Spark of Hope: MacKenny Brothers Series Book 3: An MC/Band of Brothers Romance

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Spark of Hope: MacKenny Brothers Series Book 3: An MC/Band of Brothers Romance Page 11

by Kathleen Kelly

  Bending, I put the chair back on its legs and sit. Garry laughs and saunters away with Suzie hot on his tail. No accounting for taste. Mind you, they deserve each other. They’re both miserable human beings.

  “Why did you get in the car, Lo?” asks Tommy in a quiet voice.

  “You knew I’d escape?” I whisper.

  Tommy nods. “He’s going to kill you, Lo. And now there’s nothing I can do to stop it.”

  Tears prick the backs of my eyes, and I put my head in my hands. Tommy crouches in front of me.

  “Ring Kyle, Tommy,” I plead.

  “It’s too late for that now, Lo. There’s nothing I can do.”

  Staring him in the eyes, I try to smile as a tear runs down my cheek. “Please.”

  Tommy stands and walks away.

  The three of them are huddled in the corner, whispering.

  For the first time in a good long while, I close my eyes and pray.


  I’m gripping my cell tightly to my ear. “Lola!” I roar. “Lola!”

  Angus pries the cell out of my hands while I look wildly around the room and begin to pace. My gaze settles on Logan.

  “It was Lola. She said she was with Suzie.”

  “But isn’t Suzie a part of it?” asks Logan.

  “It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Are you sure it was her?” asks Beth.

  I nod and glance at Angus, who has his cell to his ear and is talking to someone. There’s a gleam in his eye when he smiles at me.


  My brothers stumble up out of the basement, one by one. Looking from me to Angus and then around the room.

  “What the fuck?” asks Sean.

  Angus holds up a hand and continues to talk to the person on the line. Sweat drips down my back as I stare at my brother. My patience is worn so thin that I fear I might take my worry, anger, and helplessness out on him if he doesn’t tell me what that fucking smile means.

  For what feels like an eternity, Angus talks on his cell, then he nods at me. “We’ve found her. Suzie’s cell is still on. We have her location.”

  “Let’s ride.”

  I’m heading for the door when Sean’s hand clamps down on my shoulder. “Brother, take a breath and tell me what happened.”

  “Lola was on the line. She said she was with Suzie and then nothing.”

  “My friend traced the cell. It’s still on. We have a location on it,” says Angus.

  “Should we call the police?” asks Annette.

  “No,” I reply flatly.

  Annette stares at Lochlan, who shakes his head. “Babe, this is family business. We take care of our own.”

  “What the hell does that even mean?”

  “It means we don’t go to the police. How can we? We’ve got a woman tied up in the basement, and Lola’s missing, and we haven’t reported it.” Annette nods at me. “Let us get Lola back.”

  Annette crosses her arms and nods. Lochlan kisses her on the cheek, and I keep going toward the front door.

  “Wait,” yells Beth.

  “What now?” I ask in frustration as I throw my arms in the air.

  “What do we do with Yvette?”

  “Keep her hidden. Keep her in the basement. And keep Logan away from her.”

  Logan is still sitting at the table. He hasn’t moved. He’s staring at me with an intensity that, for someone so young, betrays the innocence he no longer has. Glancing at Sean, he’s staring at him too, and without making eye contact with me, he nods.

  With a sigh, I glance back at Logan. “You ride with me.”

  Harley Davidsons are loud. Have you ever noticed when you’re trying to be quiet, the sound is amplified by a factor of about a million? We made the decision long before we left that we were going to ride in. Now, as we speed down the street to where Angus said Suzie’s cell phone is located, I wish we’d come in a nice, quiet car.

  Suzie’s vehicle is parked out front.

  Pulling up, I’m off my bike. I point at Logan, who goes to stand out on the road. We agreed earlier he’d keep out of harm’s way until I came and got him. Logan agreed, although looking into his eyes, I’m not sure he’ll keep his end of the bargain.

  Sean is beside me, gun drawn, as we run toward the door of the warehouse. Angus pulls up in his van, and I’m sure my brothers are either charging toward the warehouse or staying with Logan.

