by Melanie Ray
"Then not Wallis. What's wrong then?" Ezra pushed harder. "Yed, your forehead looks like it's about to split. What's wrong?"
"What about her?"
"She was my daughter."
Ezra stopped. "Our daughter?"
"My daughter. The ‘time I used to belong to that I betrayed’ daughter. I held her exact hand when she was so young...and she can't even remember anything." Yed shook his head. "Because I got in, she got in one day too."
"Oh." Ezra was beginning to understand. Yed didn't need to even tell her. He remembered the past somehow. "I am sorry."
"What are you sorry about?" Yed's voice was almost snideful. "You never lost anything. I lost my dad, my family, you, even my mind before! You, lost what?" He sneered. "Just keep up."
"I am sorry for your loss," Ezra said harshly, "but that doesn't mean you can treat me like that. Life isn't always filled with unicorns and rainbows, I know that too."
"You don't know anything!" Yed yelled at her. His cool had been lost. "You'll never understand. You just eased the pain by grabbing another lonesome kid."
Ezra's mouth dropped. Why that-?! "How dare you!" She moved to get in front of him. "I did not ease my pain by grabbing Wallis, he needed someone. It's not like I took a trip back in time, screwing my life up!" She pointed straight at him. "That's why you're upset, so shake your finger at the right warno. Yourself."
"I have done plenty of that." Yed started to move again. "Just stay up already."
Geez. She left her children for this? Ezra followed him all the way down until they came to the vehicle. With transport, the trip was easier. Neither of them said a word in the car as they road toward the Warno Kingdom's castle.
"Have you heard of different colored inhibitors?" Yed had finally bothered to talk to her, and he decided digging for information would be the ice breaker?
"Why would I have heard of it?"
"Because King Regwallis is your new son."
"And yours."
"Because of you."
"You can't stop looking for a fight, can you?" Honestly, what was Ezra supposed to do? She didn't often fight this much with him, but he seemed to be antagonizing her on purpose. "No, I haven't heard of different colored inhibitors, and please stop being so aggravating."
"What? You mean about becoming a forced dad?" Yed egged her on.
"If you wanted to pick a fight, you should have brought someone else." Ezra looked out the window. Would he ever stop?
"You should have asked me," Yed said. "You should have asked if I wanted to father another kid that I didn't get a say so about. What makes you any different than the king?"
"How about the fact I didn't send my family to the guillotine!" Ezra couldn't help herself.
"Might as well have, you want to follow me to a different planet. You'd rather flirt with a Protector than protect what you can. I have to go, you didn't."
"Stop." Ezra crossed her arms. "Just stop it."
"We're almost there, and you made your decision. You want to risk living as pets forever, fine by me."
Cruel. His words were nothing but cruel. Ezra tried to hide her tears. Yed would only hurt her further. She touched the window, wishing she was anywhere but there. How could he say those things to her? Sure, Wallis's new status was tough for him, but this? He was using her as some kind of outlet for his own pain, and he didn't seem to care.
When they arrived, he didn't say a word and got out of the vehicle. She moved out herself and tried to follow him. He went down a flight of stairs before coming to a wall.
"King Sheward's backup. It was probably where he was going before he died." He input a code, and the wall moved. Behind it, was another door. Yed opened it, and Ezra caught it before it closed on her. In the middle of the room was a transporter.
"Last chance," Yed said. "I am telling you that in order to get them out, it won't be an easy journey. I have no plan, except to try and get them out. I am not a one size fits all hero, chances I'll even get back are slim. You have a chance to stay and raise those kids, or you can come and risk everything with me. Do you understand that? I will take you back if I need to, I honestly will, no problem."
Ezra looked toward the ground, before looking back toward him. He couldn't go to a strange planet alone without a plan. Without any idea of what to do. He was letting her know right now that she may never see the babies again. But, could she live with herself if anything happened to him?
Now it made sense why he was pushing. He wanted her to stay, but he wouldn't keep her back unless she agreed. Had his future daughter said something to him? Yeducavich Smilliat was brilliant though, and that was who he had been. If there was a way out, he'd find it, but what if he needed assistance? He was trying to get Zaria, Zaria Junior, Cooey, and Muinela all out of there. She wanted to stay, but another part knew that he needed a backup.
