The Librarian's Ghost

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The Librarian's Ghost Page 16

by Sean Michael

  Payne picked up his cheeseburger carefully and Will watched to make sure he didn’t have any trouble with the burger. He seemed to be managing fine. So Will snuck one of Payne’s fries, grinning because he had exactly the same stuff in his own takeout container.

  “Hands off, man.” Payne swatted at him, then went back to eating carefully with his bandaged hands.

  Will couldn’t tell if the swat was playful or not. So he just concentrated on his burger for a bit, enjoying the particular greasy flavor that existed nowhere else but in a cheeseburger. Before stealing another fry. This time he got a chuckle before the swat.

  He grinned and stole one more.

  “Butthead. My fries are disappearing at an alarming rate.”

  “Alarming? I’ve had three.” Will was trying, but he couldn’t keep the grin off his face. “You should totally steal some of mine—they taste better when they’re off someone else’s plate.” It was a known fact.

  “Feed me, Seymour.” Payne opened his mouth like a hungry bird.

  Will checked out his fries and found the choicest one. Grabbing it, he held it up to Payne’s lips. Payne ate it, humming low, and okay, that felt good. And now Will’s eyes were glued to Payne’s lips. So pretty, especially with a slight gloss from where Payne had licked them.

  He picked up another fry, this time without checking as his eyes were otherwise occupied, and offered it over as well.

  “Thank you.” God, how sweet. Payne ate it, tongue sliding on his fingertips.

  Will groaned, his body tightening immediately. That he wanted this man and that it had nothing to do with that house or ghosts was clear. Every moment he spent away from the house, he liked Payne more.

  “You want another one?” He had to clear his throat, his words all gruff.

  “Uh-huh. Please. One more.”

  “You can have as many as you want.” He looked this time, making sure he picked another great one. Then he took a small bite before offering the rest of it over to Payne.

  “Oh fuck this.” Payne pushed into his arms and kissed him, good and hard.

  He opened his mouth wide, letting Payne in as he slid his hands along Payne’s shoulders. A shudder went through him. It felt so good touching Payne, trying to make him feel good. He wanted Payne to feel good.

  Payne pushed back against Will’s hands, letting him feel, letting him in.

  Will shoved the takeout containers to the end of the bed, glad that they’d left the milkshakes on the side table. Then he pushed Payne back onto the bed and followed him down.

  “Hey.” Payne held on to him, and that had to be hurting those poor hands.

  “Why don’t you lie back and let me do the work. Save your hands for another day?” He took one and kissed the back of it, the gauze feeling strange, almost ticklish, against his lips. “Let me make you feel good.”

  “If you want to….” Payne sounded so unsure.

  He lay half on Payne, half on the mattress and stroked Payne’s cheek. “Why wouldn’t I want to?” Payne knew Will liked him. A lot. Right? The craziness at the house hadn’t changed that for him. In fact, it maybe made him like Payne even more because it had shown him Payne’s strength, his ability to survive, be smart, be strong.

  Be in the middle of things and not panic.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know anything right now.”

  “Then just lie back and let me love on you.” He put Payne’s hands down by his sides and pressed on his wrists, silently communicating that Payne should keep them down there. Then he started with a kiss on Payne’s lips, his tongue lingering, teasing them. He could taste the salt from the french fries, and it added to the deliciousness that was Payne. Soft moans filled the air, Payne shifting underneath him, begging for him.

  Will liked that, and he wanted to hear more. He was going to make Payne forget everything but his touch. And he was going to make it last too. He nuzzled Payne’s neck, licking the soft skin there.

  Payne shivered. “Sensitive.”

  Yeah, he knew.

  He licked there again, taking Payne’s flavor in, loving how it was different yet the same. As he licked and nibbled, he slid his hands down Payne’s torso and played with the bottom of his shirt. He tugged it out of Payne’s slacks before slowly pushing it up. His fingertips danced along Payne’s skin. So soft, so warm. He loved touching this man.

  “If it was my gram who locked us in my room, she had the right idea,” Payne whispered.

  “Yeah? You think she locked us in your room because she knew we belonged together and needed each other?”

