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A Love That Destroyed Time

Page 6

by Melanie Ray

  Yed picked his yo-yo up. “My lineage is all warno, no mix.”

  "You have pure lineage?" Ezra seemed shocked. "I thought there weren't many more besides a few."

  "Well, there are." Yed smiled as he waved his tail around near her. “I saw the historical book of lineage with my own eyes.”

  Ezra held out her tail as well, but did not touch his. “I’m red. Yours is blue?”

  "Yep." Yed grinned. "Matches the hair-I mean it did match my hair. I should have guessed.”

  "Well how could you?" Ezra reasoned. "Xiam and Muin hid their tails too along with Mom and Dad. Everyone hides their tail colors, even Zaria."

  Yed groaned. "Why'd you mention his name? Hang on, wait. The Cattral’s had pure lineage?"

  "Yes, they're pure," Ezra informed him. "So is Zaria."

  "That lowlife," Yed growled. "That must have been the attraction."

  "I don't know." Ezra shrugged. "It’s nice to know their babies will continue the warno tradition, at least a few more centuries."

  "Yeah, great." Yed felt like smashing his head into something. The King set him up for no reason at all! There would already be a pure lineage having a kid. How could the King not have the basic knowledge of Muin and Zaria, it was right there in front of him! He wanted to scream to the top of his lungs, what the King had done had no purpose. Nothing at all, it was an accident that never should have happened, and it would go down in history as being the stupidest thing he’d ever been conned into.

  Which led him to believe, even more, there was more to this than the King let on. If only he could see it. He tried many times, thought about it over in his head. Why? Every time he thought about it though, he ended up at the same dead end conclusion: Nothing.

  “In the end, it doesn’t matter, they’ll have to cover its little tail too.” Ezra shrugged. "The Saga's are gone, the Cattral’s name is gone, and soon so will the rest."

  "Wait, what do you mean Cattral’s gone?" Yed frowned, "Xiam married, didn't he? Eventually he's bound to have kids."

  "Yes, but the Vallencio's had no males in their family to pass their name down. Xiam wanted to make the gesture of changing his name instead of Iridescent."

  "Xiamipoc Vallencio?" Yed couldn’t quite get his tongue to say it easily. “Explains the name of his restaurant."

  "Yes. Besides, Xiam knows the kingdom still tracks the family names. If he changed his name over, there's more safety for his next generation," Ezra reminded him.

  "Great, and Muin went and married. What was her last name again?" Yed asked.

  "Furtop," Ezra reminded him. “Mrs. Muinela Furtop.”

  "So you're the only one left, huh?" Yed chuckled. In a way, it was sad. "I feel the irony."

  Ezra didn't smile. "That's not very funny."

  "The last Saga. The last Cattral." Yed pointed at himself. "The last Smilliat. We're all fading out in the end."

  Ezra nodded in understanding. "Yes. One day, we'll all be gone and just waryes' will remain. I just hope it’s a gradual change with dignity, and not...not war."

  Yed growled on reflex. "I'd die before I see them wipe us out completely."

  Ezra glanced back at Yed. "Calm down Yed, you're too obsessed with them."

  "Well they destroyed my whole life, how am I supposed to feel?" Yed looked down at his yo-yo. "Waryes' and yo-yo’s. Sometimes I wonder if I'm even sane anymore." He grabbed his head.

  Ezra patted his back. "I know how it feels. They did something to your family, it’s obvious, but they all passed on."

  "They aren't gone," Yed insisted.

  “Bitterness doesn't make the past better," Ezra said in warning. "Only the present can really matter now."

  "You know it's that kind of thinking which backed us up into this corner we're all stuck in." Yed groaned. "Only the present matters. Yeah, they come over and destroy our lives, go back to their side and say 'sorry'? Oh, but it was the past and the waryes' learned their lesson. So why can't we all get along?" He scoffed. "No way, forget it. They are not our friends or our allies. We've got to stop cowering and fight back for ourselves."

  "Warnos don't fight," Ezra said softly. "Only Protectors do, Yed."

  "Then when will they?" Yed frowned. "How far do we have to be pushed before we stop hiding our tails and fight back? How many of us are even going to be around before someone does something, huh?”

  "We just want to be happy and live freely." Ezra tried to convince him again. “We don’t fight.”

