The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3) Page 7

by Cleo Scornavacca

  I sat nursing my beer as the quiet observer in the kitchen of Dominick and Rain's shore house. Rain was busy getting the bottles for the twins and cooking the side dishes for tonight’s dinner. Even after our little display in the driveway, Rain was happier than I had ever seen her. She was content and without a doubt in control. Rain was home.

  I had originally decided not to discuss how I have felt lately, but all at once, I needed to get Rain’s opinion on my journey into self-reflection.

  "Rain, when you're done, can we talk?" My request sounded awkward. It shouldn't have, Rain and I could say anything to each other. That would never change. I was second-guessing myself. Rain was dealing with so much, maybe now wasn’t a good to have a heart to heart, but I needed my best friend’s insight.

  Rain immediately stopped what she was working on and then turned to face me. "This has to be about Raven. You wouldn't be acting so formal if it wasn't. So, tell me, what's been going on between the two of you, really?” Rain walked to the island where I was seated and leaned in close, as she rested her upper body against the cool surface, she prepared herself for what I was about to say. She focused on me intensely and a small smile played on her face.

  She wasn't going to make this easy for me or maybe I was the one who was making it hard.

  Here goes nothing.

  I froze. “Fuck, this is harder than I thought.”

  “Tommy, how hard could this be? You know you can tell me anything with no judgment. Well, with some judgment, but you know I’ll always try to understand.” Rain reached out and squeezed my forearm, leaving her warm hand there for support.

  I looked down to collect my thoughts. Then when I looked up and saw Rain’s beautiful and understanding face; I knew it would be okay. I needed to tell someone about my distraught feelings lately and Rain was probably the best person, the only person for that.

  “This isn’t easy for me, Rain.”

  “It’s easier than you think; spill it.”

  “You know that Raven and I slept together. Since that time, I can’t seem get her out of my head, Rain. At first, I thought it was that I missed her the last few weeks and yet that wasn’t it at all. I think the part that I missed were the feelings I had been experiencing when she and I slept together, not feelings for Raven in particular, but feelings for another person in general. I hadn’t felt like that in a long time and I guess the connection between Raven and myself reminded me that my life wasn’t complete.” I admitted, not just to Rain, but to myself as well.

  “I noticed things with you were not right when you came back from California on your last trip there. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you about it before.”

  “It’s not your fault, baby. When I went out there it wasn’t like the other times I visited LA. I didn’t feel like surfing or going out. As I had told you, I was supposed to meet this model, but I just couldn’t get myself to go. I had no motivation and I couldn’t wait to get back home.”

  “Tommy, you’re angry for the way our lives have turned out, aren’t you? I mean, are you angry with me for marrying Dominick?” Rain was hesitant to ask these questions, but I had the feeling she’d been wanting an answer to them for quite some time.

  “Rain, I’ve told you this before, I’m not angry with you. I know that it looks like this all started when Dominick took you, but I had been feeling out of sorts long before that. I’m all messed up. I feel like I’m being pulled in a million directions and I don’t know which road to take.” I confessed.

  “You said it started long before Dominick and I had gotten together? Just how long? Why didn’t you ever say anything to me?” Rain seemed hurt that I didn’t admit this sooner.

  Rain wanted me to elaborate more, but just then, Kane walked in. I for one was happy that he did. I truly didn’t have any of the answers to the questions Rain was about to ask. I had buried everything that I felt for so long that I wasn't even sure why my feelings were the way they were.

  I decided that was my cue to head upstairs to my room and possibly check on Raven before dinner. I kissed Rain on the cheek and thanked her for listening.

  “You know you can come to me with anything.” She smiled and gave me a much-needed hug.

  I left Rain in the kitchen to finish cooking and help Dominick with the twin’s bottles. I suspected she may have also had to do some ego building where her husband was concerned. He appeared to be brooding after seeing Rain and me together.

  All in all, dinner was great. Raven turned in early, so Rain made a plate for her to take to her room. It was nice to relax and enjoy a quiet evening. Even Kane was on his best behavior. Fatherhood seemed to agree with him. He enjoyed feeding his children and putting them to bed. Although, I suspect Rain had a talk with him once I left them alone in the kitchen together.

  After dinner, I helped Rain clean up and then we said our goodnights. Rain told me not to worry and that we would talk more in the morning.

  I went upstairs and looked in on Raven. She was fast asleep. I let her be and headed to bed, myself. For the first time in weeks, I quickly crashed and for that,t I was grateful.

  Chapter Seven

  Family Life


  After I finished up in the kitchen, I headed into the nursery to find my handsome husband rocking our twins to sleep. I stood in the doorway in silence. I didn’t want him to see me just yet. I wanted to look at my beautiful family. A family that I never thought I would ever have when I was younger. I can’t believe it took me being kidnapped to find the love of my life and the father of my children. Probably not the way most women want to get a significant other, but I’m not going to complain. I couldn't be happier.

