonah.

  “Ally the cars are here,” he said as he reached for the bags.

  I reached for his hand and pulled him in for a hug. He held on to me as if his world had been pulled out from under him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said as a small sob escaped his lips.

  My heart was breaking for him. He talked about Melissa aka Alexis constantly and even though Gabe gave him a jokingly hard time about his alleged girlfriend we all knew he liked her a lot. I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me.

  “Hey none of this is your fault okay. If not you she would have found some other way to get to Gabe. She’s my blood and I’m sorry there is no way I could make up for the hurt she caused you.”

  He was surprised by my statement.

  “Ally…no, you don’t understand. The moment she tried to hurt my brother and mom she was dead to me. Yeah I liked her a lot but I know now that the person I liked is not who she is. She’s a cold hearted bitch and murderer. I’m
just sorry I didn’t see through her. I gave her so many opportunities to meet Gabe but she always came up with an excuse I should have known something was off about her, especially since she would always ask about him. Tonight when she called to say she was coming over I didn’t even stop to think that earlier that evening I told her everyone was going out. Ally when I think about what could have happened tonight I want to strangle her with my bare hands. How is Gabe every going to trust me again after this? How can I trust anyone after this?”

  I felt his presence near me. He came into the room and grabbed Jonah in a hug. He released him and looked him straight in the eyes to make his point.

  “You and your mom are family to me. You’re my brother no matter what. You did not do anything wrong. You were used and I am sorry that happened but at the end of the day I’m happy you’re safe and she didn’t hurt you. Jonah, if you can’t trust anyone trust me okay. I love you and none of this is your fault.”

  Jonah knew to trust his instincts and knew in his heart everything Gabe said was the truth. He relaxed and nodded his head to Gabe and I could see a burden had been lifted off his shoulder.

  In the air everyone seemed relieved to be leaving a dangerous California behind and relaxed little. The shades at the windows were pulled down after a much needed breakfast and I watched over everyone as they succumbed to sleep. I looked at the sleeping man, who I loved with all my heart, next to me. The easy rise and fall of his chest and the soft little grunts coming from him reassured me he was safe for now. Mad but safe. He was still not talking to me except for general conversations that involved other people and I keep wracking my brain, trying to figure out exactly what I did that had him this mad but kept coming up with nothing.

  I really didn’t want to see our relationship end this way but if he didn’t talk to me I didn’t see it ending any other way. I knew the relationship had to end sometime. I couldn’t very well stay in California doing nothing and Gabe’s life was back there. I didn’t believe in long distance relationships and even if he didn’t want this to end I didn’t see it working out as a long distance relationship. Also now that I knew Alexis was out for blood and was targeting the Steele family I had to be on my game. I may not be an FBI agent anymore but I wasn’t going to sit back and watch my psychotic sister try and harm the people I loved.

  There were three SUVs with extra security waiting for us at the airport thanks to Connor. A phone call to him during the early hours of the morning had updated him on the events of the night and with the reassurance that Max was handling everything and we were on our way to New York he went about calling in every one of his security personnel. I asked him to promise me he wouldn’t tell the rest of the family, especially Tess about what had happened. I didn’t need them all worrying just yet and knew it would be easier to break it to them if they could see for themselves that we were all unharmed. He promised but made it clear that as soon as we landed we had to tell everyone the truth not to cause reason for alarm but for their own safety. I agreed.

  We deboarded the plane and much to my surprise Sterling, Connor’s head of security who never left his side, was there to meet us. I guess this was Connor’s way of ensuring his family made it safe to his home. Any other time I would have joked that the other five security guys he also sent may have been overkill but with everything that has happened I was happy to have them there.

