Lumber Jacked

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Lumber Jacked Page 32

by Chance Carter

  I kept repeating that to myself in my head as I started to boil the water, and I began to feel better. Mostly because I knew that it was a bold faced lie. He’d claimed me that afternoon. He’d taken me as his. Hunter wasn’t gone, he wouldn’t leave me, he would come for me. I could feel it in my bones. I just prayed I could resist him when the time came.

  I crossed myself as well, but suddenly knew nothing could protect me anymore. I had followed him down into the fire and my only hope was that he would have mercy on me.

  I could feel myself heating up as the lid on the pot started to rattle with boiling water.

  Chapter 20


  I drained what was left of the bottle of whiskey, threw it in the corner of the room, and lit a cigarette.

  “You know, every time you break something in here, I think you’re actually improving the place,” Deacon said. “They say cleanliness is next to godliness, Hunter. But maybe you killed the motherfucker that coined that phrase.”

  “I’m a filthy fucking man, Deacon. Don’t you forget it. Where are my fucking car keys?”

  “You’re fucking wasted is what you are,” Deacon laughed. “But fuck it. So am I. Your keys are probably in your pocket, asshole.”

  I reached in and fumbled around. My keys weren’t in my pocket. My keys weren’t anywhere on me. Why was it that you never noticed this shit until you were swimming in liquor? I looked around the room and tried to focus on the empty spaces for any sign of the little pieces of metal that would start my car and get me back on the road. No sign of them.

  Fuck. You’re slipping here, Hunter. First the diner, then getting caught up with that chick. Get your shit together, man.

  I kept looking around the apartment, kicking random objects out of my way, hoping the keys would jump out at me.

  Then it hit me.

  My keys must have fallen out at Kelly’s place. When I tore my clothes off and fucked her sweet brains out, my keys must have fallen to the floor.


  I was in such a goddamn rush to get the hell out of there I didn’t even notice, but that was the last place I had them. How could I be so fucking stupid? I split so fast and walked back to my place not even thinking about my car.

  Damn it, Hunter. Losing your mind over a piece of pussy.

  I couldn’t go back there right now. I’d either have to wait until later when she was asleep, or go tomorrow when she was at work. That girl kept fucking with my plans. Every time I tried to get gone, those green eyes and perfect body kept pulling me back. I started to think about creeping into her house after she went to bed and grabbing my keys, but my mind wandered to her. I thought about slipping into her room while she slept. I could see her lying there, beautiful, tits moving up and down with every breath she took in through her pouty lips. I thought about waking her up by sliding my tongue into her tight pussy, listening to her gentle moan, and then taking her again right there. I could feel my cock getting hard and I wanted to run back to her house right then.

  Deacon’s voice slapped me back into reality.

  “Hey! Where the fuck are those keys? We riding or what?”

  Soon, pal. Not soon enough, but soon.

  I tried to shake Kelly out of my mind and get back to the task at hand.

  “Listen, man. I don’t know where those motherfuckers are and I don’t feel like banging on doors to find them tonight. Wherever they are, they’ll still be there tomorrow. Some old broad probably found them and took them to her church lost and found or some shit. Who knows? Let’s just take care of business tonight and then I’ll fucking split tomorrow. This place I’m thinking of setting up in, it warrants some checking out before I set up shop anyhow.”

  “Oh yeah?” Deacon asked with a hint of excitement in his voice. “There’s a chance we might have to take this place from someone? Where you heading, pal, and who are we going to find there?”

  “You remember Gino? That old Italian fucker who tried to slide into the neighborhood a few years back?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Of course I do. Greasy fucker. No class. Liked his girls young. Too young. He tried to move in on your old man’s territory and then suddenly he was gone. Just up and left. What the fuck does he have to do with this?”

  “The place I’m heading used to be his and it should be sitting fucking empty. He used to bring his little ladies down there for a pervert’s getaway from the wife. A very select few scumbags knew about it and since he up and left, word is he doesn’t use it all that often anymore.”

