Love, Encoded (Selected Evolution Series Book 1)

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Love, Encoded (Selected Evolution Series Book 1) Page 22

by Sandra Harris

  “So what now?” he asked, gazing up at her.

  “Well,” she cocked an eyebrow, encompassing them both in her gaze, “I don’t know about you, but I’m all for sex.”

  Nick’s sudden, forceful stand sent a rush of anticipation through her. Oh yeah, she wanted all that raw, powerful masculinity focused on her. He prowled towards them, gently manoeuvred her into Adam’s lap, sat by their side and lifted her feet to his thighs.

  “We will never have sex, Sarah,” he said, massaging a hand up her calf muscle.

  We won’t?

  “However,” he continued, “there will be much love-making.”

  Ah, well that I can live with. “Now?”

  Adam bent his head, nestled his nose behind her ear and inhaled. Tickles of delicate sensation shot from her neck through her head and fried her brain. Nick’s questing hand reached her thigh. Glorious, sensual waves of pleasure rippled up her legs and started a bonfire in her sex. A moan of sheer delight rushed from her throat.

  “As you wish,” Adam murmured against her throat.

  As I wish what? Oh!

  She wrapped an arm around the strong column of Adam’s neck and curled her fingers into his hair.

  “Do you trust us with your heart?” The raw hunger in Nick’s eyes took her breath and the uncertainty hovering in his gaze melted her heart.

  “Yes. Absolutely.”

  “Then trust us with your body.”

  “And your pleasure,” Adam murmured, his mouth capturing her earlobe and suckling gently.

  Hell yes!

  She groaned in the back of her throat, anticipation blazing in her veins as Nick leaned into her. His lips caressed hers and she opened her mouth, inviting him in, her eyelids drooping closed. Strong fingers brushed her breasts and tore at the fastenings of her ship-suit, cool air brushed against her sensitive skin. Adam’s biceps bulged and beneath her butt his thighs bunched, then the two of them rose. Nick’s lips were lost from hers.

  She opened her eyes and, humbled by the absolute adoration pouring from her men’s gazes, lifted her hands to touch each of them on the chest, just over their hearts.

  “I love you both without reservation.”

  Adam lowered her to the floor, her body tingling at the slow rub of her softness against his hard length. His palms cradled her jaw and gently tilted her head back. Profound intensity darkened his gaze.

  “Angel, we love you so very, very much and believe me when I say we prayed like hell that we’d be fortunate enough for you to return that depth of feeling to both of us.”

  Her heart felt like it exploded with a direct double tap from Cupid, then accelerated to bang against her ribs in a hectic dance of joy and elation. She turned to Nick, his jade-green eyes alive with love and hunger. His hands lifted and smoothed beneath the neckline of her ship-suit. The backs of his warm fingers caressed the skin of her collarbone and shoulders as he gently tugged the fabric from her body.

  He bent and sealed his lips to hers in a kiss complete with tenderness and leashed, possessive hunger. Her blood fired and she languished in the swirl of molten need swamping her soul. Nick released her and she drew a deep breath, filling her senses with their scents. Her body suit lay in a pile at her feet, tangled with her unshed boots. Every particle of her skin felt alive with anticipation.

  “You two are wearing entirely too many clothes.”

  A rush of cool air replaced the warmth of their bodies as both men took a step back and with flattering haste ripped off every piece of clothing they wore. She stared with possessive admiration at the hard, sculptured perfection of their bodies. Her blood pounded faster, her breasts swelled and her nipples peaked, boldly demanding the attention of each man.

  She lowered her gaze to the generous, upright eagerness of their arousals. Silky skin stretched tight over engorged staffs. Her mouth watered, longing to savour their heat and hardness. And taste. The muscles of her channel clenched and she stepped towards them, lifted her hands and explored with teasing lightness the washboard of Adam’s abdomen and the solid, broad planes of Nick’s chest. Their muscles tightened and quivered. The silk confining her sensitive breasts became uncomfortable and she longed to replace it with the warmth of their hands and mouths.

