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Strip for Me: Part Four (Reverse Harem Serial Book 4)

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by G. Bailey

  Strip For Me

  Part Four

  G. Bailey



  List of G. Bailey’s Books

  Strip For Me












  Author’s Note

  Accacia’s Curse

  About Accacia’s Curse

  Copyright ©2017 by G.Bailey.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The author acknowledges the trademark owners of various products, brands and/or stores referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  List of G. Bailey’s Books

  The King Brother’s Series

  Izzy’s Beginning (Book one)

  Sebastian’s Chance (Book two)

  Elliot’s Secret (Book three)

  Harley’s Fall (Coming soon)

  Luke’s Revenge (Coming soon)

  Tristan’s Redemption (Coming soon)

  Her Guardians Series

  Winter’s Guardian (Book one)

  Winter’s Kiss (Book two)

  Winter’s Promise (Book three)

  Winter’s War (Book Four)

  Her Fate Series

  (Her Guardians Series spinoff)

  Adelaide’s Fate (Coming soon)

  Adelaide’s Trust (Coming soon)

  Adelaide’s Storm (Coming soon)

  Saved by Pirates Series

  Escape the sea (Book One)

  Love the sea (Coming Soon)

  Save the sea (Coming soon)

  Strip for Me Serial

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Part Four

  Part Five

  Omnibus (Coming November)

  Live for Me

  (Strip for me spin off)

  (coming December)

  The Marked Series (Co-written with Cece Rose)

  Marked by Power (Book one)

  Strip For Me

  Part Four

  Part Four…

  Love, hate and jealousy.

  Words I've repeated over and over in my mind in the last few weeks.

  When my parents turn up in my life, causing more havoc, I doubt they will ever be able to accept the love I have for the four men in my life.

  With my baby on the way and life causing problems, is love enough?

  **This is a Reverse harem serial**


  This is part four of a five-part series.

  For Skye, whose books make me love Storm. Where can I find him?

  “We fall in love by chance, we stay in love by choice.”



  “Ellie, Ellie, Ellie…did you forget about me?” Drew asks me as he walks closer to me. He walks slowly, giving me time to look at him. Drew has always been handsome, in a cold way. It’s what attracted me to him in the first place, the ice blue eyes. The perfect suits and built body underneath. The blonde hair and handsome face. But it’s all a lie, to hide the jerk underneath. His ice blue eyes watch me closely, as my heart feel likes it’s pounding against my chest. I don’t think he would hurt me but I don’t know him. I have a feeling I never did. I don’t reply to him as he moves to stand in front of me, his hand going to touch my bump.

  I slap his hand away and move backwards, my back hitting the wall near the stairs. I put my hands on my bump, feeling protective of my baby. There is no way I’m letting him touch me there.

  “That was rude,” he says with a cold laugh. His laugh seems to echo around the room. My eyes glance to my phone, the call is on and Todd must be listening to our conversation. At least I hope he is.

  “You’re not touching me or my baby,” I say. I keep my voice surprisingly calm, compared to how I’m feeling inside. I don’t want him to know how much he is scaring me.

  “I don’t want to touch that bastard child but I want my wife back,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me when I laugh a little. I don’t believe him.

  “Not happening asshole,” I say, walking sideways towards the stairs with every word. If I can get to the stairs and run up, I’ll find a bedroom and lock myself in until Todd gets here. It’s clear to me that Drew put Dom in jail because he wanted to get me alone. I bet he planned all of this. Why won’t he leave me alone? It makes no sense because he left me alone at home all the time when we were together.

  “I’ll tell you what Ellie,” he says, sliding his hands into his pockets and stopping.

  “You don’t get to tell me anything anymore,” I say, holding my ground. I spent years listening to him telling me what to do, what to wear, what to cook him and the list just goes on and on. I won’t be that person ever again. I want a life, with the men I love.

  “I’m going to give you four months Ellie, four months to make the right decision and then come to me.” he says. The way he says it, it’s like he expects me to come to him. Holy ducks, he is crazy.

  “You are bloody crazy Drew!” I shout.

  “Not even one bit and I did you a favour, you can thank me later,” he laughs.

  “If your favour was getting Dom arrested, it won’t last,” I say as he stops in front of me.

  “That was a distraction to get you alone,” he says and laughs louder. The laugh is so cold, it’s frightening.

  My heart pounds against my chest as I watch him walk away and leave the house. I scramble after him and lock the door.

  I place my hand on my bump, worry filling me.

  What was his favour?


  “Ellie!” Todd’s voice shouts through the house. I look from my spot on the stairs where I’ve been sitting since Drew left. I don’t even know how long it’s been as I’ve tried to process everything. I really didn’t know my husband at all. I look up as Todd’s hands slide over my own and he kneels in front of me.

