Last Night with the Duke

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Last Night with the Duke Page 9

by Amelia Grey

  “No,” Esmeralda said, stepping forward. “I-I think you might misunderstand who I am.”

  Suddenly, Esmeralda considered another of Miss Fortescue’s golden rules and felt like groaning. She was failing miserably at “Don’t get flustered. You must be in control of whatever situation you find yourself in.” It had never dawned on her that the duke wouldn’t have mentioned her arrival to his sisters.

  What kind of brother was he?

  Obviously the kind who couldn’t be bothered with minor details!

  “I don’t know where I could have left it,” Lady Sara’s twin said as she entered the room and stopped as abruptly as her sister had at the sight of Esmeralda.

  Esmeralda stared at her in astonishment too.

  The two young ladies looked identical right down to the way their hair was parted on the left and swept up in a pile of curls on top of their heads. She’d never seen two people look so much alike. If they hadn’t had on different-colored dresses Esmeralda wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart. Their height, eyes, nose, and lips were the same. Their carriage, countenance, and the way they looked her over from head to toe were exactly the same too.

  Esmeralda had seen twins only once in her life, and they had been young boys whose hair wasn’t cut the same style. Because of that, it had been fairly easy to tell them apart.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’ve already asked her that. She’s Miss Esmeralda Swift. Our first visitor.”

  “Lady Vera,” Esmeralda said and curtsied as she studied their faces carefully, hoping to see a distinguishing mark on one that the other didn’t have. She found nothing. Not a mole, a freckle, or a twitch. It wasn’t natural for two people to look so much alike.

  Her annoyance with the duke grew. Not only had he left her on her own for way over an hour, he’d not given his sisters her name. It was just like the titled not to give a fig about the feelings of the less fortunate.

  “I’m sorry, my ladies,” she said with as calm a smile as she was capable of giving under the circumstances, “I am not here to visit with you.”

  “Oh,” Lady Sara said, her smile fading. “I must have misunderstood. I thought you had come calling on us.”

  Hearing the disappointment in her voice, Esmeralda felt compelled to add, “That is to say, I’m not here to visit you in the manner that you are thinking about.”

  Esmeralda’s hand tightened on the braided cord of her reticule again. She didn’t know what to do. The only thing she knew for sure was that she didn’t want to make a mistake on the first day and tell the duke’s sisters why she was there if he wasn’t ready for them to know.

  While at first she hadn’t wanted this position because of the responsibility of Josephine and Napoleon and her lack of clothing, now that she had it, she would not willingly give it up. This was too important to their future. If the duke was satisfied with her, she felt certain he’d be willing to give her an excellent reference so that she could obtain a position with another family when this one ended. She didn’t want to upset him by saying or doing something she shouldn’t.

  So what was the right thing to do?

  Lady Vera frowned suspiciously at Esmeralda and asked, “Does Sparks know you’re here?”

  “Yes, of course. He showed me into the drawing room and asked me to wait here for His Grace. Perhaps we could summon Sparks and ask him to let your brother know I have arrived.”

  “So you are really here to see the duke?” Lady Sara asked.


  “Is the duke here?” Lady Vera asked her.

  “I thought so,” Esmeralda said, though now she wasn’t so sure. “I should say I assumed he was when Sparks asked me to wait here for him.” A feeling of dread threatened to settle over Esmeralda, but she shook it off and admitted, “I really don’t know.”

  “He has been stopping by more often because Auntie Eve is unwell,” Lady Sara offered.

  “Stopping by?” Esmeralda questioned.

  “He doesn’t live here with us, Miss Swift,” Lady Vera said. “Did you think he did?”

  “Yes.” Confusion swarmed inside Esmeralda. Her first day was not turning out like she’d thought. “I did assume that.”

  “Oh, no,” Lady Sara said. “Whenever we come to Town, he resides at his town house in St. James.”

  That was a piece of information Esmeralda would have found useful if the duke had taken the time to tell her. No wonder he wasn’t fearful that Josephine and Napoleon would bother him. He wouldn’t be here!

  Oh, he was an impossible man to figure out. She didn’t know why she wanted to try.

  “He says it is to give us more room and privacy,” Lady Sara added.

  “But we know it’s really because he wants his privacy,” Lady Vera said, giving Esmeralda a smile that said she was quite pleased with herself. “He can’t be the notorious bachelor he’s known for being if his sisters and aunt are in the same house with him, now can he?”

  “I suppose not,” Esmeralda whispered.

  “Vera, hush that kind of talk,” Lady Sara admonished. “You are not being polite.”

  “Oh, don’t be such a persimmon,” Vera countered testily. “You know very well what I’m saying is true.”

  Esmeralda was beginning to believe the duke had purposefully not told his sisters she was the new chaperone, preferring to leave the delicate task to her. What a dastardly thing for him to do.

  “Well, then perhaps he isn’t here,” Esmeralda said, hoping to quell the argument brewing between the sisters before it began. “I’m sure he will be soon.”

  Lady Vera walked closer to her. “Why don’t you tell us why you want to see our brother?”

  Lady Sara admonished her sister again, by saying, “Vera, that’s not a very nice question to ask a guest.”