  Sean goes through the door first, kicking it open, and I blindly follow. Gunshots sound out, and I feel one whizz past my head, but I keep going. Sean returns fire, yelling. It sounds more like a roar as he pulls out another gun, firing shots from both.

  I do a quick sweep of the room. It’s largely empty except for the lone figure of a woman tied to a chair. Her red hair catches my attention, and I watch as she forces herself backward and onto the floor. Whoever she is, she’s smart.

  Angus comes into the room, gun out. I’ve never seen my younger brother with a gun, and it looks alien to me. He nods at me as he keeps his gun pointed down and runs toward the redhead. I keep going, following Sean.

  Whoever was firing at us isn’t anymore.

  The air is filled with the smell of gunfire. There are two men and a woman huddled together, guns on the floor, hands raised. Sean strikes one of the men in the face with the butt of his gun, and the other two move backward, holding on to each other.

  “Kyle!” yells Angus.

  I hold up a hand without turning around.

  “Where is she?” I ask the two standing.

  “Kyle,” Angus yells again.

  I turn as he helps the woman to her feet and brushes the hair off her face. It’s then I recognize Lola.

  Sean snarls, “I’ve got this.”

  Maddock walks cautiously through the door, followed by Lochlan and then Logan. I jog toward Lola, who’s crying. When I’m close enough, I pull her into my embrace. She cries out in pain, so I instantly release her only to cup her face in my hands and put my forehead to hers.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I will be,” whispers Lola.

  Her voice instantly calms me.

  “Kyle, she’s hurt,” says Angus.

  Without letting go of her, I search her face, it’s bruised, and she has a split lip. Stepping back, I notice she’s holding onto her wrist, clutching it to her chest. My hands travel down her body, and when I try to inspect her arm, Lola pulls away.

  “It’s broken.”

  Her voice is filled with pain, and my anger clouds my vision. I turn and stalk back to the other three. I hear Lola talking to me and the pain in her voice penetrates my very soul. It’s not until I’m standing in front of them that Logan’s voice pierces my senses.

  “No, Kyle!”

  The kid is in front of me, hands on my chest, pushing me back.

  “We got her back.” Staring into my eyes, he repeats slowly, “We. Got. Her. Back.”

  The ache that was in my chest subsides. I nod, turn around, and go back to Lola. I have my back to her kidnappers, and with Lola’s hand in mine, I guide her toward the door.

  “Kyle, there’s so much I need to tell you.”

  “Not now.”

  “I need to explain—”

  “Not now,” I repeat more forcefully, effectively interrupting her. “Later.”

  Lola’s face screws up as more tears flow, but she doesn’t argue with me. She nods and keeps moving. We’re at the door when a loud animalist growl echoes around the warehouse. Turning, I see Sean on the ground.

  He yells, “No!”

  My eyes go to Logan, then a loud sound like a firecracker goes off and echoes around the warehouse. Garry flies backward, Suzie screams, and Tommy holds his hands up. Logan stands over Garry and empties the Glock into his chest. I’m running toward him as he keeps pulling the trigger, over and over again, all the while making unnatural sounds. Sean is still on the ground, eyes glued to Logan, his mouth hanging open.

  I place a hand on Logan’s shoulder. He drops
the gun, turns, and buries his face in my chest. Great sobs wrack his entire body, and his knees give way, but I’ve got him. In one swift movement, I bend and pick him up. The kid weighs next to nothing.

  Sean scrambles to his feet. “H-He got my gun.”

  I shake my head once, and Sean stops talking.

  “Clean this up.”

  Angus runs over, as does Maddock.

  “Jesus,” whispers Angus as he peers down at Garry’s bloody form.

  “Do as Sean says… there’s to be no trace of what went on here.”

  “I’ll need Cutter,” replies Sean.

  I nod and turn as Logan falls silent.

  Over my shoulder, I say, “Whatever you need, brother. Just get it done!”


  I never thought I’d ever see the inside of the Loyal Rebels medical suite as a patient, but here I am as their doctor checks me over. He says little as he assesses my wounds. In fact, the whole clubhouse is eerily silent.

