Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel)

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Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel) Page 17

by Adriana Jones

  “Don’t say sloth. I’ll get too excited.”

  We eventually moved in closer toward the coast, drifting to a spot where I could peer down and see coral, wavering hues of bright violet and orange underneath the surface.

  “This is it.” Adrenaline rushed in me as a few fish zoomed past, and I pointed at them as they tried to flee, but the water was so clear that I could see underneath as far as my eye allowed.

  Lucas held me steady as I peered over the edge. He didn’t want me going in just yet. “Tia, we’ve got to get our suits on.”

  Suits. Oh right, scuba suits—tight fitting, impossible to fit into scuba suits.

  “Shit,” I muttered.

  “What?” He cocked an eyebrow on me.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Come on, what is it?”

  “I hope you have a suit that fits me.”

  Lucas caught my hips, thrust me ahead, and then gave me a smack on my ass. The slap echoed ahead with my tiny yelp, and I hoped no one heard it, but I knew they did.

  “I’ve got your size. Camilla reminded me that I would need your measurements, and because you went shopping with her yesterday, I was able to arrange it.”

  “I should thank her then.”

  “And me. I thought about seeing you slip into a tight suit, but seeing those curves busting out of a skin-tight suit...hell no, I’m not interested in giving this crew an eyeful like that. That’s all for me.”

  “Thank you, Lucas. I'm excited once again.” And thank you, Camilla, for having my back.

  The crew handed us our gear and we strapped in. It fit me snugly. Lucas had picked the right fit. While he might’ve picked something tamer than last time, he still paid close attention to every move I made as his eyes feasted on my curves.

  “I want to fuck you right now,” he breathed as he wrapped his arms around me, pressed his fat cock against my back, and then let me slip away.

  “We can’t right now.”

  “Too bad I can’t fuck you while we’re under water.”

  “You’ve got a thing for me in tight fitting clothing, don’t you?”

  “Fuck, you’ve got that right. We’re taking that back to our room later.”

  Our room. I liked the way that sounded.

  Before we could continue flirting, the head instructor returned and began to go over the rules again. They were a little scary, but since this would be potentially dangerous, they were necessary. We listened closely. Then we were taken to our positions, strapped into our oxygen tanks and our masks, and awkwardly using fins for feet, waddled over to the edge of the ship.

  Usually, someone from the crew would come along to monitor the dive. For us, they would do their monitoring onboard. Lucas had enough diving experience so they weren’t worried.


  I gave him a nod. My heart thud against my chest. Why was I so nervous?

  “Go,” he shouted.

  We took the plunge and toppled backward into the water. Because we were wearing the heavy tanks, it was easier than I expected, and the next moment I was underwater and trying to orient myself.

  I took a careful inhale. The oxygen was still working. Good.

  Lucas swam beside me, like a freakin’ sexy merman through the water. The edges of my lips started to curl, but it was hard to smile with the mouth piece. He took off downward and dived toward the bottom of the ocean, leaving me behind.

  “Wait up,” I wanted to scream, but the mouth piece. Gotta remember the mouth piece.

  I caught up to him. Then I waved for him to stay with me. Lucas splashed around with a nod, then took off again, this time slower, allowing me to swim by his side. I could already feel my heart hammering and my chest tighten as I marveled and wanted to see more.

  Schools of yellow fish floated past our eyes. We hung back and watched them swirl in streaks of color, then move away from us, done with their show. As we began to continue past a moss colored anemone, the sea floor dipped to flat sand and Lucas shot his arm out to brace me from going forward.

  I stopped and looked ahead.

  Four stingrays skimmed the bottom of the ocean. He turned around, and I could make out the lines around his eyes, he was staring me down hard so that I wouldn’t go pet one. Once they carried on, at least far enough where they weren’t in our direct path, we continued.