  “Either that or she saw how studly you are.”

  Will chuckled. “You think I’m a stud, eh?”

  “Does anyone not think you’re a stud? Seriously?”

  “I’ve heard it said that I’m too short.” Not that he let it bother him. He was pretty okay with himself. And if Payne happened to think he was a stud, he would totally take it.

  “You’re beautiful. Seriously.”

  “You know you’ve already got me, eh?” Still, he liked hearing it from Payne. “Not to mention, you’re very handsome.”

  “Skinny and pale, more like it.”

  Oh no. Lean and wonderful and fine.

  “Do I argue with you when you tell me I’m a beautiful stud? No, I do not. So when I tell you that you’re handsome and lovely, lean and wonderful, you believe it.” He growled a little for effect.

  “You…. Okay. Fine, I guess.” Payne pinched one of his nipples.

  Gasping, he pinched one of Payne’s, tugging a little on the nipple ring he’d almost forgotten about. Not too hard, though. No pain for his Payne. He bit his lip to keep from giggling at the thought.

  “Mmm.” Payne tugged gently, stroking Will’s nipple more than pinching this time.

  Will groaned. This would be so much better if…. Pulling away, he tugged off his shirt and tossed it across the room. Then he pulled Payne’s off too. “Better.” Grinning, he slid his fingers across both of Payne’s nipples. “So much better.”

  “I want you to help me fly, Will. I want to let today go.”

  “There’s nothing I want more.” Making love and having that be what Payne needed to help him through the whole shitshow they’d been through earlier sounded like just what the doctor ordered, for both of them.

  He dropped kisses over Payne’s face, the odd one landing on Payne’s lips, then moved on to adore Payne’s throat in the same manner. Payne swallowed and moaned, Adam’s apple bobbing under Will’s lips.

  Someone needed him. It was a heady sensation, and his cock was growing with every passing second. Pushing at his jeans like it was going to tear through the denim. He pressed his groin to Payne’s, groaning as he rubbed their hard pricks together. He so should have pulled their jeans off at the same time as he got rid of their shirts.

  He couldn’t even ask Payne to help with the buttons; his hands were all bandaged up.

  He backed away. “Last interruption,” he promised. Then he opened Payne’s top button and carefully pulled the zipper down. Grabbing the waistband, he tugged both jeans and underwear down, pulling them off Payne’s hips and ass, then down his legs. Payne arched for him, clearly eager to help.

  “I like how you think, Will. My cock didn’t fit anymore.”

  “Oh, I think it’s going to fit just fine.” He was going in for a taste. First he licked the head, tongue lingering on Payne’s slit.

  “I meant…. Oh… Will….” Payne arched up, bucking into Will’s lips. “Damn!”

  Okay, that worked. He opened up and let Payne spread his lips, the hard cock pushing into his mouth. He didn’t think Payne was thinking about ghosts right now.

  No ghosts, no spirits, no fear.

  Just Will’s mouth—heat and pleasure and tight lips.

  He flicked his tongue across the head of Payne’s cock as he pulled up, then he bobbed his head back down, taking in as much as he could before starting the upward drag again.

  Payne bent one
knee and cradled him. “God, do it again. Please.”

  Oh, he was going to do it again. And again. And again. All the way to Payne’s orgasm. He hummed his reply, slapped the head of Payne’s cock with his tongue, then took him in deep once more. Payne rolled up, shoulders leaving the mattress.

  It made Will feel powerful that he could make this sexy man so wild, so wanton and needy. With another happy hum, he repeated the sequence time and again.

  “More. More. Touch me,” Payne begged.

  He loved Payne’s need, loved that it was strong enough to set his lover begging.

  As he continued to suck Payne off, he slid his fingers up the smooth belly, slowly teasing his way toward that one ringed nipple.

  “Yes.” Payne wasn’t shy at all. “Please.”

  He grabbed hold of the ring and tugged it gently, trying to smile around Payne’s cock at the way Payne arched for him. Hell yes. Soon he was going to bury himself in Payne, bring them together, push them over the edge.