  “It’s certainly not rude. She is here in our home, asking to see our brother. I think it’s a perfectly natural thing for us to want to know.” She turned back to Esmeralda. “Besides, I may be able to help you in some way since he’s not available.”

  “How can you help her?” Lady Sara questioned.

  “I don’t know yet, Sara. She hasn’t told us what she wants. Now, if you will be quiet long enough, maybe she will.”

  Esmeralda knew she might as well learn how to handle the twins and their tit-for-tat bickering right now because she aimed to see to it that they spent the next six weeks together. And the best way to do that was to stick to another of Miss Fortescue’s rules: “Do be forthright at all times.”

  “All right, my ladies. I suppose since the duke didn’t tell you who I am, I will have to tell you.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Miss Swift. I am here now and will do it.”

  Esmeralda whirled toward the entrance to the room. The duke leaned casually against the door watching her. Handsome as ever, she thought grudgingly as her gaze met his across the room.

  Much to her consternation, the rhythm of her pulse quickened and her stomach fluttered deliciously, but that didn’t keep her from murmuring under her breath, “And about time.”

  Chapter 10

  Don’t let little things annoy you. Concentrate on the larger issues in your position.


  Esmeralda didn’t understand why she was so delighted to see the duke, when at the same time she wanted to strangle him for making her wait so long—and for other things too! If his sisters weren’t in the room, she would immediately take him to task for not telling them she was coming to be their chaperone, and that would be just the start of what she had to say to him. She would ask him why he hadn’t told her he didn’t live there, and ask why he hadn’t mentioned there were rumors the twins could be subject to some type of trickery, meanness, or revenge against him.

  “Griffin,” Lady Sara said, rushing over and giving her brother a quick kiss on his cheek. “We didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I arrived
before you came below stairs. I’ve been with your aunt since I arrived.”

  Lady Vera rushed to his other side and affectionately took hold of his arm. “This lady has come to see you. Sara thought she was here to see us, but she’s not. I have to say she wasn’t very forthcoming about why she wants to see you.”

  The duke looked at Esmeralda and said, “That doesn’t surprise me.”

  “I want to have a real visitor soon,” Lady Sara complained. “London is full of people, and yet we haven’t had a visit from anyone.”

  “You know that is because your aunt is not well,” he said. “After the first week of balls and parties you will have so many visitors you’ll be begging for a rest from all the activities.”

  “That’s all she talks about,” Lady Vera complained.

  “I’m sorry if it bothers you that I want to see someone other than you all the time.”

  The duke left his sisters grumbling with each other and walked over to Esmeralda. He wore a dark blue coat, light blue waistcoat, and fawn-colored riding breeches stuffed into his boots. She’d never seen a more powerful-looking and commanding man. And she had never met one who made her insides feel as if they were melting.

  “Good morning, Miss Swift.”

  She curtsied. “Your Grace,” she answered, and then under her breath added, “Were you standing outside the door eavesdropping on my conversation again?”

  He gave her a mischievous smile. “I might have overheard some of what was said.”

  “Were you waiting for your sisters to come down so you could see how I handled them?”

  “Why would I want to answer that question and possibly incriminate myself?”

  “Why indeed?” she murmured as the twins walked over.

  “The truth is,” the duke said, turning to his sisters, “that Miss Swift has come to see you two, so I hope you made her feel welcome.”

  “Of course we did.” Lady Vera glanced at Esmeralda and smiled before looking back to her brother.

  “Good, because Miss Swift will be taking your aunt’s place and be your chaperone to all the balls, dinner parties, and afternoon card games. Everything you will attend for the Season.”

  The twins looked from Esmeralda to each other, clearly stunned.

  “When you said you would employ someone to chaperone us, I didn’t expect anyone quite so young,” Lady Sara said softly.

  Esmeralda was sure that their aunt and everyone else in Society would also be expecting the twins’ chaperone to be older. But she wasn’t, and they would just have to get used to that fact. Now that she had accepted this position, she fully intended to see it through to the end and, if all went well, collect the promised bonus as well.

  “Me either,” Lady Vera agreed, giving Esmeralda another once-over. “How long have you been a chaperone?”

  She looked at the duke. “Not long. And I’m older than I appear.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Vera, you don’t ask someone’s age.”

  “Why not, Sara? It’s not rude. It’s a simple question, and no one minds telling their age. It’s not impertinent.”

  “I don’t mind answering,” Esmeralda said, once again hoping to avoid an argument between the two. “I’ll be twenty-six in a few weeks, and I don’t think that is considered young by anyone’s standards.”

  “You’re probably right,” Vera said in a tone that let Esmeralda and Lady Sara know the subject was settled.

  “We were expecting someone as old as Aunt Eve,” Lady Sara offered. “Most chaperones are. But I think we should like it that you are more our age than our aunt’s.”

  “Miss Swift’s age is not important; that you listen to her and do everything she says is,” the duke said. “Show her the same respect you would your aunt. If I hear differently, I might decide send you back to Griffin, and wait until next year to make your debut.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Lady Vera challenged her brother with a determined look. “You want us to marry so you can finally be rid of us.”