For however long it took. "Let's get going."
Chapter 74
Words didn't even need spoken. Fala was not like Pagnia or Earth. Fala had been above Pagnia in technology almost a century ago, and it seemed they knew how to 'reroute enemy crafts' straight to a strange room.
"You are interfering in Falafellafalela's air space. This is an illegal act. Identify species now or you will be, like, terminated."
The most serious he had ever heard them. Yed held his hands up. "Warno. Not here for world invasion."
"Warno, warno. Oh. Oh!"
The door went up. "Brace yourself, Ezra." Yed took his own drawn out exhale, knowing what was coming. A wall began to slowly lift. Behind it, a large Fala creature came out.
"Warno. More warnos? Any more of you critters?" The large woman approached closer. "Like, this is so cool! Cute isn't even the word. So, escaping too?"
"Yes." Yed winced as he felt his tail being brushed. He couldn't react badly, as much as he wanted to. It could jeopardize the little 'welcome' they currently had. There was no treaty between this planet and Pagnia. The best and only chip they had was their 'cuteness'.
"Yed," Ezra whispered to him. "How do I understand them? Is it a translator? Is it working right?"
Yed gently raised his finger. "Excuse me, dear female? Could you tell us where our friends have arrived?"
"Yes, you are definitely a warno like the others. Follow me." The Fala guard led the group to the next room. "Your friends are on the other side."
Yed tried not to react, but he couldn't stop Ezra.
"That's a conveyor belt!" Ezra said as she pointed at a machine. There were metal slags churning around on a conveyor belt. It disappeared into the wall, and into darkness. The sounds from inside were tinny, and the odor wasn't pleasant. "Muinela can't be at the end of that."
"Yes they are." The guard petted Yed's tail again. "Now, you be good little fellows. If you don't, I'll have to put you down."
A Fala resident didn't even need a gun. They were so large, they could step on them like a human to an ant. Yed held his hand against Ezra. "Ezra, calm down." Yed looked into the conveyor machine. There was no telling what was on the other side. It could be a deathtrap, but if it was? Then Muinela and her family would have gone through it.
No, Fala didn't want their fur, they loved exotic animals. Besides, they could simply chop their tails if they wanted fur. The smell from inside, it didn't smell like death. Blood, maybe, but not death.
Yed thought about his options. One, running away. The guard might let them leave, or they could make a dash, but how would that help? They need Muinela and her family. "Excuse me, ma'am?" He smiled politely at the guard. "This is hypothetical, but if we had to be put down, how painful would that be?"
"Oh, I'd just step on you probably," the guard said non-chalantly.
Thought so. Yed checked his pocket for a coin. Instead, he felt the ring box that he couldn't seem to get rid of.
The Protector ring. There was no turning back. If need be, he'd have to do it. "I'm going in." His eyes turned toward Ezr
a. "If I toss back something, it means let the guard put you down, or run away, because what I am going through is not an option you should take." He jumped on the conveyor belt. Part of him wanted to close his eyes. This wasn't a simple trip to the next room where they would have a happy reunion. Conveyors weren't doors, there was a reason to this, and he knew he wouldn't like it.
"But, Yed-" Ezra started. "But-!"
"Hey," Yed stated. He winked at her. "No fears, okay? Life's been a blast. We all had fun. There is a strong probability this won't kill me. We'll just have to see." He saw the expression on her face. "Ezzy, it's alright. I would never trade a thing, trust me. Well, okay, I'd change a couple of things. But, not you. Never you." He waved toward the guard. "Let's get this over."
As the conveyor moved, he didn't look back. He kept his eyes open, moving into the abyss. There was nothing inside and the conveyor started to turn. Yed held his breath, this would be it. As he turned, he heard a strange sizzling. Blue electricity was up ahead.
Chance of dying was now increasing. Perhaps Fala liked stuffed trophies like Earthlings? He tried to scoot back, but the conveyor belt was going faster. Yed pulled out the ring box and yanked out the ring.