  "Yeah, I know. Risks have got to be taken to keep that freedom though." On reflex, Yed looked at her stomach. "How are you doing?"

  Ezra looked down at her tummy. "I don't know. Besides the nausea and loss of's strange. A different kind of feeling I'm not used to." She gently touched her tummy. "I'm not getting big though yet, not for some time." She looked back over at Yed. "How am I really gonna do this?"

  Yed shrugged. "I don't know. We'll just get through it."

  "We'll?" Ezra said, chuckling. "That's a funny word coming from you."

  "Well I'll be here guarding you. It's a part of you, so I'll guard it too," Yed reasoned.

  Ezra smiled at him. "Why are you really here? It's apparent you're too late."

  "Not so," Yed disagreed, "you are now with child. Even though Protectors mostly guard single females from males, it's not always the case." He gestured toward her stomach. "You are pregnant with a baby whose father is unknown. Some warno’s will see this as a chance to snatch you with minimal effort."

  "Minimal effort?" Ezra joked. "Well, I guess I wouldn't be able to run very fast."

  "You know what I mean," Yed said. "They'll try and say they'll be a good dad, just give them a chance and some 'incentive'. Then after they get what they want, they are out the door. I know, it's typical predator activity."

  "Is that really why? Is that what you told the King?" Ezra asked.

  Yed sighed. "Alright, alright. I'm mostly here because I always promised you guys I’d be here if you really needed me." He gestured toward her. "I was already late, I'm not going to mess the whole thing up by letting some jerks deceive you just for a good time."

  Ezra stood up. "I guess that makes more sense. You always were very protective."

  "Protective?" Yed smiled. "What, me? A Protector being protective? What sense does that make?"

  "Hardy har har." Ezra chuckled. "Come on, it's almost time to eat."

  "What are we eating? Mnui?" Yed smiled. Mnui was the best food known to him. Flat soft batter baked with one part dessert, one part meat, and one part vegetable. When cooked right, it was an amazing feast for his taste buds. Oh and Xiam? His friend could cook it just right.

  "What do I look like, a chef?"

  Yed gestured outside. "Do you think our Chef Xiam is having that tonight?" He rubbed his hands together. "Say, I just thought of a great idea."

  "Go over at suppertime, pardon the intrusion, and know Xiam would invite us in?" Ezra said as she grabbed his hand. "Not on your life Protector Yed." She giggled. "Come on Yed, I'll fix something decent and I promise I'll try to make sure it's cooked this time."

  "Or not burnt?" Yed smiled at the possibility.

  Ezra's demeanor as she glanced back at him, her eyes full of fire. "Don't test me."

  Ah. "Okay." He just grinned. "Mmm, charcoal."

  "Yed," Ezra scolded him. "Do you want to fix dinner?"

  "No, that's okay," he laughed nervously. "Sorry, just joking. Funny joke, ha ha?"

  "Oh." Ezra sighed. "Fine." She groaned as she felt her stomach. "Oh forget it, let's just call out."

  "Now that is a great idea." Yed grinned until he realized how big of a grin he had. "I mean, I know you're tired and...” Something sincere. What could he say so she wouldn’t yell at him? “You should go rest?" Yed could feel her chilling stare, he knew she didn’t buy it. Okay, I can handle this. Her evil look should not bother me. Still, it was a bit weird. Ezra was pleasant and then turned right around and became very temperamental.

  It was like Ezra had a split personality called Muin sometimes.

  Oh, welcome to pregnancy. Yed groaned.

  Chapter 8


  Xiam stopped Yed outside as he went for a small walk with Ezra. "Hey Yed, how about a second?"

  "Sure. Especially if foods involved." Yed grinned. He waved at Ezra. "Don't go too far." He turned back to Xiam. "Is food involved?"

  Xiam shook his head. "I just want to say that I know what’s coming, it's obvious. Just don't be too hard on my sister. “Okay?"

  "Huh?" Yed didn't seem to understand.

  "It was a mistake." Xiam sounded as if he was trying to get Yed on his side. "Everyone makes those, hers was just a bit extra." He sighed deeply. "I know you, Yed, you’re only letting this slide so she gets used to everything, but I know you're going to give her a piece of your mind soon. Just be gentle, okay?"