  First he wanted Payne’s come in his mouth, and to that end he sucked harder and bobbed his head faster. He played with the ring, but also with Payne’s bare nipple, giving it equal attention.

  Payne began to cry out, warning him that his climax was coming. That spurred him to try even harder to get Payne to come. He wanted the flood of spunk to fill his mouth. He wanted to taste that salty, bitter Payne flavor. He wanted it burned into his brain.

  “Will!” Seed poured into him, Payne giving him everything, offering himself up.

  He took it all in, swallowing around the head of Payne’s cock. This was what he’d wanted, and he wasn’t disappointed, not at all.

  Payne collapsed back, panting furiously. “Damn.”

  Will pulled off slowly, then took a moment to lick Payne clean, making sure to get every single drop and to sample every single bit of flesh with his tongue.

  Payne blinked down at him, eyes dazed. Will smiled up at his lover, then slowly licked Payne again, from his balls to the tip of his cock. He kissed his way along Payne’s belly, up the middle of his rib cage to his breastbone. Then he had to decide—ringed or unringed nipple first. He went for the unringed nipple, wrapping his lips around it and pulling gently.

  “You… you’re real?” Payne’s moan was so happy, blissful.

  “I’m fucking real, Professor.” He kissed his way over to the ringed nipple and wasn’t gentle with this one, grabbing the nipple between his teeth and tugging on it.

  “Will!” Payne gasped and arched.

  “You still wanting? Because I am. I want to be buried inside you, filling you up, feeling you around me.”

  “Take me. I can go again.” Payne spread wide, pulling his knees up and back.

  Will groaned at the clear and open invitation. He bent, licking along Payne’s crack, right to his hole. He laved it with his tongue, wetting it on the outside in anticipation of doing the same on the inside. Each swipe made Payne twist and groan, the sound desperate.

  He licked his way into Payne’s hole, the muscles there gripping his tongue tight. He hummed again, making Payne buck, then began to tongue-fuck his lover. He moved quickly, knowing his tongue was going to get tired quickly and wanting to be sure he got Payne good and slick.

  He wanted to sink into Payne, to fuck his lover until they both screamed.

  Payne whimpered. “Making me crazy, Will.”

  He took that as his sign and pulled away. He grabbed his jeans from the floor and pulled out his wallet, finding the condom he knew would be there. Making short work of getting it on, he was soon gloved up and pressing against Payne’s spit-slick hole.

  Payne pushed up toward him, taking him in with a single wild push. Will’s eyes rolled back in his head, the pleasure almost too big. He didn’t want to come yet. He wanted to spend as much time as he could right here, thrusting into Payne over and over.

  It took a few breaths, but he found some control, and that let him start moving.

  “You’re… you’re something else. So deep.” Payne kept muttering as he tossed his head.

  Will took it all in, loving every second—the tight heat around his cock, the semicoherent words of his lover. It all worked to send him toward his orgasm, making his body sing.

  Payne met every plunge, every single push and tug.

  Will got his hand around Payne’s cock while he still had the sense to do so and tugged in time with each of his thrusts. He could hear his own breath echoing in his head, playing the beat for the rhythm he was building.

  It was so easy to get lost here, buried in Payne. So easy and so good.

  Bending, he brought their mouths together, and that changed his angle, stimulating his cock in a new way. He cried out into Payne’s mouth, hammering home now, racing to his finish. Payne took him, every inch, slamming them together.

  All of a sudden he was coming, his body jerking into Payne’s a few more times as the spunk shot out of him. He squeezed his hand around Payne’s cock as aftershocks rocked him.

  A dribble of seed escaped Payne’s prick, and a low moan left Payne’s throat.

  Groaning, Will let Payne hold his weight as he panted, trying to catch his breath. Damn, that had been spectacular.

  Payne blinked at him, nice and slow.

  Will wished he didn’t have to pull out, but it would be messy and make having worn the condom meaningless if he didn’t, so he slipped out, tossed the condom, and glommed back on to Payne.

  “You good, Professor?”

  “Uh-huh. Good as I’m ever going to be.”

  Will kissed him softly, then laid his head next to Payne’s. He stroked the lovely belly. “’Kay. Good. Cuddle now.”