  “Are you okay?” he asks me.

  “Yes. Drew just wanted to scare me I think,” I say and his face tightens in anger. Todd pulls me off the stairs and holds me close in his arms.

  “When I answered your call and heard his voice, god El,” he says, kissing the top of my ear. I suddenly pull back and look up at him,

  “Dom has been arrested,” I say.

  “What?” he asks in shock.

  “Drew had him arrested for assault. I think he only did it so I would be alone,” I say. I go to tell him about Drew having a gun when I realise I shouldn’t. He clearly only had it to scare me and nothing else. I doubt he would hurt me when it mutes the point of him wanting me back. If he shoots anyone else, he would end up in jail for it.

  “I’m going to call Kaiden, why don’t you go and sit in the lounge? I’ll bring you a drink,” he says, kissing my forehead. I nod and he lets me go. I look around the floor and see my phone. I pick it up and walk into the lounge, sitting on the sofa. My phone is full of messages from the guys and a few from Liz. I frown when I see a phone call from my father’s phone. He never calls me. IF I speak to my parents, it’s my mum who calls. But then again, they haven’t spoken to me in
a long time, not since I left Drew. I can’t really understand them at all. I would never do what they did to my little girl. I stroke one of my hands across my bump and look at my phone.

  I ring my father back, but he doesn’t answer and I just decide he likely called me by accident.

  “Here you go,” Todd says, coming into the room and handing me a cup of tea.

  “Thanks,” I say, loving the warm feeling of holding the cup. It’s surprising how a cup of tea can make everything better.

  “Did you get through to Kaiden?” I ask.

  “Yes, they should all be home soon. There isn’t any proof and our lawyer is already there. He told me to tell you not to worry and I agree,” he tells me softly as he sits next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and his hand goes to my knee.

  “It’s hard not to. This is my fault.” I say gently.

  “No, it’s not. This is Drew’s fault, El.” Todd says, his words soft and yet, somehow have a strong demand in them. He’s right.

  “Tell me what he said to you,” Todd says and I repeat everything but leave out the gun. There’s no need for him to be more worried than he already is. He leans back on the sofa, looking at me as I put my cup of tea down.

  “What do you think he did you as a favour?” Todd says gently, his hand sliding into mine. I look down at our linked fingers and back up into Todd’s eyes.

  “I don’t care. I know I should, but I only care about us. Not my past and certainly not him,” I say and he smiles slightly. Todd leans closer and kisses me. A passionate kiss, that makes me sink into him as he pulls me closer. Our kisses become fevered as my hands slide down his flat chest and I start undoing his buttons.

  “Ellie,” Kaiden’s voice shouts though the house, and Todd pulls away from our kiss slowly, just as the door is opened. I look over his shoulder too see Kaiden walk in, with Andre and Dominic following. They wordlessly come over and stand behind the sofa. I have to admit, I’m not sure where to look as I feel a little guilt when I see Dominic’s stressed out face.

  “You okay Ellie?” Dominic says as he places his hand on my cheek.

  “I am now,” I say and he smiles.


  I lean back on the wall of the changing room, wiping some of the oil off my chest when Ellie comes in. She’s mid conversation with Andre, and she smiles gently at me as I pull my shirt on. I catch her lust filled look as her eyes float all over my chest. Ellie looks amazing, in a long blue top, leather jacket and black leggings. Her bump is getting bigger by the day, and she has this glow about her. All of it makes her so stunning.

  “Ready for our night out?” I ask her and she nods. I only did one dance tonight to cover because we had someone sick but it’s Andre and Dominic’s night. I think back to Ellie, as she watched me do a dance with the sprinklers on the stage and I used to water dance. She loved it and made it very clear with the way she watched me, her eyes fixated on every part of my body that I moved.

  “I’ll see you later. Have fun,” Ellie says and I watch as Andre pulls her in to a deep kiss, his hands sliding around her waist. When he lets her go, her cheeks are red and she looks at me with a little embarrassment. I need to make sure she understands what I feel when I see her with the others. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

  “Come on, little missy,” I say holding out a hand, she comes over and we walk out together.

  “Have fun,” Andre says and I nod at him. The club is quiet tonight, I notice as I look around. I glance down at Ellie’s big stomach and know we all are going to be busy in a little while. Not exactly a bad thing that it’s quiet.

  “So where are you taking me tonight?” she asks me, as I unlock my car. I open the door for her and grin.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Lucky I trust you then,” she says making me laugh. I shut her door when she gets in and get in my seat. It’s about a half an hour drive to the butterfly farm just out of town. An old friend owns it and has sorted it so we can have the place to ourselves for the night.

