Black 01 - Black Rain

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Black 01 - Black Rain Page 16

by Vincent Alexandria

  She felt as though she had lost the world. This morning brings the same morbid feelings of depression and hopelessness. Last night with Dread still has her nauseated.

  She contemplated abandoning the case when she had the chance, but she has a job to do. Her orders are to bring down Dread, no matter what the cost. She struggles with the death and murders of others, and she feels she should have stopped them even if it meant her own life, but Agent James had told her that there would be Vincent Alexandria


  friendly-fire casualties. Men involved in the black ring knew their risks.

  She finds herself curled in the fetal position. The only thing she knows is that she’s not considering just her death, she will take Dread with her. Her only fear is damnation. She knows she’s not perfect. She’s in love with a married man. But she was taught that life is God’s gift, and to take it for selfish reasons would result in damnation. So suicide is not an option.

  She had thought of just up and leaving when she found the chance and quitting the FBI, but now she has sacrificed too much. If she left now all those who died would have died for nothing. She got Joe and his friends into this and she’ll have to help get them out. She realizes that she’ll have to stay in long enough to make sure Joe is safe, and she’ll make a decision about her future in law enforcement when the time is right.

  She wonders what Joe will think of her once he finds out the extent of the sacrifices she’s had to make to ensure this case is solid. Tears form in her eyes and anger overtakes her as she replays all the awful things that she has had to endure. She knows in the end it will all be bullshit and the piece of her dignity that she has sacrificed will never be regained.

  Chase knows she has been changed and someone needs to pay for that change. She resolves that someone will.

  “Chase, you need to get up, darling. I’ve already called in for us, I told them I was taking out a team on a stakeout to set up for another drug bust. We have to get da badges back from dat Kansas City prick detective. He does not know who I am. I will call him before noon and set up an accident. I will make sure he brings the guns and da 188

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  badges. I admire dis Johnson. He would make a good ad-versary, I think,” Dread says as he dries his black hair with his bath towel, leaving himself exposed.

  Wondering how to warn Joe of this imminent danger, she says “Dread, wouldn’t it be easier to bring him on board? A person this elusive and resourceful could be good for your organization, don’t you think?”

  Dread stops drying his long hair and tilts his head raising his eyebrows in surprise. “Maybe. But I have to teach dis guy a lesson for fucking wit’ my men. An example has to be made. Yes, an accident is in his near future. You get dressed, meet me and da boys downstairs for a discussion. Then, we’ll go to Kansas City and get away for a couple of days. We’ll spend some time in da Plaza area you like so much. You got twenty-five minutes,” Dread orders as he leaves the room.

  She thinks of Smelley, and fear engulfs her body.

  She has to warn Joe somehow. She grabs her cell phone, rushes into the bathroom and locks the door behind her.

  She turns on the shower and calls Agent James.

  “Agent James here,” he answers.

  She gathers her nerves, excited energy edges her every word.

  “They’re planning to kill Detective Johnson. You have to warn him. Dread is going to set up a bogus meeting and try to drive them off the road.”

  “Just calm down, Agent Chase. I know this is a trying time, but Johnson is very resourceful. He’s already called in and we have a helicopter on standby in Omaha. Have you retrieved the information we talked about yet?”

  “Did you hear what I just said? They’re going to kill Johnson!” she says into the phone.

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  After a pause he replies, “Agent Chase, do you think it’ll do us any good if Johnson is killed and we don’t have that information on the black ring? I heard you loud and clear. Now, did you hear me? We need to know who is pulling Dread’s strings. You do whatever you can do to make sure Detective Johnson is not killed without blowing your cover. Get that information so we can get you out of this mess and take that asshole down. You got me, Agent Chase?”

  She slumps against the bathroom door, tears running down her face. “Yes, I got it!” She hangs up and hides the phone in her closet. She takes off her panties and bra, and gets into the hot shower thinking of her next move.