  Adam moved to her back, lifted her feet one by one and rid her of her boots, suit and knickers then his hands dealt with the fastening of her bra. She opened her mouth over one of Nick’s nipples and lathed the taut bud with her tongue, the mildest hint of his divine taste pricked her need. He moaned and pushed into her. She gently sank her teeth into him.

  The straps of her bra slid across the sensitised skin of her shoulders. Nick’s hands gripped her butt and hauled her close. Desire pooled low in her pelvis and she swayed her hips into Nick’s thighs, delighting at the unfettered strength of his erection branding her stomach.

  Adam dragged the lace of her bra away and she thrust her breasts against the wall of Nick’s naked chest, almost frantic to feel him skin to skin. Her escalating desire demanded more. Nick gripped her waist and lifted.

  “Bend your knees, honey.”

  She complied and a moment later the softness of their bunk cushioned her shins. Nick placed a knee before her and she almost whimpered at the thick cords of his thigh muscles. A rush of moist, hungry passion rippled across the mouth of her sex.

  “Ride me, baby,” he implored.

  Savouring the hot, erotic pleasure flooding her, she grasped Nick’s broad shoulders, shuffled forward and lowered herself. His moan mirrored the sensations fountaining through her from their contact.

  The mattress compressed behind her and Adam’s heat teased her back. His big hands enveloped her breasts and squeezed. Needles of desire lanced through her body.

  “Baby, I beg you,” Nick groaned. “Move!”

  Captive in a world of new sensual pleasure, she obeyed, gliding her hips over the hard, hot, slightly rough texture of muscle and skin beneath her. Her sex practically purred.

  “Lean into me, angel,” Adam’s soft breath tickled her neck and tightened the cord of hunger spiralling through her.

  A trusting slave to their every whim, she leaned back and placed her weight into his chest and arms. Cool air caressed her exposed breasts and teased her aching nipples. She arched her back, silently begging for attention. Desire continued to drive her slowly against Nick, the smooth hardness of his arousal prodding the top of her inner thigh.

  Nick hunkered over her, his gaze riveted on her undulating form. She wound her arms over her head and around Adam’s neck, delighting in the way her vulnerability heightened the sensuality devouring her. Adam’s heartbeat drummed like a wild call in her ear. Nick finally lowered his head, his firm lips roamed her sensitive flesh. She withdrew a hand from Adam and cupped one of her breasts, encouraging Nick to draw her nipple into his mouth.

  His mouth closed over her, restrained suction ripped a cry of satisfaction from her and her breathing fractured into choppy pants. Passion-filled moans echoed from her men. Nick’s huge, solid bicep heated her ribcage as he wound an arm around her back and held her steady. The warmth of Adam’s hand slid between them and roved down her body. His fingers eased past her belly button and teased her curls. Her senses tingled and sang, moisture slickened her core.

  Adam’s fingers delved deeper and ran a light caress over the seam of her labia. Sparks shot through her and she bucked and arched into his teasing hand.

  “Oh, baby,” Nick groaned against her ribcage, his hot rapid gasps puffing against her sensitive skin.

  “I want to touch you,” she whispered. “I want to feel your need in my hands.”

  Violent shudders tore through her men, their breaths rasped as though in pain.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Adam rumbled.

  She glanced up at him.
“Why not?”

  A rueful smile tilted his firm lips. “I don’t have that kind of restraint. Just the thought of you touching me like that has me ready to fire.” His crooked smile widened. “You know what happened last time.”

  Nick hated the disappointment that flickered in Sarah’s eyes for a moment. He levered himself up and gazed at her with every ounce of love he possessed. “Baby, at any other time we’d love to accommodate your curiosity, but we’re both wound as tight as a strung bow.” He closed his eyes and tried to contain the desire rampaging through him. “I’m about to explode with need for you—”

  Sarah’s right leg lifted from between his thighs and wrapped around his hips. Her slit opened before him, glistening and inviting. Every muscle in his body contracted, pleasure swelled his cock to the point of pain and he gripped Adam’s forearm with a white-knuckled hold. His friend didn’t even flinch. Probably enduring the same exquisite torture as he. How he wanted to rub the head of his cock over her opening, feel the slick glide of lubricated skin against skin. But not yet, not without one of Marnia’s tear-proof condoms, they couldn’t risk Sarah becoming addicted to either one of them.

