Brendan's Fate (Wolves' Heat)

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Brendan's Fate (Wolves' Heat) Page 23

by Odessa Lynne

  Trey grinned at him, showing the edges of his eyeteeth. “You’ll see that submission has many benefits.”

  Brendan frowned.

  “Paetarikeille—Rick—will be there. As will Craig and Kem and many other of my highest ranking alphas. My unmated wolves will be eager to show their submission to me—you might enjoy their efforts.”

  Brendan’s frown deepened as he studied Trey’s expression. He opened his mouth to ask what the hell Trey was getting at when a memory flitted through his thoughts, of Rick, kissing the side of his neck, and his reason for doing it.

  “Whoa, no, no, no, no, no,” he said, the words coming out almost faster than he could string them together in his head. He thrust his hand out. “I don’t want anything to do with a fucking orgy.”

  Swear to God, he thought Trey looked like he was going to laugh for a second, but as usual, Trey’s expression wasn’t that easy to read and it was entirely possible he’d got it completely wrong.

  “An orgy probably would involve fucking,” Trey said.

  Brendan stared at him. “That’s not funny.”

  “No one will touch you if you don’t want them too.”

  “Is this a joke?”

  “Not at all. We give a lot of ourselves when we submit, and the rewards of that submission are complex and varied, a custom that’s served us well for thousands of years. But no one will ever be allowed to touch you if you don’t enjoy the custom. Your care will always be my most treasured obligation.”

  Trey’s firmly spoken words sent a comforting warmth through Brendan; he didn’t doubt Trey meant exactly what he said.

  Brendan let out his breath slowly, the panicky feeling in his stomach easing. “No orgy. None of your wolves getting handsy with me, or kissing me, or—or looking at me like they want to bend me over a table. I don’t do group sex.”

  “There are other ways for my alphas to show their submission.”

  “Yeah. About that. I’m not going to have to watch you having sex with other people, am I?”

  Brendan had already spent too much time watching someone he loved get involved with other guys—Ian might not have been out giving his ass up to other men, but he sure as hell hadn’t been celibate all those years Brendan had spent hoping Ian would wake up and recognize how he felt.

  He’d promised himself over the last week that if he submitted to Trey, he wasn’t going to let Trey intimidate him, so he added, “I don’t want to watch you with anybody else. If you really do care about me, you won’t fuck other people.”

  “You’re my true mate. I’ll never fuck anyone else unless you ask me to.” Trey sounded like he’d been insulted.

  Brendan shook his head. “Well I sure as hell won’t ever ask you to fuck anybody else.”

  “Then I won’t.” Trey’s gaze flickered over Brendan. “You’re favoring your leg. Are you in pain?”

  Brendan stilled, not realizing until that moment that he’d been shuffling his weight around. “Not much.”

  Trey used a finger to raise Brendan’s chin so he could stare into Brendan’s eyes.

  Brendan grimaced. “Okay, maybe a little.” He parted his lips. “So if we’re going to fuck, we should probably get started before the pain gets worse.”

  Chapter 31

  Trey’s mouth crooked up at the edge, and his finger dragged across Brendan’s chin, claw slowly extending. “I want to mate you again—one hand on your beautiful ass and the other around your throat while you submit to my will on your knees, your vulnerability a precious sign of your faith in me.”

  Brendan could feel the heat climbing into his face. “That sounds … dangerous for me.”

  “And that’s why it means so much.” Trey startled Brendan by bending and grabbing Brendan under the ass, hauling him up off the ground and walking with him to the bed.

  He tossed Brendan down onto the soft bedding, and Brendan bounced before sprawling out on the mattress. Before Brendan had time to get comfortable, Trey flipped him over and then knelt up on the bed and straddled the backs of Brendan’s thighs with just enough weight to keep Brendan in place.

  Trey’s hands cupped Brendan’s neck, and Brendan fought a second’s panic as Trey’s fingers closed around the column of his throat, almost as if Trey were going to choke him, but Trey’s touch was feather-light, his claws completely retracted.

  “We’re vulnerable in this position in a way we aren’t in any other. To allow someone to mate with us while we’re so vulnerable signifies a deep, abiding trust. Mating this way provides evidence of a mate’s absolute submission.”