  Dominick looked up and his eyes locked with mine. He gave me a small content smile. Dominick was peaceful, a feeling that I never thought would ever describe my control freak husband, but it was true. He was at peace. His relationship with Anna and Joseph had been going very well. He and Daniel had a better connection as brothers and Dominick and my dad were getting along beautifully at the firm. Things just couldn’t get any better than this.

  Dominick came over to me and kissed my mouth. His lips were warm. This man owned my every emotion, but his insecurities didn’t allow him to believe it.

  “Help me put our babies to bed, Angel. Then it will be our time.” His voice was soft and sexy.

  I knew what he wanted and I wanted him, too.

  I carefully took Joseph,Jr. from Dominick’s arms and he carried Angel over to their cribs. We laid them down gently, as not to wake them. So far, they were both on the same schedule, but I wasn’t going to count on that lasting forever.

  We both stood there with our arms around each other like we did every night since I came home from the hospital and stared at our babies sleeping. We listened to their familiar coos and watched their bellies rise and fall in unison.

  When we knew it was safe to leave, we made our exit. Dominick and I walked hand in hand to our room and closed the door. We didn’t want to disturb the babies or Tommy and Raven, for that matter. We had the monitor nearby to keep a close ear on the twins.

  Dominick was in bed first. I climbed in and settled down next to him, my back to his front. He wrapped his arms around me and I placed mine over his.

  “Happy, Rain?”

  “Absolutely, Mr. Kane,” I could feel his smile against my cheek from the answer I gave him.

  “So, did you and Tommy have a good talk?”

  “Yeah, but it’s not what I suspected.”

  “So he doesn’t have it bad for Raven?”

  “No, I’ve never seen Tommy act like this. I mean, he’s had his fair share of ladies, so at first I thought he was just handling his attraction to my sister as he had in the past, but he seems to be dealing with something else.”

  “Either that or he was more worried what you would say when he told you about him having feelings for Raven.” Dominick stated.

  “He was worried about Raven, but not for the reasons I had first thought
. I’m not sure what is going on with him, but I told him that I would do my best to help him through all of it, no matter what it is. Between you and me, I don’t think Tommy himself even knows exactly what’s bothering him at this point.”

  “Well, whatever it is, I’m sure he will confide in you at some point, Angel. The two of you have been friends forever and with that kind of friendship comes a lifelong trust. I’m sure when he is ready, he will eventually come around and you will be the first to know what’s eating at him. Until then, I don’t want you to worry yourself over it. It’s not healthy. Besides, you are going to have enough to deal with now that Raven is going to be our houseguest for a while.” Dominick gave me an obscure grin.

  I laughed. “You're not kidding. If I know my sister, she is going to be a handful. You better brace yourself for that.” I playfully warned, yet I was serious too.

  “I’m not overly concerned. I won’t under any circumstances allow anyone, including your sister, jeopardize your health. I know that I agreed that she could stay here and recuperate, but if she so much as stresses you out with her drama, she will be shipped back to your father and then he can take care of her.” Dominick was adamant.

  I understood where he was coming from, but my dad was in no condition to deal with Raven and her personal problems. Especially since he was still recovering from the accident, his brain injury, and the investigation into the entire messy situation.

  “Don’t worry, Dominick, it will all work itself out. I just think the road will be slightly longer and slightly harder where Raven is concerned and Tommy too for that matter.”

  “I’m sure we are in for that same long, hard road.” Dominick stated.

  “And how is that, Mr. Kane?” I curiously asked.

  “Because I know that my pretty little wife is going to try to help her best friend and her difficult, demanding sister along the way, especially now that Raven is sick.” He chuckled, as he gave my body a tight and supportive squeeze.

  “Please be okay with this, Dominick. You have to understand that Tommy has always been there for me. Now, this is my chance to help him and repay all of the kindnesses and love he has always shown me. Plus, my sister is no walk in the park and you said it yourself, she’s sick right now. I need to help them. Please, understand.” I turned and touched my husband’s cheek, as I searched his eyes for an answer.

  “ I told you I do understand, Angel, as long as it doesn’t interfere with us and our family. We have had our fair share of craziness, Rain. Now it’s our time. Deal?”

  “Deal.” I smiled and slowly placed my lips on Dominick’s mouth.

  As our kiss deepened, Dominick lightly slid his hand down my lower back and reached in between my legs to explore the soft delicate lace and my aroused center that the material shielded. I was so ready for this. The last few evenings, the twins were restless and waking up in the middle of the night, during our mommy and daddy time. And…tonight… wouldn’t be any different. Just as Dominick was about to slide my panties down, the sound of those familiar soft cries came from the baby monitor, first our little girl and then our little boy.

  Dominick paused and lowered his forehead to mine in defeat. We both started to quietly laugh. Then we got up and went to get the twins.

  We climbed back into our bed, with both of our babies in our arms and together as a family, we fell fast asleep.