  She slams her palm against the wall and tears stream down her face. She feels she is becoming lost in this game of cops and killers. She has sacrificed her principles, her convictions and her body. Her loyalty to the department is running out like sand in an hourglass. She wonders if it is all worth it, but she started this job and she damn well is going to finish it. She lets the hot water beat against her skin and pulsate her thoughts into a plan that gives her satisfaction. A sinister smirk forms across her face. “Whatever happens, I have to protect Joe from getting killed,” she says to herself.

  She enters the kitchen in her mother’s old Rockhurst College sweatshirt and a pair of blue jeans. The whole crew is seated around the table, drinking coffee and eating bagels.

  “’Bout time, baby. I was beginning to worry ’bout you,” Dread complains.

  Chase just sits down and pours herself a cup of hot 190

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  coffee. Brutus winks at her, and the others act as though she isn’t even there.

  Dread pulls out his cell phone, dials Joe’s number and places his cell on speakerphone.

  “Johnson here.”

  Chase wants to melt when she hears his deep voice.

  She bites her tongue to keep from screaming out to him that he is in danger and is being set up.

  “Johnson, dis is Dread Cattanno. My men tell me dat you are interested in meeting. Your resourcefulness last night impressed me. You have something you need to return to my men, no?”

  “Yes, I do, and I’d love to meet with you. I don’t understand why I got such a welcome from you. I was just coming down here to make some quick cash and you’re the man to make that happen.”

  “Well, I’m sorry ’bout dat, but you don’t come wit’

  references, now, do you? But, enough small talk. Do you like history, Detective?” Dread asks.

  “It all depends. I do come with a reputation as a bad ass, as your men have told you.”

  Dread sucks his teeth, unimpressed. “Have you heard of Scotts Bluff National Monument off Highway 92?

  It’s where the Horse Creek Treaty was signed by da largest gathering of Indians in American history. The treaty was signed to ensure safe passage of westward-bound pioneers and to end tribal warfare within da Native American Indian tribes. Meet us at da crest of Scotts Bluff. You are not to worry. It’s a tourist attraction, so there will be lots of folks around.”

  “Okay, Scotts Bluff it is. When do you want to meet?”

  Dread looks at his watch. “There’s no time like da Vincent Alexandria


  present,” Dread says, checking his fingernails. “Let’s say in three hours.”

  “I’ll see you there.”

  Dread hangs up his phone. “Like a fly in a spider’s web! He’s been set up.”

  His men get up from the table to get ready. Chase admires Joe. She’s never known him to back down from anything, but he’s gotten in over his head. He’s never met anyone like Dread before.

  She grabs her travel cup and pours some more hot coffee into it. More than one “accident” is about to take place today. She realizes that Joe is her only hope of getting out of this alive.

  She sits back at the table and waits for Dread as he looks up at the ceiling, running his hands through his hair and pondering something. He picks his up cell phone and dials a number. He winks at her as she sips her coffee.

  He turns to the men who are checking their new weapons and loading additional rifle
s into the SUVs.

  “Dread, do I have to go?”

  He jerks up his hand to stop her conversation as he speaks into the phone. “It’s me. Yes, I am to meet wit’

  him in about a few hours. I will get da badges and guns back.” He pauses and puts his free hand in his pocket, while shifting his weight. “Yes, I agree, someone will have to be made an example of. It will take place at Scotts Bluff.” He frowns. “What do you mean do not burn the bodies? Why not?” He rolls his eyes in frustration as he paces. “I know it’s a public place, that’s why I chose it, I did not want to make him suspicious.”

  He sighs heavily. “Okay, I will do what you wish, but I feel very uncomfortable about dis. I will call you when 192

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  it’s done. I will be in Kansas City for a few days after dat. You know how to contact me? Okay. Later.”

  Dread hangs up the phone and turns to Chase. “What were you saying, my dear?”

  “I asked, is it necessary for me to come today? I’m feeling like I’m about to start my period. I’m cramping really bad.”

  “Well, you need to hurry and grab some pads and pain pills, ’cause you will be coming today,” he answers abruptly, shaking his head, blushing.