  Deacon just smiled.

  “And how do you figure that?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Because he up and left to the bottom of the fucking Charles River after I showed him what I thought of pedophile pieces of garbage.”

  Deacon coughed and spit into the corner of the room, shaking his head in approval.

  “The white knight of Boston. You’re a fucking psychopath, Hunter.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t know about white knight. I took pleasure in gutting that motherfucker. I think you’re closer with psychopath.”

  Deacon walked toward the door.

  “You’re no psychopath, pal. Any man worth his salt would have gutted that pedophile if he had the stones.”

  He paused and put his flask back in his jacket pocket.

  “Well. Shall we go see if there’s any of his piece of shit, kid-diddling, friends still kicking around your new house? We can take my car and come back for yours later. I’ve got a couple pipes and a pistol in the trunk anyhow. Should be more than enough.”

  “Nah, pal. I’ll grab Denny’s truck from the shop. He won’t be using it tonight and if there are any fucks sitting in the place, maybe they’ll think the fat bastard is just cruising the property for parts. You follow me out in your machine and keep an eye out for any action. I’ve got a blade and pistol. I’m set. Feel free to jump in if the mood strikes you.”

  “Don’t you fucking think I won’t.”

  I grabbed the gun from the drawer and the steel from where I had dropped it after I almost sawed Dennis’s idiot head off earlier.

  Deacon pulled another bottle of whiskey from the box.

  “One for the road sounds about right, hey Hunter?”

  “Deacon, I can do this shit on my own. Why don’t you take that bottle, get in your ride, and get the fuck out of here? There’s no point in sticking around.”

  “Listen, asshole. I didn’t drive all the way here from Boston to get fucking drunk with you like we’ve done a thousand times and then take off. Like I said, you’re in the shit and, whether you or I like it, that means I’m in the shit too. We’re going to ride, we’re going to murder, and then I’m going to get the fuck out of here. But right now, we’re going to take care of this shit, together. You hear me? Together. One last time.”

  It felt good to hear him say that. It was nice to know someone else in the world had your back, even if I did live my life as a lone wolf. If I was in his shoes, I would be doing the same thing. Not because I had to, but because I fucking wanted to.

  “All right, you stupid motherfucker. One last time. Meet me around the corner at the shop and then follow me out. You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?”

  “Yeah, well look who’s talking. White knight psychopath motherfucker.”

  He walked past me and down the stairs as I shut the door behind me and locked up.

  You remember the key to your shithole apartment, but not the key to your fucking ride. Asshole.

  I started down the stairs and felt my blood begin to rise.

  Chapter 21


  “Well, little lady, that was a fine meal,” Grace said as she leaned back in her chair. “My compliments to the chef.”

  “The chef was you, Grace. No one beats your homemade sauce. All I did was heat everything up.”

  Grace leaned forward and rested her arms on the table.

  “Oh yes, I’m aware. I just wanted to bask in all my greatness for a
moment. But the sauce would be nothing without some pasta to go with it. Thank you for eating with me, sweetie. Always nice to have your company.”

  I could feel the satisfaction of a home cooked meal in my stomach. Looking after myself and Lucas on a waitress’s paycheck didn’t always mean I ate the best. Generally, when Grace came over, or when we went to her place, that was about as good as my eating got. Grace knew this but never talked down to me about it. She knew I was proud. Every week Elle sent me checks from California but I’d never cashed a single one of them. It was nice to know she had my back, but I didn’t want to take her money. Grace didn’t know about that, but knew I was doing the best I could with what I had. She just tried to make sure we ate together at least a few times a week.

  “Well, you sit and relax. Let me clean this place up a bit. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  “Goodness, no. If I had coffee now, I would be up all night staring at the ceiling. I think it’s best I let this meal rock me right to sleep. Let me give you a hand with those dishes though, Kelly dear. Then I’ll be on my way.”

  Grace slid her chair out and stood up. When she started to walk toward me she kicked something and it slid across the floor.

  “Oh dear, I think you dropped your keys on the floor.”