  This was our new normal. Dominick and I had no complaints. We couldn’t have been more happy or content.

  Chapter Eight

  A Heart to Heart


  I woke up early again today. I found myself getting up at this time almost every morning since the twins and I came home from the hospital. I didn’t want to miss a minute of their day. I lost out on being present during their birth. Yes, I was there, that goes without saying, but I missed out on experiencing it as their mom, so I vowed that I would not miss another moment of their lives, as long as I could help it.

  Today, the house was very quiet. All of the occupants, including the twins, were still fast asleep. I had set the clock on the coffee pot last night, so it would be ready for me this morning. I grabbed a mug and headed out onto the patio. It was already warm outside. I sat down in the direction of the sun and tilted my chin up to allow my face to drink in the golden rays that settled on my skin.

  It felt good to relax and to do nothing but listen to the waves crashing along the shoreline, while the Seagulls circled playfully overhead, and enjoy this peaceful moment.

  Or so I thought………….

  The pounding on the front door wasn't nearly as loud as my sister’s voice. I ran inside, so I could stop her craziness before she woke up the whole house, especially Tommy.

  As I entered the living room, I collided with a very angry Mr. Kane. He grabbed my shoulders to steady me, as I held onto to his forearms.

  “Baby, your sister better have a very good reason for pounding on our door this early in the morning. What did she do? Lock herself out?” Dominick gave me his ‘I mean business,’or else’ look.

  Just as I was about to break out of his grasp to get the door and put a stop to my sister’s physical assault on our home, Tommy came barreling down the stairs barefoot, in jeans and no shirt. His hair was all over the place, which indicated to me that Raven’s shrills invaded his deep sleep. He appeared more annoyed than Dominick.

  Tommy placed his left hand on the wall next to the door and his right hand on the doorknob. He paused for just a minute and took a deep breath to get his bearings and to quell his anger.

  Tommy opened the door fast, which allowed Raven to tumble in onto the foyer floor. Dominick chuckled aloud, as he didn’t even try to hide his amusement or satisfaction. Tommy stood over Raven with a crooked, but satisfied smirk on his face, as well. I shook my head and went to help my twin off the floor.

  I reached out my hand to get her up. She placed her hand in mine and I pulled her towards me. Once standing, she looked at each of us, and then her eyes settled on Tommy. He wasted no time in teasing her.

  “Perfect way to make an entrance, babe. It seems to me that you've been doing that a lot lately.” Tommy grinned.

  She pushed my hand away and walked right up into Tommy’s face.

  “Happy to be able to entertain you, babe.” Her sarcasm was palpable, her scowl was worse.

  She turned away in a huff and approached me. Then she pulled me close for a hug, but I knew what she was really doing. She was fishing for answers.

  She whispered softly in my ear. “I locked myself out and what is Tommy still doing here?”

  I smiled at Tommy devilishly over my twin’s shoulder, as I answered my sister’s burning question.

  I pulled away and addressed Tommy.

  “Tommy, Raven wants to know what you’re still doing here?”

  “Rain, I could have done that if I wanted to.” Raven seemed even more agitated now than a minute ago.

  “I thought that you and Rain would come to your senses and realize that I need my rest and that you would do the right thing and leave. I thought that you would be the sensible one, Rain, and ask Tommy to leave this morning before I got up.” Raven then turned towards me for more of an explanation.

  “You thought wrong.” I simply stated.

  At this point, Dominick walked up to the conversation, circled his arms around my waist and answered my sister’s question.

  “Rain told you, Raven, that you could stay on one condition. Not to disrupt our home, and she also told you that included having Conte here as well. You know perfectly well that traffic heading back to the city after all of the holiday celebrations today will be ruthless, so Rain felt that it would be best if Tommy left for Bali tomorrow.” Dominick explained, while Tommy gave me a teasingly curious look.

  I tried to hide my grin, because Tommy knew that I hadn’t told Dominick the whole truth about why I wanted Tommy down here for the rest of the weekend, but now he found out by Dominick’s announcement, the excuse I used in plac
e of the true reason. Well, some of it was true. The traffic heading back to the city on Labor Day Monday would be ruthless as Dominick put it, but the part that I elected not to tell my husband was that as long as Tommy had to drop Raven off, he might as well go over the investigation with me while Dominick worked on some of his cases.

  Let’s face it, I couldn’t possibly tell Mr. Kane about my idea to investigate the red-haired woman on my own or that I enlisted Tommy’s help, as well. He would freak out. That’s the last thing I needed. I knew my secret was safe with Tommy. Raven would rest up and not realize that Tommy and I had a completely different agenda for the weekend and the weeks following Tommy’s trip to Bali.

  “Raven, you know why Tommy had to drive you down here so abruptly last night. That didn’t need further explaining and you knew he wasn’t leaving, so can I ask why all the drama? Why were you pounding on our front door this morning?” I asked


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