  When we broke through that vacant clearing, we came to an area teeming with all sorts of marine life. I looked up to see different patterns of fish covering my view. The ocean was filled with life, dancing around us, and as I focused above, a striped golden black fish with plenty of fins chugged along while smacking its lips. It bobbed across my eye line, as if to say, “Hey, keep it moving.”

  Lucas cut to the left. I tried to keep up with him as he swam much quicker than I was used to. We came to a halt again, at a spire of violet and venetian red coral. It was beautiful. Tears started to well in my eyes as I looked upon it, knowing that soon we would be exploring it.

  He waved again, and I followed closely this time, then overtook him. I dipped lower to be flat with the coral as hiding fish scattered. I reached out, running my fingers over it, surprised by the roughness, since it looked so beautiful.

  Lucas took my hand. I was unsure where he would take me. Why did it seem like he knew this place already? He swam with such confidence.

  We crossed over the top of the coral and then rounded the spire. On its opposite side, there was a small resting place in the shape of a heart. I squeezed his hand tightly as I peered down at it, unsure if my eyes were screwing with me, because I could’ve sworn that there was something resting in the indentation.

  Violet anemones swayed around us as I unlatched myself from him. I reached down and took that shining object out from the heart shaped hole in the coral. The box was covered with shining black and silver paint, and it looked highly out of place. My suspicion was that Lucas had planted it.

  I didn’t want to rush to conclusions. I held it out in my palms for Lucas to see. Was this a present for me? I saw his chest rock with laughter.

  So...he did plant the box.

  I started to fuss with it, turning it over, trying to discover how to open it, but then I noticed the lock, and when I picked my head up, Lucas was shaking his head. There was no way I would open it without a key.

  I poked at his chest, the only place where I could where I wasn’t afraid of messing up all the important tubes. He swam back, avoiding my jabs, then shrugged and threw up his arms. There was no way I was going to keep swimming around with this mystery box in my hands.

  We needed to head up. Right away.

  When I pointed to the surface, I expected Lucas to stop me. Except he took off, launching himself up with a well-placed kick, not before taking my hand. I kept the box pressed to my chest and allowed him to do most of the work, my feet paddling steadily to help us break the surface.

  The crew helped us on board the ship. With my mask off, I didn’t wait long to scream at Lucas, asking him what on Earth he’d done.

  He stood over me holding a brass key. He must’ve had it sitting nearby, or maybe one of the crew members hid it for him.

  I stood up on unsteady legs. I clutched the box, tears blurring my vision. I had hopes, but I didn’t want to run wild with them, otherwise my disappointment might destroy me.

  “Go on, open it,” he said, flashing me his wide, white grin. I didn’t like the look of that.

  “Lucas, what did you do?” I fiddled with the box. My fingers were shaking as I popped the key in.

  “Just open it. Then you can scream at me.”

  And I did. I screamed.

  “What is this?” I asked him, over and over. I held up a ring. An engagement ring? I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to believe. It was giant, a big block of diamonds that must’ve cost a fortune.

  I rushed him and tackled him in an embrace. Lucas remained firm as he tilted my chin up to look at him, with tears streaming down my eyes, I could hardly trace my thoughts or
my movements or anything going on around me, it was all a whirlwind.

  When I came back from my stupor, I remembered my lips blabbering. And then I heard my words. I’d been asking the same thing, over and over, “What is this? Lucas, what is this?”

  Lucas dropped to his knees.

  That’s when I wanted to bawl my eyes out. I remained firm, not wanting to ruin it by exploding into tears—even if they were tears of joy.

  “Tia, will you marry me?”

  “Yes, Lucas, yes!”

  He got to his feet, and I embraced him again. I couldn’t peel myself from his chest, but he did instead, lifting me off my feet, spinning me in the air, then landing me down with a passionate, lingering kiss.

  I realized what he’d been planning all along. Why he’d been dragging himself around on no sleep. To set everything up for me. To make everything right.

  “Lucas, yes, I’ll marry you,” I repeated again, overjoyed at the words, and I wrapped my arms around him, never wanting to let go until the date.

