Playing Heart to Get

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Playing Heart to Get Page 17

by Kara Liane

  The chase was over.

  It was over before I even knew it. She caught me before I even knew her. I would also have to introduce Caylan to my parents. I didn’t want to spring anything on not only Caylan, but also on my mom and dad. I’m sure they would appreciate getting to meet their future daughter-in-law before I actually brought her home with a ring on her finger. I could not hold back now on my way of thinking in this context—that is in terms of thinking of a forever. The finality of it was surreal. I wouldn’t accept her refusal of my proposal for her hand, when I finally did ask.

  She was mine. Period. With a fucking exclamation point at the end too!

  But the elephant in the room, and still the remaining crux of my problem, resided in the simple fact that whenever I’m around Caylan, all sense of duty escapes me. I mean that in the fucking sense of righting the wrongs. I had every intention of setting the record straight when she answered the door, and then that plan got blown to shit. I of course welcomed the homecoming reception she gave me, but I knew it wasn’t fair to keep her in the dark. We still had so much to learn about each other. All this shit, piled on top of shit, needed to be sorted out. The house of cards we built would fall again if I didn’t get the mother fucker sturdy at the bottom.

  As soon as I stirred again, she woke up and inevitably woke up my cock—the beast could not remain in the cave forever around this woman. As soon as that thing was awake, look out! He’s always cocked and ready to rock for her. I’m a dirty bastard, and I don’t fucking care. I had to chuckle just then because she moved, and I heard a sound like when you rip paper down the middle. In a comical aspect, it was a sight to see us start to peel our bodies apart. Our sweat, and cum, and whatever the fuck else, locked us together like glue. Which by the way was fine by me. She gave up after a minute and just laid back down on me.

  But I had the best idea ever brewing in my mind. It would be naked shower time, and I smiled to myself. I would finally get to lather her gorgeous body up, and then spray her down. I would get to wash her hair, and dry her body off. This was beyond a fantasy of mine. It was literally my wet, slippery fucking dream. Mmm hmm. I’m a fucking first-rate genius! She must have felt my dick twitch again because she squeezed her pussy lips together and I wanted to blow my top. God, she felt so fucking good. She must do fucking Kegel exercises. She didn’t even lift her head up when I heard her giggle.

  “Does your penis ever get tired?” she asked playfully. Well isn’t that a fucking loaded question if I ever heard one.

  I laughed at her adorableness and replied, “No. I thought that was obvious. We need to get in the shower, baby. Let me wash you. Then we can talk.”

  She tensed. I didn’t know if she was trying to hide her reaction from me, but it didn’t matter—I felt it and sensed it. Her breathing changed, and I’m sure her imagination was running wild in thinking all these horrible things.

  “Baby, it’s going to be okay,” I assured her.

  She silently started to get up and attempted to rip herself away again. Like a bandage stuck to a wound, we eventually separated. We were still connected at our sexes, though, so when she lifted off and I slipped out, it was a torturous movement. Fuck, she kills me.

  I loved watching her walk naked around her room. She was gathering her clothes and tidying things up. I could stare at her all fucking day. She bent over to reach something, and her ass was the most perfect sight. Jesus, I couldn’t wait to fuck her in every position. I wanted her to suck my cock earlier, but I knew I’d never be able to hold out long enough to instruct her and fucking enjoy it. We’d have to reattempt that action later. I was the luckiest son of bitch to have this amazing woman be mine. She satisfied me by just breathing, and I knew I could make her happy in and out of the bedroom.

  She must have felt my eyes probing her body because she turned and blushed. I got up and we then walked into her small bathroom. No complaints by me on the close quarters.