  “Baby,” he gasped, “let us explore you, discover what your body likes.”

  The carnal grin she sent him almost took the top of his head off. “Adam already has a good idea.” She laid a hand on his thigh and his rigid shaft bounced, almost as though begging for her touch. Hell, it was. “I want you both, too. Nick, I’m ready,” she eyed the steel-straight length of him protruding up between her thighs, “we’ll just have to go slow.” Her shoulders wriggled a little. “And by the feel of Adam nudging my back, that goes for both of you.”

  “Baby, we want this to be perfect.”

  She trailed her fingers lightly up his thigh, a quiver of sweet fire raced across his muscles and he grabbed her hand from exploring further. The ravenous desire arcing down his spine spurred him to bury himself balls deep in her and submit to the fiery rapture he knew he’d find. Her delicate wrist tugged against his grip, but he refused to release her. A spark of rebellion flashed in her eyes, but no way was he going to blow before their woman, not the first time with her, even if he had to restrain her.

  Restrain her. Yeah. He gritted his teeth against his own stupidity. And those sorts of thoughts help my control how?

  He hauled in a huge breath and damn near beat his chest in male pride as Sarah’s admiring, possessive gaze roved his torso. Laid out before him, sexy as hell, invitation and need shining in her eyes, one hand clasping Adam’s neck, the other still imprisoned in his grip, he knew the time for foreplay had come and gone. The vanilla and musk scent of her arousal assured him of her readiness, as did the abundance of her cream. He longed to taste her while Adam held her in his arms, caressing her. It wasn’t going to happen, not this time; he was too close to the edge. He’d be lucky if he contained himself while Adam took her for the first time.

  He stared into her green eyes. “Slow then. Are you ready?”

  A challenging light sparkled in her gaze. “Are you?”

  He growled at her, gripped her waist and gently hauled her upright. “You want us, you’re going to get us. Adam, lie down.” In his arms she felt so small, so precious, so theirs. Hunger surged through him like a phalanx of hot arrows. He lifted her higher and spun her around to face a now prostrate Adam. “Put your knees either side of Adam’s thighs.”

  She followed his orders and he moved up behind her, gathering her close. His cock brushed her back and he shuddered at the promise of exquisite rapture. Sarah nestled against him then reached down and encased Adam’s straining arousal with curling fingers. A sigh of raw appreciation slipped from his friend’s throat. Nick caressed her ribcage and pressed his open mouth to her shoulder line, lathing the soft, warm skin with his tongue. She leaned her head back into him and thrust her chest out in silent appeal.

  He flexed his fingers, teased the lower swell of her breasts. Her shoulders pushed more firmly into him, her back arched. He nuzzled her neck and cupped her pouting breasts, trapped the swollen turgidity of her nipples between his fingers and gently compressed them. Sarah writhed, her hips sank closer to Adam and her stroking of him grew more urgent.

  Sarah’s uninhibited responses and intimate trust drove an incredible feeling of power and masculinity straight through him to his balls.

  “More?” he breathed into her ear.

  Adam’s groan of, “God, yes,” brought a smile to his lips as he watched the play of pleasure on Sarah’s face. “Baby?”

  “Oh, yes, please,” she whispered.

  He continued to knead one of her breasts with the firmness her aroused body demanded and caressed his other hand down over her quivering stomach muscles. She opened her pelvis in a blatant appeal for a more intimate touch and he stroked tender fingers towards the heart of her sexual pleasure. His fingertips found the hot, wet, swollen nub of her clit. His left hand felt the kick of her heart and hot shards of sexual ecstasy stampeded along his nerves. He stilled in a desperate attempt to control the raging desire to immediately become one with her.