  A piece of my mind. "Fine," Yed agreed.

  "One more thing? Please stop delaying it." Xiam insisted. "Even Ezra knows it's coming, you’re making her feel more ashamed by acting like it's no big deal." He nodded and waved a quick goodbye.

  Yed nodded in return. He had noticed Ezra’s behavior too. There were moments, when they talked and laughed, where she'd just give out. Just apologize and take off to be alone. He caught up to her and walked, side by side again. Great, just great. The King put her into this position, this isn't her fault! Xiam's right though, if the King weren't involved and she just got pregnant in some one night stand, how would I act? He groaned knowing exactly how he’d act.

  First he'd ask her what she was thinking, and then he'd give her a thousand other options she could have taken to get out of what happened. After that he'd say he was ashamed of her and couldn't believe he'd wasted all those years teaching her. Lastly, he'd watch her like a hawk, expecting her to mess up.

  Yep, that's what he'd do. Cold, but that's what he'd do.

  It wasn't her fault and it wasn't mine. We had no control, and we don't even remember. Yed reasoned. They expect it though, and if I let this slide, they're going to figure out that something is up. How could he belittle her and not belittle himself too? I'm not an actor, this isn’t going to be easy. "Ezra." He called out to her a bit firmer than usual as he caught up.

  Ezra stopped. "Yes?"

  "I think you've had enough time to absorb everything," Yed began.

  Ezra fidgeted with her fingers as she placed them protectively together. "I have."

  "Great, then I think it's time we have a little talk." Yed’s voice went from firm to demanding. "Number one, what the hell were you doing sitting at that counter?"

  "I always sat at the counter," Ezra stated, "I talked to Xiam and Iri that way when they were working easier."

  "Yeah, but it was still a counter," Yed argued. "You never sit at a counter. I taught you that, didn't I?"

  "Yes." Ezra said softly. "Since it was Xiam's place, I figured it would be fine."

  "Well apparently that wasn't the case," Yed continued, "I never said there were any exceptions to sitting at a counter, did I? I mean, what did I say? Do you even remember?"

  "Counters are free for anyone to sit," Ezra responded. "A guy could come up, sit next to me and talk with ease. In a table or booth, they couldn't get away with that."

  "And?" Yed pressed.

  "Only girls looking for someone sit at counters," Ezra said in shame, "It was like I was asking for it."

  Oh that had to hurt. Yed lost his composure a moment as he lost himself in her sad expression. Head hanging low, he could only see the shame and sadness in one of her eyes. He closed his eyes for a second, found his composure and continued his act. He couldn’t become soft. "Why didn't you get up and leave then? You weren't stuck to the counter, were you?"

  "No, I told him I wasn't interested," Ezra said.

  "Yeah, but does that ever work? You should have moved." Yed crossed his arms in a gesture of superiority. "The simplest things I taught you and you didn't even bother following them. Why'd I even waste my time teaching you?"

  "I'm sorry!" Ezra looked away, her head still bowed. "It just happened."

  "Well there's really no way to change the past, is there?” Yed asked rhetorically. “So from now on, the rules are as follows. You obey me everywhere you go. You tell me or take me everywhere you go. You don't talk to anyone that I say you shouldn't. And most of all, you follow the most simple rules before this happens again."

  Yed watched her nod in agreement, as a small sniffle had escaped her. He looked at the ground in front of her, seeing tear drops. The guilt speech was complete, he couldn’t do it anymore. He felt his throat growing tight, he must have hurt her so much...

  "Fine, let's continue walking then go home." Yed watched Ezra walk obediently by his side. He continued to have a stern look on his face, but inside, he felt so low. It wasn't her fault, I shouldn't have to treat her like this. To treat her like this would be like treating me like this. It was Xiam's place, he was right there somewhere, she would have been fine. Without messing with her, she would have told anyone off well enough who bugged her. If they kept bugging her too long, she would have moved or called for Xiam. It wasn't her fault, it just wasn't. He glanced briefly at Ezra at his side. Her head still hung down in shame. She shouldn't have to look like that. He saw the way her tail drooped down against the ground, lost his stern look and stared at a nearby tree.

  He couldn’t take it anymore. "That's enough walking Ezra, let's go home."

  "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Yed called out from the staircase as he saw Ezra head for the front door.