  “You’ve made a mess of yourself, Lola,” says the doctor quietly as he checks me over. “I like the new hair color.”

  I laugh and pick up a lock of it between dirty fingers. “It’s different.”

  “Different isn’t bad.” Looking into his eyes, kindness radiates out, making me uneasy, so I stare at my filthy hands.

  “Before we go any further, do you want to shower?”


  He points to my wrist. “Do you want something for the pain?”

  “No,” I reply flatly.

  I need the pain.

  Although Kyle rescued me, he won’t even look at me, and now my son has killed. The emotion in Kyle’s eyes when he walked past me with a despondent Logan in his arms ripped my heart in two. The man I love is angry, and it’s all my fault. I let my family taint his world. I’m no good, and now he knows that fact.

  With the doctor’s help, I get off the table. “I’ll be fine, doc. Be back in ten.”

  “Take your time and be careful. Do you need any help?”

  I shake my head and leave the room. With my eyes fixed on the floor, so I don’t have to see the judgment of my friends, I make my way through the clubhouse. Opening the door to our room, I’m grateful that no one is here. Lying on the bed is a duffle bag, and inside it are my belongings.

  Tears fill my eyes.

  I nod knowing Kyle is done with me.

  I don’t blame him.

  Reaching in, I pull out underwear, jeans, and a black tank, then I stumble into the bathroom. The sink is full of everything that belongs to me. Even the shampoo and conditioner have been placed haphazardly in it. There’s a box on the floor, so I guess he didn’t have time to put it all in there yet.

  I will NOT cry.

  Sucking in a deep centering breath, I count to ten as I feel my throat close and an ache radiates out from my chest. Again, I nod and pick up the shampoo and conditioner and put it back on the niche in the shower. The arduous job of getting my clothes off hurts, but instead of blocking out the pain, I welcome it.

  I deserve it.

  I need it.

  The warm water flows over me and washes away the filth from my body. Nothing can take away the shame I feel. My ribs throb as does my wrist. Staring down, the tiles are red as the residual hair dye swirls and goes down the drain while I gaze at it mesmerized by the pattern it’s making on the floor.

  There’s a knock on the bathroom door, startling me.

  “I’ll be another minute,” I yell out.

  The door opens, and Kyle steps in.

  He’s seen me undressed before.

  But he’s never seen me this naked, this raw.

  Without saying anything, he takes off his cut and boots and enters the shower stall.

  “I can do it.”

  Kyle ignores me and soaps up a washcloth and turns me so he can clean my back. There’s a sharp intake of breath. I can only assume I have more bruises. He washes me, and his touch is soft and gentle. When he’s finished cleaning my body, he squirts shampoo onto his hands.

  “You’re all wet.”

  Kyle shrugs and puts the floral-scented suds into my hair. More red dye runs down my body. When he’s finished massaging it into my hair, Kyle positions me under the stream of water, and I welcome it. It hides the tears that are falling. This man has always been honest with me, has always taken care of me, and is now treating me like I’m fragile. But I’m not. I can take care of myself. I always have.

  Kyle puts conditioner in my hair and drags it through my tangled strands. His silence speaks volumes. The fact he’s packed up all my stuff means he’s done with me. This is his way of saying goodbye, and if I speak or try to get him to talk, I fear he’ll say those words of rejection out loud, and I’m not strong enough to handle that right now. So, I remain as quiet as he does. Lastly, he grabs the washcloth and wipes my face. Kyle is avoiding eye contact as he inspects the abuse of the last couple of days.

  That’s all it took to blow my life into a million tiny pieces.

  I’ve lost Kyle.

  My son has killed.

  And my heart feels like it’s trying to burst out of my ribs, it’s beating so painfully fast.

  Kyle’s eyes find mine, and he quickly looks away and steps back.

  “You’re done.”

  I nod.

  The finality of those two words cuts through me like a knife, and I say nothing as the man I love walks out of the bathroom, leaving me to my misery.

  Turning off the faucet, I grab a towel and try to wipe myself as best I can one-handed. The tears that the shower hid so well now stream down my face, and a sob escapes me. I keep wiping my body as another and then another sob wrenches their way out of me.