  Sterling quickly guided us to the SUVs, dividing us up and assigning security and car to everyone but quickly shut up when he saw Gabe grab me and literally drag me to one of the SUVs. Ungraciously shoving me into the back seat he got in with a huff as Sterling got into the front passenger seat. Linc, a member of the security team took the wheel. I settled down in my seat as we pulled out and quickly pulled out my cell phone. A few seconds later I had Max on the phone, informing him we had landed and were on our way to Connor’s penthouse. With a quick promise to meet us there later that afternoon he hung up before I could ask him if there was anything new to report. Something was up. From his behavior, I knew something was up and it’s either he couldn’t tell me because there were ears close to him or it’s because he needed to be one hundred percent sure before saying anything. There was nothing more I could do now other than wait.

  I turned to Gabe, his silence really pissing me off now.

  “What’s with the bug up your ass?” I asked.

  He just sat there, a stone look on his face as he looked out the window. I poked him on the shoulder, hoping he’d turn and face me.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you,” I said, thankful that Sterling and Linc had the good sense to watch the road ahead of them.

  He finally turned and looked at me.

  “What do you want Ally?”

  “What’s with the bug up your ass?”

  “You think I have a bug up my ass?” he asked, his anger seeping through his pores. “I have a bug up my ass says the woman with a death wish.”

  “What the hell are you talking about Gabe?”

  “You know bloody well what I’m talking about or is it everyday day you grab live bombs and run with them. Maybe you didn’t get the memo Ally but you no longer work for the FBI. You were fired!” he shouted at me inside the car.

  Even for him that was a low blow. It was the sore spot in my life and to have it thrown in my face by Gabe off all people was too much for me.

  “Oh…” I guess he wasn’t done as he continued, “ and when were you going to tell me your sister was hunting my ass in L.A.? Huh? You choose to treat me like I was a victim needing handling instead of coming to me in the first place with that little bit of tid-bit. Tell me Ally how the fuck am I supposed to trust you if all you care about is playing fucking G.I. Jane?”

  All the anger I felt towards Alexis unleashed. I looked him straight in the eyes and spat my words at him,

  “Fuck you Gabriel Steele.”

  He looked at me with wide eyes, as if the words that spewed out of his mouth finally caught up with his brain. He tried reaching for me but I pulled away, squeezing my body in the corner furthest from him.

  “Ally….” he said, this time softer, reaching for me once again.

  “Keep you fucking hands off of me Gabriel. Don’t fucking touch me…ever again.”

  That seemed to have set him back to where he was before, his expression turning to stone once again. My head throbbed and all I wanted to do was get away from him. I was relieved when Linc turned in to the parking garage of Connor’s building. All the passengers from all three SUVs got out and everyone form the California flight together with Sterling rode up the elevator to the top floor. Gabe and I both stood at the front on opposite ends, refusing to look at each other. As the doors opened we both rushed out and stomped our way down the short corridor with the others following with questioning eyes. Gabe flung the doors open to Connor’s penthouse, stomped inside only stopping when he realized I continued down the corridor to my apartment. I could hear Connor, who apparently was in the foyer as Gabe entered, asked “What’s wrong? And why didn’t Ally come in.”

  No answer from him.

  I quickly opened my door as Tyler made his way into the penthouse declaring “Love, brother, love is what happened. It makes you do and say stupid things.”

  My heart jumped alittle.

  Before retreating into my apartment for some much needed alone time I heard Gabriel’s shout, “Fuck you Tyler.”

  I guess this was definitely the end of the relationship.


  Chapter 20

  I needed a few minutes alone, to regroup my thoughts and get the moody jerk out of my mind. To know that I screwed up with my job was one thing but to have it thrown in my face by the only man I loved was just to much. Everything inside me was bubbling, my stress with having an asshole psycho of a sister trying to kill people I loved, stress of loosing my job, stress of having my brief but emotionally charged relationship with Gabe come to an end and stress of keeping everyone safe rose to the surface. It all ca
me out in harsh sobs as I threw myself on my bed and broke down. I was always good under pressure but this was building for far to long and Gabe was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. I cried for the whole god-dammed mess my life was turning into, not feeling sorry for myself but for the consequences my actions had for the people around me.


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