  Ezra stopped and looked back, annoyance all over her face. It had been two months since Yed came to live with her and he was always hounding her about where she was going. "Muin wants to take me out somewhere and talk sister to sister. Okay?"

  "Where?" His irritating question came.

  "I don't know. Do you want me to call her up and ask her?" Ezra’s voice was sharp toward him, he had treated her as more of a child than he did when she was a child.

  "No, I guess I can trust in that," Yed agreed. "I'll watch you head over to her house though."

  "I'm not gonna escape," Ezra insisted. Couldn’t she get away for two damn seconds? "She just wants to take me out before..." Ezra didn’t catch herself in time. Oh great, he was going to notice that slip-up.

  "Before?" Yed pushed. "Before what?"

  "Before I get too big and noticeable," Ezra said knowing he’d get it out of her one way or the other.

  "No way, you're not talking to any guys just to get one quick thrill before motherhood," Yed growled.

  "I didn't say that's what I would do!" Ezra growled back. "Stop treating me like such a kid! I know what happened was wrong, I know it was all my fault but you need to start trusting me somewhere along the way." She felt Yed’s eyes go up and down her. Not like a normal male looks at a woman, no, he was being overprotective and making sure nothing yelled ‘come get me’.

  Yed sighed hesitantly. "Fine, but no talking to guys."

  "Fine, I won't talk to any," Ezra muttered. “Now may I go Protector Yeducavich Smilliat?”

  Yed pointed to her trenchcoat. "So what are you hiding beneath that?"

  Ezra looked at her coat. "I'm not hiding, it's cold."

  "Cold enough for a jacket, not a trenchcoat."

  Ezra gave in and took off the coat. Damn.

  "..." Yed seemed to have trouble forming words as he saw Ezra in her strapless sequined red dress along with one of her silkiest shawls draped around her shoulders to hide the bareness beneath. She was even nicer in that then she was in her blue-tiered dress the other night. Yed quickly regained his faculties and held his finger up to make a point. "You...” He pointed straight at her. “No guys, none, whatsoever!" he demanded.

  "I already agreed to that." Ezra just gave Yed a second look. He still looked kind of different, never looked that way before. "How do I look?" She chuckled as she saw the expression on Yed's face. "
Hello? Yed Smilliat, are you there?"

  "You look nice." He coughed and shook his head. "It looks suitable if you don't go near any guys." He crossed his arms. "Remember, if anyone comes near you-"

  "I'll call you right away. I promise, Muin and me are gonna be fine. You worry way too much." She giggled. "Are you sure you like this? You keep staring at me."

  "I’m not staring at you, just go before I change my mind!" Yed suddenly yelled at her out of nowhere as he stomped up the stairs.

  He waited to hear the front door slam before he headed to his room. That hadn’t gone as expected, no doubt she was angry with his outburst, but he had to get out. He went over to some books that had been piled up in the corner, gathering dust. He grabbed the first one on top and blew off the dust. He rubbed the remainder of the dust off and looked at the title. Understanding and Ignoring Female Attraction.

  Yed started in the table of contents, looked up which page he needed to read, He needed to refresh his memory again. Down, down, we go. Clothes. To show off the female figure, women often wear clothes that will attract the opposite sex. It is important to note that clothes are just clothes. They have no power over you. "No power over me," Yed repeated. They are simply cloth with certain colors. Pink, Red, Blue, Black is also considered an attractive color at times when paired with another bright color. "Simply cloth with a certain color." They are simply tailored; there is no magic to their charm. Just remember: They are just clothes. They are only clothes. "They are only clothes," Yed repeated. "Simply colored cloth, it's just cloth, it's got no power over me." He set his book back down. "It was just cloth. It holds no power over me." Convinced he was now fine, he set the book back down.

  "That was lots of fun," Muin said as she accompanied Ezra into the house. "I'm gonna miss doing that stuff, but well, we'll be mommies though. A whole new adventure," she chuckled.

  Yed came downstairs and saw Muin and Ezra. "Only an hour?" He smiled. "Good."

  "We got tired," Muin admitted. "That and for a little while Ezra got too nauseous and irritable."

  Ezra just shrugged. "No one's perfect." She nodded at Muin. "Good night Muin, I'll think about what you said too."


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