  “You fight,” Brendan said, voice hoarse. He could feel the soft pressure of Trey’s hands on his windpipe and Trey’s weight across his legs. “You fight and the loser has no choice.”

  Hot breath feathered across the top of Brendan’s spine, fluttering under the collar of his t-shirt, and his skin reacted, raising the small hairs at the base of his neck.

  His dick reacted too, and he shifted against the bed, groaning as his dick started to get hard. He was getting off on being so vulnerable to Trey.

  Trey reached under him and slid his hand into Brendan’s loose pants. Brendan closed his eyes and let out a soft breath as Trey fondled his balls.

  Brendan’s sac tightened around his balls, the shivery sensation making his cock go completely hard.

  “We fight because it’s instinct and enflames our senses. Submission to our alphas has been part of our culture for as long as we’ve recorded history. Do you think a fight is necessary? Instinct drives us to seek out pleasure so our bodies can breed. Our attraction to the human scent and its ability to interfere with the natural progression of our heat has changed things, but the fighting has always been part of the excitement of heat.”

  Trey moved to stroke the length of Brendan’s dick, and then pulled on him a few times, until Brendan started to breathe hard. The position couldn’t be that comfortable for Trey’s wrist because Brendan’s weight trapped his cock between his body and the bed but Trey didn’t seem to mind.

  Trey started to pull his hand away.

  “No,” Brendan said, grasping at Trey’s forearm. “Don’t stop. I’ve been thinking about this for days.”

  Trey took Brendan’s dick more firmly in hand and he started to work Brendan’s flesh with more intent. Brendan sighed and then gasped as the sensitive head of his dick rubbed hard against his belly.

  He couldn’t move because of Trey’s weight but Trey seemed to know what he needed and rose up on his knees. Brendan scrambled to get his own knees under him but his bad leg didn’t want to cooperate after being locked in one position. He groaned as a needle-like pain pierced his thigh and hip.

  Trey released Brendan’s neck, but not his dick, and slowly helped Brendan bend his leg. Pain flared but eased almost immediately as Trey’s hand moved on his dick again.

  “I know you did something to me. My leg isn’t right.”

  “You’re healing well.” Trey’s hand kept a tight heat wrapped around Brendan’s dick as he worked it, never hesitating to pull a little roughly, as if he knew exactly how Brendan liked it.

  “It’s not natural for a human to heal this quickly.”

  “Your body was in a dire condition. Measures had to be taken, otherwise you would have died. The risk was worth it.”

  “Risk—” Brendan gasped and didn’t finish the thought. He tried rocking into the motion of Trey’s hand, his cock and balls so primed for release that he knew he wasn’t going to last long enough. “Faster. Jerk me faster.”

  Trey obliged, breath a warm breeze against Brendan’s cheek, and then the faintest whisper of claws—or maybe Brendan just imagined that part—touched the delicate flesh of his dick, and Brendan gasped out a loud breath and curled his hips in and came, his hot release firing through him.

  The muscles in his ass clenched and he almost wished he’d waited so he could have come with Trey’s cock inside him, where his clenching asshole could have milked him dry.

; Brendan’s hands clutched at the bedding and the earthy scent of fresh semen and sweat filled his lungs with every inhale.

  “I haven’t let that many guys fuck my ass,” Brendan said, the breathless urge to confess beating out his desire to close his eyes and rest. “Most of the time, I take the lead.” He rubbed his cheek on the soft fabric beneath him and then laughed as a thought came to him. “God—except Devon. Didn’t matter what Devon was doing, he was always in charge.”

  Shit. He shouldn’t have said that and he knew it almost immediately after letting the words out of his mouth, but Trey didn’t respond with more than a warm puff of breath against Brendan’s spine.

  “My friends say I’m a prick. They’re probably right. I’m about as good with relationships as I am with your language.”

  “What are you worried about?” Trey pushed the back of Brendan’s shirt up.

  “You’re not supposed to talk about exes with a new boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend,” Trey said slowly. “We’re not boyfriends, Brendan.”

  “Then what are we in human terms I can understand?”