Once he believed this would be on Ezra's finger, just a little while. Now, it may just bring her a chance to escape. Yed managed to get past the curve, and shot the ring out. He watched it tumble along, and then into darkness. Hopefully, it made it.
That ring. He held onto it for so long. He remembered buying it the day the war started. He remembered finding it again, hiding in that yo-yo. He even thought about wanting to chuck it when they arrived back on Earth.
Yet, he still couldn't get rid of it. With it gone now, he felt alone.
With that final thought, he sat back down. Escaping was useless anyhow. Yed closed his eyes, wishing he had read the Fala people better. Ezra could possibly die because of him. She knew enough about fighting, being able to get away was a possibility, but then she would have to get back to Sanctuary.
More thoughts struck his mind. Muinela and her newborns went through this. Cooey and Zaria, those kids had been full of such life. Zaria was probably clinging to his whole family during this time.
They hadn't escaped the war for greener pastures, they'd been sentenced to death.
It was time to accept the inevitable. This was the path they took, and it would be the same way he would go. If he closed his eyes and wished hard enough, maybe he could move, but Carressella's words wouldn't be taken lightly. If it meant his death, then so be it. No more traveling through time.
He smiled, letting his mind drift. His Earth years had been the best, whether he had been all there or not. It would have been gratifying to know his family better, but he couldn't give into the negative thoughts. It was almost over, and at least Ezra had a shot.
He heard the sizzle of the light, and his world went dark.
Oh, stretchy stretch. Muin pushed her front legs in front deeply, and then moved slightly, switching to her back legs. Most likely, she resembled a cat, but she was getting better at the whole walking on all four things. Her children were on the ground, learning to crawl. It's a shame that they'd never learn to walk on two legs. The things that were possible on two legs.
She moved to the front of the tank, wagged her tail, and held her head up toward the Fala children.
"It's so pretty!"
"Look at its tail."
"It is so totally cute."
Muin had to admit, everything sucked, but the constant adornment of attention wasn't bad. Whenever she was feeling sad, a group of onlookers would appear when she stood right there. When she moved away, they would disperse.
It took time to get used to her collar too, or the wardrobe she had to wear. At least she had wardrobe. She was also adorned with precious jewels, even an inhibitor. A beautiful red inhibitor, it was amazing. "Zaria?"
She tried to look on the bright side. No war, with her children, adorned in jewelry and admired. Zaria? He had a harder time keeping his spirits up. "Hey, come on. Master Balafa has barely seen you today."
"Who cares?" Zaria wore a similar outfit, but he lied down on the ground of the tank. It was a soft velvet substance that Muin loved to curl up in sometimes. "I'll still get fed."
"You won't get any bonus, and Balafa said I wasn't supposed to share with you." The bonus Muin got was worth it. Their regular food was brown and dried up balls with a funky odor and taste. The bonus always included meat, vegetables, and sometimes even a form of dessert. It could be one lavish meal, if you followed their instructions.
She had to eat well, she was still breastfeeding the babies. Until she felt they were old enough to eat what they put up, she didn't want to risk their health. "Stop being a baby, and get out there." Sharing her extra food also put a damper on her health too, and dangit, she was tired of sharing!
Wasn't in her nature.
"Later." Zaria flipped to his back. "What's the hurry?"
"The day is getting shorter? It's not never ending and where the crowd disappears, what then?" Muin humphed. "It's not perfect, but this is far from where we were. At least we're not in the war anymore!" She kicked his foot lightly with hers. "Go out there, wag your tail, and make some people go 'aww' before the night is over."
She was about to kick his foot again, when she saw her master coming over. She immediately headed toward the front and stood proud. Desert, momma wanted desert.
"Muinela!" Balafa held two figures in her hand she knew well. "New playmates for you. Let me know if this intrudes too much on you and your mates privacy." He opened the lid above her and laid them down. "Let's hope they are mates."
Muin rushed to their side. "Yed and Ezra! Zaria!" She yelled. She giggled as he held his ear from her scream. She forget he had been right there. "Look, they escaped the war."