  “I do want that,” he conceded with an affectionate smile. “But it matters not to me whether it is this year or next. You will be back at the estate in Griffin with each other for another year while I will be in London enjoying my life as usual.”

  “You are teasing us,” Lady Sara said.

  He gave her cheek a loving pat. “If you doubt me on this, give Miss Swift trouble and see what happens.”

  “You are being a terrible bore, Griffin, and a bully too,” Vera accused.

  “That’s because I’m your older brother and it’s my job to be stern and look after you as our father would have. Now, Lady Evelyn has asked to see you both.”

  “Immediately?” Vera asked.


  “But we want to stay here and get to know Miss Swift,” Lady Sara complained.

  “You will soon, but I need to talk to her first, and your aunt needs to talk to you.”

  Lady Vera looked over at her sister and gave her a smug smile. “What our dear brother is trying to tell us in a most tactful way is that Auntie Eve can’t wait to find out what we think of our new chaperone.”

  “But we haven’t had a chance to find out for ourselves yet.”

  “Go,” the duke said to his sisters. “Miss Swift will be in the book room waiting for you when you come back down.”

  The twins walked out, grumbling to each other. Esmeralda turned to the duke, folded her arms across her chest, and asked, “Why didn’t you tell your sisters about me before I arrived?”

  He quirked his head and said, “I did.”

  Astonished, she said, “You couldn’t have. They didn’t know who I was and I didn’t know what to say.”

  Looking as if puzzled by her statement, he said, “I told them I was going to employ someone to take Lady Evelyn’s place as chaperone.” He paused, his forehead wrinkled. “Perhaps I neglected to say I’d actually done that, and also your name.”

  “Perhaps?” He was unbelievable. He apparently didn’t believe certain rules of civility applied to him.

  Why should that shock her yet again?

  Unperturbed by her comment, he simply said, “I do have duties other than taking care of my sisters, Miss Swift.”

  “I’m sure,” she quipped. “Fencing, shooting, billiards, and maybe an occasional boxing match too.”

  He grinned attractively. “You forgot cards, racing my Thoroughbreds, and reading the morning newsprint.”

  Esmeralda harrumphed. “You know, Your Grace, I don’t think I will have any trouble at all managing your sisters, but I’m not so sure the same will hold true for you.”

  He gave her a satisfied smile. “I would be disappointed in myself if you could manage me, Miss Swift.”

  She had no idea where she got the brazen audacity to talk so boldly to the duke, but knew she couldn’t make a habit of it even though he’d given her permission to do so the first time they’d met. He would have limits of what he would tolerate from her.

  “True words, I’m sure. Yet if our circumstances were different, I would still try.”

  “If our circumstances were different, I would want you to.”

  Much to her consternation, his softly spoken words made her heart trip. She quickly changed the tone of the conversation by asking, “Do you have any special instructions for me?”

  “Lady Evelyn’s maid, Harper, will be your messenger while you’re here. She will deliver everything to you that you need, and if you have questions for Lady Evelyn, all you have to do is let Harper know. She’ll relay them. Harper has organized my desk in the book room for you. All the invitations, notes, queries, or whatever you might need will be left for you there.”

  “I don’t want to intrude in your private area. I can keep up with all correspondence in my room.”

  “No need. I won’t be using the area while you are here.”

  “All right,” she agreed. “And since that is now settled, there is something else I wanted to discuss wi
th you”—she paused—“if you have the time.”

  “You will be taking care of my sisters. I will always have time for you.”

  Esmeralda’s stomach tumbled deliciously. “I will always have time for you.”

  Oh, why was he always saying exactly what she wanted to hear? The duke was dangerous. With a simple turn of phrase, he could make her lose all perspective. It was as if he knew exactly what to say to make her want to melt into a puddle of wonderful feelings right before his eyes. Why did such innocuously spoken words from him seem, at times, so intimate and heavenly to her ears?

  “Yesterday,” she said, swallowing past a shaky sigh, “Miss Truth’s tittle-tattle said there might be someone out to ruin the twins’ Season. Is there any validity to that claim?”

  A fleeting expression of apprehension crossed his face. “There might be.”

  “You must have known this when you visited me a couple of days ago. Why didn’t you mention it?”

  “I was having a hard enough time as it was trying to get you to agree to help me. I didn’t want to give you one more reason not to accept my offer of employment.”

  “If you thought this news would scare me off, you’re wrong.”

  “I’m pleased to hear it, though considering how difficult it was to obtain your services you’ll understand why I couldn’t be sure.”

  “Has your aunt heard this rumor as well?”

  “She wouldn’t miss reading the weekly offerings from all the scandal sheets in London. It gives her great pleasure to inform me what they say whether or not it concerns me or one of my friends. I indulge my aunt and listen respectfully because it gives her such pleasure to fill me in on the latest gossip.”

  “It’s kind of you to do that,” Esmeralda said. “But do you actually think Lady Vera and Lady Sara could be pursued for meanness by an unscrupulous man? I mean, I find it hard to believe anyone would dare to ruin a duke’s sister.”


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