  She pulled out two towels from the cabinet above the toilet, and placed them on the rack. We let it get steamy in the room, and then stepped into the shower. I went to work on washing her hair and soaping her down. She did the same to me. The intoxicating smell of her candy-scented body wash filled my nostrils. Christ, no wonder why she smelled so good. But her other sweet perfumes were uniquely hers. She used a more traditional smelling soap to wash me down with, but I would have been fine with the candy. She blushed as she abruptly stopped halfway down my stomach, realizing that my cock would need to be cleaned too. She giggled and I smiled at her. How she could be so playful, and adorable, and sexy, and irresistible, all at the same time, I couldn’t fucking fathom.

  We were still exploring each other’s bodies as the water rained down on us. Exploring and learning was half the fun. It would take a little time, but I’d learn every crevice, curve, and line of her build. I’d know her body better than she would after I got done with her. Her face was flushed as I ran my hands over her slick skin. The small bubbles on her nipples were so enticing. We didn’t talk in the shower. We just touched, and it was paradise.

  After we rinsed off, I grabbed her blue towel and squeezed the excess water from her hair. Then I patted her body down and finally wrapped my treasure up, so she would be snug and warm. I dried myself off really quick, and then wrapped the towel around my waist. She was breathing heavily. I looked at her in curiosity with a sly grin.

  “See anything you like, Angel?” I asked devilishly.

  She whispered knowingly, “This was another part of my dream. You in that towel with it sitting low on your hips. You have the ‘V.’”

  Argh! She always tested my patience. I was powerless and helpless against her charms.

  “Grr…don’t start, baby. Let’s get dressed and sit down and talk. There will be plenty of time to play later,” I tried to sound upbeat.

  She nodded her head with caution in her eyes. We walked out of the bathroom and back into her bedroom. We dressed in silence and made our way down the hallway. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, and then kissed her on the cheek. I knew she was nervous. Hell, so was I.

  “Do you want me to make us some coffee?” I questioned.

  “No, thanks. I’ll have tea. I’ve been feeling off lately, so tea will help. I’ll make it, though,” she replied.

  I made coffee while she made tea. Then we carried our mugs into the living room and sat down on the couch. We were side-by-side and turned to face each other. Our knees touched and it was comforting to be connected somehow. We both needed a few moments to collect ourselves before the talk. Our mugs let off steam, and we stared down into our drinks as if they held the answers to the world.

  Hmm, I know you can read tea leaves, but can you read coffee granules?



  In my head I was doing yoga, Zen stuff, and whatever other calming things like meditation. I was mentally preparing for this. I couldn’t physically prepare, unless he relaxed me with sex again. Well, I guess I wouldn’t call it relaxing, it was more euphoric than anything. I’m getting side-tracked again. I wanted to stop staring at my tea. Thankfully, he began.

  “Britney is not pregnant,” were his first words right out of the gate.

  I took a breath in and held it, then slowly exhaled. Hmm, okay. Didn’t really see that one coming.

  He continued, “She informed me yesterday. Christ, was it just yesterday? Anyway, she was lying about the whole thing. I’ll spare you the details, just know there will be no further contact. She’s an evil bitch, and that’s all you need to know.”

  What? That’s all I need to know! Are you kidding me? I knew he picked up on my agitation.

  So he resumed with, “And, no. I did not sleep with her the entire time we were apart. The last time I slept with her still remains the night before we met. And Angel…there were no other women, so you don’t even have to ask.”

  I sighed and flailed about letting the news sink in. I probably looked like one of those dancing blow-up things you
see at car dealerships. It was such a relief. I was also pleased by his word choice of apart, suggesting we were in fact together in the first place.

  Another deep breath, and I had to ask. Call it morbid curiosity. “So are you relieved about there not being a baby then?” I queried.

  The shutters came down. What did that mean? Was it the phrasing? I wasn’t intending this to be a question in which there was no right or wrong answer.

  “I don’t know,” is all he said.

  And I knew that was all I was going to get on that subject. I couldn’t help but think my dream of being a mother would have to end right here and now if I wanted to be with him. I could pretend it didn’t bother me, but of course it did. I was going to be selfish, though, and continue this—whatever this was—with him until I felt otherwise. It was wrong to keep up a charade, but I couldn’t lose him right now. Okay, subject change time.