  I’m no longer holding it together.

  With the towel clenched between my breasts, I let it all out.

  Closing my eyes so I don’t have to see myself in the mirror, the sobs become louder. It’s then I strong arms go around me. Kyle’s scent invokes a feeling of safety and comfort.

  “You’re okay, Lola. You’re okay,” he whispers.

  I shake my head.

  I’m not.

  I never will be again.

  Kyle guides me out of the bathroom and sits me on the bed. He has changed into dry clothes. As gently as he was with me in the shower, Kyle wipes me down and then gets as much water out of my hair as he can.

  I need him to talk to me, to rage at me, to tell me what a horrible human being I am. There’s nothing he doesn’t know now. I’m sure my family took great delight in bearing all my secrets. All the shame, all the humiliation has probably been laid bare for him to see. I don’t blame him for not wanting to be a part of it. I never wanted that for him.

  Kyle hands me the towel and gets my clothes. Kneeling in front of me, he pulls my underwear up my legs, I stand, and he continues until I’m covered.

  “Do you need a bra?”

  I shake my head.

  Kyle puts the black tank top over my head, and I gingerly put my broken wrist through the hole and then the other arm. He looks at the jeans and gives a shake of his head, then he rifles through the duffle bag and pulls out a denim skirt. “This will be easier to put on.”

  I nod as he bends down, and I step into the skirt.

  Kyle pulls it up, does up the zipper and button, and steps back from me. “There, all done.”

  “Yep, I guess we are,” I whisper.

  Kyle’s eyes come to mine, but I can’t read what’s going on in that head of his.

  “I like the red.”

  With those four words spoken, he turns and walks out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


  I’ve never seen Lola look more defeated or vulnerable. When the doctor has patched her up, we’re going to sit down and have a real conversation, one where she tells me everything. Scrubbing a hand down my face, I walk back into the clubhouse meeting room.

  Arrow appears nervous as he fidgets uncomfortably in his seat.

bsp; “What?” I ask as I take a seat at the head of the table.


  Leaning back in my seat, I let my hand fall onto the table. “What about Wheels?”

  Arrow glances at Bags, who shrugs, so he rolls his eyes and stares at me as he splays his hands out on the tabletop. “He’s gone.”

  I cock my head to the side and squint. I’m about to ask him a question when he holds up a hand.

  “We went to the house together, but when we got there, Wheels took off with Deedee.”

  I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  Could this fucking day get any worse?

  Pursing my lips together, I nod. “Right. Where are the kids?”

  Arrow sits back. “We dropped them at your house.”

  With a shake of my head, I pin him with a glare. “You did what?”

  “We knew that Beth and Cherie were there,” interjects Bags. “And did you know Lochlan is seeing Annette? How long has that been going on? I thought she was off-limits.”

  “Focus,” I growl out.

  Bags stares at Arrow and raises his eyebrows.

  “Was it the wrong thing to do?” asks Arrow.

  “No. Beth is good with kids.” I fix him with a stare. “Where do you think they went?”

  “No fucking idea,” replies Bags.

  I pull my cell out and call Angus.

  “Hey, big brother.”

  “Angus, did you find time to do a work-up on Wheels?”

  I watch as Arrow and Bags exchange a confused look.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “He’s MIA. Need you to find him.”

  “Give me five… I’ll ring you back.”

  Bags nods. “You had your computer-hacker brother do a rundown on Wheels?”


  “Smart,” states Arrow, and Bags nods.

  “It’s why I get paid the big bucks,” I say flatly. Standing, I stretch and crack my neck from side to side. “Put the word out to the club, we need to find Wheels before he does something stupid.”

  Bags stands and puts his hands in his pockets. “You know, Kyle, you’re a good prez.”

  I frown at him. “Thanks?”

  “I was out of line earlier.”

  I shake my head. “No, you weren’t. I was trying to keep it quiet, and I shouldn’t have done that.” I put a hand to the back of my neck. “I’ve never officially claimed Lola, so I figured it was personal. But as soon as Smokey got killed…” I stare at Arrow, “… I should’ve brought you all in.”


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