  I looked over to the key rack hanging by the back door. My house keys were hanging there.

  “I think they must be yours, Grace. Mine are hanging by the door.”

  I kept stacking the dishes and started to run the water.

  “Well, silly me then. Let me put them back in my purse and then we’ll tackle this mound of dishes.”

  Grace walked over to where her purse was sitting on the hallway table and then called back to me.

  “Kelly, my keys are in my purse. Someone else must have left these here. You have any visitors drop by?”

  I let a plate sink through the water and rested my hands on the counter. There was only one person those keys could belong to, other than Grace and me, and he was the last person I wanted to see right now. I ached for him, but I needed for him to stay away. I lost all control when he was around, and I couldn’t handle being without him. I was stuck between a rock, and a hard place. Literally. A very hard place. I shivered at the thought.

  No, no, no. Why won’t you leave, Hunter? Why won’t you just leave me alone?

  Grace walked back into the kitchen holding the keys.

  “Kelly, did you hear me, sweetie? These aren’t mine. Did anyone else stop by today? The sheriff maybe?

  How could I tell Grace that Hunter had been there? How could I hide what I felt for him or what had happened? I hadn’t been with another man since my relationship with Phil had ended, long ago. If I was going to start a relationship, Grace could accept almost anyone, apart from the tattooed beast who’d destroyed her diner that morning. I wanted to lie. I wanted to think of someone or some excuse, but I couldn’t. Hunter was the only person running through my head and before I had a chance to think of something my mouth betrayed me.

  “Grace, those keys belong to.” I was interrupted by the phone ringing.

  Thank you, God.

  I walked over to the phone and answered.

  “Hello? Kelly? It’s, it’s Dennis.”

  He must have been into the drink. He was slurring his words and fumbling around a bit.

  “Hi, Dennis. How are you? Is everything okay?”

  “Oh yes, of course. I was just trying to get ahold of Grace. I was walking home from the bar and,” he paused to belch, “pardon me, dear. I was walking home and past the diner and noticed the door was slightly ajar. I think she forgot to lock up on her way out today. Is she there with you?”

  Dennis. You sweet man. You just got me out of some hot water.

  “Yes, Dennis she is. I will let her know and we’ll get it all sorted out. Thank you for calling. You’re a good man, looking out for her like that. Get home safe now, you sound like you’ve had a bit to drink.”

  “Oh, I’ve only had a couple. My legs will get me home just fine. Goodnight, Kelly. See you tomorrow for breakfast.”

  “Goodnight, Dennis. Thanks again.”

  I waited until I heard him hang up and then I kept talking into the phone.

  “Oh, Dennis, wait. Before you go. Are you missing your keys by any chance? Grace and I found some here and I’m afraid I might have picked someone’s up by accident when I left today. Could they be yours?”

  I nodded my head and pretended that Dennis was answering on the other end of the line.

  “Oh, yes, well that makes sense then. I’m so sorry, Dennis. I’ll run them over to you right away. Hold tight.”

  I hung up the phone and turned to Grace.

  “That was Dennis, a little pickled up,” I laughed and shook my head. “Apparently he was on his way home and noticed you left the diner’s door unlocked. In any case, he’s missing his keys so that solves that big mystery. I must have picked them up by accident earlier.”

  “Well, there’s not a clear head between the three of us,” Grace laughed. “Although with all the commotion earlier, I can’t say I’m surprised. I wish he wouldn’t drink like that. Such a good man with such an awful habit. Anyway, I suppose I should leave these dishes to you so I can lock up the diner and give Dennis his keys. Can’t have him sleeping on the streets, now.”

  “Grace, it’s nearly eleven o’clock. You have to open the diner in seven hours. Why don’t you take my room, I’ll run out and get everything sorted with everyone, and then I’ll take the sofa bed when I get back? I’m not tired at the moment anyhow.”

  “Kelly, don’t be silly. I’m not going to have you sleeping on a pullout sofa just because I stayed out past my bedtime.”