  “Don’t stop,” she moaned.

  Heart hammering against his ribs as though determined to escape, he forced his body to relax. Sarah swayed her hips against his fingers and a groan broke from him. He followed the rhythm she set as Adam moved to the same tempo, shafting into Sarah’s hold.

  Sarah writhed against Nick and Adam, chasing the hot fire both men generated. She wanted more, much more and her mouth demanded the sensual stimulation the rest of her body enjoyed. She tipped forward to balance on her left hand and knees and eyed with aroused admiration each sculptured, defined muscle of Adam’s strenuously breathing body. She leaned down and placed a tender kiss over his pounding heart.

  “Angel,” he gasped, “keep this up and I’m going to come apart in your hand.”

  She softened and slowed her caress on his velvet, hard spur and nibbled towards a nipple. When she reached the hard point she opened her mouth and bit gently, grazing her teeth together until they surrounded the peak.

  “Draw me in,” he said in a tone between demand and plea.

  She suckled him, his moans rumbling through his chest and vibrating against her lips. Nick’s fingers moved from her clit and traced the line of her sex. She all but collapsed onto Adam’s chest. Sensual heat and pressure built within her. Her body sensed the exquisite pleasure to be found when it swelled beyond all confines, and lunged after it. She drove herself helplessly against Nick’s hand, stoking the furnace of her imminent orgasm. His thumb rolled over her clit, again and again, driving her higher into bliss.

  Hot wet kisses trailed down her spine, a gentle finger breached her core, the liquid of her passion easing his way as he inserted another and stretched her channel. Strength abandoned her arms and she dropped her head to Adam’s heaving chest. A tremor of intense pleasure rippled through her, her inner muscles clenched. She released Adam for fear she’d cause him pain when her hands clutched whatever she held for support. Waves of orgasm crashed against her. She rode the crests, felt like she flew through stars with Nick and Adam providing propulsion. Their love bound them together and shot her upward, soaring through unimagined stretches of pleasure.

  She floated slowly back to Earth on a long moan of satisfaction and to the strong, secure embrace of her men, more determined than ever to reciprocate this gift to them.

  “Oh, my,” she murmured on a sigh of pure delight and appreciation. “I can’t wait to have you both inside me.”

  Sweet Jesus, she’s trying to kill us.

  Adam held his breath and willed his body’s reaction back onto a leash. He wasn’t capable of much more of this. He wrapped a hand around the side of Sarah’s neck, stroking his thumb over her throat and tucked a strand of her just-had-sex mussed up hair behind her ear.

t, angel?”

  She lifted her head, her eyes sparkling with enough wonder and approval to make his chest swell with testosterone-induced pride.

  “Definitely,” she grinned, then turned her head and looked over her shoulder at Nick. Her ass wiggled. “Have you been taking lessons from Adam?”

  Nick’s hands ran over the smooth, creamed-honey skin of Sarah’s hips, up her ribcage and back. “So you enjoyed my touch,” he said.

  Sarah levered up to kneel over Adam, his straining cock tried to follow her.

  “Was there ever any doubt?” she said, stretching her arms sinuously over her head and embracing Nick around the shoulders.

  Her luscious breasts pouted at Adam, she spread her knees a little wider and his heartbeat picked up pace. Need overcame him. He lunged towards the bedside table and grabbed a condom packet.

  “No.” The adamant denial in Sarah’s voice halted him.

  He looked over his outstretched arm at her, confusion and dread grabbing his breath. “No?”

  “No condoms. We’re all healthy and Marnia’s given me the latest and greatest contraceptive shot.”

  “Angel, we can’t take the chance—”

  She released Nick with one hand and held it towards him. He wrapped his fingers around hers and she squeezed.

  “Do you think for one second that my soul wouldn’t shatter if I lost either one of you? That any of us would feel anything less than ripped apart if one of us were to die? How could my heart beat with half of it missing? We are three, not two plus one. Three. Three as one. You said you wanted me to have your all. I intend to demand it.”


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