  “There is no human term for true mates.”

  Brendan felt the wet scrape of Trey’s tongue tracing his spine. Goose bumps raised on his flesh and he tried to twist away from the tickle. “No, stop,” Brendan gasped out, an uncontrolled laugh almost breaking free. “Oh my God, stop. Stop.”

  Trey bit him lightly right over his spine.

  Brendan yelped, heart pounding.

  Trey yanked Brendan’s pants down over his ass and off his hips, leaving them bunched at mid-thigh.

  Trey’s mouth traveled lower and Brendan couldn’t breathe. He wanted Trey to do exactly what he thought Trey was about to do.

  “Then—” His breath hitched as Trey’s hot tongue trailed along the cleft of his ass. “Then find something close and give me an idea to work with.”

  “True mates don’t part except on death.”

  “Til death do us part,” Brendan said. “Lots of humans do that.” Wasn’t sure he could imagine what the rest of his life would be like if he spent it all with Trey but why not?

  “True mates are permanent in a way human marriage isn’t.” Trey’s breath caressed Brendan’s hole.

  “Oh God,” he muttered. Trey was so close. So close.

  And then he was there, his tongue scraping over the pucker of Brendan’s asshole, hot and wet and Brendan felt like his whole body was going to seize up in reaction.

  “I haven’t let a lot of guys eat my ass like this either,” he said. “Oh God, don’t stop.” His fingers dug into the bedding and he shoved his face down against the fabric, breathing through his teeth.

  His ass tingled with every swipe and press of Trey’s tongue, a wash of pleasure traveling through him until his dick started to go hard again and his ass felt open and ready for a good hard fucking.

  “Fuck me,” he said. “I’m ready. I want your dick in my ass. Ream me out good and hard. You know how I like it.”

  Trey responded with a short growl that vibrated up Brendan’s spine. Brendan felt the jostle of the bed beneath him, and then the prick of claws on his buttocks as Trey’s fingers held the cheeks of his ass apart.

  Trey rubbed lube onto Brendan’s asshole with a blunt fingertip. “You are mine,” Trey said. “Submit!”

  Brendan licked his bottom lip. “Fuck me. I can take it.”

  Trey reached around him into the gap where Brendan’s shirt was rucked up under his armpits and flicked his nipple. Brendan jerked, but his dick twitched in response.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “Fuck.”


  He was going to have to say it again or Trey wasn’t going to give him what he wanted.

  Trey cared about him. Brendan knew that—he knew it to his soul, and if he hadn’t known that, he never could have accepted that submission was the fate meant for him.

  But submission was his fate; only he hadn’t lost, he realized. He would protect the world from the wolves—just not in the way he’d thought he would, and maybe, maybe Trey was his reward for not wavering in his efforts, not giving up even when he’d had to lose part of himself to do it because he’d been going about it without any knowledge of what was going on within the ranks of the wolves themselves.

  Things had a way of working out for the best, Ian’s granny had told him more than once after she’d caught him staring at Ian and not doing a good job of hiding the longing in his eyes. At the time, he’d thought she was just rubbing it in that Ian didn’t want him. But maybe she’d known what she was talking about.

  “I submit.” Brendan shoved his forehead down against the bed, ass high in the air, and Trey’s hands held him tight. “I do. I submit. Now fuck me.”

  “You are mine,” Trey said again. He curled over Brendan, wrapped his hand around Brendan’s throat and placed his thick cock against Brendan’s hole, and then breached him in a steady push. Then he slid deep with a relentless glide that didn’t give Brendan time to catch his breath or do more than whimper at the throat-tightening sensation of his anus stretching wide around Trey’s alien penis while Trey held him still with that firm pressure around Brendan’s neck.

  Trey settled deep inside Brendan’s ass before continuing, “We’re not fucking, we’re mating. You are my life and I’m yours. This is our way and our mating customs would be changed forever if we tried to ignore our instincts—if that would even be possible without the help of drugs. Our species would suffer. Breeding might fail. We won’t risk any of those things happening. Our mating rituals are a true pleasure, a gift from the universe, and we won’t turn our backs on them.”