"To be brought here? Oh, Yed's not going to like it here." Zaria moved over to Yed. "Hey, wake up. Welcome to another form of torture."
"Don't say that." Muin kicked his leg one more time, then went to her sister. "Ezra? Sister, can you hear me?"
Ezra groaned as she opened her eyes. Above her was Muin, looking down.
Ezra blinked. "Muinela? Muinela!" She tried to get up and hug her sister, but her back suddenly stopped, pulling her into pain.
"Easy, Ezra, that's your back. You've had a surgery done." Muin touched her forehead. "You're okay, but none of us can stand on two feet anymore."
"Two feet?" Ezra looked down. She was wearing an odd blue shawl that wrapped around her legs and arms. Seeing some of her breast exposed, she quickly turned over.
"You'll get used to it. Mostly covers up everything," Muin assured her. "Once you learn how to walk and sit proper, it'll stay covered. Never fully shows the goods anyhow. I know, I've teased Zaria!" She laughed.
Laughing. Ezra smiled, her sister was okay. "I was so worried about you."
"I'm fine. Been great actually, way better here than where we were. As long as you can learn to prance around and look pretty, you'll find it's okay." Muin began to walk along all fours. "Go ahead and try. Trust me, nothing shows. Balafa knew what he was doing when he designed these." Ezra took a little time to get used to the odd new way of walking. "Come on, I'll show you around."
Ezra followed her out of the room, realizing that they were now looking through glass. The first room had been draped in red, while this showed the outside. A sun blared, and the sky was a red color. It was disorienting at first until her eyes got more used to it.
"We've got all the walking space we need. I call this the walk area," Muin said as she suddenly began to run on all fours. Ezra tried to run, but stumbled. "Sorry!" Her sister went back for her. "Forget, you've got to get used to walking like that first. But you can run and run. It takes about five hours, but you end up circling around to the other side of the tank. Great exercise, and you get some of their weird sun. You can see their pink grass, and the residents. At the end of the day, people go and visit
Balafa's place to see you closer, then you get real goodies! I'm talking real food. If you don't, you’re stuck with dried old brown food."
Dried brown food. Walking area. Her back was forever fixed to not bend upwards again. "I see." She looked behind her, wondering about the one left behind. "Will Yed be okay?"
"He isn't awake yet. But, boy, when he does?" Muin whistled. "No telling what he'll do."
"Maybe you are right." Ezra lost her concentration, and her sister saw it.
"Oh my, Ezra!" Muin bounded up and down in place. "You haven't been trying to cover up your boobs."
"Quiet," Ezra warned her. "It isn't what you think."
"Isn't what I think?" Muin propped her nose by Ezra's neck. "That is exactly what I think!"
Ezra tried to hide it again, her sister was getting the wrong idea."Don't say anything, okay? It was...Yed didn't give it to me, he just tossed it back. He was trying to save me, but they grabbed me too quick. I thought he'd want it back, so I told them it was an vital piece to me. They put it on a chain and placed it around my neck. Then shoved me in."
"He had it though," Muin said tenderly. "You know that symbol. Ezra, it's a Protector's Ring!"
"I don't know for sure." Ezra gulped. "Since the war, I'm not sure of anything anymore. I wish I didn't even need to grab it, it would be easier if I didn't! But, I thought he might want to keep it."
"Yeah. For you." Muin whined. "Just tell him you know what it is. Don't act like you don't."
"No. Besides, we need to get you out of here. Home isn't what it used to be, but you're not a pet, and we have fresh water. We'll be fine, and possibly more." Ezra didn't want to get her hopes up too much. "We have safety."
"Love never has a time, it just makes time." Muin whined once more. "You're an idiot if you don't say anything."
"Yed has been through a lot. Okay, I can't even begin to tell you what I know." Ezra sighed and pulled back. "Let's go back. The longer I keep this, the more he'll worry I know what it is."
"Okay, play dumb." Muin cast a flirty glance her way. "Maybe this is what it takes to get him to move."