  As she comes from the bedroom back down into the kitchen where he is waiting by the door, she asks, “So, Dread, who was that you were just talking to?You’re giving me the impression you’re answering to somebody.”

  He takes a step toward her and she backs up. “It’s none of your fucking business who I talk to, and since when did you start fucking around in my business?

  Dread answers to no one. He’s an advisor. That’s all you need to know. Now, go get in da’ fuckin’ truck!”

  She does as she’s told. She decides to play Dread the way he is playing her: she will wait for the right time to turn the tide on his plans. It seems that Joe will at least be able to live another day. Somebody has given Dread the order not to kill and burn him. Please God, let Vernon not be with him. Joe will not know how to act if something happens to his partner. Someone will surely die if that happens. Dread is playing a deadly game and doesn’t even know it.

  Chapter 13

  We drive the long stretch of Highway 92. Vernon and I are in the Corvette. Driving behind us are Pretty Kevin and Mo-Mo in the front seat of their Suburban, along with Little Tiny, Sweet St. Louis and Agent Duvall, who are all sitting in the back.

  The sun is up in the brilliant blue sky revealing God’s wonders—lush green mountains, colored birds flying around as though they are playing tag, cattle grazing on the wild grass in the vast fields, horses lazily wandering about, occasionally breaking into a gallop, seeming to dance in groups, wheeling and changing direction. A few prairie dogs stick their heads out nervously here and there.

  For the first time I am relaxed and calm. The warm wind is soothing. I adjust my sunshades and enjoy the music of Santana. Vernon turns to me and lowers the volume of the music.


  Black Rain

  “You know, I was thinking about something last night. I ain’t super religious, but I do go to church and believe in God, and I was just thinking about when Jesus was in the desert for forty days and nights and the devil came and tempted him…”

  I look at Vernon from the corner of my eye, not knowing if I want to get into this conversation. We’ve really never directly talked about religion before and I wonder what is bringing this all on. “Yeah, I remember. The devil propositioned him with land, wealth and power.”

  Vernon rubs his chin in deep thought. “That’s what I’m talking about. What’s man’s greatest weakness?” he asks as if he’s trying to teach me something.

  “Land, money and power!” I answer.

  Vernon lets out a heavy sigh, “Damn Joe, What’s his real weakness?”

  I look at him and then it strikes me, “Women!” I answer.

  “Damn right. Why didn’t the Devil tempt Jesus with Naomi Campbell, Raquel Welch, Halle Berry… I wonder what he would have done in that situation.”

  “Vernon, he was Jesus. Temptation of the flesh was way beneath him,” I reply.

  “Yeah, but he was made of man, right? And don’t you think Mary Magdalene was his woman? She sure was hanging around all the way till before and after his death.

  No other woman in the Bible did that except his mama.

  I think they had something going on. You trying to tell me Jesus was a virgin all his life? I ain’t buying that.”

  I think about what Vernon has just said and consider it. He has a point, but we’re talking about Jesus. “Vernon, you can go to hell by yourself, dude. Change the subject, I’m not going there and I’m going to pray for Vincent Alexandria


  you tonight. You better be the first person sitting in the pew at church when we get back. You need Jesus, son,”

  I tease.

  Vernon puts his cigar in his mouth then takes it out,

  “I’m just saying it is a thought, man. Anyway, you think it might be a symbolic reason why Dread chose Scotts Bluff for a meeting place?”

  I rub my eyebrow and bite my bottom lip. “It’s where the Indians signed the treaty for safe passage of the pioneers.”

  “That’s my point. That treaty was broken in less than two days by the pioneers. Have you ever known of any treaty that the white man has honored? This is a damn trap, partner. They’re probably getting us up in these here hills to ambush us,” Vernon says as he grabs a rifle and a handful of the small explosives out of the back compartment, then tightens his seat belt.

  I have always admired Vernon’s reasoning and knowledge. He makes sense. Dread is setting us up, probably to get the badges and guns back. I’m glad I’ve already called Agent James and notified him to dispatch the FBI helicopter to this area for backup. This guy Dread is really starting to piss me off. I pull out my cell phone and call Pretty Kevin to warn him.