  “Do it,” Brendan said, recognizing that Trey’s use of the word mating carried some deeper meaning that wasn’t quite registering. But it didn’t matter; he’d figure it out someday. “I want you to be my alpha.” And then, in the wolves’ language, sure he was screwing up the pronunciation but making the attempt anyway, he said, “Mate me.”

  Trey roared. However the words had sounded, they seemed to excite Trey in a way nothing else had. A powerful thrust followed and Brendan grunted as pleasure sparked deep inside. Trey’s cock had glided over Brendan’s prostate. Sweat rose to the surface of Brendan’s skin.

  Trey rode him hard, pounding his ass as if he owned Brendan and for once in his life, Brendan didn’t care. He just didn’t want the thrusting pleasure to end, every smack of Trey’s balls, every clench of his fingers, every rumbling growl from his chest going straight to Brendan’s cock.

  Trey came quickly with another roar, and Brendan pushed backward against the strong forward thrusts, gasping at the warm spurts of semen filling him.

  Trey continued to thrust, curved over Brendan’s back, hot breath ghosting along Brendan’s spine, until he came again only a few minutes later.

  His hands eased their grip and he panted against the wadded up fabric of Brendan’s sweat-soaked t-shirt, cooling the skin between Brendan’s shoulders.

  Trey’s breathing calmed but he continued to thrust slowly into Brendan’s ass.

  “You have no idea how it feels to hear you submit to me as your alpha.”

  “God,” Brendan said, trying to wiggle against Trey’s hold, needing Trey to thrust faster so he could come. He tried to reach for his cock, but Trey grabbed his arm and pushed it down on the bed, holding it in place.

  “It’s my duty to take care of your needs,” Trey said. “Don’t touch yourself.”

  “Then do it! I’m so fucking ready that I’m gonna scream if somebody doesn’t start jerking me off.”

  “You can come like this.”

  “What?” Brendan’s voice cracked at the high pitch. “Unh uh. No. I want a hand or a mouth or—or—or goddamn something around my dick.”

  “How’s this, then?” Trey asked.

  Confused, Brendan started to turn his head to look back at Trey but a hand came down on his ass, hot and hard, leaving behind a stinging heat that made Brendan’s cock so rigid
he thought he was going to die.

  “Oh my God. Fuck. Fuck.” He panted a few deep breaths, almost anticipating another swat, but it didn’t come. “Fuck.”


  “Oh my God.”

  The sharp tickle of claws raked across his buttock, definitely not hard enough to cut through his skin but enough to leave behind a tingle in their wake. He groaned and his balls tightened almost painfully.

  “Another,” he croaked out. “Yeah. Another.”

  Trey’s hand caressed him, a soft, slow glide over his slowly cooling flesh. “Tell me again how you submit to me. Call me Alpha.”

  Oh, God.

  “Alpha. You’re my alpha. I submit. I sub—”

  The slap caught him in the middle of the word and Brendan sucked in his breath, the white hot burn shooting through him and out his dick. He came so hard he saw gray at the edges of his vision. “Oh my … God.”

  “We are mated,” Trey said, almost growling the words into Brendan’s ear while Brendan was still shuddering with the aftereffects of his orgasm.

  Trey pulled out of Brendan’s ass and flipped him over with a single strong tug on Brendan’s arm.

  Then he smeared his hand through the warm droplets of spunk on Brendan’s stomach. Brendan watched as Trey gripped his own cock with his semen-coated hand and jerked off while he knelt over Brendan.

  A few moments later, Trey’s semen splattered across Brendan’s dick and trailed down beside Brendan’s balls to soak into the bedding beneath Brendan’s ass.

  Trey leaned over and ran his hot tongue across Brendan’s sensitive dick.

  “Ah!” Brendan grabbed Trey by the hair on his head.

  Trey’s eyes glittered bright and clear as he gazed up at Brendan. “You’re part of my pack now and you’ll submit to my will.” Then he grinned, showing too many teeth, and his tongue came out and licked at the corner of his mouth where a smear of white stained his lips. “The taste of you on my tongue is enthralling—I can’t imagine how you’ll taste during my next heat.”

  He lowered his head again and mouthed at Brendan’s softening penis.


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