  I could see Grace’s eyes were heavy and that her stubbornness wouldn’t outlast how tired she was.

  “Grace, please. You’re exhausted. Stay here with Lucas, get some sleep, and I’ll be back before you know it. It won’t take me long.”

  Grace sighed deeply and then yawned.

  “You sure talk a good game, little lady. I see now why you’re my best waitress.”

  “I’m your only waitress, Grace. At least since Elle left.”

  “Ah, yes. Elle. I do miss that sweet girl.”

  I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

  “Yes, well that settles it then,” she said. “I’ll make the sofa bed for you so it’s ready when you get back. And don’t lollygag now. It’s no time for young ladies to be roaming around town unaccompanied.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be back in no time. Goodnight, Grace.”

  “Goodnight, dear. See you in the morning.”

  I walked down the hall and toward the front door, slipping my shoes on and heading out to my car. I didn’t care if I threw these keys into the trash, but I wanted them out of my house. I felt terrible for not being truthful with Grace, but a little white lie to protect her and me was something I was willing to live with. I couldn’t have Hunter coming around anymore. Just a few hours ago, while I was quivering in orgasm, he’d felt like the best thing that had ever happened to me. Now, I knew that all that was an illusion. A delicious, sexy illusion, but an illusion none the less. He was more like a drug that I needed to clear out of my system. Some poison that gave me a rush of pure ecstasy, but would destroy me and my life if I let him. I wasn’t going to let that happen. No matter how strong his hold on me was, no matter how much I wanted to throw myself into his arms and have him crash inside of me again, no matter how much I wanted to feel his lips pressed on mine like I was the only thing he needed to survive. I sat in my car and thought about touching myself. I thought about Hunter’s hand around my throat while he looked me dead in the eye as he opened up my core like I had never felt. I thought about sinking my teeth into his broad shoulders.

  “Kelly,” Grace called from the front porch. “You forgot Dennis’s keys, you silly girl.”

  Grace walked down the steps and passed the keys to me through the driver’s side window.
/>   “You all right, baby? You look a little flushed.”

  “I’m okay, Grace. I’m just satisfied from a good meal.”

  “Yes, well, that is the look of satisfaction now that I think about it. Hurry home, dear. The sofa bed will be waiting.”

  I waved to Grace as I pulled out of the driveway. I was going to drop these keys through the mail slot of the auto shop. Hunter would find them there in the morning and I’d be done with this. I’d be done with him. It had only been a day, and it was like he’d taken over my life already. I remembered why I liked being single. The loneliness was a small price to pay for not having my life taken over by a complete animal. Anyway, I had more important things to worry about than this schoolgirl crush on a dangerous, tattooed drifter, and it was time to stop living in a fantasy. I had Lucas to think of.

  All of this silliness ended tonight.

  Chapter 22


  I lit a smoke as I parted ways with Deacon at the stairwell to my apartment and started to make my way down the block to the auto shop.

  There wasn’t a soul on the street and barely any signs that anyone lived on it. I might have actually been able to get used to this place if I would have kept fucking quiet and minded my own business. It could have actually been okay. I should never have taken work with Dennis and I should never have mingled with civilians. I should have just found a quiet place to crash, drink and sleep. I could have lain low during the day, and let myself out to breathe at night. It’s how I lived back in Boston except that city pulsed just as hard at night as it did during the day. Or at least that’s how it was in the neighborhoods I spent my time in. It was a different crowd than the day, but it was one I was more comfortable in. Hookers, druggies, drunks, criminals, general fucking lowlifes. Those were the people that came out at night and filled my streets. Those were the people I could live with because they minded their own business. No one gave a flying fuck who you were, so long as you kept to yourself and stayed out of their way. Nobody looked twice if you were beating someone down with one hand and chugging a bottle of whiskey with the other in the middle of the goddamn sidewalk. No one gave a shit if you fucked some broad up against the wall in an alley before you dropped her on her ass and you both went your separate ways. No questions asked and every bastard for themselves.


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