  Chapter 19

  We were married on the beach. Not long after we came back from Costa Rica, we went back again, this time with all of our friends and family. We didn’t have much family to bring, but that was okay. A small wedding would suit me just fine, and the friends I did invite were able to make it.

  Lucas wanted the ceremony to move fast. He didn’t like to waste time. I was fine with that as well. The sooner we were married and bound together forever, the better.

  Of course, he offered to pay for the wedding. I argued, but he didn’t want to hear it. He told me that I brought enough to the table, so I didn’t argue that the wedding was too extravagant, and I didn’t argue when he tried to pay for everyone’s plane tickets.

  “I’m a billionaire. Let me be one for once. At least, I’ll be doing something good with it,” he told me, and I allowed him, this time.

  I wanted my mother to have the trip of her life. She’d never left America and we feared she wouldn’t make it with her injuries, but I went with her and helped her the whole way, acting like a veteran traveler now. Lucas stayed with me, and he clicked instantly with my mother, who heard way too many good things about him and pretty much had her mind made up already.

  The ceremony didn’t last long. It was to the point, and it was beautiful.

  “Tia, I promise to protect and care for you until the end of our days. I promise that whenever you need me, I’ll be there. You are the light in my life, and I will never leave your side. Forever, and always, it’s us. Nothing, could, or will ever, stop our love.”

  My vows weren’t quite as elaborate, not like Lucas cared. His eyes were lustful, his confidence peaking as he snatched me up and then rushed in for a kiss. He tangled my tongue with his, then bound me to him. This wasn’t some meek kiss at the end of the ceremony, this was a ravishing, in true Lucas fashion.

  He unbound me, and I laughed drunkenly. We threw up our clasped hands as he took me down the aisle to be congratulated.

  It was time for the festivities to be begin.

  Lucas and I danced on the beach with the rest of our guests. I spent most of the time cradled in his arms for the slow dances. We would depart and meet up with the rest of the guests, most of them drinking near the resort’s bar, right on the beach. Everyone had a wonderful time, and some of the girls from the competition—most notably Nicole and Cara, were invited to join in on the festivities.

  They were in good spirits, and they kept ragging on me and Lucas about how the game had been rigged from the get go. It was all good-natured fun. They weren’t my competition now. They never were. They knew it, and they were there to honestly congratulate me. Plus, I figured, to take advantage of the beautiful beach, which I certainly didn’t blame them for.

  “I wish my father would’ve come. I think he would really like you, if he got to know you,” Lucas whispered to me when we were slow dancing.

  I knew it was a painful subject. But I told him, “It’s okay. He’ll eventually come around.”

  He brightened. “I think you’re right.”

  The rest of the song was magical. Lucas kept me close. We swayed as night began to fall, casting a star filled glow over the crystal clear waters. He rubbed his chin against my neck, I cooed, and he brushed further, rubbing his lips against my earlobes.

  “Lucas, don’t do that.”

  “Why not?” He grinned.


  “Because why?”

  No one else was paying attention. They were matched up with their own partners, or in conversation, or drunk off the never ending bar.

  “’re getting me excited.”

  He gripped my plentiful hips. His fingers curved inward, something which they should not be doing in public.

  “You know, I always wanted kids, a family. But I never met the right woman.”

  “Did you meet her?” I kept swaying, slowly, trying not to urge his fingers inward.

  “Yes, I think I did. And I’m...a little too excited myself, I think. Because ever since we started dancing, getting so close, I’ve wanted to tear her dress off, and make that baby.”

  He floored me. Lucas had never talked about having a family before, not like this. We’d fucked without a condom the night before he proposed, but I thought that was an anomaly. The whole time, had he wanted this, but been afraid of scaring me away?

  “We’re going to be alone soon,” he reminded me.

  “I know. Not soon enough.”

  “I can arrange that.”

  And with that he attempted to scoop my ass up. He might’ve been a little tipsy at this point.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, just ready,” he said, his gaze fixed on me. I believed him. I hadn't seen him have that much to drink.