  When I hang up and look in my side mirror, I see two black SUVs speeding toward us. They are less than a quarter of a mile from the curve we just passed. My cell phone rings.

  “Johnson speaking!”

  “Detective Johnson, Agent James here. Chase called and said that you guys are driving into a trap. The copter was dispatched fifteen minutes ago and they currently 196

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  have you guys in sight. You are being followed. I gave them permission to engage.”

  “Well, it’s a little late for that. These guys are on our asses as we speak.”

  “Be careful, Johnson. Do whatever you can to evade the situation,” Agent James orders.

  “Well, seeing that our only evasive alternative is a big drop off the side of this damn mountain, I think I’ll take your advice.”

  I flip the phone closed and pick up speed. Pretty Kevin is right behind me. We take the curves at over fifty miles an hour. I continually check the rearview mirror. Gunfire pops and Pretty Kevin ducks as Little Tiny and Agent Duvall fire shots from either side of the vehicle.

  Over the horizon of the cliff, the gray-and-blue FBI helicopter appears and a rocket blasts into the side of the bluff right above the oncoming black SUVs. They quickly maneuver around the falling rocks and dirt.

  Vernon loads the rifle and cocks it. “Can you move this piece of shit any faster, Joe? We need to make some space between them and us, before those FBI boys bury us all.”

  “Shut up, with your old ass. You think you can do better? I’m doing a hundred and ten! I can’t control the car on these curves if I go any faster.”

  Vernon takes out a cigar, unwraps it and puts it in his mouth. He looks at me, removes the cigar and holds it between his fingers. “I ain’t gonna take too many more of your old-ass jokes, fella. When we get out of this, remind me that I owe you an ass whippin’.”

  “Vernon, can you stop fuckin’ with me long enough so I can concentrate on driving this car? Damn, man.

  Vincent Alexandria


  There’s a time and
a place to be jive-talkin’, and now is not the time. Okay?”

  “Whatever!” Vernon puts his cigar back in his mouth and readies his rifle as another blast from the copter hits the side of the bluff.

  Pretty Kevin’s SUV swerves around the rubble and goes off the road in a cloud of dust.

  “They got Pretty Kevin, Vernon! His car just went off the road!”

  I say a quick prayer for my childhood friend. I know he knows how to handle a car, so I put my trust in his abilities to take care of himself. We look back. Out of nowhere, the two black SUVs burst through the dust cloud and give chase. Another blast from the helicopter hits the mountain and slows down one of the black vehicles. Smoke is coming from the FBI helicopter. It has taken a hit from the other SUV, the one that is gain-ing on us. The copter spins in the air, out of control, its blades sputtering, and starts falling toward us.

  “Aim for their tires, Vernon, and see if we can get them off our ass! That helicopter is about to take us all out.”

  “I’m on it,” Vernon says as he leans out the window.

  He throws the five explosives, which detonate, but not in time to do any damage to the vehicles. He pulls out the rifle and starts blasting at the truck’s tires.

  Shots ring back from the SUV, and both Vernon and I duck inside as a couple of bullets pierce the back window and exit through the windshield.

  “Damn it! Those motherfuckers are shooting back pretty good!”

  I look at Vernon as I steer the Corvette around a curve. The helicopter hits the side of the hill and ex-198

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  plodes as rocks, metal debris and dirt are thrown over the road. A massive hunk of steel falls from the sky and over the edge of the road. We hear thumps on the roof and see pieces of rubble bounce off the hood of the car. I push down on the gas pedal and we pick up speed.

  The car handles beautifully until an SUV crashes into the back of us. Vernon and I are thrust forward. The smell of rubber tires burning, gasoline and acrid smoke fill the car as I pump the brakes and try to control the vehicle. An explosion roars as one of our tires gets shot out. We go into a quick tailspin. The air bags deploy and block my vision so I pull out my pistol and shoot the airbag. The car falls forward.


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