  “A butterfly farm?” Ellie asks as I pull up outside the massive dome shaped building. The gate is a giant butterfly and there are fairy lights everywhere. I hope she likes it, I’m trying to be romantic but I’m not sure I’m doing it right. I want to give her the perfect night.

  “Yes,” I say and she gives me a quizzical look but gets out of the car. I get out my side and lock the car before taking her hand and leading her towards the farm. I watch her as she looks at all the lights, taking them all in and I knock on the door.

  The door opens a few minutes later and Marcus smiles down at me.

  “Come in, you must be Ellie.” He says, looking down at her. Marcus owns the butterfly farm and a few other businesses around town. He is about twenty, with black hair and a fuck load of muscles that make me look small next to him.

  “Yes, nice to meet you…” she says.

  “Marcus Fletcher.” He says and holds out a hand, which she shakes.

  “Thanks for this and you can fuck off now,” I say, patting his shoulder, and he laughs.

  “You owe me and drop the keys off at mine tomorrow man,” he says and chucks the keys at me. I catch them and he leaves. I lock the door and take Ellie’s hand, leading her through the small shop, which leads to the entrance to the butterfly farm at the back. I hold open the black plastic flaps, and Ellie walks through, before I follow her. I quickly take my coat off, as it’s boiling in here, and leave it on a nearby wall. They must keep it warm for the butterflies. Ellie does the same and leaves her coat next to mine. The floor is made of dirt and there is a mixture of plants behind the small wall that makes a path to a pond in the middle of the farm. The pond has a waterfall, and dozens of colourful flowers around the edge. The ceiling is lit up with dozens of fairy lights and the floor has small lights, too.

  “It looks magical,” Ellie whispers as two butterflies fly past her and my eyes draw to her. She looks magical. Ellie walks over to a small table, filled with oranges and grapefruits. There are a few brown butterflies feeding off the fruit.

  “Here,” she says, picking up an orange and wiping it on the back of her hand. She does the same to mine and then holds her hand out. It’s only a few moments before a blue winged butterfly lands on her hand. I do the same and a brown one lands on my hand, moving slowly as I watch.

  “How did you know how to do that?” I ask and she smiles.

  “The sign, how else?” she chuckles and I look at the sign by the table. It says what to do on it.

  “I have something else to show you,” I say, moving my hand and the butterfly leaves. She looks at me and chuckles as her own butterfly leaves.

  “What is it?” I say when she’s still laughing.

  “Hold on,” she says, holding up a finger and searching her jean pockets. She pulls out her phone and I wait as she takes a photo, the flash blinding my eyes a little. She shows me her phone and the picture of me. There are three butterflies on my head. I shake my head, and she laughs.

  “They’re staying by the looks of it,” she says. She looks so happy and stress free, I like this look on her.

  “Ah well, they must like my shampoo,” I say and she nods. The lights bouncing off her beautiful eyes. Ellie is so beautiful and she doesn’t even realise it.

  I take her hand and walk her around the farm, dozens of butterflies fly around us as we walk. Ellie stops a few times to read the lit-up signs that explain about where certain butterflies came from. I feel the butterflies moving a little in my hair but shaking my head doesn’t seem to be working. I pull open the clear flaps to the side room at the end of the path, letting Ellie in first and then following.

  “What’s this place?” she asks as I flip the light on. I take her hand and lead her over to the box. Inside are dozens of little cocoons, some are moving. I’ve been planning this date for a while with Marcus, he said he would call when he knew some of the rare butterflies would be hatching. I wanted her to see this and to be honest, it’s interesting to

  “Marcus said these are all going to hatch soon, he said we could be lucky and see a few tonight.” I say and she leans up, kissing my cheek.

  “Thank you. Who knew you were this sweet?” she asks.

  “Don’t tell the others,” I say, sliding my hand into her soft hair and kissing her.

  “I love you, little missy,” I say as I pull away from the kiss and she strokes a hand down my face.

  “I love you too, Kaiden.” She says and I kiss her again.


  “Your turn,” I chuckle at Andre, who leans over the monopoly board as he rubs his face in annoyance. I look at my houses and hotels, and I know that any move is going to mean he loses at this point. I have all the cards and the money.

  “Can I ask you something?” I say as he rolls his dice and lands on a seven. I’ve wanted to ask him about his parents for a while.

  “Sure,” he replies.

  “You told me that you grew up in foster homes and I was just confused why your parents left you this house,” I say and he moves his hat token across the board and landing on my card, with the hotel on it.

  “I actually don’t know why they left this house to me. It was a shock, when I hadn’t spoken to or seen them since I was a child. I don’t know why social services took me away and likely don’t want to. Mel doesn’t speak about my parents and I don’t think they are worth the hassle.” He says and I nod. I agree with him.


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