  “I know about what Meg said to you,” I blurted out.

  He was genuinely surprised. “Well, then you know I never wanted to let you go?” he stated.

  I nodded yes in understanding but had to point out that although it may have been the case, I still didn’t know at the time about Britney. He understood my previous apprehensions too. But I wanted him to be secure about Meg, so I wanted that smoothed over.

  “Meg won’t interfere again. Unless she thinks you’re hurting me. But she knows what I want. And what I want is you,” I breathed. I looked in his blue eyes and we both melted at my admission.

  “I want you too, Angel. So very much. I know it’s fast, but I want you with me. We can take it at whatever pace, but you have to know that I’m not going anywhere,” he proclaimed. Oh God, let there be more to his declaration.

  “Caylan…,” he whispered.

  I was locked on his eyes. I didn’t breathe or move, too consumed by the moment.

  “I love you,” he rasped out.

  OH MY GOD! He said it.

  I could die and go to heaven now. It was a dream come true to hear the words. Fireworks were going off in my head, and I was standing at Cinderella’s castle with little birdies tweeting on my shoulder.

  My eyes welled up with tears and I replied, “I love you too, Alexi.”

  I was so choked up. He visibly relaxed and grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. We broke apart after a minute. He rested his forehead against mine, and we both closed our lids absorbing the moment. That was some heavy stuff to get out of the way. I wanted to ask, what now? But I knew I needed to address my matters first. We could define us after we made it through this next part.

  “I hate to ruin this perfect moment, but we need to address some other things,” I remarked with disappointment.

  He moved his face back a little from me and nodded for me to go ahead.

  I cleared my throat and got right to it. “Greg…,” I started to say, and he was already on his feet radiating with anger. Okay, maybe this wasn’t the time to do this.

  “What about him?” he asked menacingly.

  “Umm. Umm. He sent me a letter,” I stammered out.

  “He did what?” he thundered. “Fuck!” he yelled.

  God, he was so manly, this is why I loved him. I knew he’d protect me, but I so worried for his safety. I knew Alexi could out-muscle Greg any day of the week, but Alexi was so reactive. I was afraid it would get him in trouble if it ever came to a physical altercation; this was my exact worry and fear about Brent too. He looked down at me and he sighed, and gestured for me to continue. I mentally noted that I needed to learn that Alexi needed to have these little snits—or outbursts—sometimes.

  I went on with, “So Greg wrote me a letter. It’s creepy and crazy, and he’s so eff’d up. But it is what it is. I’ll let you read it, of course. He threatens you at one point. He says that I’m his.” I shuddered with the heebie-jeebies. He was flexing his fingers.

  He gritted out, “I want to read it.”

  I walked into my bedroom and retrieved it from my drawer. I brought it back out to him.

  He read it and then bellowed, “Fuck! If that maggot thinks for one second he’ll ever get that close to you again, I’ll fucking annihilate him.”

  “Calm down Alexi, please,” I begged.

  “No, I can’t calm down. Christ, he called you his angel. How the fuck would he know that?” he asked puzzled.

  Wow, I guess he missed a lot during his drunken days.

  “I know it may seem silly and innocent, but you posted a picture of me on Facebook. You tagged me in it, and he found me,” I replied casually. He went pale and I knew he was mad at himself, so I needed to fix this.

  “It’s not your fault, though. It’s mine. I don’t even know why I have any social media accounts. I never use them, and I knew the risks. My parents don’t have any. Brent has a Facebook account, but it’s locked up tight because of him being military. Anyway, it’s nothing you did. I’m surprised he didn’t find me sooner. Maybe it was just time,” I realized.

  “And maybe I just fucking waved the red cape in the bull’s fucking face. Christ, I didn’t realize I put you in danger. I didn’t even know I fucking posted anything. I guess I was that fucked up over you,” his words were dripping with remorse.

  I was shaking my head furiously. He didn’t get it. It wasn’t him.