  I stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Let’s go right now, if you’re ready.”

  “You didn’t let me pick you up.”

  “You’re not going to carry me all the way up to our room, are you?”

  “I planned on it.”

  “I want to get there right now, Lucas.” I looked around, scanning the crowd. It all seemed to be slowing down. “Do you think we could run away with no one noticing us?”

  “This is all for us, babe. We call the shots. If we want to go fuck and make some babies, no one is going to stop us. Hell, they’ll likely applaud us for it.”


  He placed me behind him and addressed the crowd.

  “Thank you all for coming. We’re off to consummate our marriage,” Lucas cried out, then we vanished as I laughed to myself, trying to keep up with his long strides. We moved as a single blur past the pool, up the cobbled path to the hotel.

  We had the penthouse suite that overlooked the ocean. There were multiple rooms, but the room that mattered was the bedroom, with the sprawling mattress and its sturdy headboard. In the elevator, Lucas couldn’t hold back. His hands roamed underneath my wedding dress. His lips curved across my neck to my shoulders. I was panting, pressed against the wall.

  “Lucas…” I moaned. I pushed him back a little.

  I did it for my own sake. My pussy was pounding so hard, that I knew I wouldn’t last long. Soon, I would have Lucas raw, and he would fuck me hard and deep and then slow and sensual, all of it passionate, as we connected, and he planted his seed inside of me again…

  Fuck, that was hot. And I didn’t peg Lucas for a guy who would want to do that. To jump into it. I expected years of me trying to persuade him to change his mind, instead I’d been met with this.

  My feet were moving on their own. I was suddenly in front of his door. He slid his keycard in and thrust it open. I walked in, and while the expansive, decadent space would usually take my breath away, it didn’t this time. I tossed myself on the bed, my dress flying around me and then settling, showing off the length of my thighs and the hint of my sheer panties.

  Lucas strode in while unbuckling his belt. Whipping it to the floor, he then
shoved the curtains closed.

  “Tia, you’re fucking unbelievable. Get over here, my love.”

  I dropped to my knees. Then I practically crawled over to him. My hands pressed against his thighs, with his muscles rippling at the sight of me, my tongue rolled against my lips, then I stuck it out, waiting for his hard cock.

  He pushed his black pants down. Lucas wrapped his fingers through my hair, steadying me to be taken. I didn’t think he was drunk, neither was I, telling from the amount of alcohol we had, but it sure felt like it.

  I lovingly swirled my tongue around his tip. I opened wider, letting him plunge past my lips, which cherished him, wrapping around him, like my pussy desperately wanted. I dug my fingernails into his thighs as I did a slight nod to tell him to go ahead use me, take me, take everything.

  “Mine, all mine. Finally, mine.”

  The blowjob wasn’t satisfactory for either of us. We both wanted the mattress, to entangle on the bed, and to make this even more real. He lifted me up quite easily, then dropped me down onto the bed.

  I remembered my hesitation before, how I might ask, “Are you sure?” No, I didn’t do that now. We were both sure. This was fate, unstoppable, and I wasn’t going to question it. I’d been a fool to question it before.

  We bounced on the mattress, and then he pushed more weight onto me, pinning me, kissing me, exploring lower with his hands. Lucas rounded circles on my thighs, then with a sure fire grin, he lowered and caught both of them, so he could eat me out and not be interrupted by my involuntary trembling.

  “Yes,” I cried.

  “Already slick, already wanting, I could shove myself into you already…” He flicked his tongue across my slit, tempting me. “But I like your taste.”

  I clenched. My pussy ached for Lucas to go deeper.

  He swirled his tongue. Then he delved in, thrusting his tongue in like a cock. Feasting on me, once he was done, he pulled away and let me pant and open my eyes.

  Lucas was on me. Then inside of me. I clawed the sheets, but they weren’t enough. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and with an escaping breath, as he pushed inside of me, I told him, “I love you.”


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