  Payne nodded, snuggling close. “Cuddle.”

  Half asleep already, Will sighed with satisfaction. “My professor.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  PAYNE woke up with a start, the sensation of being chased pushing him out of his dreams.


  Will popped up next to him, looking around wildly. “What? What is it? Payne?”

  “Will.” Oh. Oh, God. Okay. “Sorry. Nightmare.”

  He scrubbed his face, the gauze on his hands rough and catching on his stubble.

  “I bet I can guess what it was about too.” Will wrapped around him, arms warm and solid. It felt like nothing could get to him when Will held him like this.

  “Yeah. Well, yesterday was… whoa.” He went for light.

  “Just a little.” Will rolled his eyes, then gave him a tight squeeze. “They’re gone, though. You beat them. We’ll confirm it tom—” Will looked at the clock on the bedside table. “Almost seven, wow. Today, then, I guess.”

  “Today. I can’t spend my life in a hotel, and it’s a great house, right?”

  “It’s a gorgeous house. Without the horde of nasties, it’ll be perfect. You want me to text the guys and see what the plan is?” Will’s hand rested on Payne’s thigh, reminding him he wasn’t facing this alone.

  “Are they going to be awake? If not, let’s check out and go find somewhere amazing for breakfast.”

  “I like that idea. Let’s do it, and we’ll text them from there.” Will grabbed one of his hands. “Let’s check these out first, eh?”

  “Only if they’re looking okay, huh?” He went for light and clever. He didn’t want to have to go to the hospital.

  “So if they aren’t, we’ll just wrap them back up and pretend we didn’t look in the first place?”

  “Works for me!” He winked, and they both found a laugh.

  Will settled down and unwrapped his right hand carefully. “Oh. That’s not too bad at all.”

  When all was said and done, the cuts were sore but obviously not septic, and Payne made do with some bandages and a little more antibiotic.

  Will kissed the back of his hands. “Thank God the bad memories and scratched-up but not infected hands are the worst of it.” That it could have been so much worse was left unsaid.

  The worry was that it wasn’t ov
er, but Payne guessed they had to have hope.

  They left the hotel hand in hand, Will holding his so gently. “Mel’s up on the left there looks like it might be a winner. One of those surprising little mom-and-pop shops.”

  “I’m a diner person. Let’s do it.” They packed the car and walked over to the little hole in the wall.

  For all it was tiny and totally nondescript outside, they walked into a warm and cozy restaurant that seemed really homey. A cheerful woman greeted them.

  “Sit anywhere you’d like. There’s menus on the tables. You boys want coffee?”

  “Please,” Will answered for both of them.

  “And orange juice, please.” Payne thought that would clear his mind.

  “Make it two.” Will grinned and pointed to a little booth against the far wall. “Look good?”

  He nodded, and they headed over, sitting across from each other. It felt so normal. Like they were lovers having breakfast out, nothing more.

  Payne wondered if that could ever be true, be real. God, he hoped so. He hoped that the ghosts were gone and gone for good, and that he could enjoy his home and his new lover without anyone wanting him dead and trying to get him there.

  Will’s feet slid against his under the table. It was such a small thing, but it was a connection, and it felt good because of that.

  Will picked up a menu. “What do you feel like?”

  “Bacon and waffles, I think.” He wanted something comforting and sweet and salty all at once. “I’m stressed out, huh?”

  “I know.” Will grabbed his hand and squeezed very gently. “Let me text the guys and see if we can expedite scanning for ghosts.” Will pulled out his phone. “You want to do the run-through with us or stay in the car, or even here in town?”

  “I should be there. I want to be able to believe it’s okay. I want to sleep in my own bed and not be the guy ghosts are trying to kill because they think I’m evil and cruel and want to hurt them.”

  “You’re the gentlest man I know,” Will said. “Of course you wouldn’t hurt them. It’s because you look like Angus and they’re ghosts. I can’t explain this stuff as well as Blaine can, but ghosts don’t understand the passage of time. It’s like they’re stuck at the moment they died, yeah? They don’t get it. Didn’t get it, because with any luck they’re dead and gone for real now.”


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