  “Well, it doesn’t fucking matter anyway. You’re not staying here. You’re staying with me. Your parents can even come too,” he added.

  Umm, what? This was so sudden. Of course I wanted to be with him 24/7. But what did this mean? God, we were groping in darkness looking for a light switch sometimes. I never knew what to think with the two of us.

  “But what if he comes after you because of me? I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you!” I retorted.

  I was standing now too. I couldn’t really do the glower thing because he towered over me; I tried the best I could, though. He was so serious. His handsome face was lined with concern.

  “And Angel, pray tell how I would survive if he came after you and I wasn’t there?” he softly asked.

  He put his hand to my cheek and my pathetic glower-power evaporated. Then he made it so I couldn’t refuse. Jerk!

  “I’ll go after him if you don’t stay with me,” he threatened.

  That snapped me right out of the trance. It reminded me of the ultimatum I gave him when I told him I’d go jump in the lake. Jesus, he was impossible!

  “Okay, Alexi, you win this round,” I surrendered. The white flag was up.

  “I always do,” he said smugly under his breath.

  Infuriating, difficult, sexy, beastly man! Grr. Just grr.

  And that’s how all that went down. To recap, what did we even cover?



  I’m glad we could keep a lighter conversation going because I needed lots of distraction from thinking about that fucking letter that lowlife sent her. It was fucking grotesque the way he viewed the night he attacked her. She was correct in the fact that he was absolutely crazy. I would need to talk to her about pursuing this with the law. He couldn’t just contact her like that and make threats.

  He was the sickest kind of individual that thought what he had was love. Abuse, pain, and trauma is not love, asshole! There’s more than a fucking screw loose in that boy’s mind; more like the nuts, bolts, and general mechanics were never installed. Mother fucker would be sorry if he ever came near her again!

  I would never admit to her how worried I was about this. This guy was not going to stop. He was obsessed. A person of this nature bided his time for the right opportunity to strike. I could never let him get that close. It was always going to be at the back of my mind that he was out there…just waiting.

  So after our very severe conversation, we covered other topics. She told me she didn’t want her parents to know about the letter. Against my better judgment, I agreed I wouldn’t break confidence. So I guess I wouldn’t fucking tell them! She said Meg knew about the letter at least, so I’m gla
d someone else did. I brought up the issue about her parents’ safety, but she assured me that they were very cautious already because of the neighborhood they lived in. We discussed the need to talk to her parents, though, about our rather sudden living situation. That conversation would be interesting, and she agreed we’d have to team up as a united front. I hoped her parents would be open-minded. I was ready to put it out there, though.

  As far as my condo, I knew my place was safe. I already had a security system and nosey enough neighbors that would be on high alert if they heard or saw something out of the ordinary. Bonus for her was that she was closer to campus by living with me; it would only be about a thirty-minute drive. I did not like the idea of her taking any mode of transportation she currently did to get to school. I told her bus and train were out of the question. Fuck the fact that they were public places because that didn’t mean Greg wouldn’t try to get to her. I would also outfit her with pepper spray ASAP. I was going to buy her a car, and she vehemently detested that idea. I won that round eventually in my mind. She said she’d borrow it but would prefer to utilize Uber—I let her think what she wanted for now.

  I didn’t care what the fucking expenses were. I had plenty of money. I had my own investments besides a lucrative income, and she was entitled to anything and everything she wanted. She’d have to get used to the idea that my finances extended to her. I’d definitely win that round in and out of my mind! Interestingly, the lake house was even in my name; although my dad insisted on being the one to upkeep it. I figured it must mean something to him, so I let him.

  We then talked about how her finals went, and how her new classes had started. She asked me about work, and I filled her in on some of the rather boring details of my everyday routine. I also informed her that she would need to meet my parents soon, and I’d introduce her to my best buds. I couldn’t tell if she was enthused about either meet and greet. Maybe nerves? I knew my parents would love her; as long as it led to me settling down, my